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Diviner (HS: Oni Savage)
A+ Support Partners: Azama (Monk), Kaden (Apothecary*)
Personal Skill: Pride (Unit deals +3 damage when fighting units of a higher level (promoted units count as 20 + current level)
Pair-Up Stats (C B A S): Spd Spd Res Skl+Spd
Growths (With Default Class):
HP: 50% (50)
STR: 30% (35)
MAG: 40% (55)
SKL: 30% (40)
SPD: 45% (60)
LCK: 60% (65)
DEF: 40% (40)
RES: 20% (30)
*even though Kaden cannot access this class himself

Hayato, adoptive son of the Wind Tribe's chief! He is a super underlevelled unit with a personal skill that rewards being underlevlelled. Do you know what would be even better than doing +3 damage to enemies of a higher level? Actually having a magic stat.

Hayato is kind of like Odin is to Nyx as he is to Orochi. He's good in all the stats she isn't and has high growths across the board, but starts way underlevelled for no real reason. He's very fast and has actual mixed attacking stats, but his magic is somewhat underwhelming and his resistance is really bad for a magic class. If trained he'll do quite well, but it's more of a question of if he's worth training, and the answer is... not really. At least his daughter is good!

Train Hayato and you'll have a pretty speedy mage who's fairly decent at taking hits. His magic won't be great and the poor growths and bases of the Diviner class will somewhat limit his natural bulk, but he'll do fine by Birthright standards. As a Basara he'll be even bulkier and decently capable of attacking physically, but not enough that suffering through Basara's E rank in lances will feel worth it. You're probably better off attaching him to someone else who wants to use magic and then replacing him with Rhajat as soon as his S support is unlocked...

Alternatively, you can reclass him. Heart Seals are in short supply but Hayato makes a surprisingly good Oni Savage - he'll start with 19 HP at base and 10 defense, and have a 70% and 60% growth in each one respectively. Save Mozu's paraloge for right after he joins and you can pair him up and throw him into a field of Faceless to grind out EXP and club rank for a few turns without him being in too much peril. An average 20/1 Oni Chieftain Hayato will have a 20/1 Chieftain Rinkah beat in every stat but skill and speed, and even then skill will be Rinkah's only significant advantage over him. He'll also have a much higher magic stat and an existing tome rank he can make use of, assuming he doesn't stick with the Bolt Axe. Even his problem of starting with an E rank in clubs won't matter too much when Rinkah's stuck in the exact same situation. It's maybe not the best use of your only Heart Seal before Chapter 13, but it's an interesting way to make an otherwise underwhelming unit good. Just keep in mind that Hayato's not going to reach double digit skill until 20/10 on average, so save some Secret Books for him.

Great Master is an okay class for Hayato in terms of stats, but he'll have to grind out the weapon ranks for it. Apothecary is a weird and fun class for Hayato to try but again it's not really worth it, unless you're doing a gimmick run where you try to get Replicate on as many units as possible. Poor Hayato only gets to have 2 A+ support partners in Birthright for some reason. At least he has Benny and Fuga in Rev!

Pride is just there to make training Hayato a little less painful. +3 damage isn't worth deliberately depriving him of EXP or anything, just be aware that after a certain level he's suddenly going to become a little weaker.



My Thoughts:

Pretend I photoshopped Hayato's face on top of the Scout's.