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Freeport 9

Freeport 9 is very nearly the only human population for hundreds of light years in every direction -- which is exactly the way the Zoners like it. Despite its location in a system filled with strange nebula and forbidding black crystals, however, Freeport 9 is a frequent stop for criminal organizations looking to buy Food from the Freeport's biodome, while Cryer Pharmaceuticals has shown an intense interest in the Alien Organisms that colonize many of the asteroids in the system.

LOCATION: Omicron Theta system
OWNER: Zoners
CLASS: Unknown
GRAVITY: Complete


"Sigma-17 is the next stop between here and the Junker bases where we offload the Artifacts marked for Rheinland. You’ll find the Jump Hole in the Orinoco Cloud. The other distribution point for our Artifacts is aboard the Hawaii. The Hogosha on that ship will fence our goods into Kusari."

"Felix, one of my sons, was killed a Cadiz fighting the Hessians. His brother, Cesar, died during initiation. Cesar was a good pilot and a strong man, but his sensors were damaged. He trusted them instead of his own instincts."