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VIDEO: Onikakushi-hen | TIP 16: A drug that makes you kill yourself?

"Not directly, no."
"That's quite a roundabout response. You're saying there's one that does it indirectly?"
"Something that puts you into a suicidal mental state, like that...?"
"...That's hard to say. What would 'a suicidal mental state' be?"
"Like a person with a serious bipolar disorder. It's believed that people are most likely to attempt suicide when swinging from depression to mania."

Clinical depression indicates a prolonged state of depression, whereas bipolar disorder is characterized by a passive depressed state accompanied by a very active manic state.

"Individuals with clinical depression suffer from low self-esteem and are quite pessimistic, but rarely commit suicide. They do not have the willpower to commit suicide.”
“Nor does mania on its own lead to suicide. That has an opposite effect, filling the person with confidence and making them feel as though they're walking on air. Thus, they do not commit suicide."
"...That's interesting. Neither state causes suicide, but when the condition changes, they might do so?"
"There is a desire to commit suicide when in a state of depression, but they do not have the willpower to commit such a formidable act. But when they enter mania, they gain a burst of willpower and their body moves as they desire."
"I see! So it means they gain the willpower to commit suicide."
"That's how it goes. That's why patients are given sedatives during that time to keep them from acting on their impulses."

"People who suffer from bipolar disorder generally commit suicide by more 'civilized' means. Like, say hanging, or jumping off a building. Self-harm as though going through withdrawal is completely different!"
"Tomitake's death wasn't civilized... So one would think it was caused by some foreign substance. As I said from the start: tell me of a drug that causes someone to commit suicide."
"There are reports that methamphetamine overdoses produce a condition that resembles bipolar disorder. It's a stimulant.”
“...Barbiturate overdoses are also reported to cause erratic behavior. That's a sleep aid."
"There were no signs of stimulants. Are there any other possibilities?"
"All I can think of is that it's some sort of illness. Something like Graves' disease, which affects the thyroid, and is known to cause symptoms that resemble bipolar disorder. But Graves' disease has many characteristic symptoms of its own. The deceased exhibited none of them."

"Are you familiar with organic mental disorders? In short, it's a condition where the brain is out of whack due to physical injury or illness. It can be caused by drugs, but it can also be caused by physical trauma, encephalitis, a stroke, or even tumors."
"Basically, even without a drug, one can succumb to an irregular mental state."
"The deceased was surrounded after being chased, and his life was in danger, right? All that stress could have messed with his brain chemistry, he could have hit his head, and those factors combined might have caused him to mutilate himself. It's a possibility."
"...Could you explain it to me in simpler terms...?"
"Bwah ha ha! Basically, he knocked his noggin in the brawl and that made him go haywire."
"Nahahahahahahah!!! Guess this means the assailants didn’t have any intent to kill. They smacked him hoping to nick some change, and just happened to hit a bad place!"

"...But of course, it's not like that."
"Ahem. Undoubtedly..."
"If it was habitual drug use, if it was something mental, the deceased's body holds the key. How are things on your end?"
"Oh my goodness, look at the time! I need to get back soon or Kuma-chan will get angry with me."
"Yeah! Good luck! Best wishes!"
"Best wishes!"