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Hello everyone and welcome back. I swear, it's like a huge weight has been lifted up off of my shoulders. We've done it... we've gotten past the worst of what FFXIV: ARR has to offer! Everything else for the rest of the LP will be climbing up out of the pit that the Titan arc dug.

Yes I know that some people think that a later arc is just as bad, but that particular arc is one place where the rework did its due diligence. I could probably cover all of it in two updates, or one if I'm feeling spicy.

The crimes of the overdwellers shall never be forgiven! Never be forgotten! No, no, never! 'Twas your kin who broke the covenant! We have acted only in defense of our lands! Cease your aggression, or never will there be peace! Until our dying breaths, we shall defy you--deny, decry, defy!

Titan had to be killed, but it looks like Ginger's intervention still did more harm than good. The already fragile truce between Kobolds and the Limsans has been shattered, pretty much irreparably.

Now these are the readings one would expect of an eikon... I have seen enough. We proceed as planned.

Rhitahtyn is here too. He's basically the "Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-Game" member of Gaius's posse.

Are you sure that is wise, my lord? Your...curiosity is untested and unproven. We do not yet know its true capabilities.
Then trust in mine, Rhitahtyn. My curiosity, as you so eloquently put it, would have bested Titan in the blink of an eye. Why, if there be truth to the legends, it could readily subjugate the whole of Eorzea given but a little while longer. Is that not so?

While Nero is evilly monologuing, Lahabrea teleports in to be menacing.

It is. No greater single power has ever been conceived, much less realized.
What you say may well be true. But while such devices may win battles, I do not believe they will serve to change the course of this war.

...I cannot endorse this course of action.

It never really comes up, but Rhitahtyn is a non-Garlean, and he's of an insanely high rank, being equal in rank to Livia, and only just behind Nero. Most Garleans would look down their nose at a foreigner achieving such a high rank, but Nero is here calling him "friend" and being cordial with him! Gaius strongly believes that if someone is committed to the Garlean cause, then they should not be held back by not being of Garlean blood. It's shockingly noble of him.

Pity he's a fascism apologist.


I've decided, arbitrarily, that gatorteeth like that mean Ascians are talking in spookywords.

Carry on, crystal bearer. Far though you have come, your work is far from done.

Lahabrea senses someone nearby, but Y'shtola manages to duck back just in time.

And naught remained to mark his passing... Well, the Ascians are nothing if not elusive. It is of little wonder that they should cast advanced teleportation magicks at will. But that they would choose to consort with the Empire... What common goal could they possibly share...?

Y'shtola is, if nothing else, among the more capable of the four companions we've had so far.

I feared I might arrive too late, but I see you had the matter well in hand.
I have taken measures to ensure that we are not pursued, yet I cannot say how long they will hold. Take your leave while the kobolds are still in disarray. I will follow anon. There is something I must investigate before I depart. I will teleport you to the aetheryte in Zelma's Run, and we will rendezvous at Camp Bronze Lake. Agreed?

Wait, no... don't go! Teleport us first!

Oro is still here at least. The post-fight cutscene actually lasted a lot longer than the fight did!

Back down the hill and across the shallow pond we go. Upper La Noscea is somewhere we'll become a lot better acquainted with once we start working on one of the Arcanist job quests. These ruins are really important it turns out!

But that can wait for later. I kinda have a feeling that ACN is gonna be the last class/job combo I do for the LP. Don't get me wrong, I love Summoner, but...

I am relieved to see you well. But come, let us discuss our next step.

We're going to end the update with this quest. The meat of it's gonna be dedicated to something else instead.

Though word will already have reached Maelstrom Command, protocol requires that a representative of our order inform the high commander of the mission's success. The honor is rightfully yours, Ginger. Once again, I must commend you on a job well done. We shall speak again soon.

Y'shtola departs and we... go over to this catgirl and lalafell. The lala has a bit of a problem and Ginger is the one who can help out!

Yes this is the odd sidequest that I go out of my way to show off! I've been waiting for the entire LP to show this one off because it's so After the infuriating deathmarch that was the Titan arc, this quest chain is exactly the sort of thing we need.

As you know from your prior visits, we treat the wounded from the front with all our arts, and with the healing waters of the hot springs. We serve soldiers, but for some unaccountable reason, we have a...a goldsmith here at the present. He simply showed up, and we could hardly turn him away. And now he is asking for salamander oil, but we cannot spare any. I find the entire situation awkward in the extreme. Will you extract four vials' worth of oil from the salamanders roaming nearby and give them to the goldsmith?

A random goldsmith has checked himself into a spa for veterans. :thunk:

We just need to kill some salamanders, so this doesn't take very long. So skipping ahead...

...oh dear. You all, uh, may not remember Godbert. The last time we saw him, he was playing Santa Claus Saint Nymeia while fervently denying being Godbert Manderville. He's... a lot.

Most kind, you are most kind to bring me the oil of salamander!
I have the oil you requested, but where are your pants... and shirt?
I had a need of a large horn and made the grievous error of visiting a great buffalo with a handsaw. He liked it not and I sustained a most horrific scratch. It smarted so, and the ache! ...Oh no, I was not thrown, I am not so green as that! No, when the beast shook its head, I stepped backwards, slipped, and fell. Then I fell again later, strolling back to the dogcart.
No need to be shy, you are an adventurer and I am a goldsmith! The body is simply an instrument, in occasional need of oiling! Oil, madam, oil, I say!
*rubs the oil into Godbert's skin*
The relief! Again, I say!
*keeps rubbing*
Ahhh, I can feel soothing fingers working into every knot--that is your cue, madam, soothing fingers now, please!
*keeps going*
Zzz... Ah, pardon me. Your skill was so great that I was quite transported. Truly, no Ul'dahn attendant could have done better. Sublime! I shall now have a brief drowse, then soak in the springs until sundown. After that, a humble meal with white wine from my own stock, and perhaps peaches...

We just massaged warming oil into a mostly naked muscleman's skin. Repeatedly.

Thank you for your service, adventurer. It seems he believes Bronze Lake to be some sort of a retreat for the rich. He paid a very handsome fee for his stay thus far and profusely complimented us on our...asceticism.

Godbert is, uh... He's certainly something.

We're not done with him, either.

First one thing, then another! That goldsmith passed out from too much heat. We have warned him time and again this past week not to stay in so long! Honestly, I do not trust myself to tend to this fool, for I've a mind to strangle him. If a poke revives him not, throw a bucket of lake water on him. There was ice on it this morning!

We should probably revive Godbert before he drowns...

*pokes Godbert a bunch* Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
*upends a bucket of ice water on him*
...*does it again*
*upends a third bucket. straight onto Godbert's head*

Oh, it's you! She of strong-yet-tender fingers! I was lost, I freely confess it! I came to this retreat an artisan whose craft had lost its savor, enriching myself by indulging customers' grossest tastes. I was ready to suffer privations, and I did! But today...
Several hours into the ordeal of the scalding water, my life flashed before my eyes. There, I saw forms exquisite-filigree masks, steel cut to shine like diamonds, graceful galleries of electrum where emeralds took the air with pearly suitors... I must return to Ul'dah, to my workshop!

Our goldsmith has departed for home, I am glad to say. He left you this ring--a token of his appreciation, he says. The stone is taken from a fragment of Dalamud itself, created in abiding faith that out of the worst may come beauty. It sounded as though he lost something--or someone--in the Calamity. "The ring is the only thing I have made in the last five years," he said, "and now I would like Ginger to have it." Extraordinary.
A very unexpected turn of events, I must say. I still think him utterly mad, but no doubt he is a more fascinating one. I don't suppose he'd have given me the ring even if I'd... Well, no use fretting over a song already sung.

I'm glad we made an impresson on Godbert.

The ring is really pretty and I'm probably gonna toss it in the glamour dresser and use it as one of Ginger's permanent glamour pieces.

So yeah, that was Godbert Manderville. He's one of the richest men in Ul'dah, and has a permanent seat on the Syndicate. If you don't remember, the Syndicate are the true power in Ul'dah, with Nanamo being just a figurehead of state.

And he likes Ginger.

We'll see a lot more of Godbert in some postgame quests. Until then, we have to go report our victory.

Thank you for coming, Ginger. Word of your triumph reached me some while ago, but I am pleased to have it personally confirmed. First Ifrit and now Titan... Truly, when I think of your achievements, I feel the loss of the Warriors of Light less keenly--and there can be no greater compliment than that. You and your order are heroes. The people of Limsa Lominsa are forever in your debt. I shall relay the details of your report to the Admiral forthwith. Please send my regards to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

Ginger keeps Muskrat's stupidity to herself here, probably becuase Gegeruju's lecture is a lot worse than anything the government could do to him!

*ring ring*

Ginger, this is Minfilia. Y'shtola has informed me of your success. You have won a great victory for the people of Eorzea, one that shall not be forgotten. And what is more, both you and Y'shtola emerged from O'Ghomoro unscathed. Why, Tataru and the others seemed as glad of that as they did of Titan's fall!
You can look forward to a hero's welcome! We'll be awaiting your return at the Waking Sands. There is much to discuss. Godsspeed.

We're right here in Limsa, so there's no need to burn an aetheryte ticket to get to Vesper Bay. We can just take the ferry next to the arcanist's guild!


You hear that commotion just now? What in the seven hells were they doin' in there? Wrestlin' a peiste!? You look like the adventurous type. Mind takin' a quick look?
...Was that screaming I heard? I'm not sure I want to know...

Oh no. Let's go check it out...

Tataru isn't at her post...

Fever Dream (Spoilers for DRG 50 in this video.) You should listen to this to set the tone for the coming scene.

The hallway is strewn with corpses...

Garlean and otherwise... This was a nameless pair of Scions that were last seen chatting with Papalymo

Una Tayuun... And that guy in a green cloak standing near the disguised Noraxia.

A'aba Tia... Aulie...

Liavinne... Haribehrt...

Going back towards the Solar we find...

The bodies of Clive and a nameless Flames soldier.

Even more nameless Scion bodies.

And in the Solar...

This one is glad...walking one is safe...

Thank heavens she is safe.

*bang bang*


Advance no further!

While Nero and Rhitahtyn were busy scanning Titan, Livia was busy doing other things...

We have come for the one who slayed Ifrit and Titan! Bring her forth! And you may yet know mercy!


Livia pointed her weapon at a downed man and just executed him, solely to punctuate her point.

Stay out of sight. I would leave a message with you.

The screen fades out and then Garleans rush into the Solar.

Conditions? There speaks the supreme Scion. I'll grant you have courage, but you would be better served by armor.

Search all you will, the one you seek is not here.
So it would seem.

And yet you knew to look here...but how? <gasp>
Hold that thought.

Noraxia jumps out to protect Minfilia...

And Livia roundhouse kicks her right into the wall.


Conditions of surrender...denied.

This asshole in the foreground is repeatedly stabbing someone on the floor. In the background, Urianger, Papalymo, Tataru, Biggs, and Wedge have all been captured.

Have you not done enough!
Perhaps. Enough! We must away.

Though we have not found our quarry, the "High Priestess of the Scions" should suffice for now. They say she also possesses the Echo. I cannot wait to hear her scream.

(in the background) *wet stab wet stab wet stab wet stab*

I said "enough!" *gunshot*

We leave! Bring the prisoners.

Walking...walking one Minfilia...asked this one to...

<groan> In case walking one r-returned...this one was to say... At church in eastern Thanalan...walking one must claim sanctuary...

This one tried...tried to protect walking one Minfilia f-from imperial ones... Save...

We... we need to leave. We need to leave now.

Fittingly, it's raining in Eastern Thanalan.

Back to that church we visited so long ago...

Is something troubling you, my child? You have the look of one who has endured great suffering. If there is anything I can do to help-anything at all-you need only ask.
The wild roses are dead, Father, and I know not what to do.
...The wild roses? I see. You may speak freely here. We are all friends of the Scions. could this have happened...? And you are certain that Minfilia was among those taken by the Garleans?

Let us pray no further harm comes to them... You may stay here for as long as you wish. It is the least I can do for a friend of Minfilia's.

I have known her since she was but a child... Well do I recall the day of our first meeting. I swore then to do everything in my power to support her, and I will gladly offer the selfsame service to her brother and sister Scions. So please--no matter what you require, you need not hesitate to ask.

Marques, would you come here for a moment?
Yes, Father?

If you require assistance, pray speak with Marques. He is a trifle shy, but I assure you he means well.

I should explain--Marques is a survivor of the battle of Carteneau. Alas, his experiences took a terrible toll upon his mind... Had we not taken him into our care, he would surely have perished in the desert.

Marques looks awfully familiar... Like we've seen him somewhere before. And I don't mean earlier in the LP!

Marques, I want you to look after Ginger. Do you understand?
Yes, Father...

And... that's the end of the Titan arc. Our moment of triumph taken away by the Garleans slaughtering the Scions and taking the rest prisoner.

NEXT TIME: Ginger learns to save the wounded