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Hello everyone and welcome back!

The Enterprise... I... I've heard that name before, but where?
Whilst you were catering to the Company of Buffoons' every whim, I was gathering information on our feathered foe. As a result, I was not present when the Garleans came. I suppose we should be grateful for our good fortune--though it matters little should Garuda grow powerful enough to bring Eorzea to heel.

You know what? I like Alphinaud.

What a curious twist of fate that Master Cid Garlond would at last be found within our church. It defies imagination... Beg your pardon, Ginger. You wish to find his airship, yes?
I know not how much truth there is to it, but there is a tale known as, "The Final Flight of the Enterprise," which grew popular in the wake of the Calamity--much like "The Great Goobbue Wall of Ul'dah." It states that the Enterprise flew northwest from Gridania towards Coerthas. If true, the airship would have passed through the North Shroud, likely over Fallgourd Float--the closest settlement to Coerthas. Mayhap the Serpents stationed there have records of the events that transpired that day.
I had hoped you might rest from your journeys for a time, but I see that the world still has need of you and the Scions. Pray look after yourself and Cid, Ginger.

We brought this guy the mutilated body of a young woman many updates ago. This is Fallgourd Float by the way.

Is there aught I can assist you with, miss?
I'm looking for the Enterprise!
The Enterprise? You speak of Master Garlond's ship, yes? Aye, I needn't refer to the records. I know that the airship was sighted overhead five years ago, clearly bound for Coerthas. What became of it after that I cannot say.
If you wish to know more, pray speak with Vortefaurt at Florentel's Spire. He was on duty that day and saw it with his own eyes. I am unsure what it is you hope to accomplish, though. Even should you locate the ship, would you not need a man of Master Garlond's caliber to fly it? I hear tell that the machinery is fiendishly complex...

If we head out of town and just hug the right wall we'll pretty quickly find Florentel's Spire.

You have come in search of Vortefaurt? Then well met, for you have found him. Indeed, I have served as a Wailer for many years, since before the great snows came to Coerthas. What exactly is this about? Ahhh, the final flight of the Enterprise. I do indeed remember that day...

'Twas on the eve of the Battle of Carteneau, nigh on five years ago. I held the spire alone that night, while the bulk of our forces marched to meet the enemy in the field. Then, all of a sudden, the most fantastic airship I'd ever seen splits the sky overhead! I could only watch in shock as it disappeared over the mountains to the northwest. If the Enterprise wasn't destroyed during the Calamity, I'd wager it's still somewhere in Coerthas.
The astrologians at the Observatorium may have records which could help. But to obtain them, you would need to deal with the Ishgardians who control the region. I wouldn't expect much, though-the High Houses have long been concerned with their own affairs above all else. When Dalamud descended, they took shelter behind their gates, and even now they have little regard for the plights of other nations.
Nevertheless, they may deign to assist you should you prove yourself useful. Consider providing your services to the soldiers who guard the Observatorium. Though they may refuse you at first, I've little doubt they would accept aid freely offered.

We came a very long time ago, practically half the LP ago, to Coerthas to get Ginger her Dragoon job stone. Now we're here to find the Enterprise. Hope you like snow!

Excuse me, can you repeat that? You wish to offer your services to House Durendaire? And what, pray tell, do you wish to receive in exchange? Hah, how absurd! As if we would permit an outsider to peruse the records of the Observatorium.
Do not mistake our courtesy for friendliness. The Holy See of Ishgard may allow foreigners to travel freely within these lands, but we do not intend to offer succor to strangers.

Halone have mercy, are you still here? You may take shelter within our walls if you insist, but do not distract me while I am on duty. We're stretched thin as it is.
And where in the hells is that knight I sent out on patrol? He should have returned ages ago!
Hmmm... Perhaps I have a use for you, after all. If you still wish to aid us, search the wilds to the west for my missing man. You will know him by his uniform--that of House Durendaire, as is mine.

Coerthas is firmly Ishgardian territory and these people are every stereotype about knighthood rolled into one, especially the haughty stubbornness.

The knight we're looking for is just past the gates, sitting on his butt in the snow...

...being menaced by two armed attackers.

If it wasn't for you, miss, I reckon they would've finished me off. Despicable dragon-loving bastards. <spit> Death was a mercy they didn't deserve. I prayed the rumors were mistaken, but this confirms the worst. I must immediately inform my superiors that the heretics are operating within this region. Fare thee well, friend.

Back to Ludovoix we go!

I must say, I didn't actually expect you to find my knight, much less rescue him! I see I may have been premature in my judgment, miss. We are a proud people, beholden to tradition, but that does not mean we are without humility. I shall instruct the astrologians to entertain your request. However, understand that it is ultimately their decision whether or not you may peruse their records. Pray proceed to the Observatorium and introduce yourself to Edmelle.

The quest itself isn't worth showing off because it's literally "talk to this NPC." But completing Toss Fit Workout will earn you the /toss emote! If you do it in the snow...

You throw a snowball! It's pretty cute.

We'll be dealing with Alberic here later. He's got two quests for us, and one of them has a prize I've been waiting a while to get!

Following the MSQ, if we just climb the stairs in the southern part of the settlement, we come to the gazing tower.

Ah, the lady come in search of the airship. This is highly unorthodox... What ever could Ser Ludovoix be thinking? It is true that we maintain meticulous records which stretch back generations. However, because this information is used to chart Dravanian activity, access is strictly controlled. One can never be too careful with heretics and their sympathizers lurking about. If you would persist with your inquiries, pray seek an audience with Chief Astrologian Forlemort up above.

Heretics, I should mention, specifically refers to those who reject the teachings of Halone, the Ishgardian state religion. Ishgard is locked in a foreverwar with dragons and heretics think such dangerous thoughts like "we should try to make peace with the dragons" and... you know what? This tweet explains it far better than I could.

We have to climb these stairs. There are a lot of them.



What, you thought because we reached a landing we were done? Hahahahaha. No. We are never done climbing stairs.

These are different shots each time. I want you all to appreciate that.

There's a daily quest you can get later on where you have to climb these stairs. That daily quest can go get fucked.

No. Absolutely not. Have you any inkling what it is you ask? Were our records to fall into the wrong hands, it could change the course of a war which has raged for generations! I speak not of some mere spat between southron nations. Ours is a holy crusade, and we are the arbiters of Halone's will! I will not put our great nation at risk--certainly not to help a foreigner locate a missing airship, of all things!

Inquisitor Guillaime! Y-You honor us with your presence, sir. The lady was just leaving.
Ahhh, you must be the one who rescued House Durendaire's knight from those heretics. Doubtless they feel indebted to you. I am told you seek an airship last seen in Coerthas five years ago, yes? You come to us at an inconvenient time, I fear. Much has changed in the intervening years, and little for the better. While I wish you the best of luck in your search, I would also strongly advise caution.

The snows can come quickly in Coerthas. One moment you may feel as though you have a firm grasp on your surroundings, safe and secure in your knowledge, and the next you may find yourself in a wholly unfamiliar situation, blind to the dangers hidden by the blizzard. It would be wise for you to focus on a single landmark whilst traveling. Do not give in to temptation and deviate from your course.

The nice inquisitor is very subtly threatening Ginger. He's telling her to mind her own business, find the airship on her own, and get the fuck out.

Fine by me. I don't want to get on the wrong side of a Papal Inquisitor.

I was not aware you aided House Durendaire in that fashion. Thank you, madam. Nevertheless, my decision stands. I cannot give you what you seek.

Forlemort doesn't wanna talk to us anymore, but Jocea seems keen to...

You there, madam! I could not help but overhear your conversation with the chief astrologian. There may be a way I can assist you, but it would require that you perform for me a favor in exchange.
An associate of mine has yet to return from his expedition to the cliffs east of the Observatorium. He was adamant that he could conduct his observations alone, despite the presence of Ixal in that vicinity. If you would seek out this astrologian and confirm that he is well, it would be a great comfort to me.

We're up on the top floor of the tower, so it's just as fast to jump down either way. Also this takes an extremely long time to fall down. Enough that you have time to rethink your decisions.

A good 3-4 seconds! Also you can't die from falling damage in this game long as you're out of combat.

This is the same cave that we tracked Estinien to way back when Ginger first became a Dragoon.

What a relief to see someone other than a godsdamned birdman! I thought I could finish my work whilst the Ixal were away, but they returned far quicker than I anticipated. It was all I could do to hide and hope they might leave again before I froze to--
Wait, who are you!? You are not one of our knights! A man of House Durendaire cannot be seen in the company of an unbeliever! Good day, madam!

He got Trachtoum's personal portrait for a reason as you can see.

We gotta climb all the way back up the tower to the top floor again.

Thankfully mounts are allowed in these towers. So Ginger can rev her motorcycle up the stairs. Surely that won't leave her in a wreck at the bottom of the nearest landing!

The arrogant fool returned not long before you arrived, muttering about the disgrace of having been rescued by an unbeliever. Serves him right for underestimating the dangers our knights face every day. Ah, but you are eager to locate your airship. It may surprise you that by saving him, you have already aided your own cause.
House Durendaire is quick to regard outsiders with suspicion, as it is their duty to sound the alarm at the first sign of Dravanian aggression. Yet you have already aided them twice, for which they are honor-bound to repay you. Even so, they will not grant you access to the Observatorium's records. That is just as well, for there are other ways you might locate your missing airship.
What I propose is that you petition Lord Portelaine for an official introduction to the other High Houses. The word of House Durendaire carries tremendous weight in Ishgard. Should the captain consent, you would have little trouble obtaining information from the other High Houses.

Back down we go...

I've been playing this game since 2014ish and I only just now learned that you can land on these lights. Neat!

The Captain's office is next to the guy we talked to when we first got here. The Observatorium is pretty compact!

You've caused quite a stir in your short time here. First you slay two heretics and save a knight, and now I hear you have rescued a man of our house. I imagine you must desire something for your troubles.
An introduction to the other High Houses? I cannot deny that you have given us no cause to distrust you. But while you have performed two acts, you would have me endorse you to three High Houses. It is only fitting that you aid us one final time, wouldn't you agree?

At least he's being honest about wanting extra work out of Ginger.

Thankfully this isn't a repeat of the Titan arc. No, these quests all have a point and aren't empty faffing about.

Now, now, I understand you are very eager to find your missing airship. Worry not, for this task should take a woman of your skills but a moment to complete. Not long ago, a porter bound for Skyfire Locks was ambushed on the road due west of here. Though he escaped with his life, he would very much like his wares as well. On the off chance any portion of his shipment remains, I would have you travel to the scene of the robbery and bring back what you find.
Lest you intend to perform only a cursory search, bear in mind that recovering the stolen merchandise will endear you to House Haillenarte, further improving the chances that they indulge your request for aid.

This guy is trying to get Ginger to play Ishgardian politics. It's all backroom back scratching all the way down. She's doing him an extra favor to get his good word. Beyond that, word travels fast in Ishgardian nobility circles.

Just down the road here is the ambush site. It's right where Coerthas turns south to meet the North Shroud.

Anyway, think of this as a minor version of Ginger's entrance to Ul'dah. She's gotta do shit jobs to get known as a Person Who Gets Stuff Done.

More heretics at the third box.

They go down like chumps.

Have you good tidings to share? Or better yet, stolen merchandise to show?

Gods bless ye, friend! It's all here, every last-ah, but wait. That chest over there looks like it might've been pillaged. Bloody hells, that's the personal property of Lord Francel, too...

Are you certain? Clearly an attempt was made to open it, but the lock appears to have held. Nevertheless, if you wish to verify the contents against your shipping manifest, be my guest.

Fury take me, a draconian rosary! In the possession of Lord Francel!? Yet...perhaps this is not so difficult to fathom. House Haillenarte is whispered to be infested with heretics...

Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention, miss. I shall inform the inquisitors immediately. Under these circumstances, I must strongly advise against associating with House Haillenarte. Your other introductions will need to be postponed, as well. It is the duty of every Ishgardian to root out and destroy heretics--all else must wait until this matter is resolved.

The guy behind Portelaine has the next quest.

(Come closer, lass, and listen well. This is for your ears only. Lord Francel is no heretic. He is a goodly, righteous man, wholly dedicated to the cause. I know this because I served House Haillenarte for years prior to the Calamity.)
(You must go to Skyfire Locks and warn him of the coming storm. The inquisitors are ruthless and will spare him no mercy. Speak to him of an edelweiss, and he will know you for a friend. Now, go.)

Skyfire Locks are a series of bunkers between the Observatorium and the town with the aetheryte further up.

Francel is the noble in charge of them.

He's also a kid.

Yes? You look as though you have something to say. Do you?
Is that an edelweiss in your pocket, or are you happy to meet me?

I see Ser Carrilaut has not forgotten my mother's favorite flower. A pity it has not been seen in Coerthas since the Calamity. You may speak freely here, friend.
I got some real bad news...
That's...that's absurd! I would sooner die than become a thrall of the dragons! Alas, it matters little what I say at this point. Although the draconian rosary was not found in my possession, it will still be considered by many to be proof of my "heresy." I must do my utmost to prove my innocence to the inquisitors, for if they harbor even the slightest doubt...

<sigh> This will only add weight to the incessant accusations our house has suffered of late. It's as though the gods themselves are plotting our fall... You risk much by coming here. It is only proper that I recompense you for this deed. Tell me what you desire, and I shall do my best to provide.
I'm looking for...
A missing airship? I see. It may require a prolonged effort to locate your quarry. I shall direct you to one in a better position to assist you. Lord Haurchefant of House Fortemps commands the garrison at Camp Dragonhead. Present to him this letter of introduction, and he will surely be receptive to your needs.

Ginger's starting to get irritated with the constant runarounds again. But at least this time there's better reasons for them.

Out into the blizzard we go, and now up the hill to the north. Camp Dragonhead overlooks most of the area when it's not blanketed by frequent blizzards.

Camp Dragonhead is emblematic of peak 2013 Asshole design. The only aetheryte in the entire zone is here. Coerthas Central Highlands is a fucking gigantic zone. It badly needs a second aetheryte just to speed up travel times.

Let's hope this Haurchefant can help us more than everyone else so far.

Ah, the unmistakable swagger of a well-traveled adventurer. If you are come to pay your respects, be at ease, friend. I am not one to stand on formality. Truth be told, I would gladly welcome many and more brave souls like yourself. But enough chatter--pray tell me why you have come.
Please tell me you can help me...

If there is any justice in this world, these charges will receive no serious consideration. It is beyond inconceivable... Ah, yes. The letter made mention of a pressing matter for which you required assistance. What might that be?

So this Enterprise you speak of was last seen above Coerthas before the Calamity five years ago. I fear it may prove difficult to find any eyewitnesses to these events, for while Ishgard did not participate in the Battle of Carteneau, we were embroiled in our own internal conflicts at the time.
Nevertheless, I will make inquiries on your behalf and share with you my findings in the future. In the meantime, please enjoy the hospitality of Camp Dragonhead. I will see that you are afforded every courtesy as a guest of House Fortemps.

Haurchefant is a total bro. He's a fan favorite character for a reason.

That's enough for now!

NEXT TIME: Ginger's got a backlog of job quests, so let's get to those!