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A Realm Reborn Ending

Something near Ginger explodes, and so she decides she'd rather be somewhere else.

Only problem is, she's surrounded by flame. that Maggie?

That beautiful piece of Magitek...

Ginger wastes no time in escaping!

Thancred is with her, and Castrum Meridianum is exploding around her. So her escape is well timed!

But as Ginger escapes...

And so my conquest ends, Cid. In smoke and ashes...

And that's the last we're going to see of Gaius! He went out as he lived... surrounded by flames and with everything around him exploding. RIP in piss.

Ginger's still escaping, however. It's a long tunnel out.

Hear... Feel... Think...

Warrior of Light. Beloved daughter. The Darkness hath fled before the unclosed brilliance of thy spirit. Yet it lingereth still beyond the sight of men, in forgotten corners of the world. In the depths of the abyss yet resideth the Dark One, watchful ever.

Till this evil be cast out, never shall the world know aught but a passing peace. Yet for the present, a gentle light shineth o'er the realm of Eorzea. With thee at its heart.

From sparkling mote shall it swell to glorious sun, and all the world shall bask in its warmth. Blessings and joy be upon thee.

Ginger tries to stop Hydaelyn from going.

Go forth, my child, and be as a beacon of hope for Eorzea and the lands beyond, through all the days of thy life.

This is also actually one of the last times in the entire game that Ginger will meet with Crystalmom face to face. No really. As of the end of Patch 5.55, the Warrior of Light only directly meets with Hydaelyn a small handful of times more.

Ginger's all grown up and so she doesn't need Crystalmom watching over her shoulder constantly.

My lady! All Twin Adder units have fallen back to the outer perimeter!
The Flames have completed their withdrawal, General!
Admiral! All hands accounted for!

All the city-state leaders are gathered here with the Scions.

She's still in there...
Cid! Has there been no word?
Nothing. Nothing at all.

She's going to make it! I know she is!
Yda is right. We must have faith.

Cid! Can they not be evacuated aboard the Enterprise? That adventurer and the Scions are as the Warriors of Light reborn. We cannot abandon them to their fate! Not again!

I wholeheartedly agree! But flying into the midst of that would only add to the fireworks!
There must be something we can do!

Please, Mother Hydaelyn. Please light her way through the darkness...
Look into the Light, my child. If thou wouldst see thy companions returned safe to thee, reach out to them now.


Minfilia jumped the gun a little.


Something's racing down the tunnel. (Pretend like we know it isn't Ginger.)


Our Warrior of Light!

Yes! The hero returns!

The pair of them pointing at the same time makes this feel like a children's anime. It's kinda cute and cheesy.

Thank Hydaelyn...
Welcome home.

Ginger's got that "I totally had that." swagger going on.

This is a part of Mor Dhona that I haven't shown off in the LP yet. It's near where Ginger fought with Widargelt a few updates back. What we're looking at is the Keeper of the Lake. It's the remains of the great dragon Midgardsormr, coiled around the remains of the imperial airship, the Agrius.

Gaius briefly touched on this 61 updates ago during his introduction.

It looks like a celebration has been set up near Revenant's Toll!

Also I want to point out that from this point on, almost none of the cutscenes are in GarlandTools database. Meaning I have to hand transcribe E V E R Y T H I N G. So pray for me.

You almost got us killed that one, time, remember?

Now, now. We both know that was your fault!

Thank the Twelve we're safe.

Mind your horns there, Man-Bull!
Hah! Mayhap when you mind your manners.

Though the Crystal that bound Thancred is no more, I doubt we can say the same of Lahabrea.

Uematsu composed (and owns the rights to) Answers, the main theme of A Realm Reborn, not Soken. For related reasons, I can not put up a video of the two hour long credits, because Answers plays over it. Square likes to copystrike anything with Answers in it like the judgment of a wrathful god from above.

And even if we could, we know that he is not alone. Counfounded Ascians... Their god may be unknown to us, but their zeal is unquestionable. Suffice it to say, it would be folly to assume that they no longer pose a threat.

Apparently Lucy Todd is one of Mary McGlynn's pseudonyms. Maybe it's just a knock-on effect of spending so much of my adult life playing anime video games, but there's no mistaking her voice. Also Googling "Lucy Todd" just brings up Mary McGlynn.

Female miqo'te grope the air when they talk.

Alphinaud struts off toward the rest of the Scions. The way everyone is waving him over, it's like he's really supposed to be the protagonist. In fact, the first time my brother ever saw Alphinaud while I was playing, he even outright said "white stockings boy there has never lost a game of 'who's the protag' in his life."

Friends! The dread night of imperial tyranny and Ascian machination is ended. A new day now begins in Eorzea.

Fun fact: JC Miller is the lead singer on the main theme of Shadowbringers. Titled, appropriately enough, Who Brings Shadow.

Kan-E-Senna is still speaking. Also Merlwyb's voice actress is better known for another role from a few years earlier.

Doubt not the realm will need bravery in the days to come. Old rifts threaten to divide us within our walls, while hordes of beastmen claw at our gates.

Yet no foe need we fear, so long as we stand as one...
So long as the Scions stand for peace...

I'm going to start making the speakers when it's not clear in parentheticals, just so you can hear the proper voice in your head... whatever that is. In this case, it's... (Kan-E-Senna)

For there exists no adversity over which we may not jointly prevail.


No nation stands alone. If one should fall, so shall we all. Eozra is our shared home. For any one of us to know peace, so too must our neighbor.


...So too shall our Grand Companies be joined henceforth, to strive not only for the good of mere nations...

Yet I forsee a day, not so very far from now, when the lines that divide our lands fade...


...of the Seventh Umbral Era. No victory, however sweet, can wash away our bitter sorrows. No triumph can reclaim those we lost.

If someone is gesturing in a group shot, I'm gonna assume you can put two-and-two together to assume they're talking.

It was not the past they fought for. You would repay their sacrifice by looking to the future.


Now is the time for us to rise as one, bearing all of Eorzea on our shoulders!

Now the Seventh Umbral Era draws to a close. Yet we come together not to glory in its end, but to mark a new beginning.

Everyone puts their weapons forward in a pile.

(All three GC Leaders)

Ginger looks like she's smiling behind her impassive goggles.


This isn't the actual in-game version, but Square refuses to let that actually exist on youtube in any fashion. So this is as good as this LP will ever get.

I mentioned before that the 2.0 credits are 2 hours long. This is why.

This is a comprehensive list of every player who played the 1.0 version of the game.

There are always post-credits scenes in every ending in XIV. This is to set up the postgame patch content. So get some popcorn because shit's about to get interesting...

I've mentioned it before, but I love little cutscene touches like this. Nobody's ever just standing around. You never find out what Yda and Ginger are talking about, but you can see it happening. Touches like that help sell that the Scions are all friends.

Everyone's celebrating and having a good time...

But a sudden headache strikes Ginger. It's an Echo flashback, but it's all Wrong.

Only after Ginger is isolated in her own mind does the flash happen. This isn't good!

Hydaelyn was a nice pure blue. This crystal is evil and purple...

What is it?

Nothing good. It was an evil-looking...

Everything shakes and an earth-shattering roar can be very loudly heard.

That roar... it can't be!
Did you hear that?

There's no time to spare!

Where is it coming from?

This Flames soldier comes running up at full speed.

It is an abomination! A... primal! A primal has awakened!

I'm including this shot for one very specific reason. Do you see that thing behind him? That's the remains of Dalamud.

An even louder, very angry roar shakes the realm...

And the camera flies off toward Dalamud.

Lahabrea is already back.

Pashtarot: <Bahamut stirs.>

Nabriales: 'Tis not a question of whether Eorzea's champion shall yield, but of when.

And with each passing moment we draw closer to the Reckoning.

Ascians: To the one true god!

Awww. We're given control here and all our friends are here!

Dreams Aloft (Cid's Theme)

One day I hope to become a hero to the people like you. A hero like A'aba and Aulie were to me.
Watching you live the life of a free adventurer has helped me realize that I can't keep putting my dreams off forever. I've been talking with Wedge about opening a workshop, independent of Garlond Ironworks. Maybe in Vylbrand, I don't know... Working with the chief is great and all, but someday I want to build my own Enterprise, you know?
You're an inspiration to us all, Ginger. An honest-to-gods hero that never gives up! Never gives in! (And neither will I. I'll win Tataru's heart! See if I don't!)

Heh, you've come a long way since I first saw you runnin' around the Wakin' Sands.
Hah! You sure gave those imperials what for! I knew you were somethin' special, Ginger!
I reckon a lot more folk'll take up adventurin' after hearin' about what you've done. Brave men and women all hopin' to become the next Ginger Pepper. At least I get to brag about havin' met the original, eh?
By the gods, to think that this ragtag band of idealists could lay the XIVth low. 'Tis a tale straight from a story book. I imagine my former associates wouldfind it most appealing. After all, what young ruffian hasn't at one point fancied himself a hero in the making? Aye, I think I may bring a few recruits back with me from the Twelveswood.

This is Dariustel. The last time we met him was before Ginger left on the Titan adventure and I remarked it wasn't worth giving him a portrait. Color me surprised that he survived!

We held a vigil at the church until word came of your success. I cannot express to you how relieved I am by your safe return, Ginger.
I think we could all do with a good rest, don't you? I know I could. I still haven't had time to think about everything that happened. About Nero... and Gaius...

The Seventh Astral Era has dawned, setting in motion a myriad of new beginnings. I suspect our paths will diverge for a time... Have you said your farewells to the Scions?
The land my master sheltered from oblivion hath been delivered unto a new beginning by the hand of the Warrior of Light. Thus doth history mark the passing of an era. The dawn doth brighten the sky, and shineth o'er this nascent age of hope. And though the clouds gather to mute the sun's rising glory, I would walk far with thee under its gentle glow.
Heehee! We all decided to give you a special surprise welcome, just like the ones in heroic epics! Your story took many twists and turns, but you managed to get to the happy ending! Let's hope for more happy endings to come!
So a new era has begun... On such a momentous occasion, I find it good for the soul to tie up loose ends. Hm? What would I suggest you do? Why, the same thing you always do after accomplishing a task: report to Minfilia. It ends where it begins, my friend.
I realize I have been the cause of tremendous consternation, and for that I deeply apologize. Ah, but you haven't time to waste chatting with me. Minfilia is expecting you.

"Where men go as one, there is life. And where there is life, there is cause to hope." The light of hope shines brilliantly within you, Ginger. I only wish my grandfather were here to see it.

Alphinaud nods at Ginger and strides out.

The Archons have conducted a preliminary investigation into the origin of the roar that rang out during the celebration. Their findings strongly suggest that a new primal has appeared. The roar generated a distinctive wave pattern in the aether, a pattern observed only once before in history-five years ago, to be precise. I should like to think it mere coincidence, yet we cannot discount that possibility... Well, I trust I need say no more.
At great sacrifice, we have delivered Eorzea from the threat posed by the Empire and the primals, and thereby secured peace. We cannot well allow the realm to be plunged into chaos once more. You have given your all for our cause, risking life and limb on I know not how many occasions, yet our struggle continues, and we need you now no less than before. Please continue to stand with us, and together we shall safeguard the future of the realm-of this very star!

Ginger gets a complimentary vial of Fantasia, and the key to Maggie. So now she can summon her own personal Magitek Reaper anywhere and ride her around!

And with the end of the 2.0 story, Ginger can now fly in any zone in Eorzea.

The story doesn't end just because the evil empire was driven out. Oftentimes, things only get harder after the obvious villain has been defeated.