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Hello everyone and welcome back. Today's update is going to take us through the rest of the ARC quests!

The game is going to assume we're cool with Silvairre now. We're not. We will never be. Asshole.

You come at a good time, Ginger. I have a task for you. A petition has arrived from the proprietor of Buscarron's Druthers, out in the South Shroud. The petitioner, Buscarron himself, has requested our assistance in dealing with a gang of poachers. I would have the three of you meet with him and investigate his claims.
The three of us? You mean, Ginger, myself, and...?
It would be better if I went alone, Luciane. The Miqo'te and...the other one will only encumber me.
No, Silvairre, you will go as three. Also, it is past time you recognized Ginger as a fellow archer.
I will not. I have held my tongue on the matter of her continued presence here, but I will bend no further.
Who in the seven hells do you think you are-Bowlord Lewin!? In case you've forgotten, you aren't even a Quiverman anymore!
That may be, but I have shed blood defending our borders-unlike you, savage.
Well I have spilt blood. My own and that of others--Garleans included. I suggest you shut the fuck up right now.

"Savage"!? You know nothing about me, you bigoted son of a-
Enough! But one more word and you shall have cause to regret your petulance. The three of you will go to Buscarron's Druthers in the South Shroud.
I've already sent word to the head of my order, Luciane, about the blatant bigotry on display in this guild.
Out of my sight!
So expect to hear from the Elder Seedseer before long.

You know, going into this I didn't remember just how terrible the ARC questline was with its blatant bigotry. If this is even a fraction of what Gridania is really like, then maybe Ginger shouldn't have stopped Garuda from wiping this place off the map.

Oh no, you can see exactly when I recorded this. There was still 1 hour until maintenance when this message popped up. So I'm kinda working against a time limit

Buscarron may or may not recognize Ginger. The exact timing of when class quests are supposed to have gone down is unclear. It's sometime during 2.0, but nobody's quite sure when.

Also fun fact that Eevee pointed out to me: Rammbroes was able to organize his investigation into the Crystal Tower because Erik of all people was able to recognize that it was unearthed and pointed the Sons of St. Coinach at it. Personally I would have thought the gigantic crystal spire dominating the skyline would have given it away but what do I know?.

How did Erik find it? By using the data he gathered during the MNK 50 quest to extrapolate where those leylines he was talking about converged. Or something like that. You can talk to him in the GSM guild and he'll be glad to explain it. Of course in that exact same text box he also goes on a tangent about how it's possible that the Great Serpent Midgardsormr may not have actually downed the Imperial Airship the Agrius.

Too bad Midgardsormr's corpse is coiled around the Agrius out in the middle of Silvertear Lake. So Erik is still kind of a dumbass. The kind of person with high intelligence but low wisdom, if you get my meaning.

Now, as your guildmaster will have said, I put in a request for some keen-eyed archers to help me track down a gang of poachers that've been plaguing these parts.
If I may-it is not uncommon to find poachers in this region. While regrettable, neither the Gods' Quiver nor the Wood Wailers deem them worthy of attention. Why, then, did you imagine them worthy of ours?
'Cause these ain't no common poachers. They're Pawah Mujuuk's gang.
They say she and hers are always moving, staying one step ahead. But I reckon she's hiding out here somewhere. Thing is, I can't just send my people out searching. I made a pact with the Redbelly bandits, see-we stay out of their territory, and they don't make no trouble at the Druthers.
That being so, if I summoned the massed ranks of the Wailers and the Quivermen, all seven hells would swiftly break loose...assuming they thought the matter worthy of their attention, of course. Needless to say, that's not an option. As luck would have it, though, I've got three keen-eyed archers to take care of things instead-and all without raising no alarms.

I've gifted Silvairre the dunce cap of shame because I dislike him and his filthy, bigoted mouth.

Leih, Ginger-split up and scour the area for any sign of the poachers.

An arrow...

A bunch of hunting log entries iron leg trap...

And some mead bottles. Cool.

At least Silvairre didn't stand around waiting for us to do something.

An iron leg trap and a poacher's arrow... These are both evidence of illegal activity, but nothing that will help us find Pawah. And these mead bottles are but old refuse, from before the Druthers was even built. They have no connection to the gang.

...What do you know of this Pawah woman, Silvairre?
I know that she is the most infamous poacher ever to walk the Twelveswood. A born leader, deadly with the bow, she formed her own gang of Miqo'te hunters.
She was apprehended once, and would have been brought to justice...had she not tricked a foolish young sentry into releasing her, before vanishing without a trace.
...Is that so?
In any case, we've scoured the area and found nothing. How do we know that this Pawah was ever even here? I say we inform the Gods' Quiver and the Wood Wailers, taking care not to implicate Buscarron, and leave the rest to them. This doesn't concern the Archers' Guild.
It concerns Gridania, Leih! Pawah Mujuuk is a savage and utterly amoral poacher whose actions, however indirectly, threaten the city's well-being. But what would a vagrant like you know of duty to one's homeland? No more than she, I suspect.
How dare you! And you, Ginger-say something!

Silvairre, shut the fuck up. If I have to hear one more racist thing spill from your lips, I can't be held responsible for what I'm going to do to you.
Hmph. We will return to the matter at hand. Mayhap we should take a second look at the clues we have gathered.
Look all you want. Though the trap and the arrow we found suggest poaching, there is nothing remotely unusual about them. What do you think we should examine, Ginger?

We've ruled out the arrow and the trap, so why not take a closer look at the bottles?
Why are you still carrying that rubbish? I told you, those bottles predate the Druthers. They have no connection with this matter.
...But if these bottles are so old, why do they retain the scent of mead? They must surely have been opened recently.

Wait. Before the Calamity, Buscarron once served as a sentry. Yet even then, he sometimes spoke of owning his own tavern...and it was an open secret that he was brewing his own private stock. If some survived...
Of course! Buscarron's Scar-his old lookout post! It may not be Pawah Mujuuk, but we must investigate at once!

This guy deserves the dunce cap way more than Trachtoum did.

Any signs?

Look-the ground is covered in Miqo'te footprints. These tracks are fresh-very fresh. I'll wager the bandits were alerted to our coming and fled...else they're hiding near-

For as shitty as he is, Silvairre at least is skilled at archery. To be clear that doesn't excuse any of his bullshit, but he is the first to recognize the trap.

The shot just barely misses Silvairre.

Leih and Ginger both retreat to cover.

...Eh? An' there I was thinkin' we'd caught usselves some o' them meddlin' bloody masqueraders...

It's really hard to take female miqo'te seriously as a threat sometimes. Pawah is way too cute to be threatening.

Speakin' of ill manners, don't ye know it ain't decent to barge yer way into a lady's bedchamber without knockin'!?

...You would lecture us on manners? Truly, I have heard it all.
They have us outnumbered. We had best split up.

The leader's mine! I'll try to isolate her from her litter! Silvairre, Ginger-the rest I leave to you two.

Leih has the same problem here. It's not even something you run into with a catgirl-WOL. Even in modern stuff she hardly ever emotes unless it's "face_surprise_02" or, as it's known on Ginger, the exaggerated, miserable pout.

As you will.

The camera decides the best shot to communicate that Leih is running is her tail bobbing up and down. Also I want you all to know that every time I type "Leih" I have to make a very conscious effort to not type "Leigh" instead, which I suppose says it all about how I mentally pronounce her name.

This is just a rush of adds. Racist dipshit Silvairre Dunce is with Ginger, while Leih is off ineffectually flailing at Pawah.

There's not much to say about the duty. It's just a bunch of adds. Between Ginger and the Dunce, they easily put down most of Pawah's gang because christ. I think the Garleans fielded less guys in all of the Praetorium.

Virtuous my ass.

Have you seen Aliapoh?

You know what? It's a tiny step up from "the miqo'te." And at least calling someone by their last name is one of those truth in fiction military things.

On the other hand, he calls Ginger by her first name.

Leih misses Pawah.

Leih gets caught out in the open by Pawah's counterattack.

...but the other catgirl only shot to disarm.

Tsk-tsk. That was a piss-poor showin', sister.

An' ye call yerself a Keeper? A hunter with no fangs ain't nothin' but prey.


A sudden shot takes Pawah by surprise.

Awww, bugger. Looks like playtime's over. Be seein' ye, sister!

I can't tell if you missed or deliberately spared her life.

So it was Pawah Mujuuk after all. Buscarron must be informed.
Pawah Mujuuk... I...I was no match for her...

Seven hells! They were at my old post? And they drank my old mead!? That stings most of all... Well, 'tis past time the proper authorities were informed. I'll send messengers to the Wood Wailers and Gods' Quiver.
The Redbelly bandits won't like it one bit, but I'll see they're told exactly who the military is after. I only hope it'll be enough... 'Course, Pawah Mujuuk's no fool. Now she knows she's been spotted, she'll break camp and be long gone by the time the next bell sounds. And the trail won't stay fresh long, neither...
Anyway, you've done me a great kindness, friends. Tell Luciane I appreciate the help.

That was a lot of plot for one update already and we're only 1/3 done!

Welcome back, Ginger. Silvairre tells me that you encountered Pawah Mujuuk. No Gridanian could fail to recognize that name, so oft has it been spoken, and with such bitterness. I fear we lack the strength to face her ourselves. This is a matter for the Gods' Quiver and Wood Wailers.
That you confronted her and survived is a testament to your growing mastery of our art. Ah, and I was surprised to note that Leih and Silvairre were not at loggerheads upon their return. I presume we owe this unnatural state of affairs to your calming influence?
I wouldn't say it was my calming influence, no.
...No? Modest to the last. Truly, your every deed bespeaks a clarity of vision far beyond your years. I implore you to share that perspective with your peers and help them to grow into better, wiser archers. As you go forth and temper your skills in battle, know that we always look forward to your return.

Silvairre now, for some reason, has turned off his Racism switch. He's still keeping his dunce portrait because both he and Luciane are terrible. Luciane enables him and only mildly protests when he is openly bigoted, and only then because Leih complains.

She's just as fucking bad as he is, plus she's a coward on top of that for lacking a backbone to put Silvairre in his place.

Ah, Ginger, I had hoped you would come. You may be able to help. I am concerned about Leih and Silvairre...
They show signs of losing perspective, and... Well, mayhap it is best you see for yourself. I cannot help but feel that both would benefit from your counsel. Consider this a personal request, Ginger.

Hm? Oh, gods... Did Luciane send you to pester me, by any chance? This is hardly her concern, and it is most definitely not yours. If you must know, I have decided to leave the guild.
I mean to track down Pawah Mujuuk and finish what we started. The Gods' Quiver and Wood Wailers seem content to ignore our warnings, but I will not let her escape again. I already made that mistake once, and it cost me my place in the Gods' Quiver.
Aye, the foolish young sentry of whom I once spoke-he was me. <sigh> We had her, Ginger. There was no escape. But then she began to wail about a wounded comrade, one who would surely die without her help... She looked me straight in the eye and begged...
And I blinked. I failed to see through the most elementary ruse. I failed Gridania and the Gods' Quiver...and while that can never be forgiven, mayhap I can reclaim a measure of honor by stopping her.
...But a wanderer like you would not understand what it means to betray your people.
Are you acting superior over betrayal now? Are you just unhappy if you don't have something to try and lord over everyone else? For real, though, I'd keep this fuck-up of yours to yourself. It's not the sort of thing someone should be proud of.
Worry not-I do not intend to leave just yet. I will continue to gather information until I am certain of Mujuuk's whereabouts. Make no mistake, though-it is only a matter of time.
Now run along, will you? Oh, and if you are so concerned about your fellow guildmates, you should attend to that moping Miqo'te. The sight of her shuffling around whilst staring at her feet is bad for morale. ...Not that it matters to me.'s you. Tell me, Ginger, do you ever think about home? Do you ever wish you could go back?
I don't think I could. Even if I did go back, nothing would be the same anymore. Places change, people move on... I've changed quite a bit myself. I'm sure you have as well.
Mine was just another poor village in the Twelveswood. The fields were more stone than soil, and merchants hardly ever bothered to visit. We didn't have a lot...but we didn't need it.
And then the Calamity came. I remember running, and the screams... It was so loud, unbearably loud... And then I was here, in a strange city, surrounded by more people than I'd ever seen, and I didn't know any of them. But I knew how to hunt. I was always good at hunting, Ginger, and the guild gave me a place to get better.
At least I thought I had gotten better. She...Pawah Mujuuk...she was so much more...
I've been thinking, Ginger, that maybe this is a sign. Maybe Silvairre is right, and this guild-this city-is no place for an outsider like me. And so I've decided to leave. I'm glad to have known you, Ginger, even if it was only for a short while.

I said it last time, but the entire plot of ARC happens because of Silvairre. His incompetence let Pawah Mujuuk go free when she should have been a prisoner. His intolerance is forcing out Leih and who knows how many others. Both of them have combined to create this situation here where Leih is about to leave the guild to go join Pawah's gang.

Luciane is too spineless to put a stop to him. She's quite keen to let him do whatever he wants because he's a former member of the Gods' Bow. Can you imagine Ywain allowing a former Wood Wailer to run roughshod over his guild members? Or Jacke allowing a former Yellowjacket to extort one of his rogues? Luciane only speaks up if one of Silvairre's victims speak out, and it's usually not to chide Silvairre, but everyone involved.

She's so concerned with protecting the status quo that she doesn't care how many promising recruits she loses. Just gotta keep Silvairre happy so he can get his precious Gods' Bow position back. Like I said, there's a very good reason he got the dunce portrait in this update and it's not just for his bigotry. Though after this little mini-rant, I'm not so sure that Luciane shouldn't also be getting it as well...

Forgive me if this is too selfish a request, but before I go, I would like to meet with you one last time. Alone, in the South Shroud. These... Gridanians would not understand.

So yeah. Now Leih feels so isolated that she doesn't even consider herself a Gridanian anymore.

Here somewhere between the Druthers and Quarrymill is where Leih told us to come.

No! Don't hurt her!
And there I was, thinkin' ye mightn't accept my kind invitation!

...I don't recall invitin' her, though... 'Tis rude to presume, missy, an' I do so hate rudeness...

Wait! It's not her fault-it's mine! I invited her. She's a member of the Archers' Guild, like me-and she's not Gridanian!

No, no-it's not like that. I just...I wanted to say good-bye. Ginger, ever since I met Pawah, I've been at a loss. But I realize now that my place isn't at the guild...with the Gridanians.
They'll never accept me. This is where I belong, with my people, carrying on our traditions. Our archery-not Gridania's. It's all I have left, Ginger. So I'm going with Pawah. Maybe you don't understand now, but...just promise me you won't tell Luciane...or Silvairre.

Silvairre's twisted thinking has warped Leih's brain. After who knows how long of hearing the man constantly scream at her for disparaging his dumb fucking archery traditions, all she can think of is archery in those terms.

I don't think this is a great idea, I do think cutting off all contact with both Luciane and Silvairre is for the better...
Made yer peace with yer little friend, have ye? Right then, let's get on with it!

Ain't no love lost 'twixt ye an' the guild, is there? Then what's the problem with featherin' a bloody 'venturer? No bugger'll miss her.
I'll miss her, all right!? So just...just stop!
Dear me... An' I had such high hopes for you, Miss Aliapoh... Waste o' bloody time! A Keeper what's lost her nerve's about as much use to me as a glass bow. But there's no sport in killin' captured prey.
I've told people where I am. If I go missing suddenly, you'll be bringing down a whole heap of bad shit on your heads, the kind of which will end with your precious little hideout burning in the night.
I'd better not see neither o' ye again, 'cause if I do, I'll show ye what happens to prey what's daft enough to get caught twice. Away, sisters! Away!

How do you do it, Ginger? How do you live in this place-with these people? And why do you even bother?
If I don't protect them, nobody else will. Even if it's something as simple as standing up for a young miqo'te archer being bullied by a bigoted guildmaster and her golden pupil.
What have they ever given you beside scorn? What do you see in them, Ginger?
This world is a shit place, Leih. Everyone around you would so much rather kick you than look you in the eye. The best you can do is to work your butt off leaving it a better place than you found it and hope that you can inspire others to do the same.
Even though you joined the guild after I did, you've come so far, so quickly. Maybe you've even surpassed me... I have to know how you've done it. I have to know what it is that I'm doing wrong...
...And there's only one way I can think of to find out. Meet me at the Bannock.
...wait what?

The Bannock is where the really low level sidequests for Gridania show up. It's basically the training grounds outside of town... the closest thing the Twelveswood has to a newbie yard.

Shall we begin, Ginger?
Uhh... sure?
Then defend yourself! Show me what these people have taught you!

And now we're facing Leih in an archer duel.

I said fight me, damn it! Why are you holding back!?
Because this is just training. You want to see what you can do, and I'm happy to oblige you.

The last time Ginger went full power, Castrum Meridianum exploded. Leih doesn't want to see Ginger going all-out.

Is that all you've got!? I know you can do better!
Not bad...but I'm not finished yet!

Eventually she summons a bird to help out.

For my people...for my family...for me!

You have opened your eyes, and looked beyond your masters' faults. You've accepted their teachings and taken them to heart. Even Silvairre, for all his bigotry, wishes only to preserve his traditions.
No, Silvairre wishes to preserve his traditions to the exclusion of all others.
I lost sight of everyone else's struggles and became obsessed with mine own. I was so afraid to let go of my cherished notion of archery-my family's notion-and learn another way. I didn't want to betray them...or dishonor their memory.
...But I have a family here too-a family that sees the wider world, and is willing to show me how blinkered I have become.

The game is very clumsily trying to make this a found family story. This is not a found family story. This is a horror story of a victim of bigotry and racism realizing that she'll have to be the bigger woman and just put up with it because her abuser is too set in his ways to change.

As archers, we train our eyes and minds to be unforgiving-to defy any attempt at concealment, and discern the naked truth. It is little wonder then that I have neglected to look inside myself until now. Though unquestionably worthwhile, I have found the experience rather...excruciating. Ahem!
Thank you, Ginger. I know now that I belong at the guild, together with you and Luciane... ...And, yes, even that bloody Wildwood. Gods help me-I think I might actually miss him...
Wait... I don't think this is a great idea.

Back at Luciane...

Welcome home, Ginger. You need not say a word. One look at Leih's eyes was enough. Thank you for returning her to us. When we focus on a single goal and pursue it with passion and fervor, it becomes easy to lose sight of what else lies before us.
With your skill and vision, Ginger, you can help your fellow archers to look beyond themselves and remember their comrades. I hope I can count on your support in the future.
Don't fuck it up. The disaster that I just averted would have been on your head. Keep Silvairre on a tight leash or next time I fear there will be no pulling Leih back from the brink.

Naturally there's still Pawah out there to take care of.

Thank the gods you've come, Ginger! Perhaps you can talk some sense into this stubborn fool!
Calm yourself, Silvairre. At least let us petition the Order of the Twin Adder for-
There is no time, Luciane! Pawah would be long gone before their forces had even assembled! Alone, I can move more swiftly, take these poachers by surprise, and force them to divulge her location.
We understand how you feel, Silvairre, but this is too reckless! At least permit Ginger and me to accompany you.

Stop trying to make a martyr of yourself. I swear half the words that escape your mouth are outright bigotry and the other half is angst about how nobody else understands whatever you've decided your pet issue of the day is. Grow up.
But I do understand! I know what it means to take pride in your home, to want more than anything to protect it...and to be consumed by guilt when you cannot. I see what you're going through, Silvairre, and I...I understand. This guild taught me to open my eyes and see clearly. I beg you, Silvairre, open yours! You have friends here, ready to fight. You have us.

...Well his lying certainly hasn't improved. <sigh> If he honestly thinks he's doing us a favor by forbidding us from getting involved, he's an even bigger fool than I imagined. Come, Ginger! To the South Shroud!

This is the first of two duties in the quest.

Leih!? Ginger!? I told you not to follow me! I neither need nor want-

Don't take me for a fool. You cannot conceal the truth from this archer's eye! Ginger, the others are almost upon us. We must make our stand here and protect Silvairre!

This is another add rush duty. Between Leih and Ginger, we got this shit on lockdown.

Two minutes of constant attacks from angry poachers. He must have pissed them off good to stir up the hive like that.

...I told you, I do not need or want your assistance. Quite why you have deluded yourselves into thinking-
You're the one who's deluded! Thinking you could deceive us, when even a blind man could see that you cover your mouth every time you tell a lie.
Observe with intent, overlooking not the smallest detail. Discern your subject's unique characteristics, and recognize patterns in their behavior. I learned these things from Luciane...and from you. And I'll be damned if I'm going to watch you get yourself killed! There's still so much I don't know about Gridania and Wildwood archery, so much that I...that I need you to teach me!
Don't encourage him.
...Hmph. I suppose fixing your form is the least I can do.
Why, you-
Pawah's gang is already on the move. We have but one chance to catch them. Poachers throughout the Twelveswood use bone whistles like this one to communicate. With it, I believe we can lure Pawah out of hiding-assuming she has not moved on.
So that's why you came to Takers' Rot...for this gang's whistle.

Pawah was last seen near Issom-Har. To the east of the camp, through a hollow tree trunk, is a clearing where two streams meet, and efts are wont to congregate. We will lay our trap there, and you will be the bait. Do not fear, Ginger. I swear on my honor as a Gridanian archer that no harm will come to you.

Pictured: the face of a woman who is now relying on the honor of a proud bigot. If I haven't made my stance amply clear by now, then let me say it one more time. Bigots have no honor. Ginger's doomed.

Why did I agree to this stupid plan?

Bollocks. I knew I should've trusted me gut.

Six nameless archers and Pawah. Ginger's faced worse odds than that before. two minutes ago.

Pawah is kind of stupid, though. She allowed herself to be lured into an enclosed area with only one way out, surrounded by a lot of high ground from which any number of snipers could be covering Ginger.

Exactly how did she expect this was going to go?

...Some blokes just can't take a hint.

I do hope you will forgive my forwardness, madam.
No, no, sir...'tis most flatterin'.

Wouldn't ye agree, sisters!? Why don't we show our gallant Wildwood admirer an' his mates just how much we appreciate their attentions!?

A really good twist here would be as Pawah calls for her sisters, a whole hail of arrows flies down from above as Bowlord Lewin and the rest of the Gods' Quiver reenact the end of Dwight's story from Sin City.

Leih, Ginger-deal with the others. Pawah and I have unfinished business.
Heh, as you will!
You got until Leih and I kill the rest of these bastards.
If ye wanted to dance, all ye had to do was ask!

My sisters ain't to yer likin'? Too bloody picky, that's yer trouble!

Is it just me, or is it gettin' a bit chilly out? Don't worry, folks-I'll keep ye warm an' toasty!
Leih, Ginger-spread out! She has oiled arrows!

The oiled arrows leave behind patches of burning ground. I don't think they dissipate. But Pawah is dumb enough to only target Ginger who barely even has to step to the side to continue her barrage.

Pawah takes straight off. Kinda wondering why any of our heroes didn't immediately put an arrow in her spine.

Pawah intends to enact violence upon Ginger...

That arrow may have struck armor, but I doubt leather armor blunted its impact much. Arrows are designed to penetrate. So that shot hit home right in her back. If she's lucky she's only got a serious wound. If she's unlucky, she'll never walk again.

Pawah is doing an awful lot of crawling here. And who should meet her but the one person who's not likely to show her any mercy... Today has not been a great day for her.

...I can't...I won't...


Hmph. Did you learn nothing from my lesson? Your style is far removed from proper Wildwood technique. acquitted yourself well enough, I suppose. I will see to Pawah. Should she try to escape, she will find me far less sympathetic than the last time.
Did you see it, Ginger? A perfect shot! Luciane must hear of this! Let's hurry back to Gridania at once!

I am relieved to see you again, Ginger. Had the three of you not been united in your purpose, Pawah Mujuuk would still be free, and one or more of you would surely be dead.
I am so proud of you, Ginger. Not only have you mastered our teachings, but you have also helped your guildmates regain the perspective that they had lost. For showing such compassion to your peers, I wish to teach you a new technique-Windbite. With Windbite, you can bring the power of the very air around you to bear against your opponents. And they will suffer on long after you have nocked your next arrow. It will serve you well in battle, I am certain.
All archers walk the same path, Ginger, towards improvement and discovery. As long as you have the vision to see the path ahead, you will continue to mature and excel. Yet we all grow weary and lose direction in time. When this befalls you, I have no doubt but that you will find your way back to us. Trust in your eyes, Ginger. They will never lead you astray.

Windbite is ARC/BRD's second DOT move. From here on, most fights will need you to keep them both on the enemy. Both of them have 30 second durations, and you never get the ability to apply both at the same time.

At level 56, though, you do earn the ability to reset the timer on both at the same time. But that's a rather long way from here...

Anyway, I'm glad this bullshit is finally done. This was an awful one because the quests were so disgusting. But let's try and not dwell on how awful this quest story was. Instead let's look to the future. Specifically...

NEXT TIME: See You Inspector...