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Hello everyone and welcome back. I have an important question for you all... Who likes time traveling? This recording for the first part of this update is almost seven months old. It was originally recorded on May 2nd.

May 2nd was the day that update 59 went live. That was the one where Ginger got her WHM job stone. We've come a bit of a ways since then!

These beast tribe story quests come at each new reputation rank. You go from rank 1 to rank 2 by doing 5 days worth of dailies. Doing all available quests will make rank 2 to 3 require 4-5 days. Rank 3 to rank 4 will take a similar length of time.

So it takes about two weeks to max out one of the ARR beast tribes. The hardest part is just going to do the quests.

Do you know of Forgotten Springs, the Miqo'te settlement found to the south in the Sagolii Desert? We have just received urgent word from Loonh Gah. She reports that a hunting party from the U tribe village was ambushed by a sizable Amalj'aa force.
Those that were not massacred outright were dragged away by the raiders. They have likely already been tempered. Loonh Gah mentions, however, that one of the Miqo'te was nimble enough to evade capture and flee into hiding.
We have no alliance with the U tribespeople. But we cannot close our eyes to an act perpetrated by the very foe we so greatly despise. For the chance to strike a blow at our enemy, we will go to war for Forgotten Springs. Be my spear, honored ally, and I shall hurl you into the midst of Zanr'ak. Loonh Gah awaits reinforcements to the southeast. Join your strength to hers, and do what must be done to rescue this lone, courageous Miqo'te ranger.

This was recorded long enough ago that Ginger did not yet have the ability to fly.

Way down to the south...

Ugh, gods be good! When I requested reinforcements, I did not expect the warleader to send you! And, just as before, you are too slow to respond! While I sat here, grinding my teeth in frustration, I watched as the Flamefangs discovered the ranger's hiding spot and hauled her off to their encampment.
The encampment is their forward base, and, as such, the place is awash with alert and wary soldiers. The two of us would fare poorly against such numbers.
...Without a cunning plan, that is. You, my eager outsider, will have the use of my mount to sow a trail of chaos amongst their ranks. Listen carefully. The Amalj'aa like to stockpile the oil that they use to light their watchfires and such. Seek out the barrels, and tap the drake's head-that is the command for him to spit a gout of flame.
The resulting explosions should be enough of a distraction for me to slip in and free the captured Miqo'te. Once you've freed yourself of angry Amalj'aa, meet us beyond the edge of the camp where the desert begins.

The story quests for beast tribes often have you doing stuff that you will be repeating later. So in this case, we're learning about vehicle mechanics so we will know what to do in the future when we're asked to do this for dailies. It's pretty clever!

This is as simple as running up to some barrels and breathing fire on them.

It doesn't take too long.

Thank you, I was certain my time had come... The lizardmen fell upon us so swiftly, we had not the time to react. Your companion, the one who freed me, she seems so very familiar...

Even riding a drake, you still somehow managed to arrive last. I thought perhaps you had been caught in an explosion and burned to a crisp. A pleasant thought, but apparently not the case.

Loonh, if you can't remember, thinks Ginger is an outsider because she's not amalj'aan. She also think that she, herself, is one.

U'loonh!? Could that really be you? We had thought you long perished...

No, I am sure of it! Your voice is unmistakable! I recall the many days we spent laughing and chatting in the springs!
I don't know you or your damnable springs. I am Loonh Gah, a warrior of the Brotherhood of Ash. My people are the Amalj'aa, proud and strong. You have the wrong Miqo'te.
I am heading back to camp. See this hunter safely home before you return to the Ring of Ash.

No escort will be necessary. I am a hunter of the U tribe-if I cannot cross the sands alone, I do not deserve to return at all. ...I would, however, have you visit the Springs in any case, adventurer. There is more to your friend-to U'loonh-that you should know.

We meet again, adventurer. I needed to tell you that your companion is, without a doubt, the little Loonh I used to know. There must be some pressing reason for her subterfuge. Many of our tribe were close with U'loonh-they may help you to understand why U'loonh hides behind that mask, and how you might best help her.

U'loonh? Of course I knew her-she was my blood sister. We were both daughters of the former nunh, though our mothers were not the same. You find my choice of tense confusing? She is dead, stranger. Slain alongside her mother more than five years ago. I did not witness the incident myself, but I will never forget the sudden pain of their loss...
Five long years, yet my memories of her remain so clear...

U'loonh? Yes, I remember the name. She was a quiet girl, too timid to even slap at the biting desert flies. The lizardmen took her away from us, and for that I shall never forgive them.
Were little Loonh alive today, what a beautiful sleek huntress she might be.

It is not uncommon to hear of skirmishes between our people and the Amalj'aa. The lizardmen do not respect our territory, and they interfere with our hunts. The desert suffers for their presence.
We of the U tribe do not hold favorable relations with the Amalj'aa. They are a dangerous nuisance, and the Sagolii would be better for their absence.

It is said that a hunting party was set upon by the Amalj'aa. Many of my kin have not returned from the sands... Must the tragedies of the past be so faithfully repeated?
You have heard of the party of hunters that was slaughtered at the hands of the lizardmen? Though we often clash with the Amalj'aa, there hasn't been an incident on this scale for more than half a decade...

It's hard to believe that the angry, fierce huntress that can't say two nice things about Ginger used to be a sweet, timid little girl.

You are late. I might have thought you delayed by a Wellwick worm, but the cloying pity in your eyes tells the tale. Do they mourn for me in Forgotten Springs? Hmph. Look at me, adventurer. This is an Amalj'aa battlemask, given to me by the warleader himself. It is worn only by those who have chosen the path of the warrior.
You likely heard stories from the rangers, of how I was taken or killed during an Amalj'aa raid all those years ago. They are right... and they are wrong. I know not how I survived the attack, but it was Hamujj Gah who found me as I stumbled through the desert, barely conscious and badly wounded.
He gazed down upon my battered face, and gave me a simple choice: "Linger here and die, or come with me and fight." It was then that I made the decision to discard my past-my family, my tribe, my very identity. I was reborn into the Brotherhood of Ash, existing for no other purpose but to feed the fires of my vengeance.
This mask is a symbol of my resolve; it represents my transformation into an Amalj'aa soldier, strong and proud. Hmph. I tell you this not to justify my deceit, but to dam the flood of your foolish questions before it begins. Now, stow your unwanted sympathy, and make your report to the warleader!

Jesus Christ. This girl needs therapy badly! All I can think about is a partial quote from the Silent Hill movie, "you darkened the heart of an innocent." I really hope one day she can move past her consuming need for revenge.

Honored ally, with your continued aid, the Brotherhood of Ash will rekindle the glory of our past. As once did our ancestors, we shall forge of steel our bodies and spirits, and greet death with honor. To no gods will we beg, nor against the meek raise arms. We are warriors, walkers of the path of righteous battle. We do not kneel to claim our strength. Live by these words, and your soul, too, shall burn as brightly!

You have achieved Recognized reputation with the Brotherhood of Ash. New Amalj'aa beast tribe quests are now available from Narujj Boh at the Ring of Ash.
Furthermore, you now have access to a wider selection of wares from the Brotherhood of Ash vendor.

Now that we've reached to rank 2, we have two sets of daily quests available. The rank 1 quests each give 10 rep per day. The rank 2 quests give 14 per day. So we've gone from being able to get 30 rep per day to 72 rep per day.

See? Also ignore my lovely penmanship.

So let's jump ahead a few more days to the 6th.

Fortune is with us, honored ally. A Brotherhood scout has chanced upon a convocation of our hated foe, the Flamefangs, and surreptitiously learned of their insidious scheming. They plan to pull the strings of their tempered puppets, and orchestrate another kidnapping raid.
It is the intelligence provided by these tempered spies that affords the Flamefangs such a wealth of victims. This cannot be allowed to continue! We must gouge out their hidden eyes, and blind them to the movements of their prey!
You are no stranger to Little Ala Mhigo, I trust? Though it appears a haven for travelers and merchants, it is naught but a rotting corpse riddled with flame-addled maggots. We are fortunate, then, that you may walk among them unchallenged. Go to Little Ala Mhigo, honored ally, and do that which our Amalj'aa soldiers cannot: root out the tempered, and make of it a haven in truth.

: So...
...What's this? You claim Little Ala Mhigo has been infiltrated by tempered agents? I wish I could refute you, but I have had my suspicions... It explains how the Amalj'aa are able to set such well-timed ambushes. With spies inside the settlement, 'twould be an easy feat to learn the schedules of visiting merchants and the like.

Commander, sir! We've just received reports of Amalj'aa kidnappers attacking a caravan of travelers! They're dragging their captives off into Zanr'ak even as we speak!
Again!? Damn those blasted lizards! This is the fifth time this moon! <sigh> Most of my troops are still recovering from the last engagement... Sergeant, I need you to assemble a squad and chase down those kidnappers. Take whoever can swing a blade!

Care to lend a hand, adventurer? I've naught but raw recruits for this mission, and your presence may make all the difference. Pray join my soldiers out in the field as soon as you can. I've marked the destination of my troops on your map. Swiftly now! Go crack some beastman skulls!

Down south in Zahr'ak we find our group.

Who are- Ah, Gisilbehrt sent an adventurer to wipe our arses, did he? Well, you're too late! With these soldiers down, his entire unit is in tatters! Bwahahaha! All it took was the right word in the right ear, and away they scrambled. It was like leading lame phurbles to slaughter!
You... You're one of the newer recruits... You swore an oath to the Immortal Flames!
An oath? Pah, my loyalty belongs to none but Lord Ifrit Himself. And the Flamefangs are generous to those who serve well. The Immortal Flames of Little Ala Mhigo are now naught but the walking wounded-the Amalj'aa will be able to raid with abandon! And the soldiers we've captured this day will make fine additions to the Lord of the Inferno's army!
Hm? You're still here? You think to punish me? Ahahaha, that's rich! I have allies lingering nearby. And very soon, the main company of the Flamefangs will be arriving to take possession of the "spoils." If you lay a hand on me, you'll be making some very powerful enemies!

I'm already number one on the Empire's hit list. I'm not afraid of some dumbasses who are too brainwashed to know their rear end from their reflection in the looking glass.
You- You can't be serious! Flamefangs! To me!

Seriously? This is it? This are your allies? Pathetic.

H-How did you...? Who are you!? Th-This was not supposed to h-happen! They were meant to detain you until the main company arrived!

It finally occurs to this man just how fucked he truly is.

Loonh is off on a ledge in the distance.

She jumps down and makes her way over to us.

Me and my big mouth...

Gahaha! Our net has caught some rare fish, indeed. The Brotherhood of Ash. They shame the Amalj'aa with their petulant refusal to submit to Lord Ifrit's cleansing fire.

They are naught but ghosts of a fading past-so lacking in strength they resort to consorting with the slave races.

You. You are Zagozz Teh!

And I know of you as well...Loonh Gah. Such an intriguing costume you wear! Have you enlisted in the army of my people?
Enough games, lizardman! What have you done with the captives!?
Those that proved...intractable...were slaughtered. The Flamefangs do not countenance the rebellion of cattle. The rest are already far beyond your reach-unless, of course, you intend to assault Zahar'ak itself. Hahaha... You "civilized" people make such endearing squawks and squeals as your hot blood sizzles on the desert sands. Though years have passed, I yet remember your mother and her bleating cries for mercy!

He knows Fire 3. That's probably not good.

Ngh! Ugh... I've never felt...such heat...
Gahahaha! Is this the extent of the resistance I am to face? Is this the vaunted strength and resolve of the Brotherhood? I wield the unquenchable flames of Lord Ifrit Himself, and you seek to extinguish them with a thimbleful of spit!
Return to Hamujj Gah and tell him this: this world has no use for spent ashes. He and his followers shall be scattered before the searing winds of Zanr'ak's glorious ascension!

I'm pretty sure the only reason he attacked Loonh Gah is because she's a known quantity. Either he has no idea who Ginger is and figured the catgirl was the more important target... or he does know who Ginger is and realized that she would have shoved his staff up his ass so far he'd have to cough to cast spells.

Alternatively Ginger was struck with the worst curse of all: "not the focus of the scene." Which means she was incapable of acting because this was written during the development of 2.1 and the storywriters were still finding their feet.

This will not be the last time that Ginger is struck by an inability to act in order for a story beat to happen. Most players have never done this content, so this story beat isn't seen too often I imagine. The ones that come later are a lot more galling because you can practically see the hands of the story writer intervening.

Gods, Forename, I can scarce believe it! A tempered spy within our own ranks! My men, killed or taken... The lizardmen wanted more than merchants: they were after the Immortal Flames from the very beginning! And I all but bloody served them up on a silver platter!
I...I beg of you, adventurer: save the soldiers that yet live from a fate worse than death. Meanwhile, I'll see what I can do to salvage the tatters of my command...

These Flamefang amalj'aa are way too clever and they need to be stopped. For the good of everyone.

I thank you for your report, honored ally. This Zagozz Teh you encountered is the fetid maw that drives the Flamefangs. His sole purpose is to bolster the numbers of tempered. Each new fire-seared slave feeds the inferno of their god's powers, and, in turn, the flames of Ifrit's altars bless the zealots of Zanr'ak with unholy strength.
The miserable sparks of their ambition must be stamped out! Go, honored ally, and break the captives free of their cages. Slay the gaolers in the encampment to liberate the keys!

There's a few spots to wait in the desert. If we do so there, jailkeepers will eventually show up.

Four gaolkeepers, four keys to retrieve!

Then we have to go use those keys to unlock cages in Zanr'ak.

Ginger is nothing if not efficient. And this is technically a Ginger that hasn't yet beaten up Gaius in the Praetorium. Anyway, back to Hamujj...

You have dealt our foe a crippling blow, mighty ally. My warrior's blood sings at the thought of the confusion and devastation you have brought to Zahar'ak.
Loonh Gah, be still! What enrages you so?

You know damn well what! That was the animal that savaged my mother! I'll tear out his heart and string him up by his entrails!
Know yourself, young warrior. You are not yet ready to face the likes of Zagozz Teh. Should you confront your enemy now, you will die a whimpering cur's death.
What are you saying, Warleader!? Is it because I am Miqo'te? Will I forever be too weak to match Amalj'aa strength!?
Foolish child! I say only that you lack martial wisdom. You imagine slights where none exist!
Warleader! Loonh Gah's kin must be avenged! I shall fight at her side. Let us rouse the Brotherhood, and smash this Flamefang snake once and for all!
No. Against their assembled ranks we would but invite our own destruction. And our laws are clear. Loonh Gah, this is a blood vendetta. None may aid you in its resolution. Only through the glory of victory shall the shame of your defeat be expunged. If you've the spirit to rail and curse, then use it to build your strength. For strength is all that will aid you now.

It is said that the drake will drop its own offspring into a ravine to watch it claw its way up. So it is with the Amalj'aa.

You have achieved Friendly reputation with the Brotherhood of Ash. New Amalj'aa beast tribe quests are now available from Yadovv Gah at the Ring of Ash.
Furthermore, you now have access to a wider selection of wares from the Brotherhood of Ash vendor.

Hitting rank 3 unlocks the last set of daily quests for the amalj'aa. These give you 20 rep per completion. So if you use 9 of your 12 allotted dailies per day, you can get a maximum of 132 rep!

Never let it be said that I don't show my work for basic addition. Also I felt like cracking open Sketchbook to make scribbles with my mouse cursor.

Loonh Gah is gone! She had no duties that would take her from the camp this day. I fear she rides for Zahar'ak, and her chance at Zagozz Teh's head! The warleader must be told!

She is gone? The impatient whelp! Reckless action is not martial courage. To charge into battle without certainty of one's self or one's enemy is to court disaster.
Loonh Gah is beyond our help now. This is her battle, and her battle alone. Amalj'aa law forbids intervention in such vendettas. If she wishes to perish in a blaze of false glory, then that is the path she has chosen. Loonh Gah's decisions define her as a warrior, and thus will end her tale.

Hamujj is a great guy. Real ace leader material.

The puffball is talking to Ginger!

Hamujj Gah will do nothing!? We have trained Loonh Gah since she was barely more than a hatchling! There must be something we-
Honored ally! Though I risk bringing shame upon myself and the Brotherhood, I beg you hear my plea! As an Amalj'aa, I am bound by our laws and customs...but you are not. Pray follow Loonh Gah into Zahar'ak and see she survives this madness!

Beast tribe dailies aren't hard, but they kinda suck without flight. At least the amalj'aa ones aren't that bad. It's the sylph ones that make you beg for death.

Where are you, Zagozz Teh? Your doom is come! Adventurer!? Why are you here? Did you follow me? I told you, I don't need- Hmph. Since you are here, perhaps you can prove useful.
There is a cage yet deeper within the stronghold. I thought that might be... Well, just free the prisoner, yes? The key is held by Monabb Chah. He is the Flamefangs' second-in-command, and not to be underestimated! Zagozz Teh is mine, but you will have your share of the glory. Now, go!

Cutting the head off the snake will go a long way to ensuring the Flamefangs scatter to the winds.

Also it feels good to fuck these guys up.

This cage is all the way back near the Zanr'ak aetheryte.

Who is it? Who's there!?

We're gonna get you out of there. Hold tight...
St-Stay back! You stay away! I know why you're here! Filthy kidnappers! You've come for my little Loonh, haven't you!?

Well, you can't have her! No one can have her! She's been promised to the Lord of the Inferno!

Just... how old was Loonh when the Flamefangs attacked her?

Mother!? You're alive!
Who is that? No! No, I know you people-snatchers and your dirty tricks! Now, get out before you scare my little Loonh! Out! Out, I said!
Gods, no...

Gahahaha! There is naught quite as touching as the reunion betwixt mother and child. I can scarce contain my tears of bittersweet joy!

Zagozz Teh! You'll pay for what you've done to her...and to me!

Some of the tempered, such as this one, are exposed overlong to the sacred flame. They become the walking witless, barely aware of their own existence! Is Lord Ifrit's power not magnificent?

Come, now. It is time you were purified in the raging blaze of His blessing!

Come back and face me, coward!

Zagozz is really bad at this whole villainy thing. He's a gigantic asshole, sure, but he just sort of wanders off before he finishes the job.

I go now to put an end to that monster's abominations once and for all. But if I'm to have any chance of victory, I will need you to first destroy Ifrit's beacons. Honor and pride, adventurer.

For some reason these towers channel Ifrit's power to Zagozz Teh.

After we destroy three of them, we're done!

Let's watch the show.

The pair are battling on a rooftop far above Ginger.

Ever seen a DBZ Beam Struggle between an arrow and fire? This plot is alright sometimes.

Argh, the pain! How is this possible!? My spells are drawn from the searing furnace of Ifrit's might!
Wrong. Your power was drawn from the beacons, and those altars of suffering are no more! Without your precious blessing, there's naught to protect you from the sting of my arrows!

M-Mercy! Mercy, I beg you! The will of our god is overwhelming! Spare my life, and I shall become your slave instead!

Pitiful creature. If any bring shame to the Amalj'aa, Zagozz Teh, then it is you. Your power is broken and my vengeance complete-no more of my arrows need be stained by your coward's blood. Crawl back under your rock, lizard!

Loonh turns her back on her still-breathing opponent.

She turns around...

The dagger hits true and Zagozz Teh is no more.

Besides being stabbed in the head, he falls like 50 feet straight down onto his stomach.

Like that.

It's Hamujj!


You forsook all that is sacred to a true warrior of the Amalj'aa, Zagozz Teh. For your cowardice and cruelty, the only reward is death! I beheld the entire confrontation, Loonh Gah.
You fought with honor, and with courage! Such was my proud exultation, the dagger flew unbid from my hand-how unfortunate, then, that Zagozz Teh stood in its path. It appears that perfect martial detachment yet eludes even me...

I have a feeling that he would have stepped in even had she faltered.

Were you watching, Mother? You have been avenged.

Back at the camp...

With the Flamefangs defeated, the Amalj'aa within Zanr'ak will return to cowering behind their campfires. And though the embers of Ifrit's blessings yet smolder, we shall fight that fire with the flames we ourselves nurture-a strength born from within!
But I need not speak to you of strength, for you, perhaps more than any, have neared the peak of perfection. You have earned the highest praise and deepest gratitude of my people. Even should our races clash in blood-drenched savagery, you, honored ally, will always be welcomed by the Brotherhood of Ash.

I have seen my mother safely to Forgotten Springs. It is unheard of for tempered to ever recover from their primal-induced madness, but it is my hope that she will at least find a measure of peace in our old home...

Oh, and a word with you, adventurer. I questioned your resolve, and you have answered me as well as any Amalj'aa warrior would. You have my respect...


...and my thanks. Well, this feels strange. I- Why are you staring? I cannot help the way I look! My brethren must think me hideous!

Silly Loonh. Ginger stares silently at everyone!

Though misfortune seeks to waylay us, let us not stray from the path of the strong! Your deeds have been etched within the chambers of my soul, honored ally. Though the road might call you onwards, may the strength you have gained with the Brotherhood serve you well in the battles to come!

If you talk to Loonh after this...

My thirst for vengeance is satisfied, but it is too late for me to leave the Brotherhood. I am too steeped in Amalj'aa custom, my skin too stained with ash. Fare you well, adventurer. May victory follow in your footsteps!

After all that, we have to go back to the person who sent us on this in the first place... Ginger's commander!

Commander Gisilbehrt submitted a detailed report, Sergeant Pepper. It seems my decision to assign you this duty was the correct one. With the Amalj'aa fanatics thus quelled, Thanalan may enjoy a measure of peace for a time. And though we are never in short supply of beastman-related problems, I believe you've earned a respite from the chaos. Enjoy the rest while you may, Sergeant Pepper.

Beast tribes in later expansions actually have a final tier of reputation after you finish the story. It provides a denoument to everything. ARR tribes were really early on, so that wasn't a thing yet.

You have achieved Trusted reputation with the Brotherhood of Ash. Furthermore, you now have access to a wider selection of wares from the Brotherhood of Ash vendor.

For finishing the story, Ginger gets a new title! She can also spend a few hundred grand at the beast tribe vendor to get a mount and a minion. Most players have the mount because it's been available on mogtomes since the start. Many do not have the minion!

Sister of Ash is a good title for Ginger. Anyway, that's it for the amalj'aa quests!

NEXT TIME: An event that's been over for a while now, but tells a really cute story regardless. What happens when the hero of Eorzea meets the hero of another world entirely?