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Current Information

Ohashi Border Station

Ohashi Station was originally constructed to process all requests for entry into the New Tokyo system by foreigners. As entry requirements were relaxed, however, Ohashi transitioned into a base of operations for the Kusari State Police, who patrols the area in an effort to suppress the activities of the Blood Dragons.

LOCATION: Shikoku system
OWNER: Kusari State Police
CLASS: Mifune
GRAVITY: Complete

Deshima Station

The Shikoku system was originally a gateway for almost all of the traffic originating from Liberty and the Independent Worlds. Entry requirements for the New Tokyo system were initially very strict, and as a result, Shikoku became home to a large band of itinerant foreigners. Deshima Station was constructed in 350 AS to house this population, and despite the significant relaxation of New Tokyo system entry requirements, it still serves as a way station. Over the years Deshima has been substantially improved through the addition of a Synth Foods biodome, the construction of additional living space, and a partnership with Kishiro to manufacture Consumer Goods. The Bounty Hunters Guild also recently opened an office here as the large numbers of foreigners in the system includes a significant criminal element.

LOCATION: Shikoku system
OWNER: Bounty Hunters Guild
CLASS: Akebono
GRAVITY: Complete

Battleship Myoko

One of the first ships constructed for the Kusari Navy by Samura, the Battleship Myoko is the most venerable of those military ships still in service. It is currently deployed in the Shikoku system to help stem the growing tide of piracy from the Independent Worlds. The Myoko is scheduled for decommissioning in 806 AS, but it still remains a powerful warning to any outsiders who may wish to cause trouble.

LOCATION: Shikoku system
OWNER: Kusari Naval Forces
CLASS: Sekigahara

Fuchu Prison

Originally located in the New Tokyo system, Fuchu Prison was moved to the Shikoku system in 600 AS to handle the burgeoning foreign criminal element that was plaguing the area. While nearly 70% of the prisoners are from outside of Kusari space, the remaining 30% are almost exclusively members of a radical, political terrorist group called the Blood Dragons. "Rehabilitation through work" is a core principal of the Fuchu Prison mandate, and inmates are routinely deployed to mine Hydrocarbons and work the Junyo fishing platforms.

LOCATION: Shikoku system (F6/G6, upper right of F6)
OWNER: Kusari State Police
CLASS: Mifune
GRAVITY: Complete

Planet Junyo

Junyo is almost entirely covered by a deep ocean that remains liquid across the planet's entire surface due to the young, hot Shikoku sun. While initially dismissed as infeasible for further development, the impending collapse of fisheries throughout Kusari in 630 AS motivated the government to begin terraforming the planet using recently discovered Alien Organisms in order to jump-start the nascent ecology. Within 50 years, the planetary environment had been sufficiently altered to begin wide-scale production of Luxury Foods under the administration of Samura, a company that refuses to concede the market to the competing Liberty firm of Synth Foods.

LOCATION: Shikoku system
OWNER: Samura Heavy Industries
DIAMETER: 5,280 km.
MASS: 3.89 x 10e24 kg.
ESCAPE VELOCITY: 8.83 km/sec


Ohashi Border Station

"The majority of inmates in Fuchu prison are Gaijin. This confirms our beliefs that the fewer foreigners we have in our space, the better it is for Kusari. I am not pleased that the government keeps lowering entrance standards."

"Even though we are shipping to a police base, our convoys are attacked quite often. I do not wish to speak ill of our police force, but they cannot always defend us from the mongrels in this system. It is all the foreigners that turn their attention away from the real criminals, the Blood Dragons."

"There was a time when the only foreigners in Kusari were in this system. That was a wonderful time for our people, I'm sure. We wouldn't have any criminals to speak of except the Blood Dragons if things had remained that way."

Deshima Station

"Kishiro ships Polymers and Optical Chips here from Shinagawa for use in the manufacturing of Consumer Goods. The best of these will be shipped to New Tokyo."

Battleship Myoko

"The Xenos in Kepler wreak havoc upon our shipping concerns travelling between Kusari and Liberty. They feel as we do toward outsiders. Through I can sympathize with that sentiment, they are not justified in their belief as we are."

"This battleship has most of its basic supplies brought here by Samura from Deshima. It is a good run because you know it should be reasonably safe."

Fuchu Prison

"The Golden C. usually attack from the Keiun. The bold Blood Dragons will attack from anywhere. Most of the other criminals fly within the clouds to hide themselves, yet the Dragons will cross in open space, daring anyone to give chase, even the military."

"Mining Machinery is shipped here from Freeport 6 in the Border Worlds. This machinery is used by the inmate population to gather the Hydrocarbons from the ring surrounding this base."

Planet Junyo

"In the Border Worlds on the eastern side of Kusari space is a planet where Alien Organisms are found in vast numbers. That planet, Kurile, is in dangerous space. If you believe yourself to be a good pilot, you could always bring them here."