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Corndog x Jakob

Music: Unfamiliar Streets

CORNDOG: Jakob, can we talk? I've made up my mind about something.

JAKOB: Of course, milady. I am yours to mold to your whim. What is the issue?

CORNDOG: Well, the truth is...

JAKOB: Please, do not hesitate. You have but to ask, and I will assist in any way imaginable. For you, Lady Corndog, I would walk through fire and ice...

JAKOB: I would charge into an army of Faceless if you asked it of me... I would manually extract the fangs from a dragon's jaw to prevent its biting you!

CORNDOG: Oh, um, thanks...Jakob. This isn't... anything like that.

JAKOB: I remind you, Lady Corndog, that my talents are not limited to the battlefield!

JAKOB: I can cook, clean, sew, smith, demolish, or bricklay anything you might require.

CORNDOG: I know you're extremely capa—

JAKOB: Please forgive my immodesty... It is of course thanks to you that I am so accomplished in the butlery arts. Now I feel there's nothing you could ask of me that I couldn't perform with ease!

CORNDOG: Would you just let me finish?! I couldn't wish for a better butler than you, Jakob. I know I can count on you for any service, big or small.

JAKOB: And yet, you clearly have something to tell me that you believe I won't want to hear...

CORNDOG: I want to be independent!

JAKOB: ...

JAKOB: ...

JAKOB: Out of the question.

CORNDOG: What?! But...I'm an adult now. I shouldn't need your help all the time. And hey, aren't I supposed to be the boss in this relationship?

JAKOB: Yes, but your authority has limits. Among them, you may not deny my reason to live.

CORNDOG: "Reason to live"? Aren't you exaggerating a little?

JAKOB: Not even slightly, milady. When I was first sent to serve you, I was incompetent to perform even simple tasks.

JAKOB: The other servants shunned me, since I invariably created more work for them. You were the only person who took the time to talk with and encourage me.

JAKOB: I will never forget the kindness you showed me, and I will be indebted to you forever.

CORNDOG: Hmm... When you put it that way, I see your problem... But on the other hand, I want to be able to do things myself so I can help the others.

JAKOB: A noble goal—but not incompatible with receiving help yourself from time to time.

CORNDOG: ...All right, you've made your point. Let's compromise...

CORNDOG: Teach me how to make a pot of tea.

JAKOB: Tea? Why?

CORNDOG: I want to learn to help everyone, including you, Jakob. I want to be able to make tea for the person who takes such good care of me. Is that acceptable?

JAKOB: ...


JAKOB: I' touched. To think that my liege, Lady Corndog, would feel this way about me...

JAKOB: ...Very well. If you insist on this act of wanton domesticity, I will not stop you.

CORNDOG: Really? That's great!

JAKOB: But we must be cautious. Tea is dangerous business. Make it only when I'm nearby.

CORNDOG: You got it! Let's find some tea leaves and get started! Thank you so much, Jakob! You're the greatest butler in history!

JAKOB: My word!

JAKOB: I hope nothing ill comes of this arrangement.

JAKOB: Lady Corndog has no experience in the kitchen. Things could get...apocalyptic...