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Hello everyone and welcome back! Today should close out the rest of the 2.1 MSQ. There's still a lot of ground to cover between here and there, so let's not waste any time!

Your bravery in service to the Twelveswood and her moogles shall not be forgotten, Ginger. My sister will doubtless wish to hear the tale of this great victory from the mouth of the woman responsible. Pray return to the Lotus Stand and treat her to a full account of the day's events, while the details are yet fresh in your mind.

The Elder Seedseer is expecting you, madam. May I show you in?

Back to Kan-E-Senna we go.

Dewdrops & Moonbeams

Ginger! Kuplo Kopp says you killed the king! I'm pleased, of course, but it completely spoiled the end of your story. Silly moogle.
By Louisoix's definition, the late King Moggle Mog XII was indeed a primal. But how can that be? It defies all precedent.
Everyone wants to hear your tale, kupo! What are you waiting for? Tell them! Tell them!

Ginger. You are returned to us, unharmed and victorious. Thus have I two reasons to be glad. Yet many questions remain unanswered. If you would be so kind as to oblige me, I would fain hear all that occurred in Thornmarch.
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog. Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog.
...Then it is as we feared.

The king really is a primal...
...But he really isn't, is he? I mean, the moogles don't worship him, for one thing-he's not even a god to them! That doesn't sound like any primal I've ever heard of.
Then mayhap the fault lies with the definition. The fact remains that through a combination of the power contained in crystals and the force of their collective faith, the moogles called forth a being that by rights should not exist. Moreover, when slain, said being left no corpse-the aether which comprised him instead being scattered to the four winds.
According to the accepted definition, he may not be a primal...but the mode of his manifestation was in every respect the same.
Which means...

I love the "serious" faces on lalafells. Papalymo has the same "furious pout" that Ginger does.

Ascians. This whole business reeks of their handiwork!
Kupopo!? They...they said it was a masked man who had taught them how, years ago-b-but Gridania has no shortage of masked men, and...and I never thought to question...
Confound it all! How many more will they ensnare with their tainted gifts...?

Too many, I fear. So long as there are Paragons to stir the embers, fools to build the pyre, and crystals to feed the flames, ever and again shall we suffer primal visitation. A somber thought, but a salutary one. My heartfelt thanks, Ginger. Already, the information you have provided has proven invaluable. The grand serpent marshal and I have much to discuss.
Oh! Before you do, my lady, I was hoping we might finish discussing that other matter?
The matter of which you speak has even now been settled. The Scions shall not want for support. We shall be glad to send additional supplies to Revenant's Toll.
We knew we could count on you, my lady!
While Yda and I remain to discuss the particulars of our arrangement with the Elder Seedseer, mayhap you could return to the Waking Sands and apprise the Antecedent of all that has transpired?

Please extend my personal thanks to the Antecedent, along with my best wishes for the Scions' forthcoming move.
You don't have to worry about the Mogglesguard anymore, kupo! The chieftain made them apologize in front of absolutely everyone. And just to be sure, we're keeping a close eye on them, too.
Thanks to the Elder Seedseer's generous donation, the Rising Stones may actually be worth leaving the Waking Sands for!
This business has taught us much, and the Antecedent must needs be informed of our findings. Pray leave matters here to us and return to the Waking Sands.

The Waking Sands

Welp, this is one of the last times we're gonna be Pray Returning.

It is good to see you hale and healthy, Ginger. I received word from Yda and Papalymo that you had felled Good King Moggle Mog XII, but I had hoped to hear your version of the tale.
Good King Moggle Mog...
...So it was as they said. Summoned with the same methods used by the beast tribes and taught by the Ascians. Though unfortunate, this incident did at least serve to remind the Elder Seedseer of our usefulness. Her offer of additional support could not have come at a better time. My thanks, Ginger.

Owing to the tireless efforts of all concerned, we are, at long last, ready to bid farewell to Vesper Bay. So as to avoid drawing undue attention, we shall make the journey to Revenant's Toll in small groups, departing at irregular intervals. Lest you doubt, it is still my intention to conduct future operations openly, but on this particular occasion, the need for caution overrides all other concerns. To move north as one ponderous caravan would only serve to invite attack.
It seemed only right that I should be the last to leave, and I would have you remain with me until the end, Ginger. Upon my departure, the Waking Sands will formally cease to be our headquarters, and the premises will be given into the care of Urianger.
I had thought to relinquish the property, but he was quite adamant, and I had not the heart to disagree. These walls have borne witness to some of the brightest...and darkest moments in our order's history. Mayhap it is best that we do not forsake them entirely. Urianger shall remain here and devote his energies to studying the nature of primals. By the grace of the Twelve, he will one day discover the permanent solution that we have sought for so long.
Of course, he will not be alone-Alisaie shall continue to work closely with him as well. Should they require our assistance, I have their assurances that they will not hesitate to contact us. Speaking of Urianger-would you inquire of him if any tasks remain undone? I cannot escape the feeling that I have forgotten something. Something important.

Thou art ever welcome, Ginger, but I require no assistance. Pray take thy leave unburdened by concern for my well-being. Verily, thy countenance bespeaks a desire to quit this place without further delay. Hm. Mayhap thou thinkest this chapter of our tale concluded-that these halls should rightly be consigned to the annals of history...?
In man's eagerness to seize the future, how readily he doth set down the past. Full many a proud pioneer hath bravely stridden into the great unknown, only to find there the banner of his ancestor, faded by the eons. And still man glorieth in his discoveries. 'Tis through his pride that wisdom doth ever give way to ignorance, while they who lurk in shadow remain hidden, lost no sooner than they are found.

Urianger is bowing.

<sigh> Be not offended, Ginger. Thy conduct hath ever been beyond reproach. Despite thy surpassing strength, and all thy many victories, thou hast never been so convinced of thine own greatness as to imagine thyself above the failings of thy forebears. Mayhap it is the Echo which hath opened thine eyes to the lessons of history. Would that the same could be said of-


Whence came that cry!? The solar! Twelve forfend-the Antecedent!


Ginger... must...


The Echo

Tell me, Louisoix... Would you have done the same?
...Louisoix Leveilleur was a remarkable man. Wise beyond mortal measure. Would that I had met him prior to his passing.

Without Shadow (Ascian Theme)

An Ascian, here!? How-!?
How readily you see. You are indeed gifted, Antecedent.
But you... You are not like the others. Your robes...

Gifted-but ignorant. Yet I shall not judge you harshly. The fault lies with your forebears. It has been...millennia. Mine are the robes of an emissary. Unlike he who came before, I have no quarrel with you.

He who- You speak of Lahabrea?
Lahabrea is a warrior. He fought. He fell. He may yet learn from his mistakes.
Then he...he is still...
Come. I only confirm that which you already knew. There is no cessation, no oblivion. Only expulsion.

Translation: The Ascians are eternal. Even if we kill one, we only kill their host body. Their actual spirit will endure.

You... What are...?

Tataru struts in.

We're ready when you are, my lady! If there's nothing else...

...Is something the matter? Ah...I feel the same way. After everything that's happened here, it feels strange to leave. But I'm sure we'll soon get used to Revenant's Toll. Well...I'll let you say your good-byes. Take as long as you like, my lady. We shall depart whenever you're ready.

It is only to be expected. She lacks the gift and the knowledge both. To her, we are indistinct.
I...I do not understand.
Shadowless, fleshless, formless... What truth there is in each tale is diluted by time and telling. Knowledge dictates expectation, and expectation colors perception. Thus did she perceive naught. So it is with all but a chosen few. Even you, when young, could not yet see with eyes unclouded.

You know nothing about me. Nothing.
The gift grants you clarity; it grants you focus. With it, you may in time come to see us as we are, rather than this crude approximation.

Lahabrea did not think so highly of the Echo.
Lahabrea is wrong about a great many things. The Echo is indeed a gift-albeit one you have yet to master.

Something we're going to find out is that the rest of the Ascians think Lahabrea is a gigantic dumbass.

And if we did?
There would be no strife between our peoples-for we would be of one mind. I leave, as I came, in peace, Antecedent. May we meet again as friends.

Wait! Stay where you are!


Mayhap I was indelicate... 'Tis a mercy She shields Her children from His grace with such resolve. Was it also by Her hand that you survived the Ardor, I wonder?

Save your concern. He did me no lasting harm. Whatever his intention was, it was not to kill.

I heard a cry! What happened!? Are you all right?

You look faint-do you need to lie down? I could fetch you a flask of my special tonic-

Urianger, send word to the Students of Baldesion. Tell them to scour the archives-the forbidden tomes in particular. If there is any reference to an Ascian robed in white, however oblique, I would know of it.

...An Ascian, my lady? Was that what gave you cause to cry out? I did but moments ago glimpse a figure clad in white set forth from the Waking Sands. Yet Ascians are wont to employ teleportation magicks-why would one be so brazen?
I know not and care not. Find him, Ginger! Turn every stone in Vesper Bay if you have to!
Pray attend me, Tataru.

Tataru's look says it all. "I'm way out of my depth here."

He speaks of peace, but I know his words belie his true intent. Quickly, Ginger-do not let him escape!

Tell me he's gone, Ginger. Tell me we're safe. We are safe, aren't we...?

Without Shadow (Ascian Theme)

I am told that you are the Warrior of Light. But I would know for myself. I shall walk north, and you may choose to follow. Know, however, that you will be waylaid if you do-you may even perish. Should you survive, we shall speak anon.

Just some imps here.

No, game, I can't do that. It will be an incredibly long time before Ginger can take the level 52 BLM quest.

Our foe in white is summoning some powerful voidsent to test us. Jesus.

For his final trick, he summons a bunch of nameless jobber Ascians.

Without Shadow (Ascian Theme)

Remarkable. Truly remarkable. I thank you for granting me this indulgence. None save she who bested Lahabrea could endure such an examination.

Have the laws of man grown so twisted in my absence that it is now permitted to lay hands upon an emissary? You bore witness to my audience with the Antecedent, did you not? Then you know I acted only in self-defense. I realize the same cannot be said of Lahabrea. Even amongst his brethren, he is considered...unique. Nevertheless, I cannot wholly condemn his misdeeds, for through them we discovered you-one so strong in the gift that she could cast us out.

Your Mother favors you still, that much is plain. But surely you must feel it? Her influence wanes, and Her strength shall soon be spent. These lands, these people, this world-all shall soon change. As it was, so shall it be again. As it should always have been.
Doubt my claims and question my motives if you will. Only believe me when I say this...

And so Elidibus leaves. He leaves the area and he leaves us with more questions than answers.

Elidibus is explicitly a villain, but he's the best kind of villain. He's not a dick, he's not an asshole. He wants to make the heroes understand why he's doing what he's doing, in the hopes of bringing us to his side.

Where were you, Ginger!? Did you find the man in white? Oh, what am I doing-the Antecedent is waiting for you!

Thank the gods you've returned, Ginger! After you left, I began to worry that I might have sent you to your doom. I take it our visitor proved elusive?
He tested me.
Beg pardon? He was waiting for you!? What did you do? What did he say?
"As it was, so shall it be again"? ...Of when does he speak? And of what, exactly? The words of this Elidibus portend much but reveal nothing-save perhaps a measure of disdain for Lahabrea. <sigh> I had hoped for answers, but it seems I shall have to be content with a wealth of additional questions.

Let us set aside the matter of this Ascian until after we have completed our move to the Rising Stones. There is but one final favor I would ask of you before I depart.
I believe I mentioned before that my father was a member of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. The truth, however, is more complicated than that. As far as the Empire knew, he was their spy. He maintained the deception for nigh on half a decade, furnishing the Resistance with vital imperial secrets while feeding his paymasters subtly conceived misinformation.
When he died some fifteen years ago, my father left behind his journal, which I have closely guarded ever since. It contains every shred of information he and his agents could steal on what they believed to be the single greatest threat to Eorzea: the primals. Its wisdom has guided me through the years, though there is much within I still do not understand...
It is my hope that Urianger will fare better. Tell him to treat it with care. It is all I have left of my father.

I thought thee departed. To what end dost thou linger?
Minfilia wanted you to have this.
The father's final bequest...the daughter's lifelong labor. It is no small thing to surrender such a cherished memento. Well can I imagine the Antecedent's pain. Upon mine honor, I swear to spare no effort in the study of these materials, lest my lady's sacrifice be in vain.

*ring ring*

Ginger, this is Minfilia. Forgive me, but I could wait no longer-I have departed for the Rising Stones.
You seriously couldn't wait for the two minutes it took for me to deliver the book?
If...if you have yet to... ...Once you have given the journal to Urianger, I bid you come to the Seventh Heaven in Revenant's Toll. Tataru will be there to show you inside our new headquarters. Assuming you have already attuned to it, you may wish to make use of our new aetheryte in Revenant's Toll. After all, it is right on our doorstep!
Thou hast been summoned to the Rising Stones, yes? Then keep not thy fellows waiting.

I assume Revanant's Toll didn't have an aetheryte before 2.1. It's Ginger's home location and has been since she first came there for the LP.

Oh, Ginger! You're here! Good, good. We were all wondering when you'd show up!
Minfilia felt the need to rush out after giving me an errand.

As I was just telling your restive receptionist here, I'm pleased to inform you that all the documents have been prepared and all signatures signed. The Rising Stones is officially yours!

Splendid! From this day forward, I will spare no effort in seeing that it is as welcoming and comfortable a home for us as the Waking Sands ever was! That said, this is all somewhat intimidating, is it not? So many unfamiliar places, and unfamiliar faces...
Revenant's Toll is populated mostly by adventurers, which means-as you might expect-that there's quite a bit of coming and going. Emphasis on the coming-at least of late, what with the investigation of the Crystal Tower hitting full stride. I've lost track of how many fortune-seekers and scholars have shown up in the past few days alone, hoping to unearth ancient secrets.
I don't suppose the tower's piqued your interest as well?

You could say that!
You've already offered your aid to the effort, you say? You certainly move quickly, my friend. If I weren't otherwise occupied with my duties here, I'd have half a mind to join you. Alas, I'll have to settle for hearing the tales of all you've seen upon your return. Be safe in there, yes?

Why, that's wonderful to hear! Rest assured that this receptionist will work just as hard to see that our efforts do not skip a beat despite the relocation. And with that, Ginger, I do believe it's time you officially announced your presence to everyone inside. The Antecedent and the others will surely be overjoyed to see you.

In order to progress in the main scenario, you must first complete certain quests in the Crystal Tower series. While you are granted a respite from your duties as a Scion, use your time to probe the depths of the Crystal Tower and see what ancient secrets may be gleaned!

The game isn't lying about this. We will have to finish all three parts of the Crystal Tower Alliance Raid before we can start the final bit of MSQ in this LP. That's months and months in the future from now, however. Also Ginger's already done the first two parts of it. Because in order to unlock Alliance Raid Roulette you need at least two constituent parts unlocked.

There's a lot of sidequests and feature quests in here. Most of them are hard mode dungeons.

Welcome to our new home-the Rising Stones! Isn't it lovely? But why are you standing around here talking to me? Everyone's waiting for you inside!

The Waking Sands (Watch this! It's actually a tour of the Rising Stones)

Ahhh. It's like finally coming home.

Now that we're home in the Rising Stones, there are a new batch of background Scions! Don't worry, Arenvald will also be here eventually.

I did not realize the Scions had moved until I arrived in Vesper Bay. Thankfully, Urianger was kind enough to direct me here. I know I've only just joined, but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

As ravishing as ever. Perhaps, for old times' sake, she would- Gods, Ginger! Don't sneak up on me like that. We bards are an easily startled lot.

As you can see, our Sharlayan allies have furnished us with a wealth of new tomes. 'Twould be prudent for you to broaden your knowledge as well.

Oh? You wish to help? That's very kind of you, but I can manage on my own. Besides, you should be out having grand adventures, not withering away here with me.

I love the smell of victory in the morning! It smells like sweat- No, no... MunTuy sauce! Nooo... Victory! Yeah, victory!
So here we are. Completely independent and unquestionably neutral-or at least more so than before. Truth be told, I cannot say it feels that different. Of course, Yda begs to differ.
<cough> <wheeze> The horror... The horror...

So far it's just Coultenet and Hoary Boulder. But don't you worry. Before too long there will be more. Many, many more.

Is it not wonderful, Ginger? Nary a single presumptuous merchant has darkened our door. I know full well they will come in time, but for now let us enjoy the respite.

Holy shit. Minfilia's office is bigger than my bedroom.

Looks like everyone is having the same reaction I just did.

Well, it is certainly spacious.

Spacious... and empty.

Today marks a new beginning for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, for today we declare our independence.

We shall henceforth be beholden to no nation, but serve all of Eorzea's people, proudly and openly. But this does not mean that we will sever our ties to the Eorzean Alliance. On the contrary, the Antecedent and I shall endeavor to strengthen them. Rest assured, however, that we shall not permit political considerations to influence our decisions.

Our identity remains unchanged, as does our cause. We are the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and our single purpose is to safeguard the future of Eorzea.

For Eorzea!

Everyone else walks off, but...

Pardon the intrusion, my lady, but the matter which bringeth me will admit no delay. Mine every attempt to contact the Students of Baldesion hath been met with silence.
No one will respond?
*shakes his head*
How odd. Allow me to try.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*


...No response. Surely they would not ignore us?
They have never yet, my lady. I fear we must assume the worst.
No. No, I will not believe it. An outpost, perhaps, but not their headquarters. Their wards are beyond circumvention. Had they come under attack, they would most certainly have raised the alarm. None could penetrate their sanctum unnoticed- But for those who lack the gift and the knowledge both. Oh no...

Contact their agents in the field at once. If aught has befallen the Students of Baldesion, they may know of it. ...Though the thought of it pains me, until such time as we have evidence to the contrary, we can but assume the worst. Accordingly, we must needs seek another source of information on Elidibus.
'Tis possible that others in the homeland are possessed of such knowledge. Be fairly warned, however: they are unlike to yield it unconditionally.
Do what you must.

Yet another unforeseen and unwelcome development...

What could be next, I wonder? A visit from a crimson-clad Ascian, perhaps? Or ocher? Or puce? And which of our allies will then fall silent...?
...For a time, I thought we had gained the upper hand. When you shattered the Crystal of Darkness and cast out Lahabrea, I dared to hope that we had found a way to rid ourselves of the Ascian menace. But I was wrong. He endures, and may yet return. Upon that point, I have no doubt that Elidibus spoke true.

Yet there must be a way to destroy them utterly-a way to spare this world their unholy machinations! I dare not consider the alternative... There are forces at work we do not understand, Ginger.
I discern them all around-in disturbances too great and too numerous to be dismissed as mere coincidence. Doubtless the Paragons are involved, but how and to what end is far from clear. I know not what will come, but I do know that we will rise and meet it as one.

Ah, my stalwart hero... Your face is a picture of resolve. I know that you will be ready when the time comes. With luck, however, that will not be for a while yet. Pray return to your private affairs with my blessing. Should anything arise, you will be informed.

Krile...where are you?

Without Shadow (Ascian Theme)

Your intercession was not foretold.
You object?

The first portrait is Nabriales. We met him in the stinger at the end of 2.0.

We question. Our plans are in motion, your intentions unclear.

They survived the Seventh Ardor and are stronger now in the gift. Does that not intrigue you?

...No, it does not.

Serve as you will. So too shall I. We labor not at cross purposes. The wisdom of His plan shall become apparent in time, when the veil is lifted from their eyes... And, at long last, they see.

And that's the end of the 2.1 MSQ!