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Update 37.5: Tower of the Gods Bloom Seed Exploit

You can consider this update to be a part of update 37, though I cut this section out into its own update in case anyone wants easy to access instructions on how to replicate this.

7th Dragon’s RNG for whatever reason, tends to be very static and predictable. You can read the update on the Random Number Generator I wrote to see more details on why it works. Because it’s so static and predictable, we can exploit it to get the results we want. In this case, generating a guaranteed Bloom Seed encounter for easy level ups. For those that read the update, RNG 1 will be the function we’ll be exploiting here. Let’s get started!

Video: Tower of the Gods Bloom Seed RNG Exploit

Here’s a video on how to this, though I’ll write this out in screenshot form as well.

There are a few preparations you’ll have to make. Make sure you have ways to reduce the encounter rate on hand. Either with Bamboo or Ronam Flutes, or the Healer’s Invisible skill. The Samurai’s Evil Eye skill doesn’t work for this. If you’re playing on the USA patch, you don’t need those tools.

Also make sure to save at this save point on the 4th floor of the central tower of the Tower of the Gods. It’s also very much ideal to have killed all the Tyrannosauruses on the floor below, though it’s optional. Doing so just severely reduces the likelyhood of this exploit going wrong.

If the Tower of the Gods is free of Bloom, you can just use a Bloom Seed item to restore the Bloom to allow the use of this exploit.

7th Dragon does not have a soft reset function, but it doesn’t matter. A fresh boot will accomplish the same thing as 7th Dragon’s RNG functions don’t check for the system date and time to get its RNG seed, and the seed is always set to a value of 0 on booting.

Upon loading the game, immediately use an encounter rate reducer. The RNG advances every time the encounter rate reaches 0. Unfortunately, because the RNG seed starts out at 0, the encounter meter is always set to 1500, the lowest possible starting value, and it’s not possible to reach the stairs heading down in time before you get into an encounter. Evil Eye doesn’t work here because the RNG will advance the moment the encounter meter hits 0, even though it can prevent a battle.

If you’re playing on the USA patch, this isn’t needed as the encounter rate is lowered enough to not need a reducing item or skill.

Also do not try to use the staircase leading up to reset the meter, as that advances the RNG a different number of times than the staircase leading down, screwing up this exploit.

The next step is to head on over to this staircase and walk down and up the stairs 8 times each. Or witness 16 screen transitions.

This is the reason I recommended that you kill every last Tyrannosaurus, as their movements advance the RNG. If you immediately head up upon heading down you can avoid this, but it’s just better to have that room for error.

After doing all that, walk down the stairs one last time. Don’t walk back up here.

Then immediately head over to this Bloom tile and trample it.

It will produce a Bloom Seed battle.

Use EX here, or some other form of priority, as it’s very likely the Bloom Seed will run on the first turn.

And presto! An easy kill with lots of experience awarded to our party!

You can then head on back up to save and immediately repeat this process for very fast level ups. Rinse and repeat as needed. Since Bloom Seeds always give out a maximum percentage of the experience needed to reach the next level, you only need around 2 Bloom Seed kills per level to level up.

This results in very easy ways to power level if you want. This isn’t the only known Bloom Seed exploit, but it’s one of the easier ones to pull off. I’ll cover the other ones when we get to those.

Now next time, we’ll finally take on Dreadnought.