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Welcome back everybody it is I Katherine aka DaitylAxe and let’s get back into this nonsense with area 2

“O-oh my.”
“that’s not good.”
“It’s all… flooded.”
As you can see everything has been flooded by a ton of rainfall
Head north and you’re blocked off by water head south and you’re blocked off by… a block

Yamato let’s try going to the apartments maybe we can find something there
good idea.
While you’ll need to go left to ultimately make progress I highly recommend heading to the right first.
Hit the switch to activate a warp pad and keep that in mind 2 minutes from now

More importantly go into the building to find yourself…

Another Health crystal.
this ought to keep you a bit safer Yamato since you’re always having to get up close to fight.
Now head down a little bit and you will encounter a locked door.

Oh great another locked door
UGGGGGGH why do I get the feeling this key is far away
… *sniff* *sniff* do you guys smell b-burgers?
Now head back and go to the left. After a quick loop around you’ll find your first shrine

Now keep going to the right and you’ll see a switch that lowers the wall looping you back to the beginning but check the chest and.

too bad they don’t do much good without a pedestal
what about that warp we saw earlier.
WELCOME TO KAMIKO an Idiot’s journey in carrying things so time to carry that sun orb all the way to that pedestal so I hope you cleared a few enemies out along the way.

Let there be light
And with that the flooded paths have dried up so we can now head north of the starting area and now you get introduced to


The frog enemy is the tankiest enemy in this area and they also have bubble projectiles moving slower than most projectiles in the game but they home in on your location.
After meeting the frog head to the left and hang down to see some barrel looking things. These assets don’t serve a purpose and are never used again. Just get the chest on the left for the spirit upgrade and the switch on the right to lower the gate to the next shrine.

Now cut the grass to the right of the shrine before you do anything just trust me on this?
Is now really the time for lawn care Yammy?
call it a hunch

Now with the second shrine purified GET READY TO RUN

This light bridge opens and you have maybe 1.5 second of Leeway here do not screw around.
What was that about no time for Lawn care Hinny?
Ok fine you got me… wait HINNY?
Yeah why not
I think it’s c-cute

Now there’s a switch that activates the warp below just off screen and there’s the key. You gotta take it all the way back to that locked door to the right of the areas start.

Hoo boy this is a trek isn’t it

Welcome to Kamiko and Idiot’s journey in carrying things.

It isn’t too long of a walk back but you gotta juke a few enemies on the way if you mess up kill some of them before trying again.
Well there’s the shrine but I need some spirit to purify it
hey Yamato. I smell something by that p-pillar

If you check the pillar you will find

Better question is why is it fresh.
This burger is one of the 4 secrets. There’s supposed to be one in every level but this is the only one I know about and that’s because I found it when doing my let’s play on youtube doing Uzume’s route.

Questionable hygiene aside head back to the warps to continue where you left off to find a puzzle I’m ashamed to admit stumped me for longer than I care to admit

Something is off about that Tree

There’s a block hidden behind the tree so push it onto the switch and then stand on the other switch to activate a different switch which open up a warp… why these two switches couldn’t just open the warp themselves I don’t know.

Anyways take the warp and take out the enemies along the way in order to find yourself the last shrine.

That’s the last shrine
Let’s head back to the center to see where it takes us

Now that we’re in the next arena get your health and spirit boost and get ready for the next boss fight
What household appliance shall it be this time
*sigh* dishwasher

Well it kinda looks like a dryer

Ok this boss is a bit of a joke and by that I mean a complete joke.

Phase 1 he takes a snake form and simplty bumps around the map going at angles like a dvd logo and his weakspot will be somewhere on the body.

Phase 2 has the snake body chase after you but after a few second the weakspot spawns in going between the two islands. You can cheese this with a super attack.

Last phase is a bit tougher but mostly because the weakspot takes longer to spawn in. The head will chase you on it’s own before 3 segments spawn in going up and down the center Island so you’ll use the warps. The comes the weakspot and another segment that bump around like dvd logos. Again use your super to one shot this phase.

wait that’s it?
A b-bit underwhelming
I feel like we over prepared for this.

Regardless of how uncomfortably easy the fight was we have now finished the second are of the game.

I find this area shorter and honestly a good bit easier than any other part of the game my largest issues were figuring out the puzzles the first time and THAT FREAKING TIMED SWITCH!

Anyways thanks for tuning in and see you back next time in…

HOO BOY IT’S HOT HERE good thing we dressed light
Wow everything I-Is burning
OH GOD NO we’re in California.