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Hello everyone and welcome back. Today's update is probably gonna be a long one. The end of this arc is in sight and I mean to get us there by hook or by crook.

You the lass responsible for that commotion upstairs? Aye, word travels fast in Whitebrim Front. I gather you still wish to change Lord Drillemont's mind? If there's one thing I've learned about the man in my time here, it's that he listens to and respects the opinions of those under his command. Win over the barracks, and he's sure to take notice. How, you ask? That's easy-serve the poor souls decent fare for a change.
The last few supply shipments contained no meat whatsoever, and the knights are rightfully beginning to complain. I'm thinking we could prepare them steaks using mudpuppy tail meat. 'Twouldn't be a quality meal, 'tis true, but it'd be a damn sight better than nothing. If you've a mind to lend a hand, why not await a lurking mudpuppy in Daniffen Pass? And take this bottle of vinegar; locals say it weakens mudpuppies by clogging their mucous glands, drying their skin.

We just gotta follow the path through a narrow mountain pass.

For quests like this where you have to use an item on the quest mob, they often stay still for about 5 seconds after being summoned to give you time to douse them with the concoction du jour. In this case it's vinegar.

The "use an item to make an enemy weaker" is a staple of MMOs, though it's (at least used to be) a lot more prevalent in WoW where it felt like every third quest had that as the way to weaken an elite mob.

These enemies are often really resistant to clue you in that you need to use an item on them.

It didn't work, did it? Aye, I thought it was an idiotic idea...
Fresh meat ready for the grill!
Oh dear...remind me to never wander near mudpuppy spawning grounds without a bottle of vinegar. Anyroad, this should only take a moment. I'll just need to do this...and this...and voil�! Never seen a man cook steaks that fast, have you? Take these three and distribute them to the hungry knights here and up above.

You there, lass! Don't think I didn't see you and the cook conspiring together! Let me make myself perfectly clear: if you wish to buy my trust with a steak, it would be my pleasure to oblige you!
A steak for you!
Mwahahaha! Yes, yes! I feel invigorated, refreshed-as if I have the strength of ten men, and their wits besides. Aye, I should have no trouble concocting a new reason to refrain from sentry duty.

We ought at least receive a hearty meal before we march off to die in this godsforsaken waste...
And a steak for you!
Is that a fresh-cooked steak!? Halone's blessings be upon you, my friend! Mudpuppy meat or no, it's the most delicious food I've had in a fortnight!

Ever must we train to maintain our skill at arms, yet never are we to receive proper sustenance!?
And a steak for you too!
You are a godssend, my friend! Too few appreciate that House Durendaire must do more than its fair share for the sake of Ishgard.

Giving these poor soldiers the best meal they've had in weeks is probably not what Ginger signed up for. But you know what?

It feels wonderful to see everyone in such high spirits. Amazing what good food can do for morale, eh? Ah, but I've forgotten about the hardworking chirurgeons at the infirmary-so rarely do they take their meals here in the hall. Mind taking this steak to Cenota? She's doubtless so preoccupied with the health of her patients that she's neglected to attend to her own.

It's totally worth it.

You remember where we found the head surgeon last time? Near Cid? The last delivery person is behind them.

Beg your pardon, madam, but I am busy attending to this man. I will be with you in a moment.
Steak delivery for the doc!
Is that...? <sniff> <sniff> Come to think of it, it has been quite a while since I last ate. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a nibble... Oh my, this is fantastic! Thank you so much! I'll eat the rest right away!

The last two removed quests from the arc are located here. Back in the day, Ginger would have had to find a lost letter and then kill some feral crocs. Like before, they were just padding and so they aren't really missed.

Cid has the next quest.

Might I have a word with you, Ginger? It concerns the chirurgeons. After speaking with them earlier, I learned that they lack sufficient alembics for their needs, you see...
So I used some of their broken equipment to craft a more advanced alembic-both as a gesture of goodwill, and as a means to help me recover my memories, since working with my hands kindles familiar feelings. All I require to complete the device are the cores of three ice sprites.
Though commonly used to reduce the temperatures of alchemical mixtures, there is a way to alter their properties so that they draw the cold within rather than radiate it without. It must sound ridiculous to you-impossible, even. Yet somehow I know it will work.

The ice sprites are found north of Whitebrim Front. This quest used to ask you to kill six. Three feels a lot less tedious!

Have you obtained the cores? If so, please show them to me.
These are incredibly cold.

What an amazing device! it truly an alembic, sir? I've never seen its like before.
I too am unsure what to make of this machine. While certainly impressive, I've no idea how to make use of it.
Nevertheless, if it is as effective as he claims, it will be a great boon to the infirmary! Think of the medicines we could create, the lives we could save!
Even so, I wonder...
Ware thee the kindly stranger, bearer of gifts wondrous and strange, for his generosity comes at cost.

Their earnest efforts are but a means to an as-yet-unknown end. Moreover, you should be wary of associating with individuals who have interfered with the questioning of a suspected heretic.
They did what!? Bless you, Inquisitor, for coming along when you did! We almost succumbed to the temptation proffered by these...these unbelievers!

Why does that man detest us so? Is it all because we interrupted Lord Francel's trial? Whatever his reasons, he clearly means to oppose us at every turn...

Like I said last time, he did this to himself. He could have just let us accomplish our goals and we would have been on our way. He'd have been free to accuse Archbishop fucking Thordan VII of heresy for all we'd have cared. But he's going well out of his way to press the asshole button.

Before we can persuade Lord Drillemont to help us, it seems we must convince Inquisitor Guillaime that we are not his enemy. But just how might we go about doing that...?
We know little and less about the good inquisitor, despite him being such a prominent figure in Coerthas. Perhaps we should learn more by speaking with the people of Whitebrim Front. Share your findings with Alphinaud in the square. I'm sure he can formulate a strategy from there.

First guy is downstairs.

Inquisitor Guillaime? Yes, of course, I know of him. Alas, I have not seen him since the day he came to Whitebrim Front, several moons ago. My memory is somewhat muddled, but I recall that a blizzard nearly buried us in snow that day, and I had the ill fortune of being assigned to the night's watch. While the stronghold slept, we walked the walls and patrolled the exterior in a darkness black as pitch.
My route took me outside the eastern gate at one point, where I caught sight of a silhouette illuminated by the light of the city. Thinking it was a wayward traveler, I cried out and gave chase, but slipped and took a terrible fall. When I woke, it was days later in this very bed, where I have lain recuperating from my injuries ever since.
I had tried to rescue him, but in the end Inquisitor Guillaime rescued me, carrying my unconscious body to the gates. I owe him my life, madam, and I hope to one day repay his kindness.

Alboise is someone we talked to last time.

Inquisitor Guillaime? I haven't the foggiest of whom you speak... unbeliever. Aye, we have learned of your deeds at Witchdrop. I will not be party to whatever dastardly schemes you've hatched against the inquisitor! Away with you!

Yes. God forbid Ginger prevent someone innocent from committing suicide. Prick.

Under Inquisitor Guillaime's watchful gaze, unprecedented numbers of heretics have been unmasked and brought to justice. They say he goes days without sleep, so great is his devotion. Blessed are we to have such a goodly, righteous man to protect us.

The Holy See has decreed that the inquisitors are the arbiters of Halone's will. They are to be afforded every courtesy and the utmost respect.

So we've learned literally nothing. Cool. Time to go get yelled at by Alphinaud for running ourselves ragged while he sits around with his thumb up his ass.

... <shiver>
In case you have yet to notice, my attire is ill-suited to this climate. I realized it soon after our arrival, but paid it no mind as I had hoped we might find the Enterprise far faster. Instead, we've wasted far too much time meddling in local affairs. <sigh> Never mind. Our journey is almost at an end. All that remains is to deal with this irksome inquisitor. Cid tells me you have been busy making inquiries, yes?
...Hm. It should come as no surprise that he is held in high regard. Even so, I am beginning to suspect he has other reasons for hindering us now. Let us more closely review the testimonials you obtained, Ginger. Mayhap they will provide insight into Inquisitor Guillaime's motivations.

Ginger leveled up! Normally I don't call attention to it, but the game is making it hard to move past right now, haha.

Something troubles me about that wounded knight's account. He claims he fell chasing a figure in the darkness that he saw outside the eastern gate, yes? But the main road leads to the southwestern gate. Since we've arrived in Whitebrim Front, I've seen no travelers arrive by the eastern gate. Moreover, he said he glimpsed a "silhouette illuminated by the light of the city," which would imply that the inquisitor came from north of the eastern gate, not south.
But it cannot be so-that way lies naught but a deep chasm. Assuming Ser Joellaut is not misremembering, the inquisitor's behavior that night makes absolutely no sense, at least to me. Mayhap retracing his steps will shed light on this mystery.

There's nothing out of the east gate but chasms all around. So it's weird that someone would arrive from Ishgard by that way.

Only way to go is onward and down.

There's a dead dragon down here.

And we gotta kill storm elementals. Sure...?

...well then. Let's see what Alphinaud makes of this.

You found something, didn't you? Well, don't keep me waiting in suspense. Let's see it.
I'd say this is a smoking gun.
Hmmm... Given the contents of this encyclical, I believe you have just made the acquaintance of the real Inquisitor Guillaime. Newly come to Coerthas and murdered on the day of his arrival... Yes, it would have been a simple thing to assume his identity, for even if he were to behave oddly, who would dare question the wisdom of a papal appointment?
Still, while this is incontrovertible proof that the inquisitor is an impostor, we have yet to discern his true identity, or why he has decided to oppose us. We must proceed quickly, Ginger, before he learns that his deception has been discovered!

Since Lord Drillemont has already been turned against us, I fear that this encyclical alone will not serve to convince him of our claims. But what might persuade a man so quick to disregard the endorsements of two High Houses? The cook did say that the lord listens to and respects the opinions of his knights. If a certain knight were to provide testimony that supports our claim...
Yes, mayhap that is the only way left to us. Confront Ser Joellaut with the evidence you discovered and see if it helps him to recall the truth of that night. As a man of faith, he may find it difficult to cope with such a horrifying revelation. Nevertheless, we must do everything within our power to secure the Enterprise.

Alphinaud is a bastard, but he's smart enough to know how to maneuver through politics. If there's one place where I'd trust him to pull his weight it's when it comes to the talky-talky bits. So let's go talk to Corporal Richard "Leeroy" Jenkins that guy what got hurt.

Oh, you have returned. Is there something else you wanted to ask?
Bear with me through this....
The inquisitor is an impostor? Don't be preposterous, that could not possibly be true! He is a paragon of virtue, a dedicated servant of the Fury! You would have me believe that is all a lie!?
If you are so certain that your ludicrous story is true, then go and speak with Ser Prunilla! She was at the eastern gate that night, and she helped the inquisitor carry me here. But I will never speak against the man who saved my life!

Prunilla is on watch in the courtyard.

You! I...I do not believe I know you, madam. Pray move along and trouble me no more.
Does THIS change your mind?
Are you in the habit of handing bloody documents to strangers? Why would you show me such a dreadful thing? I know naught of it, naught at all!
*flat stare right at Prunilla*
You know, don't you? Fury take me, I prayed this day would come...
When Ser Joellaut gave chase, I followed close behind. He didn't fall-one of those Dravanian abominations lashed out at him, nearly killed him right then and there. I drew my sword and rushed to his side, straining to see the enemy. But what came from the dark was not a beast, but a voice. He...he knew things about me, about my family. Secrets I had never told another. He said that if I kept his confidence, Ser Joellaut and I would be spared. But, if I defied him...everyone I loved would suffer unimaginable horrors before they died.
When at last I agreed to his terms, the man came forward. His robes marked him as an inquisitor, but I knew him to be false. Together, we carried Ser Joellaut to the infirmary, and on his first night in Whitebrim Front "Inquisitor Guillaime" was heralded as a hero...
Soon after came the accusations-countless men and women of good moral standing, seized whilst in possession of draconian rosaries. As I feared, he was condemning the innocent to death. I wanted to confess to Lord Drillemont, wanted to put an end to the madness-but then I would remember the inquisitor's threats. And so I did nothing...until Lord Francel was accused.
Some time ago, I followed the inquisitor and found that he kept draconian rosaries in a chest hidden southeast of Whitebrim Front. So, I took several from his chest and planted them in shipments bound for Skyfire Locks. As I hoped, they were discovered and considered evidence of a conspiracy against House Haillenarte, thus exonerating Lord Francel and casting doubt on the other recent trials. And that is the entire truth, I swear. Halone forgive me for not acting sooner...

It's only thanks to Prunilla that we were able to save Francel. But it should never have come to this in the first place.

Hidden in the rocks near Whitebrim Front is...

...a chest full of draconic rosaries.

This false inquisitor is an idiot. Prunilla should have been among the first people accused of heresy just to cover his damn tracks. She knew the truth about him, and it's thanks to her that he is finally gonna be exposed.

Why do you persist in this folly? I will not grant you three access to the Stone Vigil. Do not make me repeat myself.
The inquisitor was murdered and replaced by a heretic. Check it out.
There had better be a very good explanation for why you were carrying these rosaries. And where did you find this papal encyclical?
Fury take me, the inquisitor is a heretic!? Never before have I heard such an unbelievable tale...but this evidence and your testimony could have no other explanation... I have misjudged you and your friends, Ginger, and for that I deeply apologize. I will permit you to enter the outpost-but first, I must needs beg your assistance. Help me and my knights bring this infernal impostor to justice!

Drillemont is at least willing to acknowledge that he was wrong. That's better than some can claim.

That thrice-damned heretic has murdered countless innocents, and made a mockery of our laws! Hells take him and his Dravanian allies! I am told he makes for Snowcloak even now, intending to pass judgment upon yet another poor soul whom he has branded heretic. If we hurry, there may still be time to prevent further tragedy. Lend me your strength, Ginger! Together, let us put an end to this impostor's heresy once and for all!

Snowcloak is in the far west part of the zone. There's a little cul-de-sac here at the edge of a huge fucking glacier blocking the path into Dravania. This froze over during the Calamity and doesn't appear it's ever going to thaw. We will be back here much, much, much later in the postgame MSQ. That will be many months from now.

Good to have you with us, miss. When Lord Drillemont arrives, we are to confront the inquisitor. If he refuses to go quietly, we will need to use force. Are you prepared for that eventuality?

You needn't tremble so, my child. The righteous shall enjoy everlasting peace in Halone's halls. Only the wicked-
But why!? Why must I die!? By all that is holy, I swear to you that I have never questioned the teachings of Halone!


My connection isn't spotty. Streaming stuff from youtube doesn't even stutter when these disconnects happen. It just happens. And it's really annoying.

My lord Drillemont-what is the meaning of this interruption? You are aware that I am at present conducting an interrogation, are you not?
Silence, villain! I name thee heretic, murderer of Inquisitor Guillaime and countless innocents! You are a traitor to Ishgard, to your own kith and kin! Your sins are beyond measure-beyond redemption!

Veronica gets the hell out of dodge.

Ah...grave allegations indeed. But you will find your logic is flawed. How can I betray that which I owe no allegiance? No, Lord Drillemont-my conscience is quite clear, I assure you.
I wonder...can you say the same? You whose hands are black with the blood of those whose only sin was to question your nation's crazed crusade! You speak to me of Ishgardian innocents? Hah! All are complicit in these crimes, for all live their lives by the archbishop's lies.

"We're not so different you and I. I kill innocent people and you're guilty of killing dragons." REALLY MAKES YOU THINK HUH?

No. No it doesn't. Two wrongs don't make a fucking right.

Show the heretic no mercy! He must pay for the innocent blood he has spilled!
Ignorant swine! Soon you will know the futility of your faith!

Dragonkin and wild beasts pour out of Snowcloak to attack us.

They go down quickly and so does Billy.

Do you see, heretic? You and your allies are no match for the might of Ishgard!
How wrong you are, Ishgardian! I have been blessed with power far beyond your ken! Come, my brothers-grant me the strength to smite our enemies!

Billiam turns into a dragon.!
Stand your ground-'tis but an illusion!
A dragon stands before you, yet still you do not flee!?
Your magicks have no power over me, heretic!

Evil Overlord List posted:

34: I will not turn into a snake dragon. It never helps.

No, NO! It cannot be!

Your plans lie in ruin, heretic. Choose your words wisely, for they will be your last.

<cough> <wheeze> Hah hah... You may not recall the many Ishgardians I have sentenced, but the families of the dead will never forget. Blood has been repaid with blood, and for that I am content. only regret is that you yet live... But your end is nigh, foreigner. The dragons within the Stone Vigil will rend you asunder. And when you are dead, Whitebrim Front shall fall...

I'm not sure this dipshit was even smart enough to realize that you can't accuse an outsider of heresy. I said it before, but one can't be heretical against a faith they don't actually believe in.

Defiant to the last. Leave the body for the crows-his ilk deserves naught better. Ginger, I must apologize for involving you in this sordid business. You should never have been asked to intervene in Ishgardian affairs of state.

Rest assured, I have not forgotten the matter which first brought you into our midst. It is past time that you were reunited with your airship. But this is not the place to discuss such matters. Pray visit me at Whitebrim Front-and bring your associates.

Where have you been, Ginger?
Are you fucking serious right now?
...Hm? The false inquisitor has been slain, has he? Yes, well, his was a tale always like to end in bloodshed. Though you have overcome the latest in a long line of unfortunate impediments, I would ask you not to revel in your victory just yet. We can celebrate once we have secured the Enterprise!

Alphinaud is a very smart teenager. A smart teenager who grew up hearing all about how much potential he has and just how smart he actually is. He also grew up in an environment of pure academia. Those preconceptions you just got about him from that statement? They're 100% correct. And he's gonna get so much worse before the end of this LP.

One day I'd like to see ARR-era Alphinaud and Neil deGrasse Tyson get into a :actually: off.

In Pursuit of the Past is the last quest of the arc. I was tempted to split the upcoming dungeon off into its own update, but it would be pretty short. The arc ends kinda abruptly once it's over.

I see now that I was a fool to dismiss your claims out of hand... But you must understand, it seemed too much to hope that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn still lived, to say nothing of Master Garlond! Never have I been happier to be proven wrong.
Well, it is gratifying to know that someone has derived a measure of enjoyment from your error. Now, if you have no further objections, we would appreciate it if you would permit us to enter the Stone Vigil and retrieve our airship.
Yes! Yes, of course. It is the very least I can do, given all that you have done for us. But entering the outpost is the least of your concerns, I fear...
You speak of the Dravanians that now hold the ruin.

...In part, yes. I should explain: shortly after you first arrived, I had my men scour the old records. They confirmed that an abandoned airship had been seized by the soldiers garrisoned at the Stone Vigil in the days following the Calamity. As far as we have been able to ascertain, it was still in their custody when the outpost was overrun by the dragons. Whether it was damaged or destroyed during the battle, I cannot say, nor can I give you any assurances that it has not been removed in the intervening years.
For far too long, the ruin has served as a Dravanian foothold in Coerthas, from which they have struck out at us with depressing regularity. Though we have pushed them back behind the walls, we have as yet been unable to drive them out, and I cannot say when the situation will change.
Or how it will change. Forgive me, Lord Drillemont, but there is no guarantee that you will prevail. In any event, we have not the time to wait. We will secure our property without Ishgardian aid.
I see. Well, that may be for the best. I will inform Ser Nathelain of your impending visit. May Halone guide you, Scions.

Lord Drillemont strikes me as a good dude. He's a noble, yes, but he's perfectly willing to admit his own wrongdoing and even did some investigating of his own to ensure that the ship we're looking for is still in his possession. Alphinaud is a dick, but it's understandable as well because this was so much more complicated than it should have ever been.

Stone Vigil is also interesting because it's the last mandatory dungeon in the MSQ. We still have to face Garuda, but that's more of a trial than anything. Don't worry, there's still two small pieces of hell waiting for us in the future and christ how I am not looking forward to either of them.

I have in the past actually spent like 8 hours grinding Stone Vigil with a specific group of NPCs to grind up a tank job to level 50. This was when I still had bad tanxiety. NPCs can't judge you!

Cold Salvation

There's not a lot to say about the trash pulls. The dungeon is incredibly linear and only has optional rooms off to the side for optional treasure. Though occasionally a wyvern will bathe the party in fire for a medium amount of damage.

This first large room can be a problem if the tank isn't very sturdy. There's a lot of enemies in here and most tanks will take it in two pulls to keep from overwhelming their healer.

The first boss is just down the hall.

Chudo-Yudo is a monster of a dragonkin. He breathes fire that really hurts if you're caught by it. Typically the tank should be the only one hit by it but this fight gets kinda chaotic...

Swinge is a move that will fuck up anyone hit by it. It hits like a runaway freight train, and on top of that, it silences and pacifies anyone hit by it. And it's a nearly 180 degree cleave in front of him. So the second you see him casting, you have to get the heck out of dodge!

Later on in the fight he starts doing Swinge more frequently one after the other, but as long as you keep moving it's not a problem. Don't be the greedy black mage who wants to get in one more cast!

After the first boss if you go right you can get some extra treasure chests. Literally nobody goes there. If you want them, you'll have to come in with either squadron NPCs or with a high level friend who can blow stuff apart with one hit.

The asshole wyvern is still here too. But at the bottom of these stairs is another great opportunity for a wipe.

This large room has several powerful dragons plus one patrolling. I've seen tanks get the enemies at the bottom of the stairs, plus the patrol, plus the room enemies. That gets a tad spicy!

The only thing to watch out for on the way to the second boss is a group of ice sprites that appear from a broken window. They hit pretty hard because it's all magic damage.

The second boss is that asshole wyvern that's been buzzing you for the whole dungeon. He's really easy.

A good tank would pull the boss all the way to the door and face him outward, which gives the party plenty of room to spread out. This guy is tanking him up next to the cannons for some reason.

Do you see the dragon in the background behind one of the cannons? That's a mechanic in the fight. You need to use the cannon in front of him to shoot the dragon to make him go away.

If you don't he casts groupwide ice blasts that moderately hurt and interrupt channeled effects... like using the cannon.

The boss also spawns tornadoes occasionally. Just don't stand in them. These tornadoes will frequently sit in front of cannons, which makes nudging the other dragon away that much more difficult. It's a pretty easy boss and it's one of the first personal responsibility mechanics we've seen in the LP. Usually the healer will be the one using the cannon, though I've seen ranged DPS camp out up there for the privilege as well.

After the second boss there's more corridors. It's more of the same so let's cut ahead...

The boss is out this gate. But first a cutscene!

Look! It's the Enterprise!
Yes...just beyond that enormous sleeping dragon.

This is the same dragon that Orokin shot with cannons just moments ago. He's understandably tired after being pelted with cannonballs for 3 minutes.

The dragon is not our concern. We have come for the airship, and only the airship. Cid-you and I will sneak aboard the Enterprise and prepare it for launch. Ginger-you stay here and keep an eye on the beast. If it wakes, we may need you to provide a distraction until we are ready to depart. You can manage that, can't you? That settles it, then. Shall we, Cid?
As you command...

Asshole. "You be a distraction while the important people do the work."

Ginger's sporting a haubergon similar to Haurchefant's.

Naturally we can't have a MSQ dungeon withou Lahabrea feeling left out.

...So you mean to slay Garuda next? Interesting. Most interesting.

And you are aware that her strength greatly exceeds that of your previous primal conquests? ...A testament to the fanatical devotion of her followers. The Ixal are nothing if not zealous. In spite of your past achievements, I labor to believe that you will best this foe. Yet only a fool would underestimate the great Bringer of Light, slayer of Ifrit, bane of Titan...
If any mortal is capable of defeating the Lady of the Vortex, it is you. Win or lose, the battle should at least make for an entertaining spectacle. ...Assuming, of course, you live that long.

Lahabrea wakes up the sleeping dragon and sics it on us.

Alphinaud! The dragon!
Confound it all!

Let us see how well your blasphemous gifts serve you this time, crystal bearer!

Isgebind is another easy fight. There aren't that many mechanics and most of them are variations on "don't stand in the Bad."

A short ways into the fight, he lifts up off the ground and disappears.

And then a full third of the arena glows bright blue.

A few seocnds later, Isgebind strafes it with his ice breath.

The first mechanic we have to worry about is Sheet of Ice which just puts a puddle of bad under the targeted person.

Rime Werath is just groupwide damage. I'm more showing you the puddle behind the dragon.

Eventually the boss takes off and drops two puddles under everyone in the group.

There's different schools of thought for this. Some say "huddle in the middle" and others say "spread to the outsides" and both are right. I think we messed up slightly...

The boss then strafes the arena twice in two different spots.

And then he goes down like a sack of potatoes because that's as nasty as he gets... some easily dodgeable AOEs.

And that's it! We got the Enterprise.

I spy with my little eye...

That's five! Just one more to go. ...Though admittedly I'm not entirely sure why we're collecting crystal macguffins.

Twelve be praised, I feared the beast had injured you. I see now why the others rated you so highly. When you were caught in the midst of that aetheric bubble with the dragon, I was all but certain my next mission would be to find a new champion.
Thank the gods for sparing me that inconvenience. I have quite enough to do already. Which reminds me-Cid is working on the Enterprise as we speak. Let us go and see what he has to say.

Not "oh thank god you're okay I was worried." No. While Alphinaud was indeed worried, he was more concerned that he'd have to find more dumb muscle instead.

What say you, Cid? Will she fly?
Yes...though it will not be a pleasant ride.
Well, I daresay it will be no more unpleasant than staying here. 'Tis a pity the Enterprise is not in a better state, but if she will allow us to quit this place, I shall not complain.
If all are in agreement, let us return to Gridania. Though I would like nothing more than to set course for the Howling Eye, it is plain the Enterprise is in no condition to weather the storm. She must needs be repaired if we are to proceed with our mission.

This is all so familiar. I...I know this airship. If I could just...
Bah, it's no use.

...Let's go.

And off we go! Whooo!

And we're dumped off unceremonioiusly at Gridania's airship dock.

Ah, how I have longed for the more agreeable climate of the Twelveswood. Yet I will not deny the Holy See had its charms. Endless detours aside, our Ishgardian jaunt proved quite an adventure! Alas, our work is far from done. We still have an airship to repair and a primal to slay. No rest for the heroic, eh?

This was a long one, but we're done now! And that concludes the Coerthas arc. Coming up is an arc that a lot of people hate, but after the 5.3 changes it's so breezy that it barely registers as anything. And with the LP now swiftly approaching the end of 2.0, there's some changes that I want to announce.

I mentioned in the thread a few weeks ago that I'm going to be taking a single job (and you all voted for MNK) to the endgame. That means that until we beat 2.0, there will be no more class quest updates. I'll still do MNK job coverage because that's what I'm playing.

The reason why I'm suspending class quests is that each one takes me 5-7 hours of offscreen grinding to take from 1-30. So far I've been doing a new class between each major arc, but the arcs coming up are really fucking short. Two of them combined are less than 30 quests, and the one after that is five quests.

So if I kept up the pace as before, it would be two updates of MSQ, then three updates of class quests, followed by two more updates of MSQ, and then three more... well you get the picture. There's four classes left for Ginger to take to 30, and then plan is to do one for each major patch. So the next class coverage will come after the end of 2.0. Then 2.1, then 2.2, and then finally 2.3 for the final.

Jobs will come sporadically in the postgame coverage. We'll have everything covered before the LP hits 2.55!

NEXT TIME: The arc that everyone says is worse than Titan