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Part V: The Fortress We Conquered

We begin immediately after the previous update ended, because this skit takes over as soon as the previous scene I covered ended. Essentially, Eizen claims that Vortigern can't be defeated by a sea or land attack, but it's a different story if both happen at once. He comes up with quite the plan. First the kingdom's fleet gets drawn out of the passage, then we slip in via land, open the sea gate, the Van Eltia breaks out and passes through the gate, we hop onboard as it sails through. It's certainly A plan, we'll just have to see how well it goes.

First up, he needs some new clothes for this operation. Wild West Eizen seems alright to me. The Spirius Shots were Ludger's canonical guns in Xillia 2, by the way. Rokurou gets a Ludger outfit as his cameo costume, hence why these are here.

Oh yeah, another way you can lose diamonds in the Soul Gauge? Getting Stunned. This battle wasn't the greatest to demonstrate Eizen, is what I'm saying.

But I did eventually get the chance to use his Break Soul, Draconic Drive. Unlike Rokurou or Velvet's Souls, he can't activate this whenever he wants as long as he has at least three diamonds in his Soul Gauge; any enemy at all on the field needs to be Stunned (get the the stars swirling around above the enemy's head for a few seconds until they get hit) or downed. If you hit his Break Soul button when that happens then, wherever Eizen is on the field, he'll immediately warp to where the Stunned or downed enemy is and throw a massive fireball that does tons of damage at them and any enemy close to them. It's pretty sweet, and plenty powerful, but just because he can't activate it whenever he wants makes it kinda inconvenient to use.

As for Laban, this is about the most interesting part of it. Burning down vines with flint. Yay. Once you've spelunked enough...

The kid's awfully quiet. You think maybe there's something wrong with him?
Number Two's always that way.
Stop that. Calling him by a number is cruel.
What's "Rokurou" mean?
Well, "Son Number Six", technically...
Same thing, then.
Not even remotely!

You all right, kid?!
Why didn't you say something?! If Eizen hadn't noticed in time, you'd be dead!
You ordered me to keep my mouth shut...
*grabs Number Two* That's not what I meant! Why? Why would you do that?
Whoa, take it easy, Velvet.
Let me guess, kid. You were bound by an exorcist?
I thought as much. The boy's will has been sealed away. Malakhim have individual personalities, just like humans. But exorcists have developed methods to seal those personalities away... So they can use malakhim as uncomplaining tools.
Will he always be like this?
Can't say. I've never seen one escape the exorcists before.

We might need to have lots of talks later with this kid, but for now, a skit.

Velvet seems to have a pretty good grasp on the kind of man Artorius is when she doesn't consider him family, but again, we should let the man speak for himself. And the first step to hearing that is getting through these caves.

And freeing this Katz for 35 Katz Spirits. No reward this time, either. Just gotta be strong and rescue these Katz. Well, we were more blackmailed into rescuing them than anything, but still. They're in our path, so we're not making detours just for the odd creatures.

Oh yeah, I should mention, Katz originally showed up in Symphonia. They're not people wearing cat suits or anything, they're just straight up cats. Or should I say, Katz. One of the party members in Symphonia actually got a Katz suit as a costume title, but that was just a suit. No Katz party members in this series yet.

So I should talk about battle Eizen, shouldn't I? To put it simply, he's pretty sweet. Probably the second easiest character to play as in this game other than Velvet. As you might guess, he's a brawler type, preferring lots of heavy punches. This has the expected problem of he typically has to get very close to an enemy to attack, but this is why I like to start combos off with Coercion, which has a decent range and most important, draws enemies close to him against their will.

He also has a handful of spells, but like most characters with a mix of melee and magic in this series, the vast majority of his utility comes from his physical attack damage.

Before we leave, we have...another curious type to meet and greet. A...turtle that walks on two legs, it seems.

Excuse me, a "Turtlez". He says he is neither daemon nor malak, but "Turtlez". He speaks with a stereotypical Brooklyn accent for reasons known only to himself, and he sells stuff.

Unfortunately, for some reason he thought he could get away with shaking us down. Velvet's persuasion skills are back again, and he decides to deal with us at very affordable prices. According to Eizen, turtlez are traveling merchants, even to underworld types like us. He doesn't have anything I want right now, but y'know, option's there.

We get another skit on a different area of Laban about strange people in this world. That is putting it mildly.

Please, there's no use giving Eizen a hard time about what exactly the turtlez are.

Once you're done with this thrilling locale, we get a pretty fun skit. If you've played Symphonia / Phantasia, you'll recognize a lot of the references Eizen and Number Two throw out about the images on his coin and where he got it. They're just names in this title, though.

Some context as to where we are right now. We're supposed to be on the north coast of Westgand, because we're just outside Vortigern right now.

There's no guard. Do we just go in?
Wait. This isn't what I expected.

Not going in that way, but we do get a skit afterwards pointing us in the direction of the backdoor of the fortress. Let's hope security's a little lighter there.

This one's actually guarded.
Which means there's no barrier. Let's move, everyone.

Stop... Those guards are--!
Careful! They're not what they seem!

Let's hope this game doesn't have an airship... Anyway, they're both pretty easy and fun to sidestep, so have fun with them.

You wouldn't expect these guards to carry the daemonblight. Is this your curse again?
If I'd charged in, that might have turned ugly. Thank you for stopping me.
Don't thank me. He's the one who noticed the danger.
In that case, I'll be counting on you to keep watch. After all, we've got a reaper with us. Who knows what else we'll find.
She's saying it's all right to talk.
*already approaching the door*
Understood. Keeping watch.

We'll definitely need someone paying attention, because we're headed right into the belly of the beast. This is also where all the pre-recorded stuff for this LP ended, so after this screenshot, we'll be using goon-created outfits. How exciting.

Just remember: you asked for it. Well, the poster in the thread I chose asked for it.

Immediately upon entering, we get a short scene of what seems to be some nasty business going down around here. I assume the daemons around here weren't invited, but hey, Eizen's curse is already living up to its reputation.

Yep, can't argue with that. Eizen also points out this is how we pass through the gates: get to some control room in the upper floors and open the gates from there.

The most common enemy you'll find around here are Lizardmen, who fight roughly similar to Dyle. As in, they're fairly slow, but they can bunch up pretty quickly and do a fair bit of damage in the group. Of course, bunching up substantially increases the effectiveness of Draconic Drive, so you win some, you lose some. You generally don't have much to worry about from them. I assume they're the actual imperial garrison of this place turned daemons.

Welcome to the main passage of Vortigern. That ship on the left is a Midgand battleship, the gate in front of us seems like something we need to open. But for now, let's watch a skit.

Apparently malakhim are largely behind some of the kingdom's more grandiose construction projects, including this place.

Vortigern is a highly vertical dungeon with lots of tight passages, but not so tight that you'll be forced to fight every enemy group along the way.

For now, travel up a couple ladders for this next scene. Negotiating tactics

A little hard to see with the...with the heads, but Eizen just decked that guy.

Well, brute force is out.
Intruders! How dare you set foot in our domain!
Where's the key?
I am a proud knight of Midgand! I'm not about to yield to the likes of petty daemons!
There's nothing I hate more than someone else trying to control the direction of my life. My wheel is mine to hold. If I'm not the one steering the ship, then I'm not truly alive.
The one steering...
I-Indeed! And my life is devoted to the defense of this fortress!
Then you'd better be ready to accept all that happens to you in the line of duty.

*rams him against a door* Maybe it's time we found out just how deep your devotion truly goes.

A bit absurdist humor here, but what's going on is, just before this screenshot, you heard a loud snapping noise.

Take it easy. There's nine more fingers to go.
W-Wait! The key is in the control room! Through there!
One more question. Which way to the battleship?
Straight ahead! Up the stairs!
Got it.

Well, thank you for handling that.
It just comes naturally. We need that key, but we also need to take out the battleship before it sails against the Van Eltia.

He's right. The control room or the docks. Which will it be?

Well, both eventually, but yep, we have a little nonlinearity: either go up to get the control key first, or down to the other side of Vortigern to take out the battleship first. Although you can do either first, our first order of business is the ship. But first, we have a couple skits to watch. First one...

Someone's really got it out for this guy.

In response to Eizen saying his fists vs. Rokurou's swords would be an interesting fight. Play nice, boys.

In this skit, we learn that the Abbey seems to be the group *really* in control of the Holy Midgand Empire, so they're our real enemy. Not that the empire is likely going to make things easy for us, but our real enemy is the Abbey.

Please, Rokurou. There are children present.

This is actually the front door of Vortigern; as you'll recall, there was some kind of energy field guarding this entrance. Doesn't seem like we have any business this way. The nearby chest has a Life Bottle, which is the real reason we went this way. Well, the real reason is I forgot this path leads to the main door.

Both of these paths lead to where the battleship is, it's just one needs to be visited before the other. Because...

A boulder we can't explode, because it's on the other side of a gap. Let's see what the other route leads to...

Although this particular area isn't special, it does remind me of a thing I've been meaning to mention.

See, Tales games since Zestiria have put more effort into *very* quickly loading battles and having those battles reflect where you're fighting. Sure, other Tales games had battle fields representative of where you were fighting, but mostly it was just kind of a "Generic battlefield" depending on where you fought, and not exactly representative of where you initiated the fight. Here in Berseria, you'll get battle fields much more like where you started the fight, like here for example. There's no, like "Vortigern Outside / Vortigern Inside" map. It's a really nice touch, actually.

First, just examine this boulder to have it plummet below - right on top of that boulder that was right in our way previously. Next, cross that narrow passageway to find a fancy chest. It just, for some reason, contains some Plain Paper for Malak Number 2. Bit of a letdown.

Once you're in the passageway after that boulder, you'll encounter what are probably Vortigern's most annoying enemies: these wall guys. They block a lot and are generally a pain to fight. Wouldn't recommend.

Of course, don't get so fighting-happy you forget to switch up equipment as appropriate.

More blowing shit up. Seems to be our thing lately.

And the final common enemy type around here: Wraiths. If you remember Zestiria, you'll remember mage groups like this could absolutely annihilate your party in seconds. Luckily, Wraiths aren't that mean, but they will love to try and get away from you so they can cast magic. There's so many of them it's hard to keep stopping all of them, but luckily they're not too powerful and your three melee fighters should be interrupting the vast majority of spells. Just...careful with mage groups in the future, is all.

Rangetsu style

An exorcist praetor?
The docks are up ahead. Like it or not, we're coming through.
Hey, wait. Are you intruders? I suppose it doesn't matter.

Yeah...this group is definitely on the level.

I will cut down any who consort with daemons. Face the fury of the Rangetsu sword style!
*gasp* Stand aside, Eizen.
No. You stay back. I'll take care of this one.
Sorry, this prey is mine.

Rokurou definitely getting a little touchy here... Anyway, I'd recommend focusing your player character's attacks on some of his summoned wildlife (I assume they're just less-intelligent malak) while the other two fighters + Number Two go after whoever else.

I mean, on this run, I barely saw the exorcist dude even attack. I never even targeted him and Velvet / Rokurou were more than enough to take him to school. Once you end the fight...

*gets up on knee*
We're running out of time. You folks handle the ship.
Careful, Rokurou. He's--
I know. He's holding back.
Let's go. *everyone except Rokurou runs off*
*gets up*
Where did you learn the Rangetsu style?
I studied directly under the legate Shigure of the Abbey.
Lies. He'd never take on a student. Let me guess. He taught you a few things one time when he was super-bored, and then crushed you with them.

Probably didn't end too well for him...


After this a super short skit where Eizen says that this burning ship will be a good signal for the Van Eltia, so it sounds like we need to mosey along to the control center and get those gates open before it arrives.

*notices everyone returning* Yo! The Abbey's my goal now, too. Now I can do what I have to do and repay my debt at the same time.
*notices dead exorcist* *gasp*
Is that your doing?
What, is there a problem?
A fine companion for the reaper.

And that's that done. We need to backtrack to where we found that mustache guard and head upwards this time. But first, a skit on the way.

Eizen asks about a famous brand knives, that he apparently wants as a gift. How strange. The clan who makes them is apparently a distant relation to Rokurou's family, but their knives have a reputation for being...cursed. Cursed kitchen knives...ghastly.

Boooo, the boarding party just sabotaged the ship. I was hoping for a massive explosion...

Anyway, here we are again. This door is the first step on this latest journey.

After crossing over some scaffolding and up a ladder, here we are on top of the first gate. Pretty nice spot. Shame about the residents.

Oh yeah, and this is the Ignicite we got from that exorcist. Only applies on Normal mode or above, as it says. Told you Berseria was one of those weird games where difficultly level actually affects quite a bit.

This is a Conversation for...some reason. It's just people complaining about the locked door and asking about alternatives...when the real way in for us is to climb some vines in the distance.

And that's just what we did.

In like Flynn. When the scene starts, you get another really short skit where Eizen and Rokurou leave to search "the other room". I'm sure just an excuse to leave Velvet and Number Two alone for a bit. The proof of life

Aha! Found it.

*walks over, grabs Number Two and the compass*
Don't get so worked up over a little thing like that. It's proof you're alive.
The... The bump is?
No, I'm talking about the pain.
But... But I'm...scared of pain.
Well, kid, who isn't?
Even you?
... Anyway, boys sure are fascinated by the weirdest things.
You like this, right? *hands compass over*
I... I don't really know. But after I saw one in a book, I got a little curious about it...and I felt...
You felt excited, didn't you?
Yeah... I guess so. Do you know why the needle points north? Who figured out how to make it work? I thought that if I had one of these, maybe I could go on adventures. It's exciting.
When you feel that way, you should talk about it. About what you like and dislike. If you're happy or scared. After all, you're alive.

That's just my opinion, though. Not an order. Got that?

He's growing, little by little. In addition to this short skit, we get two afterwards.

First one, yep, I can imagine that hurting such a little head.

For the other one, apparently Laphi's bag is made of Maurits silk. Which Wikipedia tells me is the Dutch equivalent to the name "Maurice", but I feel this is a Tales reference I simply don't remember right now. It certainly sounds familiar. According to Eizen's adorable gushing about it, it's made from the threads of the dandarantula spider and is quite the bag.

Anyway, time to get back on the road.

Ah, sneaky. When you're actually over there, it can be hard to see because the camera is so zoomed in, but there you go. It just has an Earth Ring in it, though. Lowers Earth damage.

Back in that main corridor, time to open up that door. There's a short skit afterwards where you hear like a loud gunshot, and according to Eizen, that's the signal the Van Eltia is closing in. Time to double time it to those gate controls.

Up some ladders and into a door.

So, this opens the gate.
One side, yes. The gate has two giant doors, side-by-side, with matching levers to open each.
Makes sense.
*pulls lever to open the first gate*

Luckily, no simultaneous pulls or anything required. Stands to reason there should be another across another giant bridge.

There is, but don't pull it so fast that you forget about this Katz Box in a door in the opposing lever room. Again, this isn't missable, but we're certainly in the neighborhood to get this now. The box takes 35 spirits and gives you Rosy Cheeks, which are a mark of purity in girls, and boys!, or so I've been told.

Anyway, when you're ready to finish this dungeon, pull the other lever.

Yep, one of those nice story-required camera angles that alerts you to a collectable. But, this is what we came here to accomplish, so time to head back to the docks. Top of the fortress

*charges toward Number 2, who is ahead of everyone else*

I think I liked this guy better when he was unconscious...

Anyway, most important thing about this boss is this is another fight that should have had a tutorial in it. A very important one, actually, introducing you to Mystic Artes. See those numbers in circles in everyone's status window? That's the Blast Gauge, which fills up as you take various in-battle actions, and once you've reached three, or eventually higher, you can activate that character's Mystic Arte, which is the standard English name for super attacks in this series. To use one, you need at least three Blast Gauge, you need to launch a combo against an enemy, and, importantly, they can't block that combo.

Don't know if I agree, Eizen...

Velvet's AI helpfully demonstrated her starting Mystic Arte, Lethal Pain, but even though I play as Eizen the whole time, I never demonstrated his. Why? I forgot everyone except Velvet needs to learn their first MA via leveling before they can use them. So, Main Character Privilege strikes again.

For presumably the commander of this fortress, he sure doesn't carry over any alleged skills as a daemon. His most unique arte is taking advantage of his great weight and falling down on you. Yeah...

Well, actually, he has this move, Soul Burst, which I believe quite a few bosses have. It's not really intended to do a lot of damage, mostly just to blast everyone near the boss away.

Gotta love accidentally pulling off an 85-hit combo. After taking him down...

I smell trouble...

This place certainly seems shits for the birds.

Since docking is out of the question, because of all the daemons, we're instead running with a daredevil plan: jumping onto the Van Eltia as it sails through. Luckily we don't have any humans in this crew. Sky dive

Let's get a move on then.

Will this really work?
Do you want the reaper's reassurance?

*looks over at Number 2* Wait! What are you--?!

*flashes back to Laphi falling into the shrine*

Don't scare me like that!
I'm sorry!

*gets back up* Let's go.

Wow...that plan actually worked smoothly. Aside from Number Two nearly messing everything up. As a final note to this update, Rokurou and Eizen learned their starting Mystic Artes: Form 0: Sunder and Perfect Mayhem, respectively. Now there should be nothing of note between us and the capital.