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Music: Tokyo Emergency

Oh boy, time to head into Mementos! Yep! That’s what we’re doing today!

Chapter 72: 7/1-7/4: I Lied

Uhhhhhhhhhh… Well, funny story about that… See, when I was putting the last update together, I never actually checked to see if we did, in fact, enter Mementos. I ended my recording at the hideout, so I had assumed that was what I had done next, but… nope! In my next recording, I instead reloaded my last save and went somewhere else! Oops! That’ll learn me to assume I did something rational! Don’t worry though, we will definitely go to Mementos soon, oh joy.

Editor’s note: We will not see Shiho in this event.

Do you think we could maybe spend some time together before I go?

Thanks! Hm, what should I get for Shiho…? It’s hard deciding by myself.

Lovers Rank 5: Part 42

Music: What’s Going On?

Need… crêpe…
I’m pretty sure you can’t bring that into the hospital.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention—Shiho started her physical rehab. She pushed it up ahead of schedule. I think it’s because I told her about how I want to get stronger. She said she was gonna start working hard too…

Hold on, it’s my phone

What? Now!? Uhhh, that’s not good!

What’s the rumpus?
Sorry to spring this on you, but my agency just texted me. A model didn’t show for a magazine shoot and they need me to fill in.
Can you make it in time?
Don’t worry, it’s pretty close. Wanna come?
Not particularl—
Come on, let’s go!

Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

It looks like they’re having a pre-shoot briefing…

You said it was “close.”
Yeah, it is. So?
Ann, we’re about fifty yards away from where we just standing.


After I saw you in last year’s show, I just… *sniff* Oh, I think I’m gonna cry…
U-Um, it really wasn’t a big deal… That fashion show was tiny…

You can call me Mika. No honorifics! Despite your youth, you’re way more experienced than me, Ann-senpai.
This feels weird, but hey, not gonna complain! Nice to meet you!
You’re so nice!
I am immediately suspicious of this because I am afraid of women.

Hey, can you teach me how to be a better model? You know, your everyday routines, stretches…

Routines? Is that something you eat?
Huh…? How do you keep in shape?
Uhh… I dunno? It just kinda happens. My doctor told me I have something called “Pygmalion’s Syndrome,” where my features are perfectly sculpted as if I was made of marble, impossible to tarnish by any mortal means. He then said I was the most preternaturally beautiful creature on this hellblasted planet, and that I must use this power for good.
…Are you making fun of me? I guess you really don’t want to share your secrets, huh…
Oh, no, I’m not hiding anything! I guess I just don’t take this that seriously, is all!


Music: Wicked Plan

(shouting)Wow, Ann, I can’t believe you just said you fucking hate these guys and don’t want to model for them!
Wait, I didn’t say—
Aha! She emerges!

(Photoshoot Assistant) …You said that, Ann-chan?
I love this magazine! Everyone tries so hard to make sure their product is the best…!
(Cameraman) Mika-chan, just calm down. Don’t worry, we all know that you’re giving it your all here.

*sniff* Sorry, it’s just that it’s your hard work she’s insulting… *sniff*

H-Hold on…

Ann, to tell you the truth, we called both of you as substitutes. We were going to make you fight over the cover spot for our amusement, but if that’s how you really feel, I guess we’ll just take Mika…

H-Hey, I didn’t…
You faker…!
Y-You’re so mean, Ann-chan…! Do you really hate me that much!?

We could still have them fight, I guess…
Nah… I’m not feeling it any more…

Sorry about all this, Ann-chan. We won’t be needing you today. We’ll reimburse your transportation expenses though, and even throw in a little extra for your trouble.

Transportation expenses? We got here from down the street…
She’s joking. It cost tens of thousands of yen. Limousines don’t come cheap. And you can go ahead and make that out to “Maaku Hamiru”…

The magazine staff left for the photoshoot…

Oh, absolutely.
I think it’s because I know deep down that I’m not invested in modeling… and Mika can see right through that. Her fake crying was really incredible, though…

I-I dunno though, I think I’m pretty good at fake crying myself. I know the perfect technique.

This should be good. Lay it on me.

Listen carefully… The key is… you don’t actually cry!

…How do you survive? Like, just in general?

Either way, I think I’ll be able to use that ability to our advantage in the Metaverse! I’ll turn my failure today into positive energy going forward!
I sense a heightened motivation from Ann…

Oh boy, it’s complete garbage!

Speaking of the Metaverse… I’m gonna try super hard in my work with the Phantom Thieves too! But for now, I should go stop by and see Shiho at the hospital. Thanks for today! Bye!

For that event, we chose options 2 (+2), 2 (+2), 1 (+2), 1, 1.

After School → Evening

Music: Beneath the Mask

(Host) Popular idol Rise Kujikawa is releasing a new song! This time, the theme is “mature love”!
(Panelist) She’s really gained a lot of sex appeal since she hit 20. And look how hot her outfit is, too!

Goddammit, stop creeping on Rise!

Music: Crossroads

Don’t blame me if you get eaten alive, okay?

Well, we should probably finally unlock Ohya now. Might as well, right?4

I should probably go back to the Thieves’ Den eventually. Later!

How much did I drink today? What time is it? Ah, who cares. …Wait, I care.
She’s so drunk she hasn’t even noticed you’re here.

I wanna be this when I grow up. Blot out the sun with alcohol!

If we have her write articles, it’ll have an effect on the Metaverse. We might be able to use her if we do it right. Should we try forming a deal with Ohya?

Hey you! Lady! I can drink you under the table! By which I mean, I will immediately collapse under the table!

Devil Rank 1: Part 55

(slurred) If you’re tryin’ to rip me off, I’m gonna reveal all your secrets in a feature article!
*notices Maaku* (Extremely happy drunk voice) Oh! It’s you!
…Please, have a seat.

Or maybe… you’re just falling in love with me, hm?

*sweating profusely* I don’t know how to answer that.
You’ve at least got some Phantom Thieves info for me then, yeah?

Thank god… My publisher just assigned me to be the beat reporter for the Phantom Thieves.

How fortuitous! Also, honestly, a bit odd, considering we—I mean they—haven’t gotten much attention so far.

Man… This will reaaaally help me out.
Are you seriously going to use this child as a source of information?
Oh, don’t be such a killjoy. These kids nowadays know about things we adults don’t have access to. Besides, what’s most important is that I now have a reliable third-party source for my stories.

Hear that? I’m *reliable*. Hell yeah! Oh shit, where’s my phone? *patting self down* I *just* had it, this is crazy… Oh, wait, I was holding it. False alarm!

So, what do you want from me this time? Information about someone? Cold hard cash?

If it’s one of those I’m sorry to say you’re out of luck. Lala chewed me out last time for almost getting you killed. In my defense though, I was very drunk when I did that… so… mitigating factors! Also, I’m broke.
I don’t want anything.


You serious, kid? Wow, I guess I can take it easy!

…As if. What do you want? Just tell me. Last time it was info on Kaneshiro, right? The office has been abuzz lately… I think it’s Kaneshiro related. Something’s fishy…

I’m just a humble supporter of the Phantom Thieves. All I want is for you to write your articles.
Hm… I probably shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth here…

Hey, I’m not gonna let you use this kid so you can take a vacation…

I was joking about relaxing. I’m conducting a private investigation in my free time. No one at work knows.
Okay, first off, you spend all your free time here. Second, you just told me and this random kid about it. Third, this isn’t about *her*, is it…?
Hey kid, let’s make a deal… You give me info on the Phantom Thieves… And I’ll write my articles. Not sure what you’re getting out of this besides vicarious thrill at seeing their notoriety grow, but whatever… That okay with you?
I really should be asking for some form of compensation here considering all I’m doing is helping you do your job, but… fine. Write something good.

I will, I will. But the quality of the articles will depend on the info you provide me.

85% of what I tell you is probably going to be lies anyway, considering that the truth would make me sound like a lunatic, so whatever.

…All right then. It’s a deal. I can create a lot of positive PR for the Phantom Thieves, so be sure to give me some good scoops.
I’ve made a deal with Ohya…

Music: Interrogation Room

You guys sure were in the newspapers a lot. How did you swing that? Did you have a publicist, or… maybe an inside man in the media?
What’s a newspaper?

Music: The Spirit

So, Ohya’s Confidant was kind of infamous in the original game for being pretty… useless, I suppose would be the word? Royal has not done much to fix this. Her abilities are slightly different, but they still revolve around the security level, a thing you basically never need to care about (and double don’t need to care about in Royal). Her new max rank skill is better, I suppose, but its usefulness is still fairly marginal. We’ll get to that in time.

Music: Crossroads

Maybe that’s a sign that you shouldn’t be going to a high schooler for information.

Okay, Lala-chaaan! Time to celebrate our agreement! Bring out my bottle! And two glasses please…!
…C’mon! Please…?
…Whoa, her silence is golden. Fine, fine, FINE! I won’t make the high schooler drink!

Good, because I’m straight edge for life.

Ugh, I gotta use the bathroom…

I was able to pique Ohya’s interest… I feel like my Charm has increased…

Maaku gains Charm +2.

Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Don’t stick around Shinjuku too long after dark, honey. We get a lot of shady types coming out of the woodwork.

Hey! Lala-chaaaaan! C’mon, where are you!?

Honestly. That lady’s going to be the death of me…

Well, at the very least, Ichiko-chan’s probably going to drink until sunrise. And since she’s in such a good mood, she’d probably make you stick around until she’s done.

Well, I’d better get back inside. You’ll always be welcome here. But head straight home tonight, okay?

Anon: don’t even bother with this


Music: So Boring

Music: My Homie

*bell sound*
(Woman’s Voice) …Is this on? Ms. Chouno, please come to the faculty office at once.
What could this be? I’m off to the faculty office, so make sure you study on your own.

So, what’s the plan?

We’re gonna finish The Illusory Popess.

Maybe the people of that era made up this mysterious female pope, but she’s still an inspirational figure.

I mean… I guess you can be both fake and inspirational… Sort of…

Pope Johanna, loved by so many… Reading about her must have taught you the value of forgiveness…

Maaku gains Kindness +3.

Ah! The teacher’s back!

Phew, that was close. Kawakami helped us get a good chunk of free time though!

Morning → After School

Music: Tokyo Daylight

Thank you. It will be nice to have you there when I talk to her. Wait for me in the student council room. I’ll call her in.

Priestess Rank 3: Part 64

Eiko Takao-san. You’ve been spending time in the red-light district lately, haven’t you? Both myself and Maaku-kun here saw you there. Based on where you were heaidng, we assume you’re working at a store called the After School Salon. How is it, working there?

Music: Wicked Plan

(Eiko) What? Oh, I getcha. It’s nothing like what you’re thinking. It’s a normal café, no weird stuff. Well, I hafta wear a costume, but that’s really it.

Hm. So you’re sure nothing strange is going on?
Yup yup, the worst I get is some weird old guys gawking at me.
I see… Beyond that though, why are you working there? …How’s your financial situation?

Uh, I’m doing fine? I can just ask my folks for cash whenever, I just want some extra spending money without them getting on my case about what I’m spending it on. That’s why I’m working at the salon.

I get some good spending money, plus the guys who come in there like, mega pamper me.
Mega… pamper?
It’s nice having people treat you like you’re special, y’know? I’m sure a super honor student like you gets that all the time though.

But, like… what’s the deal with this meeting? You’re not gonna tell on me, are you? You even brought a witness… Wait, does that mean you two were in Shinjuku together?

Um, well, you see…
Me? And her? *deep, sardonic laughter* Ah, that’s too funny. Anyway, no, we’re not dating. I’m *so* out of her league.

At any rate, don’t mind him. As for you… I don’t plan on telling anyone.
Ohhh, I get it! So we’re like, protecting each other’s secrets? Oh crap, and I just realized your boyfriend’s that rumored criminal… You’re a real badass, Miss Prez!

Yep, I’m a stone cold killer. One time when I was a kid I threw a banana peel on the ground, and then a man came by and slipped on it, and then he got attacked by a random dog and it ripped his arm clean off, and then he got up, looked me dead in the eye, and told me, “And that’s why you don’t litter.”
…Good story.
Thank you.
Anyway, as he said, we’re not dating!
Whatever. Anyway, I’ve been wondering, is that Buchimaru-kun pencil case yours?
Oh, this? You know about him?

I had like, tonnns of Buchi stuff back when I was a kid. What a blast from the past! Wait, why’s it so beat up!?

It’s from elementary school… I’d get a new one, but they’ve long since discontinued Buchimaru-kun merchandise…

OMG, this is too hilarious! The student council president has an adorable pencil case? My image of you has done like, a complete 360 today.
Um… Isn’t that a full circle?

I absolutely made the Xbox 360 joke in the original LP, right? There’s definitely no need to make it here? Okay then.

It’s just surprising. I didn’t think you’d be into that kinda stuff. You always seemed kinda like a robot, but you’ve got another side to you. Hey, let’s trade phone numbers! I wanna talk to you about Buchimaru-kun! And your boyfriend!
Ah, the downsides of having immaculate chemistry with literally everyone…

O-Oh, um… Okay. Wait, he’s not my boyfriend…
Aaand saved! Oh crap, it’s this late already? I’ve gotta get to work. I’ll send you tons of pics of my Buchimaru-kun collection later though. Bye byeee!

Music: Alright (Elp Version)

Honestly though, I’m in shock. She thought I was a robot…

01000010 01100101 01100101 01110000 00100000 01100010 01101111 01101111 01110000 00101110

You know, I believe what Takao-san said about me is how others think as well. I thought I had changed after the incident with Kaneshiro, but perhaps it wasn’t enough…

But having now met someone so different from myself, I’m going to try to change my perspective. Hopefully then I can break out of my shell.

I hope you’re ready. I’m going to show you how useful an honor student can really be.

Cool, I’ll call you when I need a nerd to do my homework for me.

I can sense a quiet resolve from Makoto…

I’ll be interested to speak with Takao-san some more now that I have her contact information. Perhaps I can correct her misconceptions about you… And as always, I’ll let you know if anything important happens. Well, see you later.

For that event, we chose options 1 (+2), 2 (+3).

I got a message from Takao-san earlier. She turned out to be quite a fan of Buchimaru-kun.

I didn’t expect to bond over something like this, though. I’m pretty shocked, to be honest. …Though I’m still a little worried about that store she works at… I’ll try a little harder to get through to her about it. I might come to you for more advice later. For now, I’ll let you go. Talk to you later.

After School → Evening

Music: Beneath the Mask

Even the teachers are on watch. We can’t relax just yet!

Sometimes one of the bars in Kichijoji will be inhabited by one of our teachers for a single night. I’ve probably already missed at least one of these appearances, but I’ll do my best to show what I can.

Eyyyyy, Akechi time!

I have some time before the shoot. If you’re not busy, do you want to hang out?

Darn, he won’t rank up.

Good. Then let’s get going.

Nevertheless, we will persist. There’s something I’m pushing to unlock ASAP and Akechi’s Confidant is how we do that.

Music: What’s Going On?

I feel like my bond with Akechi will grow stronger soon…
See you later.

Huh…? Who could that be at this hour?

Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

We’ve been busy lately, so I wanna be able to at least relax on Sunday. Where would be a good place to go? I know. Wanna try going to the fishing pond in Ichigaya?
The fishing pond, huh? Sounds fun! So are you going there with Ryuji?
>Respond later

We have some stuff to do tomorrow, so we’ll put off replying.

Don’t forget to respond, okay?

All right, you nag.

Anon: NO. They piss me off.

Early Morning

Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)

It’s been various things… Studying, daily life… Do you think we could meet? I’d like to tell you about it.


Not to rain on your parade, but I need you to finish eating before I can open up shop.

I guess we should check on it when we’re done with our meal.

Morning → Daytime


Listen carefully. You must come today. Otherwise you shall very well lose that Persona…

Okay, I’ll do it, damn.

The target should be in Mementos. Let’s hurry up and deal with ‘em.

Christ, there’s a lot going on today.

(Male Host) Here’s what we’ve got for you today! Take a look at this! The Body Building Set! It’s a tough world out there, so be tougher and get those muscles! 1 Imported Protein, 3 Moist Protein, and… 3 Protein! All in one! How fantastic is that!?

Akihiko is doing backflips right now.

But that’s not all! There’s more! This is the Calm Mind Set! Get ready for an incense experience! 1 Ambergris ST, 1 Ambergris EN, and… 1 Ambergris LU! Can you believe this incredible deal!?

We’ll go for the Calm Mind Set, just in case we ever decide to use Lockdown.

Music: Aria of the Soul

Speaking of which, let’s finally pull out that Persona from Lockdown.

It learns Dodge Wind, which is handy because it had a Wind weakness. Much more useful than the one time we used it in the base game and learned fucking Resist Dizzy, which I’m still mad about.

Music: Tokyo Emergency

Time to drink this vegetable bathwater, I guess. Maaku gains Kindness +1.

We’re actuallygoing to go do Ryuji’s fishing thing today, because despite the fact that we don’t need points with him or with Kawakami, who will show up as part of the event, we don’t have a lot of good options at the moment. We have Takemi, who I’m deprioritizing for now, Ann, who isn’t ready to rank up and who also is not really a priority right now, or Makoto, who I’m honestly about to start actively avoiding because her Rank 5 event requires maxed Charm and we’ve only got Rank 3. So at least doing this will unlock the fishing pond, I guess, even if we’re unlikely to utilize it in this run.

I hope the other fish’ll bite this easily! Sweet! Let’s meet up in Shinjuku.
They have lots of fish at the pond, right? I can’t wait! Let’s get going already!

Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

A little presumptuous on your part, but all right…

…Hey, doesn’t meetin’ in a place like this look like we’re talkin’ some shady business? I like it.

We are incredibly suspicious, yes. To my understanding this is not what most teenagers find “fun.”

…Man, the fish ain’t bitin’. The float hasn’t moved at all… If only there was a master fisher around. Then we could steal their ideas…

…Oh crap, she’s comin’ this way.

Why are you sitting around like old men? Why don’t you go out and do something more exciting?
Wha—Look who’s talkin’!
*sigh* Adults need time to themselves to unwind and clear their thoughts. You’ll understand soon enough, when you start working in the real world.
Wow… Soundin’ real old there, Kawakami.
That’s MS. Kawakami to you!

She’s hookin’ fish like crazy!
It’s easy. Just clear your mind and free yourself from negative thoughts.
So the trick is not to think! …How am I supposed to do that?

Resist… the urge… to make the obvious joke…

>Accept the grim reality of society.

Love that dialogue option.

I see. So when you get jaded like Kawakami, you’ll just naturally attract fish… …Uhh, I don’t think that’s right.

It’s a nice, sunny Sunday. I didn’t think I’d be stuck fishin with you two on my day off. *sigh* Two troublemakers, and their no-good teacher… I guess we’re perfect for each other.
She keeps getting’ fish even as she nags… I’m impressed!

She’s the “master” all right. It’s like she was *made* for this. Looks like she’s *dusting* off those fish.
Just shut up.
Yeah, that last one was a little tortured.
Oh yeah, that reminds me. Whatever happened with that maid thing after Mishima and I left?

Didn’t think I’d see somethin’ like that today… Guess we’ll head back.

Daytime → Evening

Music: Beneath the Mask

Tora time!

You can consider this… a formal request. I have something scheduled after my speech, and I need you to come with me.

We’ll be meeting someone after this at a sushi restaurant. I appreciate your help.

Sun Rank 7: Part 84

Music: Alleycat

(Benzo) …However, the government’s overall approval rating is dangerously low.
I’ll be sure to proceed with caution.

This is really boring… I might just nod off for a minute…

No, Maaku! You’ll miss the foreshadowing for the main storyline!

Yoshida… I’ll be frank. I’m going to be running a campaign of my own for my grandfather’s seat and I want you to educate me.
You are aware I was planning to run myself, yes? Besides, I’m not exactly qualified to teach anyone…
I know you’ve been working incredibly hard these last two decades. You’re no amateur. Besides, you already have a pupil, don’t you?
*shoots awake, still drooling* …Guh???
Your reputation has recovered immensely these past months… or maybe even weeks. My grandfather has even stated he wishes to make peace with you.

I’d be happy to bury the hatchet with Mr. Kuramoto… But I’m not worthy to join his group again.
I thought that you would find these conditions favorable… So I ask that you keep what I’m about to tell you a secret.
Sorry, could you give us a moment, Hamiru-kun?
No, I’d like for your favorite pupil to hear this too.


…? Wait a moment… is your plan to involve him so that I can’t decline?
I simply trust his discretion. The Kuramoto group is planning to move forward with a political realignment.

Music: Suspicion

Are you saying that you’re going to secede from the Liberal Co-Prosperity Party…?
With the government in a weakened state, now’s our chance. As such, I want to emphasize our unity.
And so you’ve come to me, a former member of the Kuramoto Children… But my views differ from those of the Kuramoto group. And I don’t intend on changing them.
I understand. However, you won’t be able to put those beliefs into action if you don’t get elected. …Hamiru-kun, could you talk some sense into him? You’ll benefit as well.
(asleep, murmuring) No, Tora… Don’t do it…

You think so too, hm…? Haha, you’re not intimidated, even by the grandson of a big-time Diet member.

Don’t, Tora… Don’t eat that pumpkin… It’s too big…

…I appreciate your offer, but I must respectfully decline.
So you’re okay with being No-Good Tora forever?

*shaking self awake, rubbing eyes* Hey… Don’t call him thaaaaaat… *yawn* He’sh gonna do it… He’ll get elected… You’ll see…

Looks like you chose the wrong politician to follow.

No. He believes in something. Even if it’s at times frustratingly unclear what that thing is. And I respect that too much to abandon him.

Try to understand that he has his own beliefs.
…My apologies. I made a slip of the tongue. And in front of your secretary, no less. I don’t need an answer right away. If you want to show deference to my grandfather… please let me know. I already took care of the bill, so enjoy. Now, if you’ll excuse me…

I bet when push came to shove, Kuramoto-kun intended to lure you in. He probably didn’t expect me to remain so calm after he showed his trump card. I feel surprisingly at easy whenever you’re with me, like that time with Matsushita.

I’m truly indebted to you, Hamiru-kun. Please, continue to help me.

I feel like my bond with Yoshida is growing deeper…

You know, from the way he was acting, I’d swear Kuramoto-kun was hiding something… Ah, my apologies. We’re done eating, so let’s go home.
I was able to fend Kuramoto off using only words. I feel like my Charm has increased…

Maaku gains Charm +2.

Good work today.

Anon: It’s fun, so whatever.

Early Morning

Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain (Instrumental Version)

We’re going to read Vague to unlock Harajuku, because… screw it. It’s honestly completely unnecessary and I have much better ways to spend this time, but I’m doing it anyway!

Music: Everyday Days

You could learn about cutting-edge fashions there, but I’d say what’s on the inside is more important… Still, this place looks fun, almost like a theme park. Taking someone there might be a pretty good idea.

Harajuku seems to have a lot of cool shops. Takenoko Street also seems pretty interesting.

You should invite someone to go sometime. I can’t imagine you as the fashionable type, though…

Early Morning → Morning

Music: So Boring

The humidity is what kills me about Japanese summers. I miss the dry heat of California. Not to mention, July and August both have thirty-one days. Summer is long… Now then, Mr. Hamiru! Two people are responsible for July and August having 31 days. Do you know who these people are?

The joke answer just so happens to also be correct.

Great! That’s right. You may already know this… But the months of “July” and August” are named afer the Roman emperors Julius and Augustus. Augustus named a month after himself, just like Julius. However, he felt like he would be losing if his month was shorter than Julius’s, so he added a day. It’s a mystery why men are so stubborn and prideful over silly things like this.

Maaku gains Knowledge +1.

Well, as far as you’re all converned, you’re just lucky to get a long vacation. But before that, you have exams. They start next week on the 13th. Don’t forget, okay?
Next Wednesday, huh… You’d better make sure you study.

Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain (Instrumental Version)

Weather very well may have the same effect on Mementos as it has on humans…

So, on my first take of July 4th here (WOO AMERICA FUCK YEAH LET’S SET OFF A BUNCH OF FIREWORKS IN THE PARKING LOT LIKE COMPLETE ASSHOLES!!!!) I realized that I had forgotten to get my aojiru, so I had to reload my save from the previous day. Then, I got a call telling me I had forgotten to pick up my Persona so it fucking died. So I had to go do 7/3 a third time and it was very annoying. That’s my story.

Anyway, if we head over to the library, we can pick up Speed Reader now. This isn’t due to us having finished all the other available books, for the record. It just unlocks naturally after 6/31. Much easier than the laborious process to get it in the original game.

And, we’re finally ready to head into Mementos. Finally. I swear I’m telling the truth this time, we’re actually gonna do it. The reason I put it off in the first place was because I was waiting for a rainy day, and here we are. Well… Yeah. Now I’ve belabored the point so thoroughly that it honestly sounds kind of suspicious, like I’m gonna do another bait-and-switch, but no. We’re really going to Mementos next time. Okay, bye.