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Hello everyone and welcome back. Today's update is gonna be an extremely long one. But baby steps, eh? We've gotta go find an insanely expensive bottle of wine because of course we do.

Bravo, Ginger. Thanks to you, our guests shall be honored with a marvelous banquet. But what good is an exotic feast without an equally exquisite aperitif? Luckily, I know just the person to ask. Make your way to Wineport and seek out Shamani Lohmani, another former member of the Company.
All you have to do is give him this order slip. He'll take care of the rest. Oh, and if you're wondering if this is merely a ploy to test your patience, I assure you I do actually need that wine. And while you're there, give Shamani Lohmani my regards.

And then he just outright admits that everything up to this point has been explicitly to test our patience.

This is why I hate this arc so much. I said it before and I'm gonna say it again, the game is reveling in blatantly wasting our time. Wanker's Cramp needs this wine, just like he needed the cheese, the egg, and the smoked sandworm meat. The fact that the NPC is like "lmao i was actually messing with you the whole time but i really need this" is just the icing on the fucking cake.

We've been to Wineport before, so it doesn't need another introduction. Also the chat log is once again correct. New players that show up in the main FFXIV thread in MMOHMO hate all the Scions by the time they get to the end of 2.0. Is there any wonder? None of them do anything and instead sit around in their asses waiting for you to do everything so they can swoop in and claim partial credit.

It's an honest pity because the Scions are all pretty important major characters especially during the latter parts of 2.x and onward. But these introductions are terrible.

Shamani Lomani here is our contact for the next mini arc. Unlike with the previous guys, we actually have to put in some legwork to find what he needs.

...Sweat, grime, and blood. Aye, you reek of blood. An adventurer, unless I am mistaken. What brings you to Wineport?
*hands the obviously-blind man a piece of paper*
An order? Let me guess--a request for the finest vintage I can muster. <sniff> <sniff> The paper smells of loam and perfume. Costa del Sol. And there is also the-<cough>-unmistakable odor of goblin cheese... Yes, Master Gegeruju would not settle for anything less than the best. Dyrstweitz and his crew must be quite busy preparing an exotic feast, hence his decision to rely on an adventurer.
Ah, but perhaps you are confused. This display of deduction was not intended to impress you. When one loses his vision, he is forced to compensate in other ways. But you've no interest in my affairs-you wish only to discuss the wine, I suspect.

Life can be so delightfully unpredictable. I always had a passion for wine, but it wasn't until I was forced to retire that I could pursue it as more than a mere hobby. It wouldn't have been possible if not for the savings I amassed during my time as a mercenary, of course. Say what you will about the nature of that work-none can deny that it pays well. Ah, but you grow impatient, and Wheiskaet must have his wine. Herein lies the problem: nothing in my possession is of sufficient quality for this occasion.
The best vintages in town are hoarded by Byrglaent, who owns and operates the largest winery in Vylbrand. Somehow, I doubt he will be receptive to your request, but given these circumstances we must needs beg his assistance.

Gegeruju is an insanely wealthy lalafell. He owns his own private resort on the prettiest tropical beach on a tropical island. He demands the best and is willing to pay to get it. Why do I bring this up?

What rank amateur bottled this wine? The impurities have rendered it nigh undrinkable. Dismissal is too good for the man responsible--he should be made to drink every drop of his polluted swill! What is it? I am in the middle of an important discussion, and I do not care for interruptions.
Shamani sent me because Ge--
Hm? That neophyte vintner bid you speak with me? Hah! Neither you nor your friend has the palate to appreciate the subtle qualities of my private stock. I would sooner serve you goobbue urine than sell you my worst vintage. Begone from my sight.

Because this pompous asshole would be kissing Ginger's ass the second he knew she was sourcing wine for Gegeruju. His parties attract wealthy guests. Wealthy guests who are willing to pay lots of money for fancy wines.

I take it he said no?
He said a lot of angry words about goobbue piss.
...Really, in those words? Hm, well, I cannot say that I am surprised. While there's no denying his passion and skill, the Wine Baron of Limsa Lominsa is not a man known for his tact. Very well. We shall have to take an alternative approach.

Vylbrand is a very expensive island to live on. You'd think the Wine Baron of Limsa Lominsa would be a man well known for his tact. Adventurers are everywhere in Eorzea, and most of them probably have quite the nest egg saved up, in addition to working for wealthy patrons. Word of assholes would get around quickly is what I'm getting at.

All these characters, by the way, show up again in an entirely unrelated story two expansions from now. Seriously. The story itself is pretty funny but seeing it requires sitting through nearly three collective hours of dry exposition. If I ever get around to Stormblood, I'm still not sure I'm going to even cover it.

I'm apparently the only person on the planet who believes that Yasumi Matsuno's writing is overwrought. Everything he touches is full of "tell, don't show" and it frustrates me that people sing his praises from the rooftops. I also didn't play any of the Ivalice games when I was younger and have no love for FF Tactics, FF Tactics Advance, Vagrant Story, or FF12 as a result.

Those cutscenes have all the excitement of being 12 years old and sitting in 7th grade history class being asked to memorize dates about the American Revolution. Yes it's important but holy shit it's presented in the the most dry way imaginable. And it goes on for actual fucking hours.

From the time where I accepted the quest to unlock the second raid in that tier to actually being told "go do the raid" it was 87 minutes. I wasn't taking my time reading either, I was speed reading that shit.

There is a chance, however small, that another resident of Wineport can furnish us with a suitable wine. In fact, had you come several years ago, I guarantee this would not be a problem. Alas, the quality of our product has declined significantly in recent years. The only breeds cultivated these days are common lowland vines. Which isn't to say that their grapes are of poor quality--only that we have known better. Long ago, the vignerons of Wineport crossbred several species, and produced a grape-bearing vine of never-before-seen quality.
Bacchus grapes were once the pride of this town, as they were used to produce vintages which surpassed all others. This includes the most aromatic, the most complex, the most flavorful of all wines-aye, the legendary Bacchus wines were born right here in Wineport! Ahem. Pardon my enthusiasm. You see, I once had the privilege to sample that particular wine.
It was an otherworldly experience. In that moment, I felt as though I had tasted the nectar of the gods themselves. I transcended my mortal flesh, and was one with all creation. <sigh> But, as is all too often said, the Calamity changed that. The Bacchus vineyards were completely destroyed, along with much of the existing stock of Bacchus wine. What little remains is closely guarded by its owners, for it can no longer be made.
If we cannot convince Byrglaent to part with his wines, our next best option--as ridiculous as it sounds--is to find someone who has a bottle of Bacchus wine, and to offer them every gil we can spare. I've heard rumors that one of the vignerons tending the vineyards might have once owned a bottle--perhaps you could start by speaking with them?

Why am I talking about stuff from Stormblood? Because it's better than yet more preaching to the choir about why this quest series sucks. Because I have a soapbox and want to share my opinions, however bad they are.

Because people never believe me when I tell them that I've just never gotten into any of the Ivalice games. My only experience with them was reading OFS's LPs.

We need to talk to two NPCs by the way.

What? Do I have Bacchus wine? I wish! I never had the chance to try it myself. Sorry, friend, but you're a few years too late.

Bacchus wine? Bah, don't remind me-used to have a cellar filled with the stuff! Thought I could keep the wine safe from thieves and the elements. Never counted on a bloody primal blowing up my godsdamned house!

No luck, hm? Most regrettable, but we had to try. Ahhh, but Bacchus wine would have been perfect for the occasion! Though, I must confess, my certitude could be due in part to my personal history with the beverage. It is, after all, the very reason I decided to become a vintner.
After Titan blinded me in our battle beneath O'Ghomoro, I fell into a deep depression. It wasn't until I tasted Bacchus wine for the first time that I realized there was still so much I could experience, even in my condition. It helped me to find a new direction in life. <sigh> It breaks my heart to think that wondrous ambrosia which once filled me with hope may be forever lost to us.

What, really, is there to even say about this quest?

I must say, this talk of Bacchus wine has made me rather nostalgic. Indeed, there is much I miss about my life with the Company of Heroes. After everything the captain has done for me, I could not bear to disappoint him... Aye, have no fear. I swear that I shall find a suitable wine for the banquet-though I may need some time to think of a solution. In the meantime, there is a favor I would ask of you.
Two years ago, in the deepest depths of my despair, I stumbled across Vylbrand as a vagabond drunk. I suspect I was looking for a place to die, because I very nearly found one not far from here. It was there that a man named Drest took me in and nursed me back to health. And it was he who gave me my first taste of Bacchus wine, which helped me to find my new calling. Though I am still a novice in the arts of winemaking, I would like him to know that I am pursuing my dream.
This wine is my own original creation, and I would be most grateful if you delivered it to him in my stead. Drest sometimes works at the Raincatcher Gully docks, so perhaps Rhitskylt can tell you where to find him.

Shamani is trying to find wine for us at least, rather than jerking us around or ineffectually trying to dissuade us from pursuing our goal.

This nice man is over by Oboro's base.

Drest? Oh, you mean the hermit. Aye, I toss him a few gil when we need an extra pair of hands. He doesn't talk about himself, and I sure as hells don't ask. When a man's got a face with scars like that, you best leave well enough alone, I say. If you've a mind to find him, though, then head southwest to the Severed String.

Drest is in the far southwest corner of the map, in the middle of an awful jungle. Just head south from the Longstop.

What...what do you want?
*hands over a bottle of wine*
W-Wine? I...I didn't ask for this! Who sent you!? I...I... <groan>

Can't...can't sleep... They won't let me sleep...the midges... The keeps me awake... I'm not... I...I never wanted to hurt anyone. I won't fight. I don't want to fight! Please, make the buzzing stop! Make the midges go away!

Doing everything up until this point has been a huge imposition because the NPCs were wasting our time and laughing about it. But helping Drest?

I don't mind doing that. This poor man is obviously suffering from some pretty severe PTSD and if killing some loud bugs can bring him a measure of peace? Then Ginger will gladly help him out of the goodness of her heart.

Drest needs help and so Ginger did something nice because he was genuinely in need. It's actually a refreshing breath of fresh air. Why? Because Drest isn't holding something over our head. If we don't find the feast supplies for Wharrgarbl then he will not tell us how to enter Titan's chamber. If we don't kill an Amalj'aa for the U' Nuhn, then he will not tell us how to get the sandworm meat that we need.

Do you know how you could have turned this entire quest arc around on its head and made it somewhat good? Just have Waking Sands tell us from the start that he wants to test our worth by sending us to earn endorsements from his old Company buddies. None of this "I'm secretly-not-so-secretly testing you" bullshit. Just have him be upfront about everything.

Framing everything as Ginger being in on the test makes the questline less onerous to do. Suddenly you aren't wasting your time while innocents die, you're undergoing trials designed to make you stronger while earning votes of confidence from all of Wigwam Keeper's associates.

Once we return with a bottle of wine--because spoilers, that's going to happen in this very update--the game is going to drop the "surprise this was really a test of resolve the whole time!" card. And then it's going to pretend that everything suddenly becomes okay once that reveal happens. Things are not okay because the NPCs were like "lol jk." Surprise tests of resolve are a pet peeve of mine because they're the laziest writing possible.

It's not so loud anymore. Did...did you do that? Thank you. helped me. Even after what my comrades and I did to your country... We were on a reconnaissance mission when the Maelstrom caught us by surprise. We tried to escape, but the others... N-No one else survived.
I didn't ask for this, dammit! I'm not even Garlean! They conquered my lands just like they tried to conquer yours! I...I don't want to die in some blasted jungle halfway around the world... I just...I just want to go home...

Poor guy.

A quest was deleted here to kill coeurls. Poor Drest sells their pelts so he can save up to buy passage back to his homeland, so he can return to his family.

I...I wish to thank Shamani for the wine. That...that was overly kind... Would you be willing to bear a gift back to him? Earlier today at Red Mantis Falls, I collected the sap from nearby palm trees. If...if placed in coconut shells and stored for a few bells' time, makes for a fine wine, see...
It should be ready by now. I left three shells out there. Please, take them to Shamani for me. I'm...I'm glad he's moved on with his life. I hope to one day do the same...

There's three wine things here by the waterfall.

Back to Shamani!

It has been some time, Ginger. What news do you have of Drest?
He sends his regards. This should fuck you up pretty good. Drink it fast though!
<sniff> <sniff> Ah, yes, I recall he did have some knowledge of winemaking. A simplistic but nevertheless effective method that utilizes the natural properties of palm sap. I shall have to enjoy this batch before it spoils. We are not so different, Drest and I. Two men who have long struggled not to let our scars define us...
I worry that he has been alone with his thoughts for far too long. Aye, it is past time I paid him a visit. Thank you for looking after him, Ginger.

The mini arc is almost over, as is the major arc. We, uh, may be facing Titan today instead of Sunday. I write these as I screenshot them, so I just sorta end then when I feel like that's enough

By the gods... Ginger, listen! I know you're eager to wash your hands of this wine business, but I've just discovered something extraordinary about Drest's palm wine! He sealed each coconut shell with a leaf-a leaf which has a very distinct shape and unusual odor. I thought I was going mad at first, but now I'm certain: these are the leaves of a Bacchus grape vine!
Do you know what this means? Somewhere in Raincatcher Gully, the legendary vine still grows! If we could obtain a cutting, we could revive the Bacchus wine industry! We must know where Drest found these leaves! Here, take one of them back to him and see what he remembers!

Unlike other Company of Heroes members, Shamani is not really a dick. This is important to him, and it's not like we're doing anything important anyway. So...

Oh...hello again. What is it?
Where did you find this leaf?
It''s just a leaf, isn't it? I only chose it because it was pretty. Didn't know it was rare... I found them near the juggernaut to the south. But...I didn't see any grape vines.
I saw fresh goobbue tracks, though. Maybe...maybe the leaves came from vines growing on the back of one such beast? If...if you go looking for it, please be careful. Some goobbues are more territorial than others, and you may have to defend yourself.

Wait at the spot...

Kill the named goobbue...

Return to Shamani for the last time!

What did Drest have to say, Ginger? Tell me everything!
I took this cutting from a goobbue...

Ahaha, I was right! This smell, this texture... I hold in my hands a Bacchus grape vine cutting!

Here comes jackass...

Come now, enough of this nonsense! I've heard talk of your discovery, and I refuse to believe that a common adventurer and a novice vintner could--

I think this is Ginger's "oh fuck off" face.

Twelve as my witness, it is a Bacchus grape vine! Where ever did you find this fantastic specimen!?

Wh-What...? You would offer this to me? But why!?
There is none better positioned to reconstruct the Bacchus vineyards than you, Master Byrglaent. You have the resources, the knowledge, and the passion to do so. It would be selfish of me to keep this cutting.
I never knew you cared so deeply about your craft. Thank you, good sir. I will not squander this gift! In just a few years' time, I swear that every tavern across Eorzea will once again be clamoring for a cask of Wineport's legendary Bacchus wine!

The volus hands over something back to Shamani.

Sir, you needn't- <sniff> <sniff> Wait! The shape of this bottle, the scent of this label... This couldn't possibly be... A 1547 Bacchus!? But that's impossible! This vintage has not been seen since years before the Calamity!
It was the crown jewel of my personal collection. For years, I debated opening it, wondering if today or tomorrow would be the ideal time. But now I realize that it was never meant for me--it should be savored by the saviors of Wineport, I say!
He has made us an offer we cannot refuse. Master Gegeruju will find no finer wine. You have forever changed Wineport, Ginger. Thank you for your kindness and your generosity.
Ah, but do not permit me to delay you any longer. Pray deliver the wine to Captain Wheiskaet. Hm? Well, yes, I would very much like to drink it! But I am a patient man. I have faith that one day I shall have another opportunity to taste perfection.

Back to Wheiskaet.

Y'shtola is here finally too.

Your prolonged absence was beginning to concern me. So, what of the wine I asked you to bring?
You're lucky I don't break this over your head.
Is that...? Seven hells, a 1547 Bacchus! Even I know how rare that is! I have to admit, I didn't think you had it in you... But congratulations, Ginger. Thanks to you, this will be the most luxurious feast Costa del Sol has seen in years. Considering the lengths you went to, I hope our guests appreciate it.
Speaking of which, your associate arrived a short while ago. She appears to be growing somewhat impatient. Perhaps you could tell her that the banquet is about to begin?

Another quest was cut here where Wednesday Addams asked us to actually set up the fucking feast. This quest was wisely cut for reasons we're about to see.

...You have the look of a woman who has been to the seventh hell and back. That a guest should be expected to supply the victuals for a banquet held in her own honor... And this while the shadow of Titan looms over us all! It beggars belief. I can only applaud your stoicism. Had I been asked to endure such ignominy, I fear I should have accepted my lot with less grace.

Do you understand now why I have been so hard on this quest chain? Why I have said that it's a huge fucking waste of time? Do you understand now why the devs removed that quest I just mentioned? I don't think that Ginger should have been able to just sit on her ass and do nothing for two hours, no. But the fact that Wheiskaet knew that Ginger was the guest of honor and deliberately left her in the dark to force free labor out of her is why I call him the arc's villain.

It's why I think the entire arc should have been reframed as Ginger being in the loop. They could have even kept the whole "the feast is YOURS" angle a secret if it was absolutely necessary. Just as long as it was framed in a way that didn't have her being put through the wringer for the sake of a test of fucking resolve.

When I did this on Bren, I seriously had it as my personal headcanon that she refused to eat any of the food or drink any of the wine because "guest of honor? Me? No, no. You have it all wrong. I'm the help and the help doesn't attend feasts." Bear in mind that she also had to set up her own feast, so it's really easy to become bitter and infuriated after such a revelation.

Ginger is currently plotting murder. Not a soul in the world would convict her.

Lady Y'shtola! Lady Pepper!

This is Master Gegeruju.

A thousand pardons for this extreme discourtesy! I was wholly unaware of your true identity, madam! Had I known, I would never have permitted my man to subject you to such unspeakable ordeals!

I'm pretty sure Ginger could get Gegeruju to help dispose of the body.

Come now, she must have sensed something was amiss.

You didn't seriously think I would send you running the length and breadth of Eorzea for a banquet, did you?
Spare her your mockery, Captain. Your intent was unclear to me until this moment. And unlike me, Ginger has no knowledge of your traditions. Mayhap you would be so good as to enlighten her.

Aye, aye...fair's fair. There's no sense hiding it any longer. We five were chosen by our brothers and sisters, and before the Company of Heroes disbanded, we each swore a solemn oath...

But if she proved herself worthy, we swore that we would do our utmost to support her cause. The world has ever been full of brave souls eager to give their lives for a righteous cause, but all too few capable of making a difference with their sacrifice. To send wave after wave of hapless adventurers into the jaws of a foe against whom they have no hope of victory is worse than futile. Titan is not one to be challenged lightly, and we will not be complicit in the deaths of the unworthy.

This is the moment when all is supposed to be made "good" because they were secretly judging Ginger's character the whole time.





Which is why the five of you deigned to test Ginger with such commendable thoroughness. Time well spent, I am sure. But tell us, Captain: what is the assessment of you and your fellows?

She's a brave one, that much is certain. She willingly walked into the midst of danger, despite my repeated warnings that it could cost her her life.

Reminder that his "repeated warnings" were directly threatening her life with a toothless threat and then mildly suggesting that adamantoises are territorial.

Her skill is undeniable. She stalked her prrrey as relentlessly as any child of the sands, and struck with precision when an opportunity presented itself.

Too many adventurers these days care only for fortune and glory. Ginger, however, is a kind and generous soul. I am certain she has no shortage of loyal allies who will gladly fight at her side.
Pshhh... Shkohhh... Wily uplander is talentful plansmaker. Tricksy foe for mighty rockman!

I can only concur with my colleagues' assessments.

We five of the Company of Heroes hereby judge you a worthy challenger. Cast down the Lord of Crags, Ginger Pepper, and write a new chapter in the history of Eorzea. With the formalities out of the way, let the festivities begin! Summon the dancers, pour the wine! Eat, drink, and be merry, my friends, for today we celebrate the birth of a new legend--Ginger Pepper, Titan's Bane!

I'm going to murder each one of them later and you're going to dispose of the bodies or I'm telling Minfilia that you fucked right off and refused to help me with this giant waste of time.

We could talk to these idiots. I refuse to.

:thunk: I don't think this lady counts as bronze skinned.

Congratulations, sweetling! Now relax and enjoy the show--it's only just begun!

Gotta eat all that food that we worked so hard to acquire.

I can't tell if that's zucchini or cucumbers.

We have to talk to these jerks to continue. Let's just pretend I did. Their advice is the usual "you got this tiger" nonsense and I'm beyond done with them at this point.

...You are kind to indulge them, Ginger. This banquet is as much for the Company as it is for you, whatever they may claim. I do not deny that they mean well, but now is scarcely the time for celebration. Though they have all but pronounced you the victor, the battle with Titan has yet to begin. The hour has come for the good captain to make good on his promise. We must speak with him again.

You must be eager to face Titan. As promised, we will show you the way.
Travel to Bronze Lake in upper La Noscea. There you will meet with Riol, another man who once served with the Company. To ensure that this knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands, he will remain in hiding until you have given the correct signal.
Give me your map. You must whistle loudly at the three locations I mark. Only then will he appear to meet you at this fourth location. I realize this may seem excessive now, but you will see that it is more than reasonable once you comprehend the risks inherent in our method.

It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. You know what that means? We're over the hump! The worst part of this arc is over. So is the arc. Counting this one, there's three quests left in it.

Over in Upper La Noscea, we come to Camp Bronze Lake. This place is a natural hot springs that specializes in servicing the wounds of veterans. The people here were really fucked up by the Calamity and the Battle of Carteneau. We need to whistle in three specific points here.

This brings our contact out.

Greetin's, lass. Might you be the one the cap'n said would come callin'? Aye, I thought so. Pay attention, now, 'cause I ain't explainin' meself twice.

Years ago, when we was weighin' up how to get to Titan, one of our scouts stumbled across this beastman aetheryte, see... Eh? What's that look for? Not familiar with 'em?
He speaks of an unamplified aetheryte which has been claimed by a beast tribe. Lest you wonder, there is no fundamental difference between such aetherytes and those which you have used on countless occasions, Ginger.

Forgive me for interrupting. I had planned to await your report, but I succumbed to curiosity. The tunnels beneath O'Ghomoro form a bewildering labyrinth that no outsider has ever fully explored. How the Company of Heroes managed to navigate it is a mystery I have long pondered.
Ha! Give us a bit of credit, love! We weren't daft enough to try goin' in the front. The kobolds are always diggin' new tunnels an' fillin' the old ones with traps. One wrong step, an' the next thing you know, ye've got a hundred tonzes o' rock on your noggin. Suicide to even try, see?
Funny thing was, the kobolds didn't seem to have no trouble findin' their way 'round-an' it was that as got us thinkin'. I mean, U'Ghamaro Mines are like a bleedin' city, ain't they? An' gettin' around in a city that big would be a right pain in the arse if you didn't have an Aethernet, wouldn't it? So it stood to reason that the kobolds must have one, didn't it?

Hm. Even if there were aetheryte shards in the depths of O'Ghomoro, you would have needed to attune yourselves to them before you could identify their signatures within the Lifestream.
Ah, well, that's where yer wrong, love. We had this Sharlayan bloke to help us, see. Delivered us right into Titan's bedchamber, he did. I don't rightly know how he did it, but I do remember him sayin' it weren't nothin' any Sharlayan scholar worth her salt couldn't manage.

...Did he now? Hmph. Locating a beacon in the absence of a known signature might be possible if the aetherytes in question happened to be... Ah, yes. But in order to guide a traveler to said beacon safely, a second party would be required to... Hmmm. It is possible--in theory at least. Yet I cannot be certain until I try. Plainly, all will depend upon whether or not I am "worth my salt."
Oh, you are, lass! Don't you worry about that! Have a bit o' faith in yerself! Why don't we all go to Zelma's Run an' take a closer look at the aetheryte? It ain't far--though there's sure to be a few kobolds blockin' the way. Naught ye can't handle, mind!

I like Riol. He's not standing directly between me and my goal and indeed seems quite willing to help us out!

A little ways away from Camp Bronze Lake we find this very blatant aetheryte.

So this is the aetheryte the Company of Heroes used to gain access to Titan's sanctuary. Hm. It is as Papalymo speculated. In its present state, this aetheryte's signal will not be strong enough for our purposes. I may, however, be able to use my own energies to amplify it. Alas, the task will monopolize my attention for the duration.

Fear not: I will summon the Maelstrom forces stationed nearby to protect us. With effort, it is possible that I may be able to stabilize the aetheryte's signal and thereby join you, albeit belatedly. Until such time as I do, you will be on your own.

I have located another beacon--one far below the mountain. I can only speculate as to what you will find there, so stint not in your preparation.

Let's do this! I forgot to start recording when the group was formed, but Eevee is here to heal Ginger!

Look, an overdweller! Yes, yes, an invader from above! She uses our aetherytes against us!
She has defiled Titan's sacred sanctuary--trespassed, violated, defiled!

Overdwellers must leave! Overdwellers must fly!

If beast tribe stuff ever gets added to New Game+ we'll see this, but for now just know that the 2nd Order Patriarch is extremely high up in kobold society.

Hear me, overdweller! You and your treacherous brethren must be held to account for the breaking of the covenant! You shall be first to face judgment! Then Limsa Lominsa and her oathbreakers--liars, betrayers, oathbreakers!

Weight of a Whisper LISTEN TO THIS

O Great Father, Lord of Crags! Titan, we summon You! Titan, we summon You!
O Great Father, Lord of Crags! Titan, we summon You! Titan, we summon You!

He is come! He is come! The Lord of Crags, Titan is come! thou deaf to their weeping? Thy vile kind coveteth ever the blessing of the land and murdereth my children by the score--all in service to greed. Such sins are beyond pardon. Ah...but I am not the first to suffer thy defiance. Thou didst bring Ifrit low.

Godless overdweller! Thy myriad heresies shall not go unpunished! Upon thee shall I wreak a terrible vengeance!

Titan Phase 1: Weight of a Whisper

Titan is a pretty simple fight.

Ginger opens by pulling Titan and facing him away from the group, as per usual.

Sons of man! Murderers of my children!

He doesn't take very long at all to change phases. This is easily identifiable by him jumping up into the air and disappearing. When that happens...

I shall grind thee beneath my heel, mortal! want to go to the extreme outer edge of the circle. If you stand in the red, you will die! Anything in the red will disappear when Titan lands! Furthermore, he deals proximity damage based on where he lands. So that's why you want to be on the extreme edge of the circle.

Titan Phase 2: Weight of his Will

Occasionally Titan will turn to face someone and charge up Landslide. If he turns to target you get the fuck out and dodge. If you get hit by Landslide, you will die. Full stop. And you will fall and fall and fall when it happens and be unable to be revived afterward.

Soon enough Titan leaps up again.

Titan Phase 3: Weight of the World (This track doesn't play in the Story Mode version of the fight! So give it a listen!)

Titan Phase 4: Heartless

When Titan reaches halfway, phase 4 starts. Again, just stand on the edge and then...

His heart becomes vulnerable! This is the only part of Titan that's targetable, so just kill it.

See that weird marker on the guy on Titan's left? (relative to the screen) That's a gaol marker.

The player trapped in the Granite Gaol will take damage over time from suffocation or something. On the upside, I'm pretty sure they're immune to area of effect attacks. But just break them out and break Titan's Heart.

Final Phase: Under the Weight HOLY FUCK LISTEN TO THIS ONE

(gibbering) TITAN!
(gibbering) TITAN!
(gibbering) TITAN!

Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller

Wrought from the rock that stands upon old,
With heart of black and a stare that's cold
Cold are the hands that grasp at your soul
'Fore the graves are dug and the death knells toll

Tempered in the flows of the mountain's core,
Where the rage runs red twixt shore and shore
Shorn from the world 'neath the blazing sun
Bound to the dark, for the light I shun!

Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller (in hell I wait)

Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller (under the weight)
Succumb to the hate that corrupts your fate

Into the dark of an endless night,
Where the pulse of the land offers no respite
In spite of the blood that was spilled before,
You whet your blades, you thirst for more

Now, kneel, overdweller, your lord commands!
There's no salvation for the sons of man!
The skies will tremble and the earth will quake
From the crumbling walls, no one escapes!

The great Titan falls down...

And disappears!

The Lord of Crags, Great Father Titan has fallen!

That makes four! And that's enough for now.

NEXT TIME: Ginger meets an old "friend"