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Chapter 107: Renya Gouto 5

Music: A Bridge from the Past (Rikako Watanabe)

Why are they coming this way…? The terminal’s the other way…

They all appeared on this side out of nowhere! Just keep running!
…That’s easy to say… But where are we even supposed to run…?

Two massive missiles explode in the sky behind the group.

I’m sorry I couldn’t get you somewhere safer… But… I’ll handle this.

I’m going to protect you. Everything’s gonna be okay.

Miwako is too good for this cursed world.


*sigh* Just so you know, I didn’t want to do this. …I’m gonna try something.

I know you can see me! You’ve got a drone up, right!? I need you here right now!
…Gouto? You don’t mean…
Renya Gouto?

Gouto-senpai! Where did you come from…?

Gouto’s finally arrived to sweep Miwako off her feet!

My senior ID can get me access to the higher-level commands. But I still need the biometric authentication to get it started. So I’ll need your help. Though…

Are you… trying to shift from here?

We’re inside the underground UFO… The Sector 4 mainframe.

Maximum hypocrisy.

Your fight might get just a little easier.


Music: Self Sacrifice (Yoshimi Kudo)

Despite the name of this track, no one is actually sacrificing themselves in this scene.

Thank you… I didn’t think you’d come back for me…
…I’m shifting you back.

…Can you hear me?

Wait, you’re the girl Miwako was helping…

I’m Chihiro Morimura.
…That’s our teacher’s name…
I’m going to evacuate the populace all at once. Readouts say 1.2 million people in Sector 4… They’ll all be force-shifted to the year 2025… As in, Sector 3.
…To the year 2025?

…So you don’t have to worry about any civilian casualties. …That’s all.

*sigh* Why am I doing this…?

What’s the meaning of this? How did you gain access? Explain yourself.

Music: Just Because (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Rikako Watanabe)

I’m Takatoshi Hijiyama… I just have one favor to ask of you.
A favor?
Well, ah… I-It’s kind of complicated, but… I’m… actually asking on behalf of someone else. A young man by the name of Okino…

Oh hey, Hijiyama’s unlocked now.

Miwako fucking rules.