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: Oh, hi Maren. I'm just whittling. It's something simple for my hands while I think.

: Can't say I would call what you're doing there simple, but I guess that's beside the point. What's on your mind?

: Curious mind? Not much, these days. I felt so at home in Duskwater, I think it's just taking me some time to adjust.

: Well, where were you before Duskwater?

: A lot of places. Too many places, if you ask me.

: Ok, let's take it simple then. Where were you staying just before you stayed in Duskwater?

: Everhearth. With the Voidmaw Dwarves.

All of this writing has the earnestness of bad teenage fantasy. It's clunky, but kind of endearing in a way where you can tell enthusiasm was put into it.

: Did you like it there? Were you happy?

: I was. Truth be told, it was the happiest I've ever been.

: How come?

This should probably be a get out of serving on the front lines free card, but eh. It's not like he told anyone about it except Maren.

: I learned there that the family you make can be just as loving as your own blood kin.

Presumably the dwarves didn't try to drag him into a pointless war.

: No, I don't mind at all. You're a good listener. Do you always spend your time letting near strangers vent to you?

: Surprisingly enough, no. I'm really more of a private person, but I hate to see people stuck in their own head.

: Then you have a gift, really. I've met too many that don't even care to notice, much less do something about it.

Smooth, buddy.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:

: Hey Elias, what's that?

: Oh, I'm just whittling while I think.

: Dang, that looks complicated. All I can do is call down the holy power of the gods to save men from death. What are you thinking about?

: Oh, I'm just kind of adjusting to leaving Duskwater. It felt like a real home.

: Where'd you live before Duskwater?

: Oh, I'm a mysterious wandering man.

: Ok, where'd you live right before Duskwater?

: I lived with the Voidmaw dwarves.

: Were you happy?

: Yes! They taught me all about how to forge arms and armor, for free! They were like the family I never had. It was pretty great.

: Wow that stuff about family is so profound and beautiful. Sorry, don't mean to pry.

: Nah, it's cool, this is a lot better attention than I normally get from the ladies. You're a really good listener, do you always do this?

: No, but we don't have mysterious brooding types in the countryside! I mean, I just hate seeing people get stuck in their own head.

: You're very kind.

: No u!