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Archer (HS: Ninja)
A+ Support Partners: Hinoka (Sky Knight), Hana (Samurai), Kagero (Ninja)
Personal Skill: Optimistic (Unit recovers 1.5 times as much HP than normal when healed with a staff)
Pair-Up Stats (C B A S): Spd Spd Res Skl+Spd
Growths (With Default Class):
HP: 30% (40)
STR: 20% (35)
MAG: 0% (0)
SKL: 30% (45)
SPD: 60% (75)
LCK: 30% (35)
DEF: 15% (25)
RES: 40% (40)

Archers are often one of if not the worst class in every Fire Emblem game in which they appear, and the units stuck in that class often have terrible stats in addition to their poor movement and choice of weapon to really hammer home the point. It's somewhat of a series tradition to give you a green-haired Archer right at the beginning of the game who sucks. Setsuna is unfortuately that Archer...

...but she's not as bad as she could be. The wide open yet densely packed maps and enemy-phase focused nature of Birthright might not be great for Archers, but Fates as a whole did at least try to make its bow locked units a little less terrible. The Quick Draw skill grants them +4 might on player phase, effectively a +4 boost to strength for a class locked to 2 range, while the absurd power of yumis compared to other Hoshidan weapons gives them a small niche as reliable damage dealers. That power gets multiplied by 3 whenever they hit a flying unit, which is often good enough to secure a OHKO. Setsuna's high speed combined with the combined power of yumis and the Archer class makes up for her having the lowest strength growth of any non prepromote unit in a physical class.

Unfortunately none of this makes Setsuna good. Her speed might be nice but her other stats range from mediocre to terrible. Her bases, while not bad for her weirdly low join level, are way below what they should be. Being locked to bows still sucks even if they are less bad than usual, and if you really want people to shoot things then you've got Takumi and Reina and maybe even Yukimura to do it better. She is yet another underlevelled unit who needs babying in a game full of underlevelled units who need babying. Attacking from 2 range does at least make it safer for her to grab EXP from chip damage, but at the end of the day if you're going to be funnelling EXP into someone with bad bases you'd be better off funnelling it into the likes of Mozu or Hayato.

Promoting Setsuna early is probably your best bet to make her useful, she's not reaching 20/20 without grinding. I will probably promote her at level 20 anyway but I am a bad example. Going Sniper gives her better stats and better skills, although even if she's promoted at level 10 Setsuna will struggle to unlock Bowfaire for a very long while. The flying utility of Kinshi will help make Setsuna more useful but it will also tank her stats even more, and losing 1 strength upon promotion hurts when your strength is so bad already. Mechanist could probably be useful, although a unit as weak and as fragile as Setsuna would probably struggle to get much use out of 1-2 range weapons. Basically anybody who could become a Master Ninja will end up being a better one than Setsuna so I wouldn't bother. I guess she might appreciate having Locktouch and Poison Strike?

Sky Knight's not a bad class for Setsuna to grab, especially since she can get its skills by promoting into a Kinshi, although neither Darting Blow or Camraderie are particularly suited to her. Samurai's skills aren't suited to Setsuna's role as an Archer either. Kagero just gives her Ninja and she already has that anyway.

Optimistic is a personal skill that would be really useful on a unit with high HP who frequently fights on the front lines and takes large amounts of damage. It is not useful on Setsuna!


My Thoughts: "Haha what if fictional character was on drugs???" is the lowest hanging fruit there is... but it's kind of funny to pretend Setsuna is just really high