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Current Information

Ruiz Base

An Outcast base. Outcasts are believed to be involved in the production and distribution of the drug Cardamine, which has been declared illegal in the four major Houses.

CLASS: Unknown
OWNER: Outcasts
GRAVITY: Partial


"The Cardamine we receive here from Malta will be shipped to different destinations throughout Rheinland via Yanagi. I miss the orange grasses swaying softly in the warm winds of my home, but I must do what my Don has asked of me."

"We have lived so long on Malta that our genes have mutated, and now we require Cardamine to live. On Malta it's in everything: our Food, soil, air, and Water. After a while it got so we needed it. Somehow the Cardamine also had a negative effect on our birth rate. Fewer and fewer Outcasts are being born, though we live much longer."