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Hello everyone and welcome back! After the really heavy revelations last time, Ginger needed some time away to think. So she's headed off to Gridania to learn a new skill.

Nophica's altar is where Kan-E-Senna holds court. It's also home of a new class...

Down this tunnel and across the bridge...

Well met, adventurer. You are come to Stillglade Fane, home of the Conjurers' Guild. We conjurers harness the powers of earth, wind, and water that abound in nature, and thereby weave spells of healing and protection. Ever do we seek noble souls to initiate into our mysteries. Might you be such a soul, come to join the guild?
Teach me to be a conjurer!

Madelle here then spends time regaling us with how conjurers operate and their backstory. This is all stuff I've already covered in the LP when discussing why Gridania sucks. Conjurers interpret the will of the Elementals and try to calm them when they have a rage-induced meltdown. These meltdowns are frequent, destructive, and terrifying. And literally anything can cause them.

Is your mind made up? Are you ready to join the Conjurers' Guild?
That is well. I shall introduce you to our guildmaster, Brother E-Sumi-Yan. Brother E-Sumi-Yan presides over the Conjurers' Guild even as he serves the nation as a Hearer. You will find him in the meditation area within. Go to him, and make known your desire to join the guild.

This is the fifth-fifth update of the LP, so forgive me if I've covered this before. But E-Sumi-Yan (and Kan-E-Senna) are Padjals. They're born otherwise normal children who possess a special gift for conjury. Around the time they start going through puberty two things happen: first, they grow horns out of their head. Secondly, they stop aging. Because of their preternatural gift for conjury, Padjals are also taught the ways of white magic, which is a force that's forbidden in Eorzea for very good reason. One of the previous Calamities that all but destroyed the world was caused by White and Black magic going out of control.

E-Sumi-Yan is almost never seen outside of the cave where he teaches conjury. So most screenshots featuring him will be really poorly lit.

Greetings, adventurer. I am told you wish to become a conjurer of Stillglade Fane. I am Brother E-Sumi-Yan, master of this guild. Before you are formally accepted into our ranks, I would impart to you the principles of conjury. Pray attend me well. Conjury is an arcane art that takes life and the living for its domain. Its primary purpose is the salving of hurts and the granting of protection.
Adventurers such as yourself oft stand upon the front lines of battle. Owing to this, you are like to find yourself in many situations wherein a capacity for healing would be advantageous. Mind you, there is more to conjury than that. By harnessing the power of earth, wind, and water, conjurers are also capable of weaving spells that wreak havoc. In terms of sheer destructive power, conjury may pale in comparison to thaumaturgy, but its capacity to defend one against aggression more than compensates for this relative shortcoming.
In mastering healing and purification, not only will you be able to mend wounds and purge afflictions-you will also be able to breathe life back into the fallen. More than simply healers, yet not true dealers of destruction, conjurers realize their full potential when they employ their powers in support of others. This, my dear adventurer, is what it means to be one of us.
...Hm, mayhap that was too much to grasp upon a single hearing. But worry not, for the meaning of my words will become clear to you in due time. Aye, you will come to understand that conjury is not the sole province of the conjurer. Should you wish to walk our path, I must needs ask that you solemnly vow to embrace nature-to heed the will of the elementals and the Twelveswood alike. Can you make this vow?
Uh, sure. Nature's cool and shit.
I knew your answer ere your lips had parted. Yet I am no less pleased to hear it. By the power vested in me, I hereby name you a member of the Conjurers' Guild. If you would be so kind as to lend me your hunting log, I shall add to it the names of such creatures as would pose a suitable challenge to a conjurer.
And to mark this momentous occasion, I present to you this cane. Though it may be old and weathered, it will serve you well as you take your first steps upon the path of the conjurer. Take up your cane, Ginger, and present yourself to me once more. I would assign you your first task as a conjurer of Stillglade Fane.

That's a huge wall of text and it's just E-Sumi-Yan lecturing. Most of the rest of the quests are mercifully brief, so this is a bit of an outlier. HAHAHAHAHA No they aren't. E-Sumi-Yan loves to hear himself fucking talk. This update that I thought was going to be short is gigantic.

We'll just throw on our newbie gear and pick up the cane.

The part of conjurer becomes you, Ginger. Without further ado, I shall assign you your first task as a conjurer of Stillglade Fane. Just beyond the city gates, you will encounter squirrels, ladybugs, and funguars. I would have you slay three of each.
Lest you wonder how I can so coolly order the taking of life, know that things are not as they once were. As a consequence of the Calamity-and, I may add, through no fault of their own-these creatures have become a burden to the Twelveswood. A burden it cannot well bear. As a conjurer, it is your duty to carry out the will of the forest. And by employing your powers in so doing, you will come to learn something of your art. Go now, Ginger, and perform your first task in the name of the elementals.

Look next to Ginger and you'll see some rocks. That's how conjurers attack.

She conjures rocks up from the earth and lobs them at the local wildlife.

Level 2 comes by and Ginger learns how to knit wounds back together...

And level 4 teaches her how to use the wind to inflict damage over time. This should give you an idea of what conjurers are all about. Like I covered way back at the start of the LP, thaumaturges use fire, ice, and lightning magic to destroy enemies. Conjurers use the other half of the elemental wheel, earth, wind, and water magic.

Welcome back, Ginger. The elementals have told me of your success. By placing yourself in the midst of nature and seeing it with a conjurer's eyes, you have taken your first step along the path to enlightenment. Healing, protection, and destruction... Though our spells vary in function, they all derive their power from the same source-the forces embodied in all creation. By gaining a true understanding of these, a conjurer may call upon them to manipulate his environment, thereby realizing the state of being that he desires.
Ah, yes...yours is a familiar look: the very picture of confusion! Be not disheartened, for comprehension shall come in due time. For now, you must learn to reach out to the forces embodied in each of us. Pray hearken to mine instructions. Breathe deep and open your eyes to that which cannot be seen. Feel the myriad life around you, and draw upon this boundless reservoir of energy. Take up your cane, and use it to lend that energy form.
Go forth, my young conjurer, and be at one with the world. Return to me when you have learned to draw upon the forces around you with the selfsame ease you draw upon those within.

These are the spells that a conjurer learns. Normally I don't show this off because everything Ginger's played so far has used one weaponskill to flow to another in a gigantic combo. Spells are different, and for conjurers, each one has a different use.

Stone and Aero are used to cast offensive spells in between casting healing spells. Medica heals everything around you in a small area for a little bit. Raise is a resurrection spell and so on.

Cure II should just be a straight upgrade from Cure. If you have access to both, then there is literally zero need to ever cast Cure I ever again. Later on CNJ/WHM learns a trait that makes Cure II occasionally free if you cast Cure I enough. That's seriously a newbie trap. You can actually spot a bad healer because they fish for Freecure procs with Cure I.

Cure I is so bad because it barely does any healing in relevant content. If a WHM is so pressed that they have to actually cast a GCD heal, then they're well past the point that Cure I could help. Cure II has nearly double the potency for a little more than double the mana cost. Because of a bunch of skills that WHM gets access to, MP is never really an issue for them as long as they hit the relevant buttons at the appropriate times.

Moving on, Medica II is one of my favorite healing spells, which probably says a lot about me if you're a veteran player. Medica II has a small heal upfront and a lot of healing over time. It apparently works out to 700 potency over the course of its full duration, including the up-front bit. So Med2 is like a cure 2 distributed amongst the entire party. It's useful if you know there's no damage coming for a while, but like everything with healing there's a whole fuckload of caveats.

Some healers like to stack Medica 2 and Regen on the entire party in a vain attempt to be lazy. That works, up to a point, but it's hilariously mana inefficient and will eventually bite you in the ass. It's better to learn properly the first time than have to re-learn the hard way when you should know better. (It's me. I had to re-learn the hard way.)

Six hours later...

It is good to see you again, Ginger. By the air of serenity that surrounds you, it is plain you have learned to draw upon the energy of creation. I am glad. It is the wellspring of all our power. Yet the energy of creation is not one thing but many, and to call upon all without first knowing each is conjury at its most basic. As a part of your continuing education, it is my desire that you now learn about the element of earth.

Serenity my ass. I recorded this last night after one of the worst dungeon groups I have ever been in in my entire FFXIV career. Imagine a tank that doesn't use their AOE skills and refuses to even try and get aggro on anything that he's not attacking, a pugilist that decides to do large pulls for the tank, and an archer that silently goes along with everything.

I was decidedly not serene while recording this quest.

Make your way to Blessed Bud in the North Shroud, and there partake of Hearer Nolanel's wisdom. The depth of his affinity for the elementals of rock and soil is all but unique amongst conjurers, and he is a gifted instructor besides. You may be certain of receiving a most enlightening lesson on the subject of earth.

Nolanel here is over in the North Shroud. By the way (FATE JOINED) did you know (FATE JOINED) that there's (FATE JOINED) a FATE going on (FATE JOINED) near this (FATE JOINED) quest area? I swear if the game gave me a way to opt out of joining FATEs, then I totally would in like 99% of cases. Those messages absolutely cover your screen, and if you're trying to navigate by map, they make it impossible to see anything until they go away.

You seek Hearer Nolanel? Then seek no more, for you have found him. What can I do for you, friend?
So Brother E-Sumi-Yan bid you come to me to learn of the element of earth? That is well. The power of earth is the solid foundation upon which a conjurer stands. I could happily lecture you for days on its intricate variations and properties... But I rather suspect the busy life of an adventurer would not afford the time required for such extended discourse. Accordingly, I shall offer you an opportunity to experience the qualities of earth combat.
Now mark me well, Ginger, and do exactly as I command. East of here, in the grounds of Treespeak Stables, there exists a patch of soil that bears the mark of corruption. Seek it out. When you have found the place, reach out to the focus of the earth's trauma, and attempt to commune with it, as all conjurers can.
Resentful of your intrusion, the tainted being that feasts unseen upon the energies seeping from the wounded earth shall then appear. Using the powers of conjury, strike it down, and permit the land a chance to heal. Much of the nature of earth will be revealed to you during the struggle, Ginger. I trust you will return to me a wiser woman than she who now departs.

Up the nearby hill and behind the house there's some corrupted earth in this guy's vegetable garden.

And so Ginger gets to placate the elementals by... beating the everloving piss out of them until they agree to quiet down!

At least it's pretty apparent when she's done!


Welcome back, Ginger. The elementals whisper of your accomplishments. How did it feel to confront that embodiment of earth? To endure its onslaught? Has the crushing power of this element shaken the very marrow of your bones?
The elemental gave me lip, so I showed it who was boss. It was AWESOME!
Corruption occurs when the land's wounds are prevented from healing. In vanquishing the tainted sprite, you permitted the earth's energies to flow unimpeded, and to nourish the land once more. Can you not sense the strength of the earth returning? Already, the land begins to heal. Thanks to your actions, that field will once again bear bountiful crops.
When next you have reason to call upon your art, look back upon this task and that which you accomplished. Experience once more the grinding weight of the earth's fury, and revel in the memory of life flowing anew through the land you helped restore. With such thoughts shall your understanding of nature continue to grow.

I hope you were paying attention, Sylphie.

See this adventurer here? Ginger came all the way from Stillglade Fane just to hear my lesson. You would do well to learn from her example. If you wish to become a conjurer worthy of the name, you must make an effort to study nature. Do you attend me, young lady?

Why should I bother studying nature? I can conjure already.


Sylphie impresses everyone with a really pretty healing lightshow.

You have a rare gift for healing, Sylphie--a wonderful gift. Yet there is more to being a conjurer than--

The above image has been repurposed to make fun of people who come into FFXIV as a healer and expect to only heal. They're derisively called "honest healers" because their non-participation in battles makes them take that much longer. Yoship gave you DPS skills for a reason, use them! Also anyone who thinks they're good at healing while refusing to throw out damage means they're actually a shit healer.

Who knows, maybe the monk in your group is so stoned out of his mind that he spends the entire fight hitting form shift while roleplaying DBZ to his twitch chat. He sure as hell isn't participating, so your damage could be what makes or breaks the group!

And then Sylphie walks off to go sulk because she's a teenager in an anime premise and that's what teenagers do when they're not killing god or getting isekai'd.

Did the girls on either side of Nolanel change sides?

Sylphie joined the guild shortly before you came to us. As you yourself just experienced, she possesses a prodigious talent for healing. Indeed, despite her tender years, I know of few conjurers who are her equal in that field. Alas, nature--the very wellspring of her power--holds no interest for the child, and when she should by rights be learning about the land, she prefers instead to wander it, healing people on a whim. You, in contrast, have been a most attentive student. I have taught you all I know of the element of earth. You may report back to Brother E-Sumi and tell him as much.

Orokin Reactor is Dark Souls-style brooding outside of the Conjurer's guild while Ginger runs in and out doing quests.

Ah, Ginger, you have returned. But tell me, how did you fare under Nolanel's expert tutelage? Have you delved deep into the earth and felt its suffocating weight? Its life-sustaining vigor?
I beat up an elemental until it agreed to stop throwing a temper tantrum. It was really cathartic.
Such experiences will serve you well. And have you aught else to report? Hm?
A fledgling conjurer named Sylphie cast healing magic upon you? ...How kind of her. <sigh> I must confess to sharing Nolanel's frustration with the girl. As you yourself have witnessed, Sylphie possesses a natural talent for the conjury of mending and restoration. Alas, her gifts appear to have blinded her to the need for study, and she outright refuses to learn about the natural world. She knows nothing of the elements of earth and wind, and is quite incapable of conjuring even the tiniest pebble or the faintest breeze.
I have tried upon numerous occasions to explain to her that conjurers who are ignorant of the source of their power pose a risk to themselves and others, but all to no avail. Should she continue to deny the debt she owes to nature, and indulge in ever more reckless displays of power, there is every possibility that she will create a dangerous imbalance. Needless to say, I am presently at a loss to know how such an eventuality might be prevented...
...Ah! A thought occurs to me, Ginger... It may be that your encounter with Sylphie was ordained by the elementals. Should you chance to meet with her again, I ask that you strive to impress upon her the importance of opening oneself to nature's voice. Mayhap she will listen to you.
But we have discussed our wayward young friend's education enough. Let us speak instead of one of my more willing pupils--namely you. The progress you have made does you great credit, Ginger. Though you are yet new to the art of conjury, you are no stranger to nature's embrace. Considering all that you have learned, I hope you understand the true significance of these words.

There's a very, very good reason why they're trying to get Sylphie to actually practice conjury, one that they staunchly refuse to tell her. Instead they lecture and cajole. The girl lost her mother not that long ago and is a friggin' teenager. Teenagers don't, in my experience, respond well to lectures. On the other hand, Sylphie fucks off into the wilderness the second anyone tells her that she isn't 100% correct.

ESH is what I'm saying. ESH.

Greetings, Ginger. Each time we meet, the part of conjurer befits you ever better. In your previous lesson, you learned about the element of earth. It is my desire that you next become acquainted with the wind. Travel to Fullflower Comb in the East Shroud, and seek the teachings of Hearer Wulfiue.
Though scant few years have passed since her coming of age, Wulfiue is a conjurer of consummate skill who is able to divine the will of air elementals with uncommon clarity. I can recommend no better tutor for your lessons in the mysteries of wind.

Fullflower Comb is the apiary in the East Shroud.

You must be Ginger. Brother E-Sumi-Yan sent word to expect you. It shall be my pleasure to instruct you on the patterns of gusts and gales. to proceed? Pray forgive my hesitation. It was but recently that I attained the title of Hearer and, are my first student.
Hmmm... Ah, yes, I believe I have a suitable task for you. To the east of Sweetbloom Pier, there is a small spring, giving rise to a pool. Go there and clear the air of the honeybee swarm which lately took up residence in the area. ...You seem uncertain. Mayhap you wonder at the connection between my request and the subject of your study? I sympathize, Ginger. But trust me, inexperienced though I may seem, this deed will deepen your understanding of wind.

The honeybees die basically instantly because they're level 8 and Ginger is level 30.

Welcome back. I take it the bees are no more? Tell me, did you happen to notice many of the vilekin's preferred flowers in the vicinity of the spring? I ask because there were none. Strange then, is it not, that the bees should choose to congregate there... And what has caused this aberrant behavior? Still your mind and reach out with your senses. Can you feel it? The path of the wind veers from its natural course, sweeping hapless creatures along in its wake.
Something is playing havoc with the air currents. Such a disturbance bespeaks corruption. Return to the spring near Sweetbloom Pier and search for pockets of corrupted air. Should you find one, use your powers of conjury to disperse it.

Yeah that's certainly corrupted.

Duty time!

This doesn't last too long at all.

Ginger's less than 45 seconds in and is mostly done. Wulfuie shows up to help but...

Ginger had that well in hand.

Well done. The wind here no longer keens its frustration. Let us return to Fullflower.

Ginger, I should point out, is wearing only the finest crafted gear. Including a pair of nice beautifully handmade leather sandals... with her white socks on full display beneath.

If I had thought about it, I would have dyed her tights snow white to match.

I must apologize for exposing you to such danger-the corruption was greater than I anticipated. But it is through such trials that we flourish as conjurers. Now then, Ginger--what did you learn as you struggled within the air's grasp? You will doubtless have noticed that wind does not strike with the instant, crushing force of earth. Instead, it torments one's form, dancing across every surface and leaving a thousand tiny wounds in its wake.
These are the agonies of erosion. Having experienced such pain, you are now intimately acquainted with wind's capacity for patient destruction. No land is a stranger to its power. When you stand under distant skies and feel the wind's familiar caress upon your skin, remember the lessons you have learned here this day.
Hmmm... I suppose I should be grateful that this latest elemental disturbance manifested itself at such an opportune time--only the gods know what I would have taught you had it not! Yet the growing frequency of such phenomena begins to concern me... While it is true that the Calamity wrought much harm upon the Twelveswood, I suspect some other force is at work here. I bid you remain wary, Ginger.
But enough of these ominous rumblings. I regret to say that your time with me is at an end. Return to Stillglade Fane and inform Brother E-Sumi of your newfound mastery. ...Oh, and be sure to thank him for sending me such a willing first student!

Despite all the droning about the elementals, these quests are pretty breezy.

Welcome back, Ginger. The elementals inform me that you have opened your ears to the voice of the wind. That is well. Having made allies of two elements, you are well on your way along the path of conjury--though full comprehension of these forces will only come to you in the fullness of time. Be patient. As you seek to embrace nature more fully, so will nature hold you more closely.
They made you study wind? Why bother?

You don't need wind to heal things, whatever those dreary lessons tell you.
Conjury is inextricably bound with nature, Sylphie. That "dreary lesson" is one you should have learned by now. I assume by your presence here that you have once again abandoned your tutors? You must understand: if you persist in casting spells without the proper knowledge--
I have all the knowledge I need! My mother never needed to "embrace nature" to heal. And the people she helped were thankful for her art! I'll learn conjury the same way she did, and become just as great a conjurer, you'll see. But I didn't come here to argue with you, Brother E-Sumi. I wanted to tell you that I've discovered how to cast Raise!

E-Sumi-Yan is actually angry here.

You know not what you do--what you risk! You are meddling with forces beyond your comprehension! Should you even attempt to use that spell, I will have no recourse but to strip you of the name of "conjurer" and banish you from our halls! Do I make myself clear?
Why must you be so angry with me? It's not as if I were trying to hurt anyone!

Dramatic anime teenager run off in 5... 4... 3...

But that's- <sigh> dear child... That is precisely the point. My apologies, Ginger... I hope you do not find these constant disruptions...distracting.

As you have just heard, Sylphie's mother was also a conjurer-a conjurer who was unable to use any spells outside of the sphere of healing. Needless to say, Sylphie seeks to emulate her in every way. It is a rare and wondrous talent to heal without relying on the energies of nature. But such power is not born of true conjury. By all that we know of the art, it should not be possible for Sylphie to cast Raise. I shudder to think what would happen if she tried.
I fear my inability to set her upon the true path reflects my own failings as a teacher... I am only glad that those same failings have not hindered you. Whether it be with my help or in spite of it, I believe that you will become a fine conjurer. Already, you are blessed with great power, and more shall be yours should you persevere with our art--as indeed I hope you shall. Yet however much you grow, however powerful you become, remember that ours is a power borrowed, not taken.

It is good to see you again, Ginger. By the aura you exude, it is plain you have grown further as a conjurer. The time is come that you acquaint yourself with the third element of our art: water.
For the first part of your lesson, you are to take this flask of pristine water and pour it at the foot of the Hedgetree found near the Hawthorne Hut. The water's purity will draw forth the corrupting entity that is siphoning the tree's life force.
Dispatch this being, and then speak with Brother Joacin at the Hawthorne Hut. As you might expect, he is a conjurer with a fine ear for the murmurings of brook and stream. Listen well to his advice if you would learn to master the element of water.

It wouldn't really be feasible, but it would be cool as hell if conjurers and white mages had a chance to have random corruptions they could heal for minor rewards like a pittance of money and experience or something. Just something for a little flavor.

Like the other uppity elements, Ginger puts them back in their place.

Joacin is in the actual Hawthorne Hut healing someone on a bed.

Greetings, Ginger. Brother E-Sumi informed me of your coming. I assume it was you who purified the befouled water at the Hedgetree? The joyous bubbling of the elementals was a pleasure to hear. On behalf of both them and myself, I thank you. Now, without further ado, let us speak of that which Brother E-Sumi sent you here to learn.
I trust you did not find it strange to be asked to tend to a tree when your lesson this day concerns the element of water. One need not have studied botany to realize that the forest requires more than rich soil to flourish. Water is essential for carrying the nutrients in the earth from a tree's roots all the way to the very tips of its leaves.
This precious liquid is the lifeblood of the Twelveswood. Without it, naught would grow. But should it rise in too great a volume, and too swiftly, the nourishing flow will become a crashing wave that washes away all before it. It is important to realize that all of nature is in balance. As conjury derives its power from nature, we must take care not to use our art in a manner like to disrupt this state. Ever must we be mindful of the ceaseless tug-of-war embodied in creation-this...fruitful stalemate of the elements.
Brother Joacin! Are you about!?

I am here, sir. What has transpired?
A herd o' young antelope stags has gone berserk. I dunno what's got 'em so panicked, but there's no calmin' 'em now. The mad beasts gored the soldiers sent to shepherd 'em away from civilian settlements, leavin' us with a pile o' wounded over at Josselin's Spire, an' not enough hands to stanch the bleedin'. We need a healer, an' fast!
Curious. I sensed nothing amiss in the whisperings of the elementals. What could have frightened these antelopes so...? Ah, apologies! I shall revisit these musings anon. Let us make haste.
If matters are as chaotic as you say, I fear the number of injured may be rising as we speak. I doubt that we two will suffice. We must divide our forces. Ginger--travel straightway to Josselin's Spire and tend to the wounded. I shall endeavor to rally further healers, and follow after you bearing what restorative unguents I can.
You, sir, head to Stillglade Fane and beseech the aid of Brother E-Sumi.

Up on top of a nearby hill is Josselin's Spire.

Who are-? A conjurer, you say? Praise Nophica! You've come not a moment too soon--sounds like yet more wounded have just been carried in. Pray offer them what aid you can.

We need to cast Cure on this man.

These folk are out of danger for the present, but I fear our reprieve shall be brief. The battle with the stags yet rages, and there are reports of yet more wounded. I bid you join the Wood Wailers and help put an end to this. Seek them just off the road that leads to the northeast. And do not worry--my art should be sufficient to prevent matters from worsening here. Now, go!

Sylphie is here. Well, her talent for healing might come in handy for once...

<gasp> The conjurer from the guild! Well, tell Brother E-Sumi if you want-I don't care! I'm not going to stand by and watch while people bleed to death!

Antelope are running wild and charging at random elezen.

Like this guy.

We better jump in and help...

This soldier needs all my attention. Please, help the other Wood Wailers!

This duty has Ginger babysitting all these guys by herself. Sylphie is tending to the guy who got trampled, leaving the rest to us. These guys aren't in a party with us, meaning we can't easily select them and instead have to tediously pick their name and cast a healing spell on them.

This duty takes a while because Ginger's doing everything here. The NPCs are contributing a little bit, but it's mostly up to her to heal them and then pitch in damage. She winds up taking out most of the rampaging wildlife.

Thankfully her healing spells are up to the task.

Two and a half minutes doesn't sound like a lot, but when you're frantically healing and damaging the whole time, it feels like an eternity.

Sylphie is still trying with the man...

That last burst overexerts her and she collapses.


I-I'm fine... Don't
Pray tell me that we are not too late.

Sylphie! What have you done!? I forbade you from using such...such...methods!
I will not see you repeat your mother's mistakes.


Just once I want someone in this game to reach out and grab a teenager who is Dramatically Fleeing and tell them to sit down and shut up.

Ginger, may I ask that you follow her...please? I fear my presence will only serve to provoke her further. She cannot have gone far in her weakened state.

Sylphie made it a good hundred yards before collapsing again.

I don't understand. When I try to cast spells, nothing happens. When I reach for my power...there's just nothing there. Is this what the guildmaster was trying to warn me about? He said I was repeating my mother's mistakes.
The same thing happened to her-losing her magic, I mean. And then she--Am I...going to die? This can't be happening. I didn't think... Please. I need to be alone.

Ginger! You have returned at last. Were you able to speak with Sylphie?
*long, weary sigh*
I see...

I once taught you that conjurers harness the power of nature that we might bring about change. Earth, wind, water, healing-the principle is no different. For the art of mending, we draw on the boundless life force of nature and bestow it upon the wounded. Sylphie has never sought to borrow from that bounty.
Her power to heal stems from her own life force. The vital energies of mortals are, however, finite...and now that which I most feared has come to pass. Her mother unwittingly took her own life through the continued use of her healing skills.
And Sylphie's aptitude for the art is, if anything, even greater. Thus it is not unexpected that she should reach the limits of her strength at a much earlier age. If we do not intervene, this terrible tragedy will be repeated, and I for one could not bear to see the child suffer the same fate as her mother...

While I get that she's a teenage girl, and teenagers do not listen to anything they're told by someone in a position of authority... I'm pretty sure Sylphie would listen to "you need to actually use conjuring in addition to healing because you're literally killing yourself by trying." Like so many conflicts this could be easily resolved by talking. But then there'd be no drama so...

I shall think on a solution to this dark dilemma. It may be that I will have need of your assistance in the near future, Ginger. Do not doubt your abilities. You are a conjurer who has passed the trials of earth, wind, and water. You grow closer to nature with every passing day, and I sense within you the seeds of greatness. In your encounter with water, you learned its role as a bringer of life. But you also felt the implacable power of a surging wave as it swept you along in its path. Like earth and wind, and nature at large, the element of water is possessed of more than one aspect.
Having completed the third lesson, I am satisfied that you have mastered the fundamentals of conjury. In recognition of this feat, the spell Fluid Aura is now yours to command. Yet this is but the beginning of your journey. Henceforth, you must strive to attune yourself ever more closely to the elements, and to nature.

Fluid Aura is a spell that shouldn't even be on your hotbar. It just binds the target in place. That's it. There's almost never a need to use it because CC has long since stopped being a thing in this game. In a level 78 role quest, healers were asked to use Repose. Most of them, myself included, didn't even have it on their bars! If Fluid aura actually did some damage and could be used in conjunction with Stone, it might be more interesting.

Anyway, that's enough for now.

NEXT TIME: Ginger finishes her CNJ training