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Hello everyone and welcome back! We'll be leaving the world of speculative duties behind for now, but we'll probably return later when you least expect it. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a funny and non-shitty April Fool's joke.

Ginger has the second half of the Marauder questlines to get through for now!

Ginger, there is trouble afoot. Do you recall the lad whose parents were slain by the beast Kujata? The boy's grandfather, Neddard, but recently contacted us with worrisome news--young Sighard has gone missing. There have been sightings of Kujata in the area, and it would seem that the child felt compelled to seek the creature out. As you are familiar with the boy and his tragic tale, I would have you attend to this matter. My sister, Solkwyb, awaits you at the Bismarck. She has been apprised of the situation, and will aid you in plotting a suitable course of action.

Solkwyb is over at the Bismarck resting. I hope we're not interrupting her meal!

Ah, Ginger. I assume you are here to discuss the missing child, and not to sample a bowl of mutton stew? First things first, I would advise against rushing off to peer under every rock in the countryside. We need more information to direct our search. I suggest we head to the Red Rooster Stead, and learn what more we can from old Neddard.

Jokes that hit differently in 2021 than in 2014.

Red Rooster Stead is a small settlement in Lower La Noscea. It's where you go to get the quest that lets you teleport into the Mist housing ward.

Solkwyb is here ahead of us, so she must have gotten her stew to go.

I'll leave the talking to you, Ginger.
Thank the gods yer 'ere. Seems me grandson is set on causin' naught but trouble fer ye. But surely ye ken 'ow the lad is feelin'--'ow 'e's boilin' with 'ate fer that murderous beast. An' the last time, when ye came along like an avengin' angel an' showed 'im the strength o' yer steel, well, ye lit a fire in 'is belly. 'E must've got it in 'is 'ead to take revenge on the beast 'isself. Daft little bugger...
Anyroad, once 'e 'eard Kujata'd been spotted near Aleport, why, 'e shot through that door like an arrow from a bow, an' I ain't seen 'im since. I beg of ye: find me little Sighard afore 'e gets 'isself stomped to death. That big bastard aurochs 'as spilled more'n enough o' me kin's blood...

Raul Neddard reminds me way too much of some roleplayers I've seen. Both from back in my WoW-playing days (people who felt the need to type in thick phoenitc Dwarf accents) or even from this game, where half the Limsan RPers have as thick an accent as Neddard here.

Hey... can you translate?
Our course is clear. We must set out for Aleport at once. An old... acquaintance of mine, Pfarstym, often stands guard at the port gates. He might know something of the lad's whereabouts.

Pfarstym, which sounds like a name for a sci-fi gun, is over here by the gate.

Have I seen a boy wandering about by himself? As a matter of fact, me and my fellow gate guard here just watched a young lad traipsing off to the north. We were arguing whether or not to abandon our post and bring the child back ourselves. Large packs of jackals have been prowling the wilds of late, so if you mean to head after him, pray do so quickly. Hells, I might even pass along word to the Marauders' Guild--you'll be better off with an extra blade or two at your back.

We just need to follow the trail of discarded items. Also props to Sighard for being determined. Lower La Noscea is clear across the damn island from Western La Noscea. That's a long way for a small kid to go!

Each time we loot an item, we get attacked by some random wildlife.

Same deal here.

And then Solkwyb is just up here where it's time for a duty!

Have you found any sign of Sighard?
I assume these are his.
He must have been in a desperate hurry indeed to cast away his belongings in such a careless manner. I, myself, came across this wood axe--a tool the lad took from the Stead, perhaps? Gods below! Ginger, over there!

The pointer is a lot more visible ever since I reduced the recording resolution. Oh well! Also, yes, that's Sighard up there on top of the cliff standing in front of what can only be Kujata.

Points to the kid for not backing down. If nothing else, he has suicidal determination!

Kujata rears up and slams its hoof down.

That's a long fall for anyone, let alone a kid.



Ginger, clad in some badass looking plate, runs up to intercept the jackals.

This is such a great shot. It shows that even in the early days of 2.0, the cutscene team understood proper framing.

This duty syncs to 24 and these jackals are level 18. So we cleave through them like a knife through butter.

I love seeing overlapping line AOEs from a bunch of enemies. There's a dungeon really early on in Shadowbringers where you can see like 11 different line AOEs resolving at the same time, and it never fails to make me smile when I see it.

Overpower is great here just because it mows down these jackals.

Watch your flanks!
More have found the scent!
Ware this one's tainted jaws!

It's just an add rush fight, but it also subtly teaches you how to tank. Solkwyb can't live long if a bunch of jackals start eating her alive, after all!

Despite cleaving through more than two dozen jackals, these three are 'menacing' us. Sure?

Step aside!

Reason #298347 that I love the MRD questline: the trainer gets super involved in the storyline and actually steps in to help out! Jacke also did this for the Rogues, but to a much lesser extent. Wyrnzoen here is showing why he's the axemaster!

The remaining jackals turn tail and run.


Wyrnzoen is good people. His first instinct was to get the boy and very gently cradle him.

He breathes yet!

We withdraw to the Red Rooster Stead. Follow my lead, Ginger!

Back at Neddard and Sighard's house...

I must concentrate. Pray do not disturb me.

Poor kid had a hell of a fall. He'll be lucky if he didn't break anything.

Ye brought 'im 'ome! I don't got the words to thank ye!

The lad's past the worst of it. He struck his head in the fall, though, and it may be some time before he opens his eyes. Thank you for coming, Brother. If you hadn't scattered those jackals when you did...

Sighard suffered a head injury when he fell? Jesus Christ!

I have done naught to earn your thanks. When I learned of the situation from Aleport, I realized the dangers were greater than I had anticipated. No single marauder could have hoped to fend off such numbers in time. Pray accept my apologies, Neddard. You turned to us for help, and yet your grandson now lies before you, broken and battered...
Ye risked yer lives to save little Sighard-'ow's a man to find fault with that? It's me who ought to be beggin' forgiveness for the wounds ye took protectin' me foolish boy.
You needn't concern yourself with our well-being. Our training prepares us for such eventualities. There is naught more we can accomplish here, Ginger. It is time we returned to the guild and focused on other tasks.

Poor Neddard.

Just imagine the Super Friends transition every time I change settings between screenshots.

I am glad the lad will live, but I fear this will not be the last time Sighard abandons caution in his thirst for vengeance against Kujata. The wound in his heart festers and seethes, feeding his impatience at our seeming inaction. But we must not think ill of the boy. Instead, let his helpless rage be as a spur to our efforts. I say again, Ginger: Kujata will fall by your hand. And I will shape you into the deadly weapon you need to be.

Ginger. Our near-disastrous encounter with the pack that follows Kujata has been preying on my mind. The overwhelming number of the beasts was beyond aught I had imagined--even the most dedicated marauder could not hope to carve through that snarling wall of flesh. And if we cannot dispatch the pack, then Kujata remains beyond our reach.
Thus, I have prepared for you a trial that shall unleash your deepest reserves of destructive strength. As before, Solkwyb awaits you at the Bismarck to guide you on your path. Do not squander this opportunity for growth, Ginger. The pride of the guild itself rides on the keen edge of your axe.

He says the pride of the guild, but this doesn't actually count as an existential crisis for our counter. If Ginger, somehow, fails then the Marauder's guild will continue to endure.

Meanwhile, at the Bismarck...

You've word from my brother? ...Hah, the "pride of the guild," eh? My brother has placed quite a burden on your shoulders, it seems. But, from what I have witnessed, if any marauder has the skill and determination to put down Kujata, then it is you. And there is, of course, the matter of Sighard's vengeance. You don't want to disappoint the poor boy, now, do you?
Let us be about this trial, Ginger. I shall meet you on the Salt Strand in lower La Noscea, where your training is to take place. Hm? Well, naturally, I will be there. Without me, you're like to forget to tend your wounds and bleed to death!

I mentioned this way back in the slavery update of the Rogues, but look at this display of crystallized aether. While I know the ultimate answer is "the Calamity" I'd still like to know what the fuck precisely happened!

Also, yes, the chat log is right if you're reading that too for some reason. V'kebbe can occasionally be seen waiting outside of the Bismarck instead of the "three open tables!" guy.

I bet it feels weird walking on crystallized aether.

Well, this should be the place. I don't see-- Ah, do you sense that encroaching aura of violence, Ginger? Pray unlimber that axe of yours.

No cutscene, just action!

That seems to be the last of them. Compared to what we have faced before, though, it wasn't terribly--
So, this is the indomitable Ginger Pepper.

Who in the seven hells are you!? Wait, is that...?

Oh, brother...

I love this stupid game.

What are you playing at, you oafs!?
No matter. We fight to win!

Now this is more like it!
On your guard! We are not done!

Broenbhar Someone Familiar shows up to attack us with that last wave.

It seems my underlings have provided you with poor sport. Very well. I shall take your measure with mine own blade.

Do not think to show me quarter, Ginger, for I shall surely show you none!

Wyrnzoen Familiar Marauder finally jumps down to attack us himself!

Prepare to be tested!

Spent already? Our battle has scarce begun!
You fight well, marauder. Now we see what you are truly made of.

While I'm pretty sure our guildmaster this assailant is holding back, Ginger certainly isn't. She's kicking his ass.

I yield! Your strength has humbled us all. Aye, it might just be enough... We are done here, my colleagues! Drag away those who cannot stand.

Your display of prowess was truly impressive, Ginger. Worthy, indeed...

<sigh> What a ridiculous charade. Did he honestly think we couldn't see through those paltry disguises? Though I am confident my brother's act was not born of malice; rather, he hoped by concealing his identity that the trial would seem more threatening, thus increasing its effectiveness. Not an entirely successful undertaking, but one must appreciate his intentions.
It is time you returned to the guild. Oh, and as a favor to me? Pray indulge Wyrnzoen in his little deception--subterfuge is not a marauder's forte.

This quest series has it all: drama, high stakes, tension, actual levity! What other quest series in the game would have your mentor ambushing you with the entire rest of the guild in the hopes of putting you to the test? And then immediately afterward, having your helper NPC all but grinning and rolling her eyes at the attempt.

Ginger, I have heard of your skirmish on the Salt Strand. You did well to topple opponents of such formidable skill. But let us not dwell on the nature of those masked men. What is important is your triumph in the face of overwhelming odds.
Your fellow marauders are honored to have you swing your axe in the guild's name. They stand behind you, one and all, as you prepare to overcome your greatest trial yet. Aye, the time has come for you to bring Kujata's bloody rampage to an end. When next he rears his horrible horned head, you shall be ready to bury your blade in his skull.

Ginger, uh, needs to get ready herself. She's only level 29 here.

Levequests in South Thanalan are a great way to cover the last bit of XP between 29 and 30. You can also accept, but not complete, leves from Costa del Sol.

Ginger is now dressed like she was in that awesome comic that Eevee posted a few weeks ago!

Ginger. Your confrontation with the beast is at hand--Kujata has made his presence known. Reports place the creature to the northeast of the Red Rooster Stead, in the vicinity of the Grey Fleet. There is little more for me to say but this: harness all the strength you have built through your labors of sweat and blood, and unleash it full-fury upon Kujata and his menagerie of scavengers.
Sighard yet lies abed, trusting in your strength and praying for your victory. I ask that you go to the lad before the battle, and tell him you venture forth to fell the object of his vengeance. Such news should cheer his ailing heart. The time is come, Ginger Pepper! May your axe strike deep and true!

This capstone is gonna be short and sweet.

Ginger... I'm sorry fer makin' trouble.
*shakes head*
No, I deserved what I got. It's me own fault fer not believin' in ye... B-But ye came back anyway! And now yer gonna take that axe to Kujata's head, ain't ye!? I know ye can beat that bastard! Ye got to! Please, Ginger! Ye got to make 'im pay!

I heard Kujata had reared his ugly head again, and reckoned you'd not be too far behind. I hope you won't object to me lending what aid I can. We've been through much, you and I, and I would see this tale to its end. Broenbhar, well, he felt much the same. So here we are--a pack of two to offset the ravenous beasts that follow in Kujata's wake.
Might be as I'm stickin' me nose in where it ain't wanted, but I couldn't abide the thought o' ye facin' that monster solo. Kujata's got his friends, so it's only fair if ye've got a couple, too. An' what're friends for if not to lighten yer load? I already did some o' the groundwork for ye. Seems like a farmer an' his wain have fallen victim to the fiend's pack. If we follow the trail o' destruction, it might just lead us to the big bugger himself.

If this questline were more cinematic, Ginger, Broenbhar, and Solkwyb would absolutely be doing the badass slow walk here.

Anyway, we just need to follow the trail of destruction.

Like before, each time we find an object, we find some of Kujata's pack guarding it.

Man, the items from that cart were carried a pretty long way...

The three of us versus a giant wild bull? Bring it on!

First thing to do is point the beast away from Solkwyb so she doesn't get driven into the ground.

...then we win. No really. Some adds come by, but Broenbhar gathers all them up and it's no problem at all. Kind of anticlimactic!


It appears our timing was fortuitous.

The axemaster carried me 'ere so's I could see...

Ye did it. Ye really did it...

<sniffle> Ma? Da? Do ye see? Ginger killed the bastard! 'E's finally dead!

Thank ye. Thank all of ye.

Ginger? Do ye reckon I could learn to swing an axe like that? When I's bigger, I mean. I want to protect folk, too. Keep 'em safe know, monsters an' things.

Ginger and Wyrnzoen share a look...

Wyrn isn't someone to crush a kid's goals and ambitions! Especially when that kid has expressed a desire to join the Marauders' guild!

If you train hard, then naught is beyond your reach, young man.

Then that's what I'll do! I'll train every single day! Ye'll see! I'll be the strongest 'ero there ever was!

This is such a nice feel-good quest.

It is done, Ginger. You have answered the boy's prayers, and upheld the pride of the guild. Hold your head high, marauder! I shall be awaiting your triumphant return to Limsa Lominsa!
Well done, Ginger! I knew from the first moment we met that you would rise to meet any challenge!
I saw it with me own eyes, an' I can still scarce believe it. Ye brought down the Mountain...

Back to the guild for one last time...

That was truly a mighty feat, Ginger. Never have I seen a marauder so dedicated to attaining the pinnacle of her discipline. In recognition of your achievements, I, Axemaster Wyrnzoen, pass on to you our guild's final technique: the Thrill of Battle. This skill teaches you to embrace the fear and danger of combat, allowing you to push well beyond the normal limits of your stamina.
Though the thought brings me both joy and sadness, there is naught more I can teach you. May the memories of your time here at the guild sustain you as you strive for ever greater heights of perfection. Experience, now, shall be your tutor. There will always be greater foes and deadlier challenges on which to test your blade--of that, I am certain.
You enter a realm of our craft in which even I have never set foot. I only hope that when you reach the very boundaries of our art, you will return to share your triumphs with us. Until then, Ginger, may your axe ever swing true!

Thrill of Battle increases your max HP by 20% and also restores the amount increased. It has a 90 second CD and at super high levels, it also makes healing 20% more effective for a short time after being used. So it's both a defensive and an emergency heal button. Marauders and Warriors don't get Second Wind, so this is their replacement for that!

Anyway, that's enough of that for now.

NEXT TIME: Gonna post a short bonus update in a couple days showing off the NIN and WAR job quests, and then right after that we're returning to the Titan arc because I've hemmed and hawwed about ripping this bandage off for too long.