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Part XIV: The Truths We Found

We begin today with some housekeeping. In-between the end of last update and this, I finally managed to finish charting the Exsphere Sea. Apparently it was quite difficult for the crew to manage to find a shell. Good to know. Next destination to chart is the Asras Sea.

But of course, continuing on from previous update, we start in...

Yseult's fish market. Where else were you thinking? For whatever reason, when you first go to Maclir Beach, two conversations spawn here in the first area of the city. Because of...things that happen later this update, these two conversations in particular are quite easy to miss. The first one, in the direction Velvet is facing, is about our favorite ice-cold exorcist. Apparently she's quite popular no matter what the clime. The other one, closer to the sea, is about food and a true sailor, according to Eizen.

As you'd expect, Maclir Beach is a pretty nice-looking area. The enemies are fairly hearty, but not particularly threatening , any of them. Before you get much closer to that conversation bubble on the mini-map, you can just baaarely see a Katz box in the distance in this screenshot for 185 spirits. No reward.

Along the way, you get a skit. Apparently Bienfu is...quite selective about what he'll reveal, in this case, what's underneath his hat. The ribbon is also going nowhere, according to him. Seems he's more secretive than he lets on. Forget Eleanor, I'd keep an eye on him.

But, at least he lets us in on a bit of worldbuilding. Malaks like Bienfu are called "normin", who, according to Bienfu, are good at enhancing the ability of others, but not so much operating on their own, like Eizen or Laphicet.

Sure, this looks like a heartwarming scene, but you soon learn that Eleanor is...a bit more cold-hearted than she seems.


Nice view. The chest nearby has a Slow Ward in it.

In the next area, we have...that ugly lizard thing in the distance. Let's hope we can just slip by... Noblewoman on the shore

Is that...?!

... *walks away*
She's moving away!

Please, Laphi.

Ah, gotta love the standard bullying wildlife aspect of any good JRPG. As you might expect, there's nothing too fascinating about the Venom Lizard's attack line-up. A breath attack, a tongue attack, and stomping forward with its claws are most of what you'll see, the stomping being by far the most dangerous of that batch. All of these attacks will also only hit directly in front of it, so just keeping away from its face is your best strategy. It also has Poisonous Break, which is the Poison equivalent of Slow Break.

Once it hits 50% HP, it gains a unique attack, Body Press. It'll stand up on its hind legs and walk forward a bit, before jumping and crashing down on its belly. I assume this does a lot of damage, but it's easy to get out of the way of.

Yeah! Eat that!

Good life advice.

So she's...the same sort of malak as Bienfu?

*everyone walks over*

You're Grimorih, right?
We've been looking for you. We need your help.
*siiiiigh*... Who are you?

Well...seems like Magilou's impression was pretty spot-on.

I'm Velvet. I know your witch friend.
Grim! So wonderful to see you!
It's been forever!
Ah, you two... Still as outlandish a pair as ever, I see.
How exactly do you know her?
Witch training. She was an upperclassman!
We found this fascinating ancient tome, and we were hoping you could read it for us.
Goodness, Magilou. You of all people joining a team? I didn't know you had it in you.
Eh. They keep me entertained.
Well, I don't need entertainment.
Bieeeen! C'mon Grim, isn't there any way you can help us?
It's not the kind of thing I do.
Aw, what a shame. Things happen. Well, we tried, didn't we?
*points sword at her* Maybe you need some...incentivizing.
Do it.
I'm serious.
I bet you are.

And at my age, trouble is something I'd rather avoid.
...How old ARE you?
Ask me again and you'll get a firework in the tush.
Erm! My apologies!
It appears we've wasted our time.
A walk on the beach is never wasted... But sorry.
Well, how did you learn to read the ancient tongue? Are there books for studying it or something?
My my, are you actually thinking of learning it on your own?
*nods* Well, I love reading, and I want to learn more about history... Besides, we need what's in this book.
You have passion, child, I'll give you that...
Not to mention you wanna be helpful to Velvet, don'tcha, kid?
My tuition isn't cheap, you know.
You WILL teach me?
No, I won't. But I admire your dedication enough to read it for you. Now where's this book?
*walks up with the book* Here it is, ma'am.
You needn't be so formal...'am.

Er, uh---Not ma'am. Right.
Let's see what we're looking at here... *opens book* The language of ancient Avarost... Had to be the hard one, of course. A lot of wear and tear, too.. This'll take some time.
We're in a hurry.
That may well be, but this isn't the place for study. Let's move to someplace more comfortable.
You've redeemed yourself, young man. There's a village called Haria just a little ways away.
That works. Thank you.
Fine. Haria Village. Whatever gets the job done.

Classic Velvet. But before we go on, we need to clear one thing up...

Nope, she's not an Empyrean, just "a simple girl", according to her. The discrepancy comes from the fact Grimoirh appeared in the shopkeeper's dreams to tell him to knock off selling figurines that looked like her, and somehow it came out to the guy thinking Grimoirh was an Empyrean. Well, at least we're not speaking so rudely to more or less a god.

Yes, it mostly certainly was. This seems like a pretty peaceful island, but caution is always recommended around these parts.

One cool little environmental detail is this sea cave underneath the entrance to Haria.

And it leads right around to this narrow path, culminating in a chest with a Garish Pink Shirt. Well, could probably have been in better taste.

But of course, can't forget this guy, the delightfully named Harpy Go Lucky.

Maybe it was just me, but I found this one really hard. Mostly because of the Screw Driver arte, which does this, inflicting a huge amount of damage on anyone caught in the way of this fast-moving attack. Add on top of that an annoying, small, flying enemy and yeah...not a fun fight. It also has another arte, Lightning Kick, where it'll jump high in the sky, then crash down. It seems to have a small blast radius but it's hard to sidestep and kiiinda suicide to try it. Just run from that one. Easiest and safest attack to sidestep is the simple jump and swoop down attack.

One more. Once Harpy has been clipped, aside from some minor treasures (aside from the Shirt), not much else to do in Maclir Beach. Time to head to Haria.

I did get this cool victory line on the way there. Words of wisdom.

Wow...nice-looking place. Certainly doesn't seem like any daemons have gone on a rampage around here. The skit you get upon entering talks about Eleanor's faith, both in herself and the Abbey.

It took me an embarrassing amount of time to actually find the opening to this enclosure, where there's a Red Sage for plunder and a Conversation. A most curious one, at that.

Besides the uh...interesting name, I don't *think* this is a reference in particular to anything in the Tales series, but I just like to think of it as a nod to general RPG conventions of finding consumables in all manner of strange places including, yes, toilets. I am reminded of a gag in Vesperia where you could find a gel in a prison toilet, but your on-screen character quickly nixes the idea of ever picking it up.

There's a few minor treasures scattered around, the most important being a Katz box on the far side of the inn there. White Bunny Ears will cost you a cool 185 spirits. NOW we can get some rest.

Upon talking to the innkeeper, you'll get a short skit where Grimoirh and Laphicet stay behind to study ancient Avarost and the rest of the party excuses themselves so they can concentrate. While the only thing you have to do it speak to all your buddies, we do have another couple conversations.

That one in the distance is a little tricky because you actually trigger it by getting close to the save point, not closer to them while on the beach. At least, I assume it's tricky. Took me a couple minutes to figure it out. As for this conversation, one of those guys is complaining about a place called "Palamedes" being brought into the thrall of the Abbey. Apparently it is quite important to the people of this village. The other urges caution in dealing with the Abbey.

The other conversation, with a "Devout Woman", reveals that Teresa has been here recently, and basically presented a fait accompli to the people of Haria: they were taking Amenoch's temple and that was that. Went over about as smoothly as you'd expect, though, we still don't know why the Abbey is so interested in this place. This woman also mentioned that a priestess and her daughter are important to their faith, and that they should be at the temple if they're not in town, basically.

Oooh, we picked up a pretty nice painting from the Asras Sea. Let's see what the party has to say about it...

Hmm... It's a nice painting, I guess, but what is that thing doing up in the sky??
Rokurou, you're sailing into a storm when you try to criticize a masterpiece like this. What we have here is likely an example of early Belformanism, a movement which sought to combine religious beliefs with hyper-surrealistic techniques. What matters isn't what is depicted on the canvas itself, but rather how it stirs the heart of the viewer!
Yeah, but doesn't it bother you? I mean, how could something that huge float in the air like that?
Listen! You can't let your vision be clouded by nitpicky details! Open up your heart to wonder and beauty!
It is open! And it's wondering what the heck is going on in that painting!
I can give you but one answer! The painting should be that way, so it was painted that way! The artist painted what needed to be painted! Their very soul demanded it! That sky didn't need a bird, or a sun, or an angel, or a rappig! It needed this! There's your answer! It's in the very essence of art!
A-All right, all right. How can I win against passion like that?

Don't fight a battle you can't win, Rokurou.

Our buddies have some things to say about recent developments, but of course, they'll be in this update's Conversations video. Eizen drops an interesting tidbit on us.

Can't imagine why THIS language went out of style, but never mind that, let's have an actual hands-on study session... Ancient knowledge

*siiiiiigh* Oh, ancient Avarost... You have the obstinacy of a spurned lover who refuses to move on.
Even for you, teacher?
It's this one crucial line. I can't wrap my head around it.
Er, well... From what you've taught me so far, it looks like it says... "Sa, popo, mucho, sanchon."
Correct, but if you merely translate it word-for-word, it ends up saying, "The parent hates tomatoes; the child, eggplants."
I...doubt those have much to do with Innominat, yeah.
Their grammar is nothing like ours. Sometimes you have to reorder their words, and even then the meaning can require leaps of logic and flashes of intuition.
Reordering? So, like... "Sansan... Pochopocho... Pochomusan, pochomusan..." Can you read it that way?
Pochomusan... Now where did you get that from?
*points to the book* These words are liend up, like they repeat, and when I read this part that same way, it just felt right.
Pochomusan... Hmm, if that's repeated here, then... The passage turns into... "The Nameless Empyrean."

I wonder if Grimoirh's voice actress is Christina Vee, Velvet's English actress. She certainly sounds a lot like her if not, just talking a lot slower / softer, generally. Nothing's ever going to beat the fact that Albert Wesker plays a major character in Vesperia, though.

Edit: according to IMDB, English Grimoirh is actually voiced by Elizabeth Maxwell. I still stand by the assertion she sounds a lot like Velvet putting on a voice.

Hoho... That has to refer to Innominat. I think we're on to something! All right, so if we apply this rule here, then... Hmm. Hmmm. It would seem to be a book of children's counting songs.
It's not about Innominat?
What matters is what the song says, child. And I think you will be very interested in the words...

Damn, left off on a cliffhanger. After that scene, you resume control of your party, but only thing to do now is head to the inn's one hotel room.

Well? Any results?
Yes... Well, thanks to the boy here. As it turns out, he has quite the knack for languages.
Heheh, only because I've got the best teacher.
Careful, honey-tongue, you'll give this old girl ideas.
Now, child. I'm sure they're curious about the song we unearthed. Why don't you read it aloud?
Yes, teacher.

Four Empyreans may tear Him asunder / But so long as there is one receptive to divine power / Therions shall be forever reborn / In sight of the full crimson moon.

Essentially, this ancient text you've found is an annotated volume of drawings and songs pertaining to Innominat...
Annotated? Then hurry up and just tell us what it means.
I'm sorry... So far, we've only figured out how to read the song lyrics.
...All right.
I take it we're still in for a good long wait before it's thoroughly decrypted.
Likely so. But if we want to find out what the Abbey is up to, we need to know what's in this book. No matter how long it takes.
(Hmm... What the Abbey's "up to", is it?) *nods* I think we can learn much, even from the lyrics alone. The drawings depict him with eight heads. One of them belongs to his main body, but the other seven are his "mouths". Those mouths consume "malevolence", sending it along earthpulses back to that main body so he can awaken. The seven monsters fitting that description are called--
...Right. Now as for this "malevolence", I have no idea what that means.
What about the second part?
I haven't studied much ancient history, but it's said this world was created by four Empyreans: earth, water, wind, and fire. But they also call Innominat an Empyrean. Perhaps a war broke out between Innominat and the other Empyreans that resulted in him being sealed away.
But if there is someone to connect with this "divine power", the therions will keep spawning, and just like that, Innominat will be revived. If we assume that Shepherd Artorius fits that bill, and that he's trying to awaken Innominat, everything lines up.
Which means our job is to find these therions and cut off Innominat's heads, so to speak.
But where do we even start looking for them?
Remember, the song states that the therions and Innominat's body are connected through earthpulses. If their job is to feed Innominat, the most effective place to position them would be at the earthpulse points.
The places where the power of the earthpulses is concentrated.
Places with that sigil... *takes the beetle out* Hey, remember the barrier that was keeping this bug in the forest?
Wait, are you trying to say that thing's a therion? ...And yet. It would explain why the Abbey was keeping it locked up.
And there was that same barrier at the villa, too.
That's right. Do you suppose that was also a therion? Does that mean the therions all come in different forms?
Should we go to Loegres and check?
*shakes head* We've just started deciphering the book. I'd hate to lose time on some fool's errand. I'd rather know at least a little more about what's in it before we make a move.
*looks over* Something bothering you, Grim?
This line, the one about therions being "forever reborn..."

*gasp* I just felt the same thing as I did in Warg Forest!

The needle's pointing in the direction of Amenoch's temple, Palamedes. Do I recall hearing that the Abbey took that over?
Temples and ritual sites are often built on places thought to be rich in spiritual energy. Could the temple possibly be an earthpulse point?
There's lots of earthpulse points scattered all over the world. If there's only seven therions, most of them will be empty.
It's not like we have any better leads. If there's even a chance, shouldn't we go check it out?
Better than sitting around waiting on the book. If nothing else, we'll find out what Laphicet is sensing.
Hmm... Just a theory, but if you were to kill a therion...
I guess there's only one way to find out... Never mind. Good luck out there.

Whoo, that was quite a bit of plot right there... It seems we have a better grasp on the Abbey's motives, but it all begs the question "To what end?" I doubt we'll get any answers from the people involved in this plan directly, even when they're not trying to kill us, but we can't waste time worrying about what they're doing. The next day, you'll discover Midgand soldiers are stationed around Haria, but they have no interest in us, and likewise mention that Palamedes is located beyond the Manaan Reef, just outside of town. Sounds like that's where we're going next. To the temple

Who are you?
The innkeeper's daughter. I just... I happened to overhear you all talking about going to Palamedes, and...
*gets into fighting stance* Did you report us to the Abbey?
Report? But you already have an exorcist with you.
If you have any business, talk with her, then.
I... I'm Eleanor Hume, an exorcist with the Abbey. How might I be of service?
I want you to look for someone. A mother and her child went to visit the Abbey grounds, but they haven't returned.
They've both gone missing?
*nods* Yes. The mother's name is Mahina. She's a priestess of Amenoch. And her little daughter's name is Kamoana.
Hold on. If she's a priestess of Amenoch...
Right. Ever since the Abbey booted her out from the temple, she's been regularly going back to make her objections heard. But one day she never returned home... And now her daughter has disappeared, too. I can only assume that she went to go look for her mother.
And you believe they're being held at the temple?
*shakes head* Oh no, ma'am. I just... I just can't imagine Mahina would abandon her daughter like that. Kamoana is next in line to succeed her, so she's had a strict upbringing, but her mother truly loves her. Please, forgive Mahina for her protests. I was just hoping you could use the Abbey's resources to track them down.
*nods* I will do everything in my power to find them.
Thank you! Thank you so much! Like Kamoana, I grew up with only my mother as family... I can't help but worry for them.
*looks down* ...Of course.
Let's be off, Miss Exorcist. *marches off*

Hmmm, definitely sounds like some nasty business is going down at Palamedes. It certainly is an object worthy of investigation. Though, like with Maclir Beach, we're not going there right away.

As before, march right back into town for two more conversations. Don't know why this part of the game loves doing that. The guy near the market talks a bit more about the war with Midgand we heard about last time. We learn that Southgand was saved several times by what they called "Amenoch's Fury" or "Amenoch's Divine Wind", and, even in victory, Midgand largely respected the local worship of Amenoch. Until recently, it seems.

The other conversation has the innkeeper's daughter from the previous scene getting hassled by a couple of locals. Apparently the reason she asked us to cooperate was that she felt guilty, according to Rokurou, for blabbing to the Abbey previously. Well, let's just find those two and sort all this out, shall we?

Welcome to Manaan Reef, another nice-looking area. While I couldn't find anything *directly* called Manaan except for a KOTOR reference, I'm fairly sure it's a nod to ManannĂ¡n mac Lir, an Irish sea god. A bit further on, you'll get a couple of skits. First up, Velvet asking Eleanor what her angle is. Apparently that line Artorius said to her, about not being worthy of the truth, is really eating at her. The second...

How opposite Eleanor and Velvet are. According to this creature, with Velvet usually coming out on the worse end of things. Again, according to this creature.

As I mentioned, Manaan is another nice-looking area, but, as usual, the wildlife is quite unfriendly. Honestly, we should probably be more worried about Kamoana being eaten. I mean, look at that thing.

In fact, let's make this place safe for human and daemon alike. Kraken

The Kraken is a *massive* enemy. I think the biggest in the game thus far.

Because of its great size, it can be pretty dangerous because many of its attacks, such as this, hit a very wide area. Conversely, it gets attacked a lot from many different angles for this same reason.

Look at that big ol' mess of cubes. Not ALL of them mine, for the record. This is a pretty fun fight, just because big punching bag enemies are usually fun. I managed +20 Grade from this guy. Not too bad. The nearby ornamented chest has an Express Pendant for Eizen, for the record, so make sure to pick that up before leaving. The reward for Kraken is pretty cool: the Disruptor's Glacite. It provides an 8% chance to retain Break Souls even after usage on Hard or above.

Eizen here with an important environmental PSA to not step on coral. Mostly because Manaan was partially formed by a species of coral called "ravening table coral", which can melt your flesh right off if you step on it. Human or daemon, sounds like a nasty thing to run across.

This little outcropping is just full of reptilian enemies. Your choice whether to fight them, but make sure you pick up that chest. Good for Asmodeus Earrings for Magilou. A "demon of lust", apparently...

Part of the reason I was fighting so much was to get Eleanor's idol victory line. As you might guess from her choice in fashion, Kirari is a very energetic girl who loves flashy lines like this. And flashy clothing. It's also worth noting that Kirari and Anzu are quite friendly with each other, partially on account of Kirari being incredibly tall (for a Japanese woman, at least) and Anzu being very short.

Once you get to this area, you'll get a few skits. The first...

Apparently a surefire way of telling whether a beetle is a rhino or a stag. I'll uh...let Beinfu try this first. The second...

Magilou contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Shameful. The reason, so he says, is because he was curious about all those books hanging off Magilou's waist and, assuming she's not joking again, are all different things. Huh.

And finally, the third skit is about one of her books in particular, the heavy one. It's a...collection of Bienfu's poetry. Can't say I saw that coming...

Oh, one thing I should mention, is that Berseria is one of those where damage-over-time effects, like Poison, CAN KO a character, instead of just leaving them at 1 HP. Break Souls healing can outpace the amount of damage it does, though, and it wears off after a few moments. Just something to keep in mind.

This is a skit that could have popped, technically, as soon as you unlocked the Scout Ship feature back when we first landed in Port Zekson (note how Eleanor and Magilou aren't in it). For me, it unlocked when I opened the route to Kannono Island in the Asras Sea, but I think it's more based on total ???? entries you've unlocked in the menu, in which case, if you've been as diligent as I in fully charting locations beyond the Holy Midgand Empire, unlocks about halfway through the Asras Sea. As Eizen and Laphicet note, the journey has just begun. That box opens for 165.

Oh yeah, Inoph Bottles. Turns out they can just warp us all over the place. Pretty handy if you're needing to cut down on useless travel time.

Well, that was a nice little jaunt. Let's see what this Palamedes looks like...

Uh-huh... I just noticed it, but they changed the spelling on us. Anyway, now that we're here, "Palamedes" is almost certainly named after Palamedes, a Knight of the Round Table. He was a native of the Middle East and eventually traveled to Britain, eventually converting from Islam to Christianity in order to fully join the Knights, and frequently got mixed up with Tristan. He was trying to win Iseult's hand in marriage, you see, and the two gradually developed a rivalry / respect for each other because they frequently battled each other in tournaments. In Malory's telling, he is eventually slain by Gawain after Lancelot's affair with Queen Guinevere was revealed, and King Mark was incited to kill Tristan with Palamedes' spear.

In front of that tree is a Red Sage (all the herbs I've found since Yseult have been red, which indicates a stronger effect), and a wide-open temple door. With some Abbey bodies littered outside...

What's this?

*loud growling noises, various shouts of human screaming*

A daemon!
The daemon we heard about? Sounds like it's having fun.
Then we'll use this distraction!

So it isn't immediately apparent, but most of this temple is underwater. As for how the ancient people accomplished this marvel, well, Eizen's got you covered. Well, he *thinks* he does, at least, but...

Eizen finally getting called out on his bullshit. It was about time. The next skit is about the Empyreans, and why we haven't seen one yet. It turns out, their existence has never been proven, and nobody has ever actually recorded an encounter with one. They are *theorized* to exist, nothing more. Aside from Innominat, that is.

Well, the powers that be certainly have come here. One of those generic groups had six dudes in it, so yeah, these can be pretty drawn-out fights.

So, switch-pushing to open pathways. Got it.

These are the chalices you're looking for. Go toward one, examine it, and you'll get a short little cutscene of either the chalice filling with water, or drying up to reveal a passageway, in this case, those two waterfalls in either side of that monolith. Well, this one in front of us requires a jewel to activate, but same principle. This area's sole chest can found behind a destructible wall in the northwest room.

Once you've examined the chalices in the top left and right rooms, those two paths next to the monolith are opened, as indicated by the green diamonds on the mini-map. The one to the right to the monolith has a Dark Bottle and nothing else of interest, whereas the one to the left has a jewel embedded in another monolith, a perfect fit for the center chalice. It also has a warp portal, but it leads to a hallway blocked by a waterfall, so we'll just have to keep it in mind for now.

As for now, put the jewel into the center chalice, examine it, and enter the room beyond. Tragic fate

Well, it wiped out the security for us, but...

Well, look at that. Wolfie's got the crest of Amenoch... The same pendant worn by priestesses.
Then that makes this daemon...
Yeah. She must be the missing mother, Mahina.
It can't be...!

In spite of this being about midway through the game, Daemon Mahina is a very easy boss. There's no reason at all you can't completely destroy her in less than a couple minutes.

To think a priestess, beloved by her village, would become a daemon...
*points spear at her* She's never going to be the same again. This is the least I can do for her... So says reason!
*that drip effect* Huh? That feeling!

*Mahina runs off*

Let the daemon be. We don't need it.

See that door in the back? That, as you might guess, leads to the end of this dungeon. The question is how do we open it. Well, this door is the reason this update's recording ran so damn long. But first, we have a couple skits. First up is about Daemon Mahina. Eleanor seems completely focused on what she's doing. Let's hope she can stick with that resolve.

Second's a little more lighthearted, imagining the scenario where this party has to fight Innominat, whom they surmise would take the form of an 8-headed dragon, like the book said. That uh...that certainly sounds rough, gonna be real.

If you examine the door, you'll get a short skit about this door, but the high and low of it is, you need all the lights on this door lit up to proceed. Where I was getting hung up was trying to light all of one set, the teardrop-shaped entries was my initial theory, but nope, I was really overthinking it.

So where are the chalices we need to light up? Well, that's where the trick lies. The thing is, the chalices marked with teardrops need to be active and the chalices marked with diamonds need to be off in order for the lights on the central door to be active. The teardrop chalices are located in the northwest room (not the northwest ledge), the northeast room, and the first big room. Remember, diamonds need to be OFF (not creating waterfalls).

Isn't it hard to wield a blade in each hand?
My weapons are a part of me.
Eizen said the same thing.
Urgh, no! It's totally different!

That's the right thing to take away from this victory line.

Anyway, here's the northeast ledge, and there was a chalic in the previous room. Turning off this chalice dries up a waterfall in the previous room, revealing a Gradient Doll for Magilou that you should be picking up.

In the northwest room, examining the dry chalice turns on this waterfall, which creates this cool water bridge. Despite what it may seem, the waterfall does not need to be on to have the water bridge active. Good thing, too, or it would make that room on the right inaccessible. Although, once you're up there, on the northwest ledge, there's an elevator right nearby that can let you access the ledge without having to go through the room first.

Oh, by the way, that room on the right? It leads to both the northwest ledge and a destructible wall. In the secret room, there's a Katz box for 200 spirits that gives a Void Normin Hat and Suit for Eizen, as well as a jewel for activating the northwest chalice. Making progress.

Putting the jewel in that chalice, as well as examining it, will dry up this waterfall, which leads to the portal I mentioned I mentioned previously. What you want to do with this portal is use it to go back to the first big room, examine the center chalice again, turn on the waterfall that we dried up to fight Daemon Mahina, then return via portal to the second half of the temple. The chalices controlling the other two waterfalls need to remain deactivated.

So fun story, all this puzzle explanation? I actually only figured it while watching the recording back to write this update. While I was recording, I wasted a good 30-35 minutes, minimum, brute forcing things until I finally got the solution. But NOW we can proceed to the depths.

Shiny. Further inside is a Red Chamomile, a mess of Katz Spirits, and an Amphibole Waistcoat for any of the guys. Going down the stairs... Mother and daughter

Well, there you are.

*the daemon leaps toward the party*

Yep, we seem to have found another one.

That barrier again!
Looks like we were right. Another therion.
Just as Velvet conjectured, each of the seven heads seems to assume a different form.

The sensation! It was here!
Well, loo at that, I guess your hunch panned out too, kiddo.
This just how I felt in Warg Forest... That must have been an earthpulse point back there, too.
Well, what are we going to do with this one? Can we get it to shrink like that bug of yours?
I don't care whether it lives or dies. As long as we defeat it and take out one of Innominat's heads. That's all that matters.

Okay...that's not bad. What is bad is this boss. Probably the hardest enemy you've fought yet. Mostly because it has a ton of health for an enemy at this point in the game and is very powerful. I would very strongly advise you using lots of Fire-based attacks, particularly from Magilou, to open it up for Power Combos and eat away at its HP as much as possible.

Once it gets low on HP, it'll also throw in Mow Down, which is a powerful series of smashes with its roots right in front of it. This attack comes out VERY quickly, so you'll need to be on your sidestep game to dodge it.


I don't think THIS therion's getting any smaller.
... *unsheathes arm*

*Mahina jumps over party*

The daemon again! *walks forward* I'm not letting you go this time!

Ugh...this therion is eating Mahina. Nobody needed to see this...

Is that therion...eating the daemon?!
??? I'

The ate her! "Malevolence" must refer to daemons, then.
Feeding on daemons... I know what that's like.

Look, it turned into a little girl!
Is that...Kamoana?!
Mommy, why? Why did you leave me all alone? Did I do something wrong? Was I too weak? I'm sorry, Mommy... I'm sorry...
No... This can't be happening...
I tried so hard to be strong for you, Mommy... The man from the Abbey made me strong... So please, Mommy... Please come back...
The Abbey..."made" her strong?
By turning her into a therion? Geez, those Abbey jokers really get off on this "sacrifice" stuff, don't they?
I can't believe it. Then... That woman... She was trying to save her own daughter!
Mommy... Mommy... I miss you... Mommy...
Dying, unable to save her daughter, all she could do was offer herself to feed her hungry child...
No... This... This is my fault...!
So... Should we bring her with us?
Someone like her will only slow us down.

Oscar! What is the Abbey doing? Please tell me, I have to know!
Eleanor... The less you know, the better.
I must know! I killed her mother, and then the poor girl, she...
Ah, so she must have devoured the daemon... But don't let it trouble you. The daemon was a necessary sacrifice to bring an end to this world's pain and suffering.
That wasn't just "some daemon"! She was a mother! She was all this girl had! Her one and only mother...
Be that as it may, those who possess strong wings must--

*knocked unconscious*
It's not nice to make a girl cry.
*sob* Mommy...
It's now or never.
*looks at Velvet*
*nods* Out of the way, Laphicet.
Wait! Have you no compassion?!
This isn't up for discussion.
I thought you just wanted to weaken Innominat! You can sever the link! You don't have to kill her!


Oh, someone's had a change of heart. Apparently a woman's tears truly do have a frightening power.
I'm just curious about something Grimoirh said. I can always kill this one later.
If we're taking her with us, we better grab her and go. No sense lingering in the enemy's territory.
Hey, Kamoana, my name's Laphicet. Do you want to come with me and my friends and get out of here?
Where's my mommy? I'll be lonely without her...
*rubs eyes* You're not alone, sweetie, I promise. Even if she's far away, your mother will always be looking over you.
How do you know?
Because...that's what my mother does for me, too.
Let's go, Kamoana.


Geeez... Looks like this is the Abbey's precious "order"... If you examine Oscar's unconscious body, you get some interesting dialogue.

...I know. Eleanor is having a hard enough time as it is. I won't do anything that might push her over the edge.

Well...this place definitely looks worse than it did...and I doubt the effect is just relegated to Palamedes...

Yep, definitely not good. Upon returning to Haria... Tragedy

*walks up*
Grim, what's up? Did you come to share something else you found in that book?
Not quite. I'm afraid the malevolence has grown too dense for me to hole up at the inn reading.

The hell? What's that coming out of their bodies?!
Malevolence. They're all hitting their limits.

Daemonblight! Even the inn girl! Why is this happening?!
They're daemons now. Their malevolence is spilling over.
The malevolence...all of that energy spilling from their bodies... That's what causes the daemonblight?
Do you know what daemonblight really is? What daemons are?
They couldn't have gotten far! Track them down at all costs!
...We'll talk later. The exorcists are going to have their hands full with these daemons. Let's get back to the ship while we can.

*everyone runs off*

I think there's a distinct chance that whatever we did at Palamedes is directly responsible for this... Nevertheless, the only place to go now is back to Yseult.

To take the edge off a bit, somehow I noticed this coconut rolling back and forth in the tides. Pretty sure this wasn't here the first time. I think I would have noticed.

Uh, if you say so... At least Yseult seems to be far. When you get closer to the docks, you'll get a skit with Kamoana, Laphicet, and Eleanor where Kamoana is kept strung along by the assurance her mother is still looking for her and the party will keep her safe. I don't like where this is going for her. Not one bit.

At the docks... The truth

All right. You're going to tell me about the daemonblight and malevolence.
Are you seriously thinking of breaking the malak taboo?
That depends.
Malak taboo?
This is about more than just the daemons. You could say it's the truth behind how this world really works. The knowledge can be devastating to humans, throwing into question everything they think they know... And so the malakhim agreed to withhold it from humans... For their own protection.
Do you still want to know?
It's not like I'm a human anymore.
I can't keep lying to myself. I can't go on unless I know the truth.
...You asked for it. First of all, this thing, this illness you call daemonblight does not exist. Any human carries the potential of becoming a daemon. All it takes is for the malevolence lurking in their heart to overflow.
And what exactly is this malevolence?
Impure emotions beyond what reason can suppress. Think of it as the "sin" buried in men's souls.
So you knew.
I'm a witch. So malevolence is the darkness in all our hearts. Make any sense to you guys? Any at all?
When you put it like that, yeah, it makes a lot of sense.
By nature, humans are incited by negative energy. It is easy to turn them toward impurity, creating malevolence. In fact, most people are constantly generating malevolence.
It might even be possible that daemons are people's true selves, and what little reason they possess is all that keeps them in human form.
If the masses realized this, the realm would thrown into utter chaos. That's why the Abbey propagates the lie of "daemonblight".
So I presume.
That can't be true! You know yourselves there weren't any daemons before the Opening!
It used to be that humans couldn't see daemons or malakhim. Not unless they possessed a unique spiritual talent we call resonance.
All your average human would see was someone turning extremely violent. Unable to explain what was happening, they'd just call those people "possessed" or "feral".
Then what made people seem them all of a sudden?
I don't know. My guess would be that something triggered greater resonance among all of humanity. And then, on the day of the Advent, all humans gained the ability to perceive malakhim. And in the following days, the exorcists' numbers swelled.
This has to be Artorius' doing.
*flashes back to Haria* ...But if there's no sickness, why would an entire village turn into daemons at the same time?
"Eight-headed is the Lord of the Land, with seven mouths to devour malevolence." Humans produce malevolence, which therions consume and transmit to Innominat. But when we removed Kamoana from the earthpulse point...
Clever boy. That's right, with no therion to absorb their malevolence, the villagers could no longer contain it.
So, you're saying it's all my fault.
*walks up* Hey, what's going on? You all look so sad, it's scaring me...
On the other hand, at least now we know we can trust the contents of that ancient book. We tear the therions away from their earthpulse points. Innominat's power will wane, and we'll prevent this awakening.
But if we take away the therions, then more and more humans will turn into daemons.
It's the only way to kill Artorius.

So if we weren't at the south pole of the moral compass yet, we're certainly pointing in that direction now...

Oooh, the knives come out!
So even the truth won't stop you... Very well.

*everyone except Eleanor, Kamoana, and Laphicet leave*

Since each therion looks different, we'll only find them by capturing the earthpulse points one by one.
What separates humans and daemons?
Um... Uh...
That's Eleanor.
Ch... Cheer up, Eleanor. Your mommy's looking over you, too, you know.

Yeah... So she is. Thank you, Kamoana.

Phew...we've gotten a lot of plot this update, haven't we? This is one of those revelations that, if you played Zestiria first, will not come as a surprise at all. I wish I could say more, but all I'll say for now is that the knowledge about what malevolence is was apparently something not widely shared with the world between games. But hey, this party is on a quest for revenge, not for opening the eyes of the people. And that train isn't slowing down for anyone.

Finally, for this update, you get a skit afterwards with Grimoirh talking about malakhim and malevolence. According to her, malakhim do not generate malevolence the way humans always do, but nonetheless it is a powerful poison to them, and this is why they seek clean vessels. Like Eleanor, for example. As for how Velvet's crew is going to use this information, well...