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Content warning for descriptions of body mutilation.

VIDEO: Tatarigoroshi-hen | TIP 5: Copy of the Preliminary Autopsy

BGM: Silence

The autopsy suggests the victim was killed in the following manner.

Traces left behind from when the body seemed to have been bound indicated usage of a specific restraining table rather than rope or another common method. Finger joints on either hand appear to have been bound especially tightly.

Highly likely that the table was either specially-made or homemade given this information.

Traces of the restraint and other things seem to suggest there was at least one more other than the one who severed these body parts holding down the victim's head.

Possible that multiple blades were used, with one of them most likely being scissors or shears.

One long nail stuck in each joint of each finger on each hand, for a total of thirty. The deceased's fingers were nailed to wooden planks twenty square centimeters large; extremely likely these planks were part of the restraining table.

In addition, it is likely that the table was originally designed for just such a purpose.

The incision in the abdomen is likely to have been a technique grounded in medical methodology using a sharp blade.

Estimated that there was still no threat to the victim's life at this stage.

After this, the organs inside the incision were dismantled and removed. The victim likely died as a result of this process.

After fastening a dumbell to the victim's neck using a commercial pet collar, the victim was likely abandoned in the the Ouji River's third drain.

Judging by the dumbell's weight, it's highly possible they would have needed at least three grown men to have disposed of the body.

To Ooishi-san.
Here's a copy of the preliminary autopsy of the slaughtered corpse in the Ouji River.
Chief Shigeharu sees this as having a possible relation to the S-group. What are your thoughts, Ooishi-san?