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S01E14: The Big Rescue.

So. Giant Lycose are very nasty. They're pretty fast, right now only Sarah goes before them reliably, and even then, not 100% of the time. This is a godsend because Nymph Para has a good chance of making them sleep among other things.

They have a decent crit rate and can do like 200 damage to Coryool as it is, and over 100 to the girls. Only Random is relatively safe from their attacks but even for him, a concerted attack like from the spider bush last update can destroy him and the whole party quickly. Luci often dies before getting Protection up. Sarah sometimes dies right away too.

The Hordes of Lycose aren't really notable except that their attacks do minor/decent damage to everyone at once depending on Defense. They're even faster and tankier than the Giant Lycose though.

Giant Lycose are worth 68XP each and Hordes are worth 89XP and 10GP each. There was eight Giant Lycose and two Hordes. The picture above, was from an random encounter with three Giant Lycose which... yes, are capable of doing a lot of damage very quickly.

This is all we get for taking care of this bush. XP and 20GP.

I make a quick run around the side of the 'Old Tower' to get some loot. Nothing special.

Back to SankT Leona to investigate one of the only places we did not check out.

This woman gives us a quest to escort her father here. She says to tell him Clara Guyens needs him, as he doesn't even know he needs to be escorted here!

We'll get a magic book of some sort as a reward.

The back room is dark and mysterious and has a locked door. None of the shelves have anything interesting, just 'odd' books.

To find Clara's father we have to head to the SE of the SankT Region.

Oh yeah, we get menaced by Dryads who like to... summon themselves?

Nothing special. 56XP and 173GP.

After a short walk, we come to a home by the sea side...

You walk slower in this house, even with the Sage Tower speed boost. If I hadn't got that, we'd be dreadfully, tediously slow moving.

Anyway, there's no one home, and the place is pretty barebones.

-Intricate- sex books, huh?

There's also this. But this isn't the place we were looking for, turns out!

We needed to go a bit more SW.

Inside a much smaller home, there's a shelf of magic books, including 'Geomancian' ones. Leanda says something like I learnt all this stuff and Coryool gets huffy and says what we're all thinking:


There's an upper floor that looks like this for some reason. No idea why there's a sizable wooden... overhang.

Back downstairs...

Luci and Random discuss who it could be if not Yveen or any goddess Luci has heard of, and Random says well, it's so artful maybe it's the old guys fiance!

Which causes the drunk to absolutely lose his shit.

Let's do what we came for now.

On the way back you're meant to be attacked by a new addition to the random encounter table, but it never happened to me even after a iut of grinding.

You can force an encounter by stepping on this bridge while the quest is active though (as many times as you like too, could use it for grinding). Odd since you never have to cross these bridges during the quest. Maybe it's meant to be a reminder?

Despite the fact it says SUCCUBUS the troop name is Sanguine. The random encounters come with Shadow Elves I believe. Sanguines aren't too tough but they do love using Love Me which can inflict madness which can result in the party doing a lot of damage to each other.

Sanguine's are worth 54XP and 155GP.

We get told this is going to take a while and to wait at the library.

We get told to return in 5-6 hours.

And get teleported to the library. Now, I don't think you're allowed to leave right away, but I neglected to check and just wandered around for a few minutes before leaving and going back to Clara's home. Yep. Nothing happens, no new stuff or anything, at the library.

Seems everything went well. Her father is resting in the other room. Apparently the succubi just really liked her husband and were even possessing him and causing all sorts of problems, so she... locked him in the back room.

Thank you, Sarah.

We can enter the backroom now, and find this. And that's that for this. No XP reward since Yveen is Yveen.

I know what this is supposed to mean but still.

Our next little adventure takes us to the SW of the SankT Region. On the east side of the Argolithian II, still though.

Sounds like my kind of adventure!

"2 to be twin brothers...
... and roam on the hall of domination...

2 to be twin sisters...
... and wait endlessly to find their lovers..."

What we've got here is a pushing boulders onto switches puzzle.

Both the chests in this room do this, repeatedly. Every time you use them. The Throat Hunter is pretty nasty, strong enough to one shot Luci and Sarah and heavily damage the tow boys. Also it's pretty fast. It ca also cast Genga Storm on everyone for decent damage. The second one I fought immediately ran away.

They're worth 150XP and 275GP so they probably wouldn't make too bad of a grind spot.

After pushing the boulders into place (yes they have to be in that specific pattern), a grave moves.

We get a special effects show and then some extremely evil mocking laughter.

I'm sure it's fine.

The many, many treasure chests are all... empty. There's nothing here for us, at all. So time to go!

The 'pharoan's' undead servants say they're ready to serve him and we're in a boss fight!

So, the mooks go down easy enough... and Vankov is no great challenge either. Buff up, debuff him with the Diamond Jewel and you're golden.

The sceptre is a guaranteed drop.

Luci tells everyone to run, because, according to Guanidia, the temple started shaking.

Why is Random's reaction to half of everything to just forget about it.

Luci is extremely close to capping Mind now.

We head back to SankT Leona and cross the Argolithian II.


GandJe Proud
Inhabitants: 6000 (jezaliens)
Capital of the thieves and the burglars. GandJe Proud is an old town whose roots are Hyspanyels (ie Latin language, while most other city speak Sverige).

No one ask me what the deal with the Hyspanyels is because I do not know. They don't really come up much after LP1. I don't know if this is just meant to be fantasy racism he made a bit too similar to real-life stuff and I don't know if we're meant to think it's shitty or just accept it as a fact. Or if maybe Indy had some prejudices against...... Hispanics? Italians? himself. But here it is.

I go into the building directly north of the sign.

Luci says she knows Latin!

Luci responds by saying she was born in Rillia and Sarah goes UM AKSHULLY YOU WERE ABANDONED IN RILLIA, BIG DIFFERENCE.

Random steps in at this point and tells Sarah to drop it but Sarah keeps trying to argue until Random just says JUST OBEY.

Anyway, nothing else here so we leave.

This guy has sold out all his stock but has a quest for us. I decline to take it for the moment, though.
We'll be back later.

And this guys store is all just junk we've had for ages. Also, if you choose his business options, he will make the whole party unequip their head and accessory slots to examine them for something he wants. We have no such thing.

So I yoink his Sphere.

Oh, hey Nalia. Apparently, women being submissive to men is Jezalien tradition.

This other guy says that Hyspanyels the Deport over are like one big family and would never ever let each other 'done.'

And there's a mystery brown slime here. Time to go. We have some mountains to uh... walk around, this time. Thankfully.

So we follow the mountain range north to the edge of the map...

This guy is here for some reason.

Ah, Minotaur Ministers...

They... call for more of each other. They can and often do spam Fresh Tsunami at the same time... And they cast spells like Mega Flare to hurt everyone. And they can summon the Sylphs's to numb and poison. They're nasty pieces of work. Also Sarah's attack power is worthless now, even with the double hit rapier, but its still the best weapon for her statistically.

Minotaur Ministers are worth 93XP and 410GP and have a very extremely low chance of dropping Minotaur Bracers.

We're about to help this old guy. We go upstairs to loot first.

Well, we know the daughters name now.

It's not much but I'll nick it all the same. We move on.

A shop of junk we don't need run by a little girl. If you leave without buying...

Sarah really can't take it when people talk shit or make fun of her or Random, even if she starts it.

Apparently only natives know about this trail, and no one's telling us, so we'll have to go around every time.

A Rapzadus drops this eventually, but I keep the Metal Scimitar. Because it's laser. And the 35% Death.

Walking south further we find a way into the mountains and then...

Navigate a series of hidden passages to reach this area.

Huh? Wendala's name is on this memorial?

While we ponder this new mystery...

I pull this switch. There's no way you guys could guess what this switch does. Well, maybe you could, if i told you that we've seen what it would effect and there's not much I've left untouched.

Just SWW of the spot we enter the mountains at... this woman building a restauraunt she feels will be well appreciated for its 'Mythical Context.'

Seems like an extremely bad location to me though.

North of there is...

Minotaur Coast! The TRUE heart of Big Cow!

The second stall sells to us. Coca Pollen is listed as a 'Drastic Drug' btw so I can only assume cocaine. Is cocaine really the pollen? I thought it was an extract from the leaves or something.

These monstrosities suck. Their normal attack is very strong, doing 190-260 damage to RANDOM of all characters. They're also a little on the tanky side but not overmuch. If they do worse than this, I never saw it.
Thankfully, you always encounter them alone.

97XP and 64GP.

Neither of the girls can use this, so it must be for Leanda.

I like this guys attitude.

Guarding the way to the next area is 'General Rock Arms.'

We start with surprise on our side, thanks to Random. If he does anything special, I don't know about it. Sarah silenced him and Luci got protection up so his normal attacks did jack all. Got a lot of HP though.

When you kill him, he screams YOU BASTARDS!!!!!! which is a pretty fair assessment, I think. 100XP and 550GP.

Oh yeah, and Big Cow, like SankT Leona Castle, has guard hornets apparently. They're not very threatening. 69XP each.

These guys don't seem overly concerned that we're here though.
And they haven't heard we slew Dorado yet?

Rip off! We backtrack to the previous island.

Also there's Smugglers too now. They're not very threatening, really. 60XP and 35GP.

For some reason, this guy is named. Anyway, there's more minotaurs here but they're boring so we move on.

We get attacked by a boss while crossing the bridge. Screen shaking and everything!

It's not a very tough one though. Protection makes a joke of it and then it doesn't seem to have much more than 1k HP.

121 XP.

Another merchant on the next island sells only drugs.

Yep, they definitely don't know.

Another merchant is selling these ripoffs.

So we rob him.

So, that's why a little girl was selling cocaine(?)

Uh huh.

Wait a minute... that card. Hm? Where'd I put that again? Oh well! Attack!

This guy is kind of... I could see him really fucking you up if you were unlucky. He double hits for a good bit of damage, for one thing. And he's pretty fast. He double hits Luci before she can get Protection off, so Sarah has to revive her and then spend a turn healing. His double hits take out Random on the second turn too. Luci gets up Protection then, and he's a cinch after that.

160XP and 2890GP.

When he dies, which doesn't take that long, he's -relatively- fragile, he says Orfuls punishes all traitors. Good thing we are not traitors then.

Onto the next area!


Huh? Did we just tightrope to this island?

Oh yeah, Torpedo Sharks are now random encounters in this area, which is annoying.

There's a bunch of wooden platforms in this area.

Also, this is a rather insidious teamup, since the hornets cast Fire Tempest which can blind Random pretty easily.

We also run into these guys. Nothing special. Cast Water Beam on everyone and uhhh that's it.

63XP and 260GP.

Big Cow has stocked a lot of alcohol.

And cannons.

And alcohol.

Random finally takes a leaf out of the books of other heroes and jumps some small gaps. He does this amusingly quick.

Stocking a lot of drugs too! That other chest has 3 sacks!

That's just random ship tiles!

Sarah learns a stupid trial and error spell!

I waltz by a few small cannon depots and up onto a large central platform.

This is the second minotaur to threaten us with this games canon.

Random uh... He jumps so quickly you barely see him in the air. It's absurdly quick.

This will happen to even more amusing effect in a dramatic scene I am thinking of recording.

So! Now we're on the ship proper. Only the minotaurs will bother us in random encounters here.

Most of the minotaurs absolutely don't give a fuck.

Wow! We saved 81k on buying that crap.

I thought the implication we got much earlier was that the zombies were because of the dark powers used to destroy the town, not the other way around!

Yep! We get a new party member just for this quest. I switch Coryool out for him. Look, he can buff too!
He's like Coryool but good, and without the magic immunity.

We scamper through some dormitories, a store room and a... dead end that might be a bathroom?

Also a fuckload of cannons. The other side of the ship is similarly loaded up. What the fuck are they going to do with all these??? They already have a dozen on the deck in a much more realistic style!

We continue northward.

This guy also seems to not give a shit.

Doesn't even care if we steal his shield. The girls can't use this one either.

You can see what looks like a meeting going on, but there's no way to reach it from this level.

So what you're telling me is if I kill all the ministers now, Big Cow won't have a chance?

We go down stairs.

I follow a really out of the way path to a dead end and...

Random tricks us and Sarah at the dead-end! That's so Random! I get back onto the main path and actually am little stumped for a while because I forgot a thing.

We have to use this random hole in this otherwise non-descript dead-end.

And then the camera pans PAINFULLY slow to where we'll wind up. It takes most of a minute.

We run over to that minotaur you can see, surprising him.

This guy also double hits, and even with protection up, he can one shot Luci. Lots of HP too. Does decent damage to everyone. But... Not much going on.

298XP and 3100GP.

When he dies he tries to shout an alert.

Well, good.

We climb the ladder up a couple decks...

Well, I'd hope so, since you're standing in it! Luci says 'Our Goddess takes many forms' or something like that and then you get a Save prompt so... I guess this is Yveen meddling.

Talking to the guards results in us fighting a trio of Ministers, a boring, tedious fight.

Then you fight ANOTHER trio of ministers. After which, three of the sprites disappear and Orfuls says YOU MIGHT HAVE KILLED ALL MY MINISTERS BUT YOU'LL NEVER LEAVE HERE ALIVE or something.

Orfuls doesn't say anything particularly interesting. Random says tells 'Orfuls and friends' that their time is up, basically and Batabog warns us Orfuls is immune to everything but Thunder and Air.

Anyway, each of these three are dangerous enough to have been one of the minibosses we fought thus far. Though I don't believe any of them double hit, thank god. They do tend to rely on brute force, with Gariiy, the one on the right, sometimes casting spells. Basically, buff up ASAP. Have Sarah cast Defense Up on Luci, and have Luci cast Protection. Then have Sarah cast Attack UP on Random and Batabog/Coryool. Even with your defenses up, they still do a lot of damage, so I had Luci use the Diamond Jewel on Orfuls and then Gariiy. By the time they were debuffed a bit, Drak Bak had died and the fight was a piece of cake from there.

We get 1384XP and 25165GP for this battle, as well as Orfuls' Fur Cape, Orfuls' Royal Key and Treasure Key.

What? You helped too!

Apparently Minotaurs call Capul 'Darkin' Park'... Not sure what to make of that.

Anyway, Batabog leaves, without being unequipped. I had to redo the boss fight because of this, and thank god for that save point there because I would have had a fucking epic melt down about having to do this whole update again.

Time to collect the rewards.

The Treasure Key unlocks these two chests.

How come the weaker Tequila gets a description of its effect and the Good Shit does not?

And we finally get an upgrade for Coryool. Too bad we won't be using him for much longer.

Looking through the inventory makes me realise I forgot to use something.

I'm not sure this'll come in handy until one of the things I'll do postgame.

This guy is running a makeshift inn now.

And the captain has bowed aside for Batabog.

Orfuls' Royal Key unlocks this, then we go down below again.

Navigate our way to the brig...

Everyone, of course, symapathises with her and she comes with.

More looting.

Our final bit of loot involved this.

Don't ask me what the fairy's deal is. But we jump and wind up...

On this platform! The lower chest has Tequila, but the top one is locked.... By the Rusty Key hidden in the pot. What's the point of that? I don't know!

The claws are a weapon for Herasia, I believe.

Anyway, this area is inescapable except by Egress, so we use that.

Lauralee say's she'd like to help out but she's no fighter and knows how to get home on her own, so she departs.

She moves very quickly.

Also now that she's confirmed alive and has been freed, the party no longer has any qualms about reading her diary for some reason. I feel like a woman keeping a sex diary and including her captor in it is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... a bad thing that Indy probably didn't even think about past being a joke.

Random has to call Sarah away from the diary.

But with this out of the way, we can finally go and save Charly's fiance.

Uh oh, all the other people that were still alive in the cells are all dead now. Maybe we're too late.

Wendala has since been mobbed by slimes. They weren't here before.

There's a bit of a discussion here about Charly sending them, and Wendala doesn't seem too enthusiastic though she does confirm Charly is her BF.

And now we have Wendala. And we're going to start to see the -real- Party Dynamic of this series. Despite being like a... semi-hidden character in LP1, you could make a good case for Wendie being the series tritagonist (Luci being the deuteragonist.)

Of the party, she's just a little ahead of Guanidia in terms of being my favourite. She'd be WAY further ahead, and probably be the single best character in the whole series if... you did not have to take the good with a WHOLE lot of bad. Someone said earlier that this game is like it was written while Indy was jerking off but that's all nothing. That's cute compared to Wendie. -Wendie- is the Indy jerking off while writing character. I could go on forever about this but I'd probably make some of it sound worse than it is, and a lot of it sound not as bad as it is. And it might come off like a defense when I do not intend it to. There are signs of an interesting character under, as the lurker I've been talking to put it, the mountains of fetishism in regards to Wendy, but you have to dig, and a lot of her circumstances were likely devised to fuel all that anyway. Besides that, I'll let you guys devise your own impression of her as things go on. I'm fond of her because she's one of the funnier characters usually, but remember what I said about a lot of the worst stuff being related to her!

And be warned that we have a pretty crass and tasteless scene coming up!

We rest at the good ol' Merthuns inn to clear Sunburn and then head out to meet Charly.

Wendie criticises Charly by pointing out he could have done it too, and he says 'Shut up, submissive girl!'

Anyway, Charly is rather dismissive of Wendie and...

Sarah sticking up for Wendie is going to be a rare sight going forward, but here it is.

Charly has no reward for us though, when Guanidia brings up the promise of one.

I leave out here a part where Charly insists Wendie calls him Master.

lmfao RANDOM STOP just because he said it like that doesn't mean you need to. Anyway, so yes, Wendie is going to join us as a fighter for three months, but they want to spend one last night together so we have to go rest at the inn and come back.

Luci, I'm thinking the same thing.

Thankfully, you'll never do any such thing, old man. Also you're out of the party now.

Anyway, we go and rest and come back.

When we come back, Charly is waiting here despite Randoms doubts, and he even correctly guesses Random had doubted him. He says to keep an eye on Wendie, shes a good fighter, but rebellious, etc etc. The usual weird crap it's actually weird to talk to people about.

Wendie for her part, apparently enjoyed her night.

Not in front of people. Or us. Please.

Phrasing, guy.

Now that we have -that- out of the way... There's only one more particularly bad scene in this game to get out of the way, and then after LP2, the series generally tones this sort of thing down a lot. But not completely. I mean, Sarah and Wendie still exist and all. After LP2 I don't think there's anything even like nudity or nipples poking through tops at all. But I might be forgetting something.

One last stop for this update. We return to Capul and talk to the guards that sent us after Orfuls' to begin with.

Apparently they're all working hard rebuilding. Good for them!

And that's that.

So, I might do a 'short intermission' update about getting... to know Wendie. Then the next real update after that will be the last one of sidequests and stuff for a while! Yes, moving the plot along for the first time since Chanterless Church is on the horizon!

the end