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Hello everyone and welcome back. Today we start off in the Archer's guild. Ginger's gonna learn to shoot arrows real good!

This woman rambles on for twelve text boxes about the history of archery in Eorzea. I'm not copying all of it because I don't care and I highly doubt any of you do either.

The big takeaway is that there are two different schools of archery, the kind pioneered by elezen, and the kind used by miqo'te. The cat-people are worth bringing up because as far as I can tell, this is one of the only times that Square's writing team has remembered that Keepers of the Moon exist. Almost every other miqo'te that comes up over the course of the game are all Seekers of the Sun.

So, are you resolved to join the Archers' Guild?
I wanna shoot stuff! With arrows instead of bullets like that one time that the Admiral gave me a golden shotgun.
The look in your eye bespeaks your determination. It would be my pleasure to refer you to Guildmaster Luciane. Lest you worry unduly, Luciane is an affable and kind-hearted woman. Even those not of the guild have been known to seek her counsel on various matters, and ever have they been given fair hearing.

Greetings, adventurer. I am told you wish to join our ranks. I am Luciane, the master of the Archers' Guild, and I bid you welcome. Our doors are open to all who have the will to learn.
Allow me to explain the basics of our art, and offer you a foretaste of that which we teach the members of our guild. The bow's greatest advantage is its range. Unlike those arms used in other disciplines of war, it allows one to strike at the enemy from afar.
Though the bow may not boast the destructive force of a sword or spear, its myriad strategic applications more than compensate for this shortcoming. An experienced archer can immobilize an enemy by striking a leg, or sap its strength with a poisoned arrow. Rise to become a virtuoso of archery, and a veritable deluge of death will be yours to rain down upon your foes.

Rain of Death is the level 45 skill!

By fighting from a distance, we can better assess the battlefield and thereby determine the most advantageous course of action. This is of paramount import, as our role in battle is to exploit the enemy's weakness. With the requisite placement and timing, but a single arrow may serve to turn the tide.
To this end, the guild seeks to instill a discerning eye within its members, that they might learn to strike at vulnerabilities, swiftly and surely. Now, any half-wit can bend the bow, but it is no simple undertaking to become a skilled archer. You must be prepared for a long and arduous journey. Are you resolved to complete that journey?
Hell yeah!
That is well. From this moment forth, you may consider yourself one of our number. Now, lend me your hunting log, if you would. I shall add to it the names of such creatures as would provide a fitting challenge to an archer.
And to help you on your way, I bestow upon you this shortbow. Arm yourself with your new weapon and then speak to me again. I would have you undertake a trial to gauge your fitness to join the guild.

Once we finish ARC, we will only have ACN and GLD left for classes to cover. Probably going to be in that order, too. Oh well... Archer first!

Ginger's old traveling clothes have got to be well-worn by now. Also, uh... the fuck happened to my hotbars? Before Performing got reworked to its current form, you used to have to assign notes to your hotbars. So I used ARC for that.

By the way, to drive home the differences between the styles of archery I mentioned up top, the primary NPCs in this questline are... an elezen and a Keeper miqo'te.

Ah, yes. The bow becomes you, Ginger. Now, before proceeding any further, I must needs gauge your innate aptitude for archery. To this end, I hereby assign you the following trial...
Slay the squirrels, ladybugs, and funguars that roam just beyond the city gates-three of each should suffice. In so doing, you will prove your fitness to join the Archers' Guild.
It goes without saying that you must do so using your bow. Report back to me when the task is accomplished.Go now, Ginger, and earn your place within these halls.

This is the usual "kill enemies" quest, but now Ginger launches sharp wooden missiles at high speeds instead of any number of other things she's done over the past many months.

It's a very easy class. You have one button you hit 90% of the time. Occasionally a second one lights up that deals a fraction more damage. Occasionally, if you're feeling spicy, you throw in a damage over time effect.

I like ranged jobs even if they don't tend to deal a lot of damage.

Welcome back, Ginger. It would seem you have successfully completed the trial. You have proven yourself worthy of a place within these halls. It is with pleasure that I name you an archer of the guild.
As fellows of the path, let us together strive for greater mastery of our art. Now, though you may be a member of the Archers' Guild, know that your seniors will not coddle you with personal attention. It is up to you to seek out the experiences you need to grow as an archer.
By way of a first step, I encourage you to practice proper technique. Loose arrow after arrow, paying close attention to form, until the movement becomes second nature. When drawing your bowstring has become as natural to you as drawing breath, and the world seems clearer when viewed down the shaft of an arrow, return to me. Go well, my young apprentice.

Some time later, Ginger is now level 30 and has a snazzy bandana.

I don't think this is quite what Luciane had in mind when she told us to practice until it was second nature...

Good day to you, Ginger. I felt that it was about time you returned. Have you grown more accustomed to the bow? Before we go any further, I wish to ensure that you have grasped the fundamental essence of archery. Tell me, Ginger, do you truly understand what it means to see clearly?
To see clearly is not merely to look. It is to observe with intent. Fail to do this, and no amount of talent with a bow will avail you. An archer must remain vigilant for any trace of his target, overlooking not the smallest detail lest it prove crucial to the realization of his purpose. He must, in short, see clearly. The coming task will test your powers of observation.
A number of targets have been hidden throughout the city. I would have you seek out and destroy them. Each will fall easily to your Heavy Shot technique. When you have completed the task, return to me and we will continue.

Between the guild and the aetheryte are six different archery butts.

Some are relatively well-hidden, while others are in plain sight.

Three and four are down at the adventurers' guild...

Five is up on top...

...and six is on the carpenter's guild sign.

Ah, you have returned. I trust you have begun to comprehend the crucial importance of seeing clearly. The next trial will test your powers of observation in battle. Travel to the North Shroud, and there put down eight microchus and eight opo-opos.
In contrast to the inanimate and wholly unthreatening targets of the previous trial, these creatures may be relied upon to move around and fight back. Nor are those the only differences. Being comparatively numerous, microchus and opo-opos are anything but difficult to find. And yet you may be assured that this task will test your powers of observation...albeit in a different manner.
This time, you will need to evaluate the abilities of your opponent. In so doing, you will learn, amongst other things, that microchus produce a poison that can quickly sap one's strength, while opo-opos-like archers-possess the advantage of range. Knowing their strengths, how will you go about mitigating them? If you commence your attack before identifying an effective strategy, you will soon be made to regret your folly.
But if you take the time to observe your targets from afar, you will surely glean the knowledge necessary to defeat them. I look forward to hearing of your success, Ginger.

The level 5 quest obviously doesn't mean for us to fight level 9 enemies, but Ginger is level 30, so it's fine.

A lot of enemies in the low level parts of the North Shroud are linked together. So if you pull one, two or three more will come along for the ride.

The very early archer quests are all about putting down a shocking number of enemies for some reason.

Welcome back, young Ginger. Tell me, were you able to put your techniques to good use? When faced with an enemy who can attack from a distance, simply raining arrows upon it is wasteful and dangerous both. The battle would be naught more than a contest of strength.
By employing the appropriate technique, however, one may bring down one's foe with greater ease and fewer arrows. For instance, you may choose to prime your weapon well and strike hard, or employ toxins to sap their strength over time. On the assumption that this fact dawned upon you prior to the fall of your sixteenth target, I congratulate you on passing the trial.
Leih. Silvairre. What is your honest evaluation?

Not bad, if you ask me. The adventurer pulls a good bow, and is enthusiastic besides.

The Aliapohs are the most common family of Keepers seen in the game. She has some... distant relatives in Goblin-controlled territory.

It's quite plain that you have talent with a bow, but you must take care to mind your surroundings when you're pursuing a target. I had my eye on you for the duration of your trial, but not once did you notice my presence.
"Mind your surroundings"? That is rich, coming from you.

Your every movement is wasteful, adventurer. Your back is crooked, and your elbows misaligned. It takes you an age to prime your bow, and twice as long to loose an arrow.
In summary, you fail on all counts. You have no talent as an archer-none whatsoever. I shall say it plain, Luciane: this woman is not fit to wield a bow. For our sake-and hers-we should revoke her membership.

We waste our breath trying to teach her like.

Silvairre is a huge fucking racist and he's an asshole besides. Yes I know I just said the same descriptor twice. He thinks his shit don't stink and honestly I was this close to giving him the dunce cap of shame because he's so transparently bad of a character.

...Well! Allow me to introduce you to Silvairre, our comrade at the butts.

The fellow was once of the Gods' Quiver, you see, and he can be a little...opinionated when it comes to archery. Oh, but you mustn't pay him any heed-he's like that to everyone.
You'd be lucky to get much sense out of a fossil-brained Wildwood Elezen like him at the best of times. With them, it's always "Twelveswood this" and "elementals that," and- Oh! Ahem! ...No offense intended, Luciane.
None taken, Leih. I know full well that some of my kind can be prideful to excess and intolerant of other races. Although people may behold the same object, ever will they see different things. There is no right or wrong to it, for it is a question of perspective. What matters is the perspective we choose to adopt.

False. There is an objective right and wrong to it. The wrong is "other races are inferior because they aren't mine." It's not a hard concept to grasp and "both sides"ing it like Luciane is doing is disgusting.

You are possessed of bright eyes, Ginger-eyes that bespeak great understanding. They shan't lead you astray, so trust to them, and to what they see. Go now and resume your training. I look forward to marking your progress when next we meet.

It pleases me to see how you have grown as an archer. Plainly, you have taken my counsel to heart and learned to see with your own eyes. I would now have you discover what it means to behold things from a different standpoint.
You will recall Leih Aliapoh, your senior in the guild. I have given you over to her care for this lesson. Speak with her and do as she bids.

Leih spends her time standing awkwardly over to the side.

I've been expecting you, Ginger. Shall we get on with it, then? First, a quick review. Remember how the bowmaster had you seek out and destroy targets hidden throughout the city? Well, I would have you do the same. This time, however, you will need to venture outside the gates.
I'm sure you've realized this by now, but there is no guarantee of safety within the Twelveswood. As you search, you should take care to mind your surroundings. You won't have the luxury of focusing solely on your quarry this time-you'll have to keep your eyes peeled for potential threats as well.
That said, your objective is to destroy the targets alone, so avoid unnecessary combat and maintain a safe distance from any hostile creatures you encounter. Should you come under attack, take to your heels, risking direct confrontation only if you can't outrun your pursuers.
The targets are hidden in the Central Shroud. As before, use the Heavy Shot technique to destroy each one with a single arrow. Go well, Ginger.

There's targets all over the upper part of the Central Shroud. I shot six and saw at least two more when the last target disappeared. So I'm not going to list all of them because it's more of the same.

Well, well! You made short work of those targets, I must say. It seems you've learned to seek your prey without being preyed upon. Let's continue then. I've a mind to give you more practical experience, and we received a request just recently which I think will provide the perfect opportunity...
It seems tree slugs and vultures have been congregating in ever-increasing numbers in the vicinity of the Honey Yard, causing no end of trouble for the locals. We have been tasked with culling the beasts.
This request comes direct from Stillglade Fane. When the Wood Wailers and the Gods' Quiver cannot spare the forces to attend to such matters, the conjurers often turn to us for help. And before you ask, there's good reason why they would rather not see to this particular task themselves.
The creatures in question possess abilities which can cause problems for the magically inclined. But that's quite enough about conjurers' troubles! Luciane taught you how to discern an enemy's key traits, did she not? Well, now you'll need to do so while maintaining situational awareness, lest you be overrun.
Consider this a comprehensive review of her lessons and mine own. Your orders are as follows: head out into the East Shroud, and there put down eight tree slugs and eight vultures, using all of the skills you have acquired thus far. Good hunting, Ginger.

Gotta kill 8 of each.

Judging by your smug expression, I'd say you've acquired a feel for maneuvering to exploit enemy weaknesses whilst covering your own. Vultures are wont to keep their opponents at wing's length, and their attacks will send you flying. The solution to this is simple: maneuver to the rear.
Tree slugs, on the other hand, have an annoying knack of disrupting spellcasting with their secretions. As such, you would do well to keep the creatures away from any mages in your party. Needless to say, good positioning is the key to success in battle-which is why it is absolutely essential that you know your target's traits.
The knowing of these traits is a fundamental part of hunting. Before the Keepers of the Moon conceived of archery, they dwelt not in the city, but the forest. For my people, hunting was a way of life.
Hmmm... In hindsight, I suppose this was more a lesson on hunting than on archery. Still, Luciane knows well my past-mayhap that was her intent. Hunting, too, is an art. Before I came to Gridania, I never gave it much thought. But the more I think of home, the more I begin to realize... Ahem! Forgive me. I'm not given to fits of sentiment. Truly. Forget I said anything.
But do not forget that a hunter must recognize her prey's weakness and strike swiftly when the opportunity presents itself. That concludes the lesson. Now, I suggest you pay Luciane a visit-she is doubtless eager to hear from you.

Luciane always looks the same way at everyone. I guess, to be fair, she's taller than most everyone in the guild... Ginger especially!

It is good to see you, Ginger. I hope you have learned much from Leih.

You, adventurer! Is it true? Are you the one who slew the tree slugs and vultures?
Which time? Just now or in general in the past? The answer to both questions is yes.
How dare she entrust the security of our people to the hands of a stranger! I knew Miqo'te were reckless, but she is downright irresponsible! Shame on her!

Did I not warn you that it was folly to suffer that woman's presence in our guild, Luciane? Every time she wastes an arrow on game, she drags our noble art back into the darkness. Aye, and this girl, too. She is an embarrassment to us all!
You must be lost little boy. The children's creche is back down the way, next to the carpentry guild. Now kindly fuck off and let the grown ups finish talking.
That is quite enough, Silvairre. Your skill with the bow is undeniable, as is your love for our nation. Yet there is much and more you have yet to learn about archery. Ginger has matured greatly in the short time that she has been with us. You know this to be true.

I suggest you come to terms with Ginger's presence here-you will be giving her her next lesson, after all. Unless of course you have any objections? Good.
As for you, Ginger-I would have you devote yourself wholly to training ahead of your lesson with Silvairre. Suffice it to say, he will not be an easy instructor to impress.
On that we can agree.

Welcome back, Ginger. I trust you have been keeping your nose to the grindstone. As I mentioned when last we spoke, you will train under Silvairre's tutelage today.

Put aside your misgivings and avail yourself of his wealth of experience. Go now, present yourself before him.

Silvairre is hiding up near the God's Quiver offices.

Hmph. I see it was too much to hope that you would not return. The others believe that you have potential, but I am not so easily convinced. Like so many adventurers, you have not the faintest inkling of what it means to be an archer.
Don't actually care.
And how could you? Archery is the proud tradition of the Wildwood Elezen. The essence of this art-to read one's enemy-has been instilled in us over centuries. In that time, we have defended this great nation against every imaginable foe, granting us insight which you will never possess.
Can you recognize the subtle signs that betray a coming action? No. Can you accurately predict an opponent's movement? No. Can you glean your foe's intentions at a glance? No. And can such things be learned by one who knows nothing of our traditions? No.
Yes I can. To all of those.

Later lore will reveal that there are different forms of the Echo. Ginger's in particular makes her the single greatest warrior that ever lived. The gameplay contrivance of seeing AOE telegraphs and so on is explained as her having a preternatural gift for reading her foe's intentions in battle.

Falling in battle or wiping to an encounter is presented as the Echo showing her merely that possibility. So Ginger's Echo works kinda like this forgettable Nicholas Cage movie.

It is only out of respect for Luciane that I have agreed to teach you. Go to the East Shroud and seek out the targets hidden there. But do not presume this will be as easy as before. As I told you, the ability to read one's enemies is fundamental to archery. Yet the trials set by my colleagues did not require you to do this.
Mine will. The targets you seek have been hidden-and I do mean hidden-in the midst of a region rife with savage beasts. They will play the part of your enemies. In the unlikely event that you spy a target, your limited range will necessitate that you slip past its bestial guardians prior to taking aim-a feat I consider beyond you.
Hm? Was that a frown? Mayhap you are thinking that the Miqo'te set you a similar task? You are wrong. She asked merely that you consider where your foes are-I demand that you discern precisely where they will be. How, then, will you go about this?
Observe them closely and discern their characteristics. Learn to read their movements and recognize patterns in their behavior. If it has eyes, let it not see you. If it has ears, let it not hear you. Be neither where it is nor where it means to be, and thereby pass unnoticed. But enough talk. Whether or not you heed my counsel is your decision. I will shed no tears should you fail.

Or, to put it another way...

These butts aren't even that well hidden. The hardest part of seeing them is trying to see past the gigantic treants.

Was that all?
So you have returned. A passable performance for an adventurer, but the bare minimum for any archer. I carry with me generations of Wildwood tradition-a tradition built upon the bones of the many outsiders who tried to take what is ours.
It was my ancestors who first learned to conceal their presence and fight from the shadows, to hold the enemy at distance to protect the weak. All of it, everything was- This is a waste of time. You cannot understand.
You speak and all I hear is the sound of a tea kettle.
But if you are so intent upon following in the footsteps of my people... I bid you go to the North Shroud. Ixali scouts have been sighted near the river west of E-Tatt's Spire, and-unless you are entirely ignorant of Gridanian history-I need not explain that this act of aggression is part of a centuries-old conflict.
The minions do not matter. It is their leader, Nezul Cattlan the Violator, who must fall. He commands the scouts, and will be well guarded. Yet he stands upon hostile ground, with birdmen and not walls for protection. If you are diligent and determined, you can slip through their defenses and slay their leader.
This is the art of the Gridanian archer. Embrace the wisdom I have bestowed upon you, and the fight will be short. ...If you see the deed done, adventurer, I will take it as proof of your commitment to us, and labor no more to drive you from the guild. Now go.

Translation: Silvairre is sending Ginger off to her death. He does not expect she will come back from this.

He's not even the primary villain of this arc, but he creates such an intolerable atmosphere in the guild that it kickstarts the actual plot, which we won't even be getting to in this update. There's a reason I've been writing Ginger being actively hostile and dismissive of him. Unlike Leih who has no other options, Ginger does not have to put up with his bullshit.

Basically Luciane should have kicked Silvairre out of the guild a long time ago. Just because he's an expert archer does not mean the initiates should have to put up with his racist abuse. He's so incompetent that he got fired from the elite archer unit of Gridania!

So this suicide mission has Ginger facing off against more than a dozen ixali. They're lower level than she is, so they go down pretty quickly.

The duty is more to teach you how to pull things from range, which completely trivializes it. If you run in to melee for some reason, you'll get a face full of angry bird people.

Once you make it to the clearing, attacking one pulls all the rest at the same time.

Like so. But a friendly neighborhood Wood Wailer shows up with his spear to tank for Ginger.

This is a great use case for the archer AOE move, which deals a lot of damage in a cone in front of you. And if you're over-leveled for this duty, you'll have access to it!

I mentioned it before, but this red cast bar means it's an interruptable spell. All ranged DPS have a short cooldown interrupt ability. I believe it's on a 30 second CD. Melee DPS don't have interrupts and instead have to blow a stun to achieve the same effect.

It's a pretty easy duty, especially with the nice lancer helping us!

I lived, bitch.
Even now, I struggle to credit the sentries' reports... Yet here you are, and Nezul Cattlan the Violator is no more. That a godsdamned adventurer should be so...
Hmph. Only by the grace of Nymeia Herself could you have survived. But even though it was pure luck, I will keep my word. Ginger-should you stay or should you go, not. You have completed the task and are no longer my responsibility. Go now to Luciane. She will doubtless wish to lavish you with praise.
...Hm? Oh, you'll get no more from me. Off with you!

Leih is hanging out next to Luciane for some reason. Sure, why not?

I am given to understand that you single-handedly drove off an Ixali scouting party-and that you did so with precision and guile.
How exactly was that training, Luciane? Ginger's just an adventurer. Silvairre thrust her into the jaws of the enemy in the hope that she wouldn't come back! And when, against all expectation, she did come back, that stubborn arse still refused to acknowledge her skill!
...Is that truly your impression?

Well, yes! He said it was pure luck!
Mere noise. Silvairre sees Ginger's skill, of that I have no doubt. Did you not mark the way he covered his mouth when he uttered the words? It is a habit of his to do so on those occasions when his tongue and his heart are in disagreement. For all his skill at reading the idiosyncrasies of others, he has yet to recognize his own.
No, he's not a well-meaning mentor or whatever. He sent me off solo to fight like fourteen ixal. The only reason he's surprised is because I survived his blatant attempt to have me killed.
Impressive work, Ginger. You have applied yourself to Leih and Silvairre's lessons and demonstrated your command of the core concepts. You are now an archer in your own right. Allow me to teach you something to commemorate this accomplishment.
Repelling Shot is an advanced technique that enables an archer to evade attacks whilst continuing to fire upon her opponent. Used wisely, it can grant you a brief respite in the heat of battle. I have faith that, with regular practice, you will learn how best to employ it to your advantage. Remember your seniors' lessons as you strive for true mastery.

Do you remember a couple updates back when I died from backflipping off Titan's platform? Repelling Shot does the same thing. Until I got it while recording, I legitimately forgot that ARC/BRD has that move. Unlike DRG backflip, you need to be in melee range of a target to use it.

Anyway, that's enough for now.

NEXT TIME: The actual plot of ARC starts... in the level 20 quest.