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S02E10: My Sarah... you shine like the sun.

When Sarah returns home, her mother expresses worry and asks where she was. Sarah just gives a vague 'I was resting far from town.' answer and her mother accepts it.

Also Sarahs masters were worried about her too.

Sarah assures Ullforth and Tantar that she'll complete her training, and they tell her off for leaving without warning or mentioning where she was going. Sarah apologises.

The banjo of all instruments.

Well, fine.

If we go back in, we get some new dialogue from Sarah's mother. Her dad still says exactly what he said before though.

In the item shop, we get a side quest to find a kid hiding somewhere!

And the formerly empty home nets us another sidequest to net mushrooms for an elixir of youth!

This guy is delivering his sales pitch to the wrong female protagonist.

But yeah, it's a sales pitch to let us save here. Bleh.

We move on, further down the road.

Sami is entirely hidden behind this tree. He is reluctant to leave and gets in a shouting match with Sarah.

Even the threats of telling his mother where he is and all the nasty things he's saying do not move him so...

What sounds like a sound effect intended to be a slap plays and the kid starts crying. Did she slap a kid. someone else's kid even. wow.

That's the end of that though.

Some gold just off the road...

And the alchemist does not want to be bothered until we have the mushrooms.

There's a small path leading north...

Druid Dezara here tells us the mushrooms we want are found only in ancient caves deep in the Indinera Woods.

This atlas confirms that, but also...

Exorcising... tricks?

Also in a hidden passage that I get lost in for a minute we can find this thing.

I head back to town.

His mother refuses to believe him, even when he tells her to 'look'. I guess Sarah might have left a mark?


oh my god you just fucked over this kid, Sarah.

Anyway, no real reward for this other than Sarah ruining a five year olds life.

Time for our next trial.

Indinera has... 'deftly' framed this scene so Sarah can stand behind the tree hidden from our eyes while she plays the banjo.

While Sarah plays they tell her the next trial is go do some tests in a cave that leads to one of the ancient lakes.

Tantar has consistently been the horny master, even if I don't post all his quotes because they're horny but not like over the top or anything. He just says Sarah is beautiful a lot. Like a reply guy for some model that posts their pics on twitter or some shit.

I really don't like him.

We get dropped off at the cave...

Sarah's got a new sprite now.

And we find this guy waiting for us right inside. He and Sarah immediately begin arguing about a dragon being in a sacred elven cave.

It takes them a while to recognise each other. Yes, we did in fact save Nash here from the Evil Tower in LP1.

So he immediately decides to eat Sarah. I defend on the first turn, and so does Nash.

Now he just wants to eat monsters I guess.

lol. Well, I'm glad she said the second part aloud on her second attempt.

Nash is not really good... with his normal attacks.

But he can use his special moves forever basically.

The enemies here are extremely low tier shit.

The only remotely interesting thing on this floor of the cave besides Nash himself is a medicate you get from this rock. The dungeons are so much less rewarding in this game, but are more tedious and dull.

We move on.

At least the second floor has some slightly more interesting loot. Still boring though.

Also this thing is here. I kill it.

I did not omit a single dialogue box here.

So, we get a really easy bossfight here. Just have Sarah buff while Nash uses his bomb move and then Sarah can finish everyone off with Nymph's Para.

We have to slowly wait for the elderly elf to slowly hobble away.

On this floor, I find a piece of Mithril and move on.

To the last real area.

This area has an eerie pulsing green light and like a weird pulsating noise. It's even more needlessly large than the other floors too.

Hey I love vampires and dolls!

We haven't seen a fairy in ages. Sarah asks why she's in a sacred cave and she just goes Oh Err nothing

We only need one mushroom, but if you pick a bunch more...

Nash loses his shit.

And when we get to where we're going, he has to ditch on us.


We get told there lies two trials ahead, one for Sraha's MUSCLES and one for her BRAINS! We also get given a gift from Yveen before he leaves but there's no mention of what it is so I don't know.

Sarah's meant to solve a switch puzzle to open this door but if you look at it she just blasts it off the hinges lol. You're more likely to see this than you aren't, since this puzzle is completely trial and error and the door doesn't open on its own when you get it right. I do solve it correctly though I don't think it matters to anything, not even the clear score.

We have to fight this dude too and he's easier than the last boss fight, which was already pretty easy.

So Indy drew Sarah bathing, but she's in chest deep water in this picture so it's... well I won't say tasteful, but it is what it is.

Then Sarah's like... uhhh nothings happening, am I meant to do something??? Then a very urgent sounding action BGM starts playing.

Then rocks start flying around and she's flashing red like she's being hurt and flies into the waterfall

Then she explodes.

Then it cuts to this immediately. I guess she's fine.

Yveen says Elves of the Sun only come around like every 1000 years and every other type of elf is in no way comparable to them. So Sarah's basically queen shit elf now.

After Yveens speech, we're back in Mt. Zulle.

Fuck! She lost all her good gear. Even Random didn't lose that much!!

Now this guy is hitting on Sarah too. And making Enlighten My Bed puns.

The wannabe Casanova also makes another pass at Sarah.

If we go back to near the druids grove, we'll find Nash! He's been looking for Sarah because the world is dangerous and he thinks she needs his protection. She starts to tell him off and talks about how powerful the Elves of the Sun are, but that just leads to...

A fight! An extremely difficult battle for Sarah to win, and we want to lose anyway. One of the bugs for the Acrobatic path is that when you lose to Nash, you get a game over instead of continuing and recruiting him.


Now let's grab another friend.

We pick up the old woman that sent us on this quest to begin with.

I did in fact talk with a woman who said just that. Poor evil female bastard is a hell of a thing to call someone though.

Now, when we walk around-

Oh. Anyway, this is an easy fight, that it does drag a little.

After we're done killing the tree, George flees at high speed.

But that's all for that little encounter. No reward.

We hand the mushrooms over to the alchemist...

Oh, he's secretly some kind of demon monster. At least, that's what Sarah calls him after the fight.

Anyway, despite being level 1, this fight is very easy. It just takes fucking forever. Even with everyone fully buffed, we only do a 250ish damage per turn to an asshole that has to have like 6000 HP or something.

When we kill him, Nash and Sarah hit level 4, and Nash learns Heavy Slash. This could be bad news for Nash, as it may trigger a bug in LP3. Should've done these fights before getting him! Oh well.

The postgame has so much discussion about how small Sarah's boobs are.

Grace winds up going yes you're right, now I'm going to live my life to the fullest! Time to go be a cougar!

After Grace leaves, Sarah wonders what the potion of youth would've done to her. Well. You're already a youth so it either would have done nothing or turned you into a baby or popped you out of existence. None of those are good options. Though I guess one you sort of break even, even if you wasted time and effort on it.

It's no Fairy Salt.

Near the east exit to town, we can now find Lisa! If you don't remember, Lisa, I don't blame you. She was the SankT Leona Guardian we rescued from Kirai the necromancer at Balthus Cave. The party then let her stay at their hideout for the brief remainder of LP1.

Lisa mentions seeing Coryool a few times, and for some reason Sarah cares enough to ask about his romantic life.

Must be the work of those diamonds.

There's not much more than that. Lisa said she came through Mt. Zulle specifically because she knew Sarah was here. She's just going to journey around for a while, and hey, she wants to see everyone again. The two women say their farewells and part ways.

Back to Sarah's home.

Oh, a letter, huh.

Sarah's sister seems to have found a boy to crush on.

The creep that's renting a room also comments on Sarah's boobs being too small even as he pesters her to go out with him.

When we look at the letter, Sarah says she hopes it's from Random but we do not find out whether it is or is not.


S - gets the book of egidon for 103%+, which i think you translate to get a couple weaponsmith recipes and nothing else? it might be used elsewhere?


With that, we're on to Luci's, which is much longer than Coryool and Sarah's scenarios, but no where near as long as Randoms.

More shitty dungeons though!

the end