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Now with introductions out of the way it is time to begin the game.

… anyways

“Abrupt though this may be, thou art summoned now to the realm of the dead.”
“Thou should know the gates connecting thine transient world and our realm of the dead have been sealest by demons.”
“If this goes on thine transient world will become rulest by said demons, and humans will be led down the path to destruction.”
“well we wouldn’t want that now would we.”
“Hinome h-hush you’re a shrine maiden show some r-respect.”

“This weapon has been granted to thou because amongst the shrine maidens, you hold a special power.”
“well… I mean Uzume and I already had our weapons… anyways Take the blade Yamato.”
“Accept the regalia and become the Kamiko.”
“Ok then. I accept this responsibility and this blade.”

“Become the Kamiko who will vanquish the demons and release the seal on the gate between worlds!”
“So anyone else realize we’re basically magical girls now?”
“… I suppose.”

AND WITH THAT the game begins. ONWARD to the forest of awakening:

Welcome to the first area of the game. You’ll find yourself trapped in a room with some enemies so time to attack them and you’ll gain spirit for defeating enemies. You need spirit to open chests and purify shrines as well as perform charge attacks. Breaking pots will drop life gems which restore 1 unit of health. A pot will ALWAYS have a life gem while bushes are very rare enemies never drop Life gems.
You will see that this area is locked and killing the enemies doesn’t do anything so step on the switch open the gate. A lot of this game involves switches either bringing an item to one or stepping on them.

“Yamato forgot to take some important pictures for the first area so I took a few for important tutorial stuff.”
This area requires you to place to orbs on the two pedestals. For your first orb head to the right and you’ll see a swarm of hornet enemies and a chest over water. Chop up the bushes and press down on the switch.

“huh… it’s not working”
“Pay attention to the skid marks and the blocks on the ground.”

You’ll need to push a block onto the button and stand on the other opening up a bridge. You can then get your first orb and take it back to the pedestal.
Now for the shrines themselves. You can either head down and right or down and left for your first shrine I chose to go left but first chest you’ll see this way has a key… you can’t do anything with it yet.

“Right here… and that movie sucked.”
“It is pretty bad…”
“I can’t believe I’m friends with you two.”

Anyways we can’t do much with the key right not so just put it down and continue heading down and we’ll see our first shrine.

“The shrine it’s… corrupted?”
“Don’t worry Yamato once you gather enough spirit energy the prayer of a devout shrine maiden can purify the shrine.”
“You shouldn’t have any trouble if I was able to purify one.”

“Great Job Yammy”
“Yeah just gonna ignore that one.”

Purifying a shrine will require 100 spirit so kill some enemies if you need more. After you purify the shrine though your game will save so if you run out of health you will respawn here with the first shrine purified instead of having to redo everything.

You can also use spirit to perform charge attacks and in Yamato’s case she performs the wind waker hurricane spin.

Just be careful not to get too aggressive near a wall (really I think Yamato is the only character with a sprite for this so I just wanted to show it off a bit.) ignore the bushes behind the shrine we’ll be back here in a moment… or don’t ignore them this isn’t a serious walkthrough I just prefer to head to the bottom right corner of the map to get the second shrine purified first.

And with that shrine number 2 is purified. Now this is where I head back to the first shrine so we explore behind the bushes. Is this order efficient no not really but It’s what I did so here we are

Now you’re gonna see a split path. The second orb is on the right path but if you keep heading up you’ll find something helpful.

“what’s this?”
“It’s a spirit cube. It strengthens your connections to the spirits and increases your overall capacity making it easier for you to get through barriers and open chests.”
“or do the whirling ballet of death”
“sounds helpful.”
Now head back and go to the right path to get the second orb.

Take it back to the second pedestal

And voila

Now continue to the second half of the area and…

“that’s a funky looking bird”
“careful Yamato those birds can fire balls of energy at you and will take more than one hit to bring down.”
These birds are the first enemy in the game that may be a threat given that the bat guys wander aimlessly and the hornets die in one hit even if they are a bit aggressive. But more importantly pay attention to that chest. Head up and around to find a break in the trees where you can get it.

“that’s a life crystal. I’ll give you one good guess what it does.”
After this keep going until you find both the switch and shrine.

I prefer getting this as my third shrine because the top left shrine we saw when getting the spirit upgrade well if you head to the top left you’ll see the shrine is blocked by a locked door so you need to go back to the beginning of the area and bring the key to the locked door without getting hit and dropping the key… welcome to the idiots journey in carrying things.

After putting the key in the keyhole you’ll see a not so secret passage

This will lead you to the shrine we saw earlier.
“and she definitely didn’t forget to take another picture here.”
After purifying all 4 shrines the gate to the boss will be open. Somewhere around here is apparently a secret but I don’t actually know where it is so I guess that’ll just be in a future post.

Become Navi

Before you go to fight the boss there are two upgrades and I remember originally thinking this was a choice of one or the other and spending like 5 minutes deciding… only to find out you can just take both.

that’s a big boss door

“It’s a demon orb!”
“Let’s get to smashing then.”
“Careful… something isn’t right here.”


Kamiko Boss theme

“We got incoming bullets.”
“these switches don’t seem to do anything when I step on them.”
“Hey Yamato Try getting him to slam down on the switches he seems heavy.”

“Oh they’re lighting up… guess we should light them all up.”
“Do you actually think that’s the solution or are you just being OCD?”
”Time and place Hinome and this ain’t it.”

“Weakness exposed time to take it out.”
“Wonder why it exposed it’s core like that?”
“well it did do it as an attack so maybe it’s just frustrated.”

So this is more or less how the evil washing machine works throwing out a bullet pattern before trying to crush you and you need to lure it over to the switches. You need to be quick though because take to long and the boss will reset the phase but one combo is all you need to finish a phase against this boss. I would say this fight can be a bit tricky and unlike all the other bosses it’s difficulty is about the same for all the characters though maybe a bit easier as Yamato because of her hurricane spin.

“MORE BULLE- oh hey he can’t hit you in the corner.”
Just rinse and repeat for phase 2 but now watch out for double hops so be a bit careful.

At phase 3 the corner trick isn’t likely to work because of how fast he fires bullets the he starts hopping madly towards your position but he’ll go in straight lines to get to you. Use this to your advantage to make him hit multiple switches in one go and don’t try running under him it will not work.

“Time to finish you off.”

“Did we do it? WE DID IT!”


I hope you all enjoyed there will be less tutorial heavy stuff next time. So join us back when we tackle.

“O-oh my.”
“that’s not good.”
“It’s all… flooded.”