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An allied army, hastily constructed, composed of soldiers of the three Grand Companies and a retinue of adventurers assaults Castrum Novum.

While the army assails the castrum, the Fisher sneaks in around the side, the rest of the fortress is left lightly guarded as the majority of the Garlean forces work to repel the attack.

When the Fisher reaches the lunar transmitter, she finds it guarded by a heavy Vanguard mech.

This was clearly a dungeon of some kind. Never played old FFXIV, so no idea what this would have played like.


With the Vanguard defeated, the Fisher shuts down the transmitter, following the instructions Cid prepared for her in advance, and destroys the control panel.

However her celebration is cut short as she is struck by a blast from the doorway.

That the thrashing of mere beasts could interrupt Dalamud’s descent…

By your hand, the lunar transmitter lies shattered, and Dalamud floats aloft, bereft of guidance.

It would seem that I sorely underestimated you… Bah, animals were ever at their most dangerous when cornered.

The realm has seen six cycles of death and rebirth, yet man refuses to learn from his mistakes. Ever does he find a way to defile the sanctity of creation, and so the cycle must persist.

But no more, for I shall halt the turning of this wheel of darkness! He has willed that it be so, and so it must be!

Dalamud’s coming shall cleanse the realm of its foul taint! Only the wicked would refuse His gift of purity!

Only the wicked would seek to prevent His return!

Your sins shall not go unpunished! A thousand deaths take you and yours!

Dalamud apparently answers van Darnus’ rantings, it’s aether beating like a heart.
Nael van Darnus’ glow shifts from blue to red, along with an eerie red glow emanating from the eyes of his helmet.

Ah, yes! The song of life resounds!

Its joyous strains herald the coming of a new world - a new world free of man’s creeping corruption!

Van Darnus suddenly levels his lance at the transmitter and unleashes a massive blast, destroying it. The edges of the room are left engulfed in blue flames.

The legatus turns towards the exit.

My master… Guiding light of my life… I had faith that Thou wouldst not forsake Thy loyal servant…

No more have I need of towers drenched in the slaver of beasts!

I willingly give unto Thee my flesh, that Thou mightst return once more!
The crimson light shall suffuse you, cleansing the filth of your flesh and bone - aye, and of your very existence. When that time comes, you shall know bliss as your mortal mind can ill comprehend.
But the time for talk is past!

Nael van Darnus starts slowly walking towards the exit, through the flames, almost stumbling in his bliss.

Now do I make mine ascent to the realm on high, there to meet with Dalamud!

In the name of House Darnus, I shall bring the wisdom of ancient Allag to bear and make ready a feast in honor of the devine!

Bear witness as the curtains rise upon new creation! Ahahahaha!

And you, foolish adventurer… You will die.