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Hello everyone and welcome back. We have a lot to get done today, so let's not waste any time.

Good work gettin' them imperial duds. You'll be pleased to hear I ain't been idle myself. It took me long enough, but I've finally hatched a plan to get us a suit o' magitek armor. Now, from what I've seen, Castrum Centri deploys a reaper for most of its patrols. Trouble is, the patrols 'emselves are irregular-meanin' random routes an' random deployments-an' hardly any of 'em come anywhere near Revenant's Toll.
So, hopin' to coax the imperials out o' their shells, I took the liberty o' feedin' 'em a bit o' the old false intelligence-told 'em insurgents had designs on their stronghold. 'Tain't far from the truth, now I come to think of it. Anyroad, we should start seein' more patrols than we have up till now. What you need to do is approach one o' these patrols, dressed up in your shiny tin suit, an' alert 'em to the enemy's presence.
Havin' done that, you'll want to lure 'em as near to Revenant's Toll as you can. Like as not, though, they'll be wary o' venturin' far from their own walls. If they do need a bit of extra encouragement, use this smoke signal here, filched fresh from an imperial scout. They'll come runnin' when they see that. An' when the cavalry arrives, you hit 'em hard an' make off with their reaper-simple as that. If I ain't mistaken, there's a patrol sweepin' the perimeter right now, so run along, eh? Oh, an' don't forget to salute!

Way over, once friggin' again, near Castrum Centri is the imperial patrol. We actually need to, in the middle of a zone full of aggressive equal-level enemies, equip level 1 cosmetic armor and talk to some NPCs. And I know it's dangerous because I just killed an enemy that aggroed onto me right next to them. So this quest probably wasn't well thought-out.

Veriun posted:

You don't actually need to equip the level 1 Imperial armor for that section, it's one of my favorite small details. You can give the dude an /imperialsalute in your usual gear, and he'll remark that oh, you must be one of their local spies trying to blend in with the locals

With the armor equipped, we'll talk to this centurion.

Carry on, soldier.
...Hm? Insurgents gathering to the east, you say? Judging by your description, they are well beyond the perimeter...but I will not have it said that I was remiss. You, return to the scene and keep an eye on those insurgents. Should aught go awry, use your smoke signal to call us.

Now we need to climb that rise I told you in the previous update to remember. You did remember it successfully, right?

There's a duty here. Cool.

Yes, I will point out every time I get forcefully disconnected by the server. Because I want to make a point. It's not that my internet sucks, it's that the game just randomly boots me off and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

And then just to rub the salt in the wound a bit more, it forces me to wait in a queue to get back in. Not even WoW does that! Warcraft lets you fast track your way back in because it's intelligent enough to recognize that you were just booted off.

I log back in and the skies have gone all oil spill while I was offline. I'm not sure what the Gloom weather actually means, but it makes Mor Dhona look weird and spoooky. You see what looks like cloud formations up above the burnt ruins? That's actually hanging out in midair. The effect is really freaky!

Ginger sets the flare and the trap is baited. Also Cid is here.

I hope you don't mind my joining. Seeing as we're seizing advanced weaponry, I thought it best to be on hand. Ah, there she is.

This is the place...but where is the enemy?

The imperials aren't smart enough to recognize Ginger even though she just spoke with them moments ago.

Send in the reaper! Let us make an example of these insurgents!

We just need to beat up this patrol and steal the armor for our own.

It takes two minutes.

At last, our very own suit of magitek armor!

Hmmm... Not wishing to look a gift chocobo in the beak, it does seem rather the worse for wear, doesn't it? Biggs, Wedge-what's your honest assessment?

Weeell...there's the fact that she's smoking, of course... But looking past that, I'd say she was structurally sound.

Hmmm...I don't like the way these legs are buckled. I hate to say this, but the servomechanism may be damaged.

Eh? But aren't those things protected by ilm-thick armor plate?
They are, yes... It's odd-the casing doesn't seem to have taken a blow. I suspect we're dealing with a faulty part.
Well, whatever it is we're dealing with, we're not resting till it's fixed! Not one wink of sleep-you got that, Wedge?
Oh... <mumble> <mumble> cart chocobo.
I heard that!
A hall has been set aside for our use in Revenant's Toll. That's where we'll carry out the repairs. Look for us there, Ginger.

Biggs reaches down and...

...yeets him up into the air.

The gloom in the background makes this a lot less cheerful than it's supposed to be.

The reaper actually limps its way into Revenant's Toll.

Back in town, Alphinaud is being his usual helpful self.

...The magitek armor? Cid and the others took it inside. Go on in and join them.

What do you think, Ginger? She's a beauty, isn't she?
Ever seen an Ironworks engineer at work? Well, you're in for a treat, then! Stand back and enjoy the show!
We've now had time to take a closer look at the reaper. Our preliminary diagnosis was correct-she's structurally sound, but her servomechanism is faulty. You needn't worry, though-Biggs and Wedge will see her restored to her former glory in no time at all. Give those two something to mend, and they will think of naught else till the job's done. 'Tis a marvelous thing to behold-provided you remind them to visit the privy.

The repairs are proceeding apace. It shouldn't be long now before Biggs and Wedge complete their work. There is, however, one small problem... As you may recall, the machina's servomechanism was discovered to be faulty. Wedge has subsequently ascertained that the magitek core which drives it is worn beyond use.
Such cores are rather fragile devices which must be replaced at regular intervals. Thanks to the negligence of our imperial colleagues, however, the one used in this reaper was long overdue. Alas, we do not have access to a ready replacement here in Mor Dhona. But all is not lost: Wedge thinks he may have identified an alternative solution. Go and see him, would you? He'll explain the details to you.

Wedge is still on the other side of the reaper, so...

As I believe the chief has already informed you, the magitek core is worn beyond use. We need to find a replacement. I thought about having you appropriate more reapers, but even if the dunderhead maintenance engineers of Castrum Centri had remembered to replace their cores, we would risk arousing imperial suspicion. But do not despair, for I believe there is a solution: to substitute the magitek core with a mammet heart!
In case you don't know, a mammet heart can be used to grant sentience to an automaton. By my reckoning, such a device should be more than capable of regulating the armor's servomechanism. We'll just need to make some minor modifications to the housing unit.
I've already placed an order for a first-rate mammet heart with the Goldsmiths' Guild. All that remains is for someone to go to Ul'dah and collect it! Oh...and to pay for it. Ahem. Did I...mention how much they cost? No? W-Well, they typically cost something in the order of, um... <mumble> I hope you don't mind footing the bill-it's for a good cause!

We've gotta return to the Goldsmith's guild. But this time actually not to talk to Erik. No, we need to talk to Serendipity, the guildmaster.

Hello there! Come to collect a mammet heart, you say? Then you must be here on behalf of Garlond Ironworks! I've taken the liberty of picking the finest example we have-a heart fit for a prince among mammets!
And what's the damage?
...Payment? Oh, that won't be necessary. The heart is for Master Alphinaud's personal use, after all. He notified us a short while ago that his manservant would be coming to collect it.
Tender in years though he may be, Master Alphinaud has been a benefactor of ours since my predecessor's time. The Goldsmiths' Guild wouldn't dream of charging him. But here is the mammet heart! May it serve you well! Oh, and please do pass on my compliments to your master!

I'm torn. On the one hand, Alphinaud just picked up the tab on the most expensive piece of the puzzle. On the other, he's going around claiming Ginger is his manservant.

Do you have the mammet heart? I can't wait to see if it works!
We owe Alphinaud big time.

Hurrah! Thank you so much! <gasp> But this...this is magnificent! It must have cost an emperor's ransom!
Like I said. ...Big time.
...Free of charge, courtesy of Alphinaud!? Coming from an influential family certainly has its advantages! But without further ado, let's give it a try! I've already modified the housing unit, so it should slot right in!

There! She's ready! Magitek armor...engage! ...Or not. Haha...hah... She just needs a loving tap, I'll wager.

Never doubt the power of percussive maintenance.

Yes! She's...she's ALIVE! Let's take her outside and put her through her paces! Ginger, would you care to do the honors?

The game immediately transports us here.

I've overseen a hundred such tests, but they still play hells with my nerves. And that's without the chief watching...
This is the Ironworks' first major project since my reteurn. I mean to see that it's a success.

And now my footage is 14 hours later!

Hop into the pilot's seat! We'll begin as soon as you're ready!

Magitek Armor Theme Click this music!

First, I'd like you to try climbing that tangle of crystals yonder-as far up as you can go, if you please. Oh, and if for some reason you need to dismount, simply come back here and we'll start again.

Did you forget how to climb the crystals outside of town? Because it's still relevant!

No anomalous movements evident from either leg. Good. Next, jump back down and then sprint north, quick as you can!

Leg joints absorbing all impact without incident... Excellent. Please make your way back, Ginger.

The torso remains stable during vigorous motion... Excellent. And that concludes our test. Thank you for your cooperation!

The armor really does play that music as you're riding around on it. It's pretty cool.

Here is a summary of my findings. The drivetrain is in sound condition. With some fine-tuning, we can expect a noticeable improvement in performance. As for the servomechanism... I'm afraid it's not nearly as responsive as it should be, and I'm at a loss to explain why. The mammet heart is in pristine condition, and should be installed correctly. Perhaps its inner workings are simply too different to operate harmoniously with the armor's other mechanisms?
Whereas magitek cores serve only to conduct impulses, mammet hearts enable automata to process the information collected by their sensors as feeli- <gasp> Feelings! Maybe she just doesn't feel like part of the team!? In which case, we should all do our best to make her feel welcome!
*shrug* /welcome

Biggs starts another duty.

Daft as it felt, I gave it my best. I've welcomed myself to a bloody standstill. What were you expecting it to do anyway? Bob us a curtsy?

No doubt you're wondering why the servomechanism is so important as to warrant this silliness. Without it, the pilot would be required to control the armor's every movement manually. This would be an onerous task at the best of times, and wholly impractical during battle.
Using a mammet heart in place of the worn magitek core seemed a promising solution. Alas, the device does not appear to be compatible with Garlean technology. Wedge, are there no other ways we might demonstrate our appreciation to our friend here?

I'm at my wit's end, Chief. She just...doesn't seem convinced. We could try a little dance, perhaps, or cheer our heads off...?

Damn it! They have us cornered!

There's the reaper!

Taken by the traitor Garlond-and is that the eikon-slayer!? Oh, bollocks... Call for reinforcements!

The hells you will!

We've located the stolen reaper! Requesting immediate assistance! Respond! Respond! It's no use, sir! There's some sort of interference!
Curse you, Garlond! No matter! If we can't reclaim it, destroy it!

Bloody hells... Ginger-protect the armor at all costs!

What you see is what you get here. There's no surprise reinforcements... just a couple idiots, their commander, and a mech.

They beeline right for the reaper and start pounding on it. So Ginger kidney punches them with all her might.

The mech takes the longest to go down, but everyone else dies in the course of Ginger beating on it.

While Biggs and Wedge celebrate, the camera pans over to the reaper...

...who's watching.

After looking at Ginger, the mech powers on!

I'd also love to link you all to the music that plays during this cutscene. But there is only one upload of it on youtube, and the person who uploaded it decided the ending of 2.0 was the perfect thing to put it over.

Despite not actually playing over that cutscene. So I'm certainly not linking that on the extreme off chance that someone is somehow blind to the story and is following along for the first time. Also if that's you, then hello!

Chief, look! She moved!

Ah, now she deigns to grace us with her presence! It took us a good while, but we're finally ready. It's time to infiltrate Castrum Centri and rescue our comrades!

There, the finishing touch!

It's the Ironworks logo.

The game warps us back into the hangar for the conclusion. So at least it's nice like that!

The servomechanism is now fully functional-and all it took was a simple fight to the death. Remind me not to install a mammet heart aboard the Enterprise, would you? Much as I love her, I would rather not be required to profess it before boarding. But enough of that. Let us see to our final preparations.
Thanks to Biggs and Wedge, the reaper is as good as new. We're as prepared as we're like to get!

Normally I don't show level ups, but this one is important.

Moving Up

Ginger just hit level 50, which is the level cap for A Realm Reborn!

And with a generous donation of items from Eevee, her item level has damn near tripled. Item level 116 isn't best in slot for the expansion, but it's close enough for anything that matters outside of doing the highest end raids synced.

...That's never going to happen. And regardless, by the time I get around to showing off the top end ARR raids, Ginger will be in full i130 gear, which is the absolute best you can get for A Realm Reborn content.

Why is item level important? The short version is that it's a rough approximation of how strong you are. Until now, Ginger's item level has been roughly raising with her level. The rest of the content for 2.0 is rated for, at most, item level 50 stuff. Ginger has more than twice that now.

Now that she's a walking god, let's go rescue our friends, huh? time.