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Hello everyone and welcome back! This next arc we're about to get into is pretty short. It's like 14 quests long, with none removed. This is also the penultimate arc in FFXIV 2.0. After this is the endgame!

It is past time that we return to the Waking Sands. To leave our headquarters in disrepair any longer would be to dishonor the memory of those who fell there. We have been brought to our knees, but we will rest, rebuild, and rise once more.

I have never met a single person who likes this dungeon. Ginger can queue for it now and ugh. We'll be covering this in the future. I do not look forward to telling you all all about Piss Vale.

This lady also has a quest, which will unlock a level 50 dungeon. We'll do that in the not-too-distant future, once we finish clearing 2.0.

I... I had no idea, Ginger. I can only imagine how you felt when you returned that day...

Tell me, Ginger...does aught here strike you as odd? I see signs of recent habitation. Could it be that we have trespassers? Hm. Mayhap it is just my imagination. Come, let us proceed into the solar.

This cutscene is very dark, so just bear with me.


Someone is standing at the desk.

Who goes there!?

Now, now, Yda-is that any way to greet a friend?
Alphinaud! Ginger!

Cid!? Wait, is this a dream?
Not that I'm aware of! It's been a while, Yda.

I...I don't believe it... I was sure you'd been-
This place has seen better days. know, I wasn't actually here when... I-I was still in talks at the Adders' Nest... The first I knew about it was when I came back, and...and I saw...
The church had taken care of the bodies, but that still left...the stains... I-It was hard to know where to start... If Y'shtola hadn't been here to help me-
Y'shtola is here too?
Yes. But she's not here right now. She's gone to Ul'dah to meet a man who might know what happened to the others. Papalymo and Minfilia weren't among the dead, according to the church. Y'shtola thinks they were taken somewhere.

Upon the orders of the Black Wolf, no doubt.
...Why would he want them?
Because they possess something he desires: knowledge of another power that can be brought to bear against the primals-one that Gaius has yet to harness... The Echo. Gaius will be aware of its existence, as well as the immunity it grants the gifted to the primals' influence. Powerful though his Allagan weapon may be, he would doubtless desire such protection. He means to use Minfilia to gain an understanding of the Echo.
...None of which explains how the Empire came to know the location of the Waking Sands in the first place... No matter. The Empire has shown its hand, and now we must act. It is up to us to rebuild the Scions and save Eorzea. Can I count on you, Yda?

What? Oh, yes-yes, of course! Whatever you need!
We can discuss our next move upon Y'shtola's return. For now, I say we rest.

Everyone's napping.

Hear... Feel... Think...

Bringer of Light...

Brave gatherer of the Crystals...thy soul burneth bright!

I am Hydaelyn. All made one. Hearken unto me now, for the Darkness doth begin to spread.

Ware thee the bearer of the Crimson Brand, for he is the Avatar of Shadow, whom death attendeth always. The Crystals shall be thy salvation-thy blade and shield both.

Steel thyself, for at the appointed hour... Thou shalt stare into the Heart of Darkness. Go with caution, my child, but fear not-for I am ever with thee.

Ginger is awakened by someone rushing into the Waking Sands.


Ginger. I see you and Alphinaud are safe. And...and Cid.

That we five should meet each other thus defies simple explanation. It is as if the benevolent hand of Master Louisoix guides us still. He would not see us undone so easily. Not now, when the need is so great.

I know where Minfilia and the others are being held.
An imperial stronghold in the heart of Mor Dhona-Castrum Centri.

Gaius may have called it a weapon of ancient Allag, but I saw extensive magitek modifications...

Ancient Allag is one of the previous civilizations that got wiped out by a prior Calamity. The Allagans were super advanced and a lot of stuff that goes wrong in the XIV world is because of them. Dalamud, the Lesser Moon, was an Allagan creation.

An imperial castrum... 'Twas to be expected, I suppose.
All right, let's do this. Let's go and rescue Minfilia and the others!

The rescue of our allies will be no small undertaking, Ginger. Even under normal circumstances, breaching the defenses of an imperial castrum would be a highly dangerous proposition. But now that Castrum Centri houses prisoners whom the Garleans deem valuable, we may be confident that they have taken additional measures to ensure the stronghold's security.
If we are to free our friends, we will require an effective strategy. And if we are to formulate an effective strategy, we will require intelligence. I believe I know a man who may be able to assist us in this: Lord Portelaine of House Durendaire. He is stationed at the Observatorium in Coerthas. Let us go to him, and beseech his aid.

Portelaine technically owes us one. We did him three good turns and he couldn't be assed to do anything afterwards.

Feels like we were just here.

Ah, Ginger-the woman who unmasked the heretic in our midst! To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?
You are an associate of Y'shtola? But of course. Lord Drillemont confided to me that you were a Scion of the Seventh Dawn...

Castrum Centri? What interest have you all in the imperials?

They hold several of our number-whom we intend to free. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I see. That might explain our scouts' reports... They observed four prisoners being led into the castrum: a Hyuran woman, an Elezen man, and two Lalafells-one male, one female.
It's them! It has to be! Minfilia, Urianger, Papalymo, and Tataru!
If that scant morsel is of use to you, you may also be interested to hear about a more recent incident.
An imperial airship made an emergency landing here in Coerthas not long ago. Two men believed to be prisoners-a Roegadyn and a Lalafell-were seen fleeing the craft.
What did you say?
A Roegadyn and a Lalafell, Master Garlond. Neither wore imperial dress, and both seemed disinclined to wait for rescue, hence our assumption that they were prisoners.

Well, I'll be's Biggs and Wedge! Trust those two rascals to escape... We must find them, Ginger, and soon! The imperials will not rest until they are captured or killed, and if Biggs were given the choice, I fear he'd take the latter.
Freeing those held in Castrum Centri will require substantial planning and preparation. As such, it is an endeavor that will admit some slight delay. The matter of the escapees, by contrast, will not. Shortly after the prisoners vacated the airship, our scouts observed imperial troops setting off in pursuit. It is likely only a matter of time before they catch them. If you wish to see your comrades again, you had best act now.
If, as has been suggested, the Garleans took our fellow Scions prisoner in hopes of understanding the Echo, it seems reasonable to assume that they will not be executed until such time as the study is complete. But Biggs and Wedge are not Scions, nor do they know aught of the Echo. As Lord Portelaine said, this may prove our only chance to rescue them. I say we seize it.
Thank you, everyone! You won't regret this.

A sight that many a player knows well by heart.

Final preparations are almost complete, my lord. There stands the culmination of five long years of painstaking work. But all our efforts will be vindicated when the Emperor's vision becomes reality.
At last, we have the power to purge this land of its false gods. We shall give the ignorant children of Eorzea the security and stability they so desperately crave-and which their spineless leaders have so palpably failed to provide.
As you say, my lord. Rest assured, our engineers will not rest until the weapon is fully armed and operational.

Nero leaves.

Rhitahtyn. You depart for Castrum Occidens at midnight. You will command the western front in Vylbrand. The Eorzeans will attempt to interfere with our plans. You will see that they do not.
My lord, if this be your will, I shall carry it out to the best of my ability. I live only to serve the Empire. Yet...forgive my impudence, but is it proper to give command of half our forces to a-

I have given you nothing, Praefectus. You have earned it. That will be all. Dismissed.
Yes, my lord!

...My quarters, one hour.

I was going to say that Gaius at least doesn't care that those under him aren't Garlean, and then he goes and tells Livia that.

If you couldn't tell from the past couple of updates, we've reached the point in a Final Fantasy game where it's a lot of cutscenes going on. This will be a constant through to the end of the LP.

My purpose here is to reconnoiter Garlean activity along Abalathia's Spine. Owing to this, I have the honor of being acquainted with Y'shtola. Now, the report of the imperial airship's emergency landing came to us by way of Dzemael Darkhold, situated to the west.
Our man stationed at the entrance, a knight named Bricelt, may be able to tell you more. So as to expedite your mission, I shall furnish you with a letter of introduction. I pray that you will soon be reunited with your comrades. May the Fury grant you strength.

You stand before Dzemael Darkhold, the subterranean fortress excavated by the great Ishgardian house of the same name. None but authorized personnel may enter.
I have a letter for you.
A letter from Lord Portelaine? ...So you have come about the imperial airship. According to our scouts, the vessel had scarce touched the ground when a pair of men-captives, by all accounts-burst forth and bolted. Imperial soldiers have since been sighted in the area, seeking to recapture them.
Oh boy.
What? The captives are like to be your friends, you say? Then let us pray that they are yet a step ahead of their pursuers... The emergency landing reportedly took place near the Aurum Vale, situated south and west of here. I suggest you take your search there. Seek out a knight named Pierremons-he should be able to assist you.

Way over in the southwest part of the zone is the entrance to the Aurum Vale, that dungeon I lamented having to do earlier.

...The imperial airship? Aye, I saw it approach to land with mine own two eyes. I hastened to the landing site, arriving just in time to see the vessel take to the skies again, but not before it had deployed a detachment of troops. Gruff orders were being barked, and there was an air of consternation about them.

There were prisoners aboard the airship, it seems, and they seized the opportunity to flee when the vessel was forced to land. The Garleans who were deployed formed search parties and proceeded to scour the wilderness. In order to alert our forces, I returned to my post...
...To find evidence that someone had been here in my absence. Whoever they were, they tried the door to no avail, and decided to go elsewhere. In all, I marked two sets of footprints-one large and one small. If you search the area, mayhap you will be able to follow the prints to their owners.

There's several sets of footprints, five in total. They eventually lead over here to this bridge.


Brrr... So...c-c-cold... I w-w-want to go home...

Uwaaaaaah! P-Please don't eat me! I'm not nearly as succulent as I look! It's all skin and bones underneath, I swear!

<gasp> Ginger, it's you! Thank goodness you're here! It's's been awful! The Garleans were snapping at our heels like a hungry pack of wolves! I was so hells-bent on evading them, I almost ran headlong into a monster's gaping maw...thrice! And when I finally found cover, it hit me how cold and hungry I was!
Where's your partner?
B-Biggs? He...he isn't here. He went off in a different direction to lure our pursuers away.

*ring ring*
It's me, Cid. Have you had any success?
...Tracked down Wedge!? That's wonderful news! Now, what of Biggs?
...I see. Well, it hardly surprises me that the big fellow went off as he did. For all the tongue-lashings he gives Wedge, he's always taken care of him. I've scoured the area surrounding the Darkhold, but have nothing to show for it. At any rate, we know for a fact that Biggs headed west. With both Yda and Y'shtola helping out, I'm sure he'll turn up soon.
Now then, I'll make my way over to your position while keeping an eye out for Biggs. If memory serves, there should be an Ishgardian fortification not far to your west-Monument Tower, I believe it's called. Let us meet there.

Dare I hope...? Was that...Master Garlond you spoke with!?
<sniff> After five long years... <sob> Thank goodness he's alive... I'm feeling better now, Ginger! Let's go to Monument Tower and wait for the chief to arrive!

Monument Tower is way over in the far west part of the zone. I actually hate that there's a blizzard on right now, because in clear weather you can actually see an imperial castrum way off in the distance on the mountains.

Well met and welcome, adventurer. What brings you to this frozen corner of the realm?
Can we borrow your bonfire?

Oh? It would seem your companion has caught a chill. Come and warm yourself by the fire. I will bring you a hot broth.

How are we feeling now, then? Stay here as long as you need. The same goes for you, friend. 'Tis plain you have a hard journey ahead of you. You must find rest when you can.

We're moving along at a decent clip!

I'm fine now, thanks to you, but I can't bear to think that Biggs is still all alone in the cold, with Garleans on his heels. He lured the enemy away for my sake, and now he's suffering for it. I hate to have to rely on you again, Ginger, but do you think you could search for Biggs?
I haven't the slightest notion where he might be at the moment, but maybe-just maybe-the people here have seen something.

We need to talk to Abelie over here.

A Roegadyn gentleman dressed in the same manner as your companion? I'm sorry, but he did not come by here. Hmmm, let me think a moment... I would not raise your hopes unduly, but there is a cave situated a short distance to the south. We call it the Fury's Gaze, and it may be worth the while to investigate.
I make this suggestion only because your friend seems like a selfless sort. Rather than drawing the enemy to this tower, mayhap he elected to pass us by.

Down south-ish of the tower is a small cavern.

All we find in it are revenants. So that's a bust.

Ginger! Were you able to learn anything!?
*shakes her head*
...Not in this area? Well, that stands to reason, I suppose, seeing as he was trying to lure the Garleans away from me. But where within this vast sea of snow and ice could he be?

We can't give up, Ginger! We must find Biggs before he succumbs to the cold or is recaptured! There must be someone in this tower who can help us, even if it's only to tell us where else to look! Ask them for me! Ask anyone who'll listen! And hurry! Biggs's chances of survival grow slimmer by the moment!

We need to climb all the way to the top of the tower.

Your friend is lost in the wilderness, you say? If he's not to be found around here or in the vicinity of the Darkhold, it is possible he made for Whitebrim. To reach it, one must travel through Daniffen Pass, the southern end of which lies to the north and east of here.
While I make no guarantee that your search will bear fruit, it is surely better than worrying in idleness. I wish you luck. ...Oh, and one more thing. Do tread warily when climbing the stairs here. Not a moon ago, I near broke my neck when I slipped and took a tumble.

North of the tower is a duty marker with Yda and Y'shtola. The cave nearby is actually the same cave where Ginger fought a mud puppy about 10 updates back.

Ginger! We've found Biggs, but he's in trouble!

Our orders are to take you back, dead or alive! Which will it be, Engineer?
Why don't you come and find out, tin-head!?

Ah, Ginger, it is well that you are here. The situation is grave.
Biggs is in a bad way! We need to do something, right now!
Yda has the right of it. He will perish if we delay. With me!

All alone and back to the wall, and who should appear but the Scions and Ginger!

He's not alone! Kill them all!

H-How did you know where to find me?
Hold your ground! Reinforcements are coming!
The more the merrier! I'll pound you all into the next Umbral Era!
Yda! Less provoking and more pummeling, if you would be so kind!
Vanguards, destroy them!

Ginger! Stay close to Biggs!

It's a big brawl, but it doesn't take all that long.

Ack! How many of them are there!?
...More than are conducive to merriment. Next time, Yda, have a care what you wish for.
This is the last of them!

They were really going all out to capture Biggs.

<pant> M-My thanks... <pant> Another m-moment, and...I-I would have... <grunt>

He has been too long in the cold. We must find shelter for him.
The big tower south of here. Trust me.
...Monument Tower, you say? Very well, Yda and I shall bear him there with all haste.
Cid will be so happy to see Biggs and Wedge again! Awww, I love reunions!

I cannot thank you enough, Ginger-and the same goes for the rest of you! Thank you all so much!
Oh, don't mention it!
We are a family, are we not?
Well...well, yes. It's just- <sniff> It's just, I didn't think- <sniff> I didn't think I'd ever see him again. <sob>

I owe the lot of you my life. And you saved Wedge's too, Ginger. I'm losing count of how many I owe you.

Sound of a door opening.

Biggs! Wedge! Gods, it's good to see the two of you again!

Chief! It's you! It's really you!
In our hearts, we knew you were still alive... But to finally see you in the flesh... <sniff>
When Alphinaud told me of the raid on the Waking Sands, I feared the worst. What happened?
The enemy struck with nary a warning. We didn't stand a chance. Wedge and I were in the workshop when they came. Before we knew what was happening, the imperials had us at gunpoint.

It must have been awful... There's one thing I don't understand, though: how did the Garleans get there so fast? I mean, the Immortal Flames should have seen them coming, right?
I myself have asked the same question. That day, when I returned to the carnage at the Waking Sands, I noted naught amiss in Horizon-nothing at all to suggest the passing of an imperial force. From this, I conclude that the Garleans came neither by land nor by air. Nay, they were borne there by potent teleportation magicks-magicks of the kind used by the Ascians.
Carry on.
We were bound and blindfolded, and bundled into the cargo bay of a waiting airship. I can't rightly say how long we were aboard, but when the time came for us to disembark, we found ourselves in the midst of an imperial stronghold-Castrum Centri.
Upon arrival, we were marched off into the main complex. Biggs and I were thrown into a detainment cell together, while Minfilia and the others were taken elsewhere. That was the last we heard from them.

Castrum Centri...

Well that's confirmation if there ever was some.

What happened next?
Well, we were held in isolation for what felt like years, but was probably moons...or maybe only weeks. And then, without warning, the imperials collected the pair of us, and put us on another vessel, which we found out was bound for Garlemald, much to our dread. We knew that if we were taken back there, we weren't like to leave again.
So, risky though it was, we sabotaged the ship's altitude control and thereby forced an emergency landing. And in the midst of the ensuing chaos, we managed to slip our captors. The rest, as they say, is history.

Hah! If I didn't know better, I'd call that a likely story! Sabotaging the altitude controls of an airborne vessel!? That will have been Biggs's handiwork, like as not. You always were resourceful in a tight spot, my friend!

Ginger-thank you for returning my dear assistants to me. It would seem I owe you yet another debt of gratitude. There are still many questions in my mind, but the answers can wait-Minfilia and the others still want for rescue. All right, you lot-Garlond Ironworks is back in business! Let's go and give the imperials what for!

That's enough of that for now.

NEXT TIME: Into Mor Dhona!