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Part VIII: The Depths of a Ruin

So the mysterious leader of the Scattered Bones was good ol' Rose...well, you don't hire Caitlin Glass for minor roles. Not usually, anyway.

Mikleo! ... That man with the lion's head... What did he do? *looks around* Someone's coming!

*wakes up*

Well, we don't want to move too fast with Rose on our back, do we? You need to walk with her up until the star icon to continue the plot. This area, Volgran Forest, is quite a large space and leads to several different places and dungeons, but it'll be a while until we can explore it properly. Encounters in the night

So you're the leader of that assassin group.
Well, sure. What should I call you?
Rose will do just fine. And hey... Why didn't you just leave me behind?
You were in danger. I couldn't NOT help you.
Even knowing I was an assassin?
I could just as easily ask what an "assassin" like you was doing rescuing me.
I don't know. I'll have to decide later if it was really the right decision. But I can tell you're a good person.
*looks away* Be careful. Someone's watching us.
Hey, let's head north. There's a ruin off that way that we're currently using as a hideout.
Oh. You're not worried our pursuers might find it?
Nah, we'll be fine.
Uh, want me to set you down?
I'm good. This'll give 'em a false sense of security.

The subtitles say he said "Ugh", but it sounds like more a "Haha..." kind of laugh to me.

Isn't that...the Shepherd?
*hops off* I'll explain later. We were followed, so I led 'em here. Now comes the fun part.
*runs off with her friends*
*begins to follow*
Are you really going to kill them?
Depends who they are.
I just don't like the idea of Rose being a murderer. *breaks his grip*

As before, just follow the star.

*jumps over the two*

You've got the wrong people if you're looking for stragglers. As you can see, we're no soldiers. *lets the kid go*

*the kids run off*

And you better stop hunting soldiers! What a stupid mess.
I swear Rolance has gone mad. What is the Empire thinking?
The princess manages to keep Hyland's crazies in check, and then Rolance up and blows the whole thing apart. What the hell?
And now we've got those poor kids restoring to looting and banditry.
Guess they're growing up tough.
You got somethin' to say?
Listen. We may be an assassins' guild, but that doesn't mean that we just run around killing everyone.
No one tastes our blade unless they need it.
Then what about me?
Don't worry. You won't wake up with a dagger in your back. But know this, Sorey: if the Shepherd turns out to be a force for evil that leads people astray... We won't hesitate to kill you. Remember that.

Bet you're sorry you saved me now.
But wait a minute, boss. How will we know for sure?
Hmm. Good question.
Heh... Hahahahaha!
Sorry. This whoel thing is just sort of ridiculous.
Well, our hideout's this way. Let's rest up for a bit.
We'll skulk around and check for any other pursuers in the area.
Thanks. You're the best.

She's not *actually* going supersonic speed here toward the Scattered Bones' ruins hideout, I just wanted to see if I could examine a nearby monolith that's right next to where you spawn in. You can't. Pretty much the only thing you can do right now is follow Rose to wherever she's going. An ordinary old man


Nice to see you again, milady. And that one with you... The Shepherd I've heard so much about?
My name is Sorey. How did you know I was the Shepherd? Milady here tells me you foguth hard out on the battlefield. I had a hunch.
This is Mayvin. He's not with the guild, but we owe him a whole lot. He's an explorer, and yes, they still make those.
"Explorer". I just like to travel where I please, tracing the footsteps left in this. *takes a book out*
The Celestial Record!

Milady, I was worried when I heard that war had broken out. Will you be all right?
Hmmm. Think we'll ditch this hideout. Might pass on jobs for a while, too, till this all blows over.
I hope I didn't cause this...
A Shepherd who worries for an assassins guild? You are quite a strange one.
*rubs head*
In any case, I should take my leave as well.
Huh? Already?
Don't get too comfortable, lass. The appearance of the Shepherd... New clouds of war... The winds of change are fast approaching.
Yeah, I sense it too.
Sorey. Since you took the trouble to come here, why not see if you can solve the riddle of the ruins back there?
Huh? What do you mean?
These ruins aren't mentioned in the Celestial Record. The same goes for several other shrines and legends. And yet it is far from a difficult task to unearth them. Don't you think there must be something more to it?
You can't fathom the true meaning of legends until you've seen their history with your own eyes.
Well said! Sorey, let us meet again. You too, milady.
Yeah, another time!
So long, old man! Now go on, get inside!

And that we did...

Oh yes, and "Mayvin" is no accident. That was also Melchior and Magilou's surnames (Magilou's adopted surname, granted), but it's less a family name and more related to what that particular "family" does, but yeah, consider this Mayvin the latest in that line. I wish I could say more about how this Mayvin ties into everything, but rest assured this isn't the last we'll be seeing of this old coot.

Whew, I'm beat! That's enough for one day. Just use the bed in back whenever you want.
Thanks, Rose!
Don't go running off anywhere just yet. We gotta make sure it's safe first!

Good idea. Now the name of this place is Tintagel. We first heard this name in Berseria from a random NPC in Stonebury who mentioned that it was the name of a cult who worshiped dragons. We'll actually be hearing more about that a bit later, but Tintagel is also the name of a small town in southwestern Britain fundamentally linked with King Arthur. Our old pal Geoffrey places Tintagel Castle, still standing (somewhat) today, as the place of Arthur's conception.

As he tells it, aided by the wizard Merlin's prophecy and his own lust for Igraine of Cornwall (where the town of Tintagel is located), the wizard disguised Arthur's father Uther as Gorlois, Igraine's husband and the Duke of Cornwall, as well as Uther's erstwhile ally, and Uther snuck into the castle to lay with Igraine. That very same night, Gorlois was killed in battle and eventually Igraine and Uther wed. Gorlois is also, notably, the father of Morgan le Fae, making Morgan and Arthur half-siblings.

There's a monolith in the small room we arrived in, but seems the Scattered Bones have made quite a place for themselves.

This is the first time we've heard the name of Rolance's capital. Remember good ol' Oscar Dragonia? While we didn't hear much about his noble family, aside from the fact they were very not fond of Teresa, but they used their influence to place Oscar among the Abbey's highest ranks. While obviously Oscar and Teresa did not survive the events of Berseria, Oscar's family did, and eventually became the ruling family of the Holy Midgand Empire, which at some point rebranded itself as the Rolance Empire and named the capital after themselves. Pendrago is just straight-up Loegres with a new name, which makes it one of the few places with direct continuity between Berseria and Zestiria.

Oh, and "Pendragon". Uther and Arthur both share this name, but it's not technically a family name, and Arthur did not eventually acquire the name because he was Uther's son, though it's certainly acquired that reputation. Its literal translation from Middle Welsh would be "Head-dragon" or "Chief-dragon", but those titles are better understood as an epithet for a war chief or war leader. For the purposes of a modern audience, we can think of it as a family name, but just keep in mind that's not *strictly* accurate.

As for this place at the moment, the northwest room is currently blocked off, there's a save point in the western room, an impassable gap in the southwest, and an "inn" we currently can't use in the northeast. Sounds like nowhere to go but forward. Although the Scattered Bones have made this their temporary base, they haven't actually explored about 95% of this place.

Rose is right, you know. It has been a hell of a day. Merry bands

Poor Shepherd, all alone.
How vexing. We're right here, yet he can't hear us...
*bolts up* You guys!
Sorey! Are you back to normal?

I was really freaked out when you guys all suddenly disappeared!
So that lion-head guy, Heldalf... What on earth did he do back there?
Haven't you ever thought about what happens when two domains overlap? Which one's blessing would be the most affected?
What do you mean?
The domain you cast as a Shepherd lost to the domain on fthe one you faced against back there.
And that was enough to momentarily paralyze Sorey's resonance?
It's to be expected. That corrupted domain of his is stronger than that of even a dragon.
Heldalf... he the Lord of Calamity?
It sure looks like it. No one other than the Lord of Calamity could be cloaked in such malevolence.
Well, there's gotta be some reason, some story behind why he came to hold such malevolence and power. *pulls out an Earthen Historia orb*
You got that right. Something like that doesn't just happen naturally.
I would not challenge him again without first finding the answer and understanding that truth.

Oh, Sorey.

I, uh... My friends are here with me!
They're, uh, seraphim.
Is this a bad time? Should we come back?
Lailah. Think she could hear you if we did the usual trick?
Oh, right! Let's try it out.

Just try and focus, Rose.
Rose. Can you hear...

R-Rose, please just calm down...
I'm not hearing this! let go! Lemme go, you idiot!
Rose! Listen!

*screams again*

Uh oh.

*runs off*
Hahahaha! Guess you really pushed her buttons, Mister Shepherd.
Yeah, the boss can't handle that kinda stuff.
*gets up* I-I see...
Make yourself at home, Shepherd. Just give a holler if you need something.
But for now, we'll need you to hang around for a bit, till we can decide what to do with you.

Well, uh, hm. Alright then... We have a little bit more to do around here, starting with a save point skit, then...

This ornery fellow. Hopefully we can have a decent chat this time. A wind seraph

Hey Dezel, there's something I wanted to ask you.
Hmph. Funny you should say that. I'd like to ask you something, too. What's that ability you've got that envelops you in the power of the seraphim?
You mean the armatus?
It's called the armatus, huh. So that's it. You think I can get one as well?
The armatus is a fusion of the Shepherd and a seraph, acting in unison.
It's the combination of both powers working in tandem. It isn't something that can be obtained.
Hmph. That sounds like a real hassle. But I'll admit, it is strong.
I don't get you. What is it you're after?
Just weighing the situation. And seeing if it's connected to my personal agenda. *begins to leave* There's one last thing I wanted to ask you. That girl, Rose... Do you think she could enact the power of the armatus?
It may be possible for her. She does seem to have the aptitude for it.
But the way she is now? Not a chance. She could have all the natural affinity in the world, but she denies the seraphim. Whose fault is that?
Tch. *leaves*
Guess he's not willing to listen to us. I never did understand those wind seraphim.
So... A seraph who desires the armatus...

Hm, this part of the game really doesn't naturally lead you to the next location, does it? Now the star tells us to try and go outside. The next thread

Well... I was thinking of going back to the battlefield.
You must be joking!
You want your resonance to get blocked off again?
We can't just sit around twiddling our thumbs! I need to learn more, and I can't do it here.
No and no. It's too dangerous!
The Shepherd must do something about the Lord of Calamity. I'm the Shepherd, so I have to go. Isn't that true?
Do not be impatient, Sorey.
I'm pretty sure we've told you what the result will be if you lose yourself.
If the Shepherd allows malevolence to corrupt him, the world will be plunged into unimaginable chaos.
That's right. Never forget that.
There are some things we won't know until we try, that's true enough. But now's not the time to tempt fate.
Very true. What you need most now is a chance to rest.
Hey, how about this. Why don't we explore the deeper part of the ruins here? I'm legitimately curious as to what Mayvin was talking about.
Did you say ruin exploring?
A novel idea! Let's do just that, shall we?
Welp, she's on board.
All right! The boys are back in town!
Someone's got his mojo back.
Wasn't he supposed to be getting some rest?
Rest from being a Shepherd, anyway.
Let's go check it out!

But before we do, there's a short save point skit. Sorey's seraph buddies have been hanging out around him the entire time, it's just he couldn't sense them for previously discussed reasons. Now let's examine that very inconspicuous door.

No one here has a clue how to open the darn thing. Fortunately, we didn't care much, either.

Any ideas?
I'm not sure. We'll have to examine it first.
Kay. *watches*
Oh, nothing. Just seeing how the Shepherd works his magic. Don't mind me. *steps back a bit*

After the above scene, you'll be tasked with actually finding out how to open this door. But before, some brief chats with our buddies, ranging from Edna threatening to just smash the door (over Mikleo's dead body, presumably) to Lailah laughing at our comedic misery earlier. Good buddies we have here...

The actual way to open the door is to activate four pressure plates hidden in various parts of this lobby area. One is here, one is a few paces to the right of the mysterious door, one is opposite the door on the southern wall, and one is in the northwestern room next to some rubble. Don't forget to pick up Wresst, who is chilling out on a bed. He's bright blue, can't miss him.

After you hit all four (order doesn't matter), just go examine the door again. Open sesame

Took you long enough.
I see. So that's what was interfering with the door's rotation huh?
Heh heh. Looks like I win this time!
For once.
All right, let's do this.
Oh you're coming too?
Yep, I'm in if you are!
Rose, there may be beasts lurking inside that are so powerful, people would consider them monsters. I refer to these creatures as "hellions". Listen...
Yeah yeah, hellions blah blah something something powerful. I'm listening.
I'm saying it'll be dangerous!
And I'm saying, if you're fine, I'm fine! You've seen what I can do, come on! I was bored outta my gourd anyway! *marches off*

Huh...a "gourd" is basically a hollowed-out shell of certain fruits, suitable for being a bowl or some other utensil. That's certainly not what I was expecting such a thing to be.

I'm going too. Keep her from causing you folks any trouble.
But wait Dezel, you can't purify the hellions!
Hmph. *ignores him*
If it comes to it, we'll bail them out.
Indeed. This is our first ruin expedition in some time. Let's enjoy it!
Some vacation THIS is.

I sense numerous holes in this proposition, Mikleo, but let's at least try for a positive attitude for now. One after another

Rose, wait! You can't just go around touching everything you--

And the door leading in here locked, too. Off to a rollicking start already, I see. You can look around all you want around the room, it's perfectly symmetrical and there's no cracks or anything we can seemingly exploit. Guess we'll try the door between us and Rose.

It's no good. There's not even a keyhole.
Don't you "whoops" me!
Well, at least I got this working, right? It was a dead end otherwise.

She's got your number.
Huh? I can't move it back.
Well, what do I do now?!
Ehh, the other door opened up. I'll go take a look. Stay right there! *walks off*
Where ELSE would I go?!
Oh, cool your jets!
Aw, great.

Edna talking some sense around here.

While further investigation indeed reveals every route is a dead end around here, I do believe you have to examine the walls and doors to get these kinds of messages before you can continue.

Darn it. We can't do anything from in here. We'll just have to trust her.
Sorey. Why don't you invite Rose to join our group?
Huh? Where'd this come from?
I actually agree. She'd be a good partner for you.
You too?
Remember what Gramps used to say? "A true comrade has different sight but the same vision."
A true comrade...
Why not?
Plus, Rose's level of resonance is about on par with yours. With Alisha, you both suffered the cost of making her your Squire, but this time I think it would be different.
Besides, it should be obvious by now that you being the only human can cause problems.
Maybe. But I can't involve other people in the Shepherd's duty!
So that's what you're worried about, huh?
Sorey, have your travels thus far brought you nothing but suffering?
Well, no. it's hard its share of good times as well.
Is the Shepherd's destiny tremendous enough to overpower the dream we share?
Probably not.
You do know what we're getting at, right?
Yeah. Not every burden is mine to shoulder.
The responsibility you feel is definitely a good thing. But at the same time, you must walk the path in life that is meant for you.
Try to walk everyone's path, and your legs'll tangle up.
So you're saying I've got to figure out my own way of doing things.
But that's all the more reason to have friends to support you, right?
Though, it'll be up to her, in the end.
Before anything, we'll need to sit down with her and get her to understand us.
That'll go over well.
For now, there's nothing we can do but wait till she gets back.

Well, that's not quite true this time. Instead, we have to talk to all of our buddies again to continue. Each of them will trigger something special happening. For Lailah, for example, it's...

The snakes aren't too dangerous, thankfully, but Mikleo, it's not very noble to take credit for battles you weren't even participating in.

That was unexpected.
I'm getting a really bad feeling about this.
Miracle of miracles, we agree on something.
Heheheh... It'll be fine. I think.

For Edna...

Heh... Did you hear something just now?
I sure did.

Yup. That sucks.
Hey! This is serious!
Not for me. Smoke's only a problem for humans like you. Have fun.
Edna, this isn't the time for joking around!
Let's just stay composed, everyone.

Lovely... Well, your buddies (and Rose) will have plenty to say while smoke pours into the room, but it's up to you to find out a way to shut off the smoke and deactivate this most recent odd trap. I don't *think* there's a time limit here, Tales games usually do not let you get Game Overs outside of combat. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a single instance of this being a thing within this series. Regardless, an excess amount of smoke isn't good for anyone, so let's solve this puzzle, shall we? Like in the opening area of Tintagel, you have to step on pressure plates. But this time, you have to press them in the right order. If you don't, the switches you already pushed reset. The correct order, from where Sorey starts, is northwest, southeast, northeast, southwest.

After doing so...

I guess that fixed it.
You almost look excited.
Yeah. I hadn't realized, but it's been a while since I've had this much fun.
Good. That is a feeling you should cultivate.

Alright, that's not bad. So Mikleo, let's hope yours is a bit more normal.

I can't believe we're just hanging around like this.
But you can look around and imagine ages long past. That's the thrill of ruin exploring!
I wouldn't know. I hardly ever get trapped like this.
I believe I recall rescusing you from a trap or two!
Two, maybe.
*hangs head*
But still, there's something strange about this ruin.
Sealed-off areas, doors with little windows next to 'em...
And devices inside the room that can be operated from the outside...
Oh! An experimenting room!
Heheheheh. If this place was for experiments, then it probably doesn't open from this side. We'll have to leave it to Rose.
But we could try to investigate the nature of the experiments, at least.
We don't even know if we can get out of here. Must be nice to live in Sorey World.

It opened!
I can sense...a domain?! *approaches the door* There's a presence of considerable power here. And this much malevolence... It can only be a hellion.

Well, what are we waiting for? A power awakened

I don't know what's going on!
No! A Dragonewt?!

It's a young type of dragon.
So, dangerous, is what you mean.

Look who's gonna crack.
Let's do this! *runs forward* Hey, hellion! I'm over here!
If it's too much to handle, run!
Right! We just need to buy enough time for those two to escape!
Run back!
*gets to a safe distance*

So we get our first battle against a Dragonewt. Lailah will soon note that we don't have the proper elements to fight this thing and, indeed, its only vulnerability is Wind, which we don't have. After a short interlude, you'll "win" this first encounter and cutscenes will resume.

Rose, what are you doing? I told you to get out of here!

I know, I know! But it's all my fault that things ended up like this!
I told you to forget about it! *shoves Rose aside*

Sorey, see if you manage without me for a little bit!
So you can hear me now? I'm impressed.
Rose, it's okay to be scared. Just hang in there and listen to me. Sorey's like that too. We grew up together, but he still tenses up a little when he sees me. We seraphim are indeed Sorey's friends. And yet we cannot say for sure if Sorey sees and hears the same things we do.
Because he's...the only human out of all of you?
Yes. Sorey has no human compatriots who can truly understand the burden he bears as the Shepherd.
You join him.
It's ultimately your call.
*looks back at Sorey fighting* Hey, what's your name?
Mikleo! Come here!
Mikleo! *stands up*


I can see him! But I...I still...
Well, this is a fine how-do-you-do if ever there was one.
All right, damn it! I'll prove to you I can do this! Sorey! Mikleo! And, uh... *sees the Dragonewt* *screams*
What? What's wrong with you?
I-I-I'm joining the fight!
*stands up* Looks like she's made up her ind. And she did it all herself, too. *rejoins Sorey*

Thank you. Lailah I'll buy us some time! You get the Squire's pact going!
But Sorey, you have to give her a true name first!
*resumes fighting* Wilkis Wilk ("Rose is Rose". Very creative, Sorey)!
That's the true name I'm giving to Rose!
A-All right!

So this fight is similar to the previous one, just in the sense that you're not expected to defeat the enemy, just last long enough. Thing is, this time limit is *much* longer than the previous fight, and I'm not even sure I was doing it right, just dodging around the Dragonewt's attacks. I'm not sure if the game expect you to last long enough or drain some miniscule amount of its total HP. If it's the former, it's a pretty absurd time to wait, on Hard at least. I fought this thing for something like 20 minutes, which...does not sound like the intended experience. For obvious reasons, not all of it will be in this video. Only tip I'll give you is that you can prevent the Rock Satellites from spawning around Dragonnewt if you're attacking as Water!Sorey in the split second between when the spell finishes and when it actually begins circling. This is the best way to make sure those rocks don't show up, because those can easily get you killed if the Dragonewt is too aggressive while those are up. After way too long of this...

We're here!
You made it!

All right! Then let's show this Dragonewt--
I've had enough of this, Shepherd! I'm doing playing around! Now you're going to bring my armatus to life! *tosses a dagger to Sorey*
Dezel! Why are you...
When this is all over, we're gonna have a talk!

And early into the second act, we have our first battle with a full "true" party, of two humans who can armatize and four seraphim. Now we're talking.

So again, remember Oscar? He had "armatized" with a nameless wind seraph to fight us on Endgand, but now, we can use that same power. And it's like, straight-up the same moveset, too. It was cool. Wind!Sorey or Wind!Rose fights mainly by flying around or jumping high in the air, shooting out projectiles or what have you. Its healing arte is Soul Resonance, which is similar to Fairy Circle in terms of being AOE healing, but it also reduces the SC of enemies caught up in it and lightly damages them.

The major way you'll deal damage to this guy is with Wind attacks, but when it gets very low on health, watch out for this attack. It's a short-range blast of corrosive breath that can very easily KO anyone caught up in all of it, so it's much more unpredictable and potentially lethal than Helmsplitter. After finally wrangling this guy...

A dog seraph?
Good work out there!
*doubles over*
Rose? Ro--
*runs forward* Hey! Pull yourself together!
Did you think it was Rose? It's me.

Leave her alone, you maniac!
You're quite attached to her, I see.
What are you after?!
Oh, nothing really... Just making sure it was clear to everyone why you wanted to become a Sub Lord.
Shepherd, allow me to explain...
I understand, Dezel.
It seems there's some sort of agenda you want to accomplish with the armatus, Dezel.
That's right. And I'm using you to that end. Deal with it.
What is it you want, then?
Revenge. Against the hellion who killed my friend, tarnished the name of the Windriders, branded them as criminals...and forced them to live out the rest of their lives in secrecy as an assassins guild.
Oh yeah? Well, in that case, you're more than welcome! We love quelling hellions.
You mean saving them, in other words. Does that sound like revenge to you?
You're out to kill them?! Lailah, how could you invite someone like him to be your Sub Lord?
Because of how he is. Dezel is consumed with vengeance, and yet he has not become a hellion...because he has a vessel that cannot be corrupted.
I get it. So if Rose were to accompany us by herself...then Dezel would lose his pure vessel, and before long his lust for revenge would turn him into a hellion.
Don't make me laugh. I'd sooner die than become the same corrupted being as the one who wronged me. You folks forced my hand.
But something tells me you're not too bent out of shape over it.
Hmph. I won't deny it. It did give me a sense of the true power of the armatus, after all.
I understand your reasons now.
But if you're going with us, you can't be acting like a lone wolf.
Don't worry, I'll work with you. I'm a crummy seraph, but I'm still a seraph. I've got no reason to oppose what the Shepherd does.
Well, I guess that's true.
But nevertheless, keep what I told you a secret from Rose. She believes that she's come as far as she has with her own ability, without anyone's help. I don't want her to be troubled by the knowledge of what I've been doing behind her back... Or the reasons why I did it.
*warps back into Rose's body* Well, that's that. Now we're all best buds, right?
Don't toy with her! Make sure she's all right!
She's fine. She just passed out from shock. I think you tossing her on the floor like that is what did it.
Why don't we plan on resting here for a while until Rose wakes up? It looks like the other seraph still hasn't regained consciousness.

We also get Dezel's map action, Wind Rush. If there's a conveniently-sized gap between two landmasses, you can use the Wind Rush to cross the paths. We've seen a few potential candidates before, but the closest one to demonstrate this ability is...actually in this room, but we can't demonstrate until we begin this dungeon proper.

Starting with our newest ones. The way Wind Rush works is Sorey will stop for a second, rush forward a few steps, then stop to recover. So it's not a noticeably faster way to move around. What IS a faster way to move is Dezel's currently-assigned Personal Skill, Windstepping. Every time you hear a random conversation in a town, or finish a battle, you'll get that wind circle around Sorey. As long as that's up, Sorey will move faster out on the field. This effect can be chained by going from one battle to another before it wears off. Definitely helps cut down on travel time. Should also note it can be "saved", so if you save your game with Wind Rush active, it'll carry over after loading. For now, we can chat with all our friends about current developments.

So as before, you have to talk to everyone currently not conked out to continue. Dezel and Edna have the most interesting conversations, so I'll cover them normally, though, of course, all four are in this video. After the battle

N-No. Well, I mean, uh, not really. Just...
Just what?
I, uh, I kinda like having you and Rose around.
What? What the hell are you getting around?
I mean, I used to think we were the only group of humans and seraphim who traveled together.
It used to be quite a common affair. Even if people couldn't see us, couldn't hear our voices, they could feel us by their side. Together we laughed. Together we cried.
Weren't all of the Scattered Bones like that?
Exactly! And so that's why...
Know this. We may be working together, but if you get in the way of what I need to do, there will be problems. Shepherd or no.

As for the shrimp...

Let me tell you something.
That girl, Rose. She conducts way too much power. I was able to enact the armatus and control her body even when she was completely zonked out.
What do you mean?
She's far too used to the power of the seraphim. It's probably because Dezel's been secretly interfering from the sidelines for so long. He must have manipulated her on multiple occasions while she was asleep or unconscious. If that weren't the case, there'd be no real explanation for why such power flows through her.
So Dezel used Rose to his own ends time and time again, just to get his revenge?
And just as he was hoping, Rose had the ability to enact the armatus. If she loses consciousness, she can be manipulated freely. He's crafted the ideal vessel out of her. Keep that in mind.

After talking with everyone...

Gahaha! Boy howdy, you really helped me out there! My gratitude to the Shepherd, and of course my seraph brethren.
I'm Sorey. This is Lailah, Edna, Dezel, Mikleo, and the one sleeping over there is...
*wakes up* That dog is talking!
Rose, you're awake!
I am called Oysh. Though I may not look it, I'm as much a seraph as any of them!
I'm getting a crash course, Mystic Secrets of the Seraphim.
Gahaha! Nice to meet you!
Likewise! I'm Rose.
Looks like she's used to it.
So, shall we return, now that Rose has recovered and awakened?
I dunno, she's having so much fun.
No screaming and punching? Lame.
We're wasting time. Let's head back.
Hold up! We haven't found anything yet. And there's more ruin left to explore!
Well, I guess there's only one thing to do:
Keep going!
We're not done with our little expedition yet.
No vacation from THIS vacation.
Then let us proceed further in. Sorey, are you ready?
Thanks, everyone. All right, Oysh, we're going to look around in the ruins a bit more.
Gahaha! You folks are a blast, I tell ya! Be careful out there!
See ya later, mystical doggie!

So although nobody says it, because nobody knows it, the ultimate goal of this dungeon is to to explore the far end of this long corridor. There's a door there with some very valuable information behind it and we're not leaving until we know exactly what it is. This corridor itself is a Landmark, and an interesting skit associated with it. This is one of the few times Edna will bring up, in her own way, the issue with her brother. The "Dragonism" religion Sorey and Mikleo seem familiar with is almost certainly the same religion that Stonebury NPC was referring to.

There's also a save point skit, and it's funny that Rose asks a lot about Alisha here, because as I mentioned a couple updates ago, Rose hangs out with Alisha quite a bit more in the anime than they do in the game, which I don't recall is much at all. Rose and Alisha will never be in the party at the same time, notwithstanding the DLC skits that don't count as canon material. They uh...they got quite chummy by the end of it, let's say.

It's just facts. Speaking of this whole part of the game, Zesty the X doesn't feature anything that happens in the Tintagel Ruins. In fact, Sorey meets Mayvin in a different place and, while Rose does play a certain part in the battle at Glaivend Basin, it's not all what she does in the game and Rose bails Sorey out in the aftermath in her Sparrowfeathers outfit. It's only later that he finds out about her side business while she's on an assassination mission toward some guy who doesn't show up in the game. Season 1 of the anime can be fairly well analogized to the first act of the story, but Season 2 massively abridges what the game will cover, you can count on that.

I have a feeling we'll get along famously.

So, what to do? Well, either route is "fine", but going into the left passageway from where you emerged from is the smarter one. Just for laughs, let's go right first. But of course, we have new monsters to hear about.

(Werewolf) A werewolf? Probably some guild member turned hellion...
It specializes in assassin techniques. Watch out!

This dungeon really wants you to armatize with Dezel, because Wind destroys nearly everything here, including werewolves.

Well, the only nice thing I'll say about the Undead Magicians is they're not *as* bad as the Pixies from earlier. It's also about this time in the game you notice how much Alisha was really holding your combat potential back by not being able to armatize.

Mysteries of the seraphim were not meant for humans to explore.

And this is one of those gaps that Wind Rush is good for. For the Serpents, I believe the last normal enemy around here...

If that huge snake bites you, it'll suck you dry.
Suck... Wait, what?

Let's not find out if she's joking, alright?

Daybreak, but there's not much to see here aside from a silver chest we can't open. Oh, and Blokk, hanging out on some rubble near the entrance to this place.

As for the ultimate goal of this place, would it surprise you to learn it involves pressure plates? Shouldn't think so. There's three of them and they're...well, they're not on any obvious path, is the most I'll say about their "hidden" status.

The star helpfully points us at a new Earthen Historia entry, and skit right afterwards. Let's see...

So this is another subtle callback that Berseria threw in, with that skit where Rokurou talked about the process of venomization. Basically pitting hellions against each other to eventually produce a far more powerful survivor. We only heard about it the one time, but yeah, Heldalf seems super into that. The second necessary pressure plate is located right near the latest Earthen Historia orb, as well as a Saffron hidden in a corner. Remember that, like in Berseria, stat-increasing herbs fully restore a character's parameters. And finally, for the actual final enemy type around here, the Wolf Heddin.

A bodiless hellion, again?
Its physical attacks are weak. Let's finish 'em off!

He's not wrong. Easily the most harmless enemy type around here.

I'm not hiding anything, I swear!

Find some other stage partner, Lailah. This one ain't biting. Also, the third switch will be located in a circular room that's a pretty distinctive sight on the mini-map.

Once you've hit all three switches, these three additional platforms will spawn, close enough to Wind Rush to the end of the corridor. That chest has a very special treasure in it, the Silver Key. Now we can open up all but one type of treasure chest. The Trial

Think so.
*begins panicking*
*hops out* I wonder if she'll ever really get used to this.
This mural seems to depict the trial that the one who is to be the Shepherd must undertake. I did not expect to find such a thing here.

Is this blotch here supposed to represent the continent of Glenwood? Then this insignia thingie marks where the Shepherd is supposed to go. Is that right?
Lailah, is that the case?
Tonight's dinner: Mabo curry!
Don't mind her. She gets a little random sometimes when things come up that she can't talk about because of her oath.
Oath? Like a diet?
So there are four places with that mark?
One in the north part of Lakehaven Heights, two in the southern end of the middle of the continent...
And the last one is in the direction of Westronbolt Gorge.
Well, if they call it a trial, that means something good happens if you finish it, right? Like, get some awesome equipment or sweet power-ups!
Yeah... Hey! Maybe I'll get the strength to overcome any kind of domain!
We just might have hope against Heldalf after all.
Uh, guys? English, please? What's a domain? What's a held-elf?
Well, it's, uh...
Know what? Forget it. We'll talk about it over a meal. We got what we came for, right?
Yeah. Looks like our expedition has come to an end.
Cool. Let's go. I just got bored all the way back into my gourd. Didn't know you could do that.
For real?
Looks like it.
No comment.

Well, that's good to hear. There's a few more goodies in this most-hidden part of the ruins, including a treasure chest with equipment in it, a monolith, and...

Our first good look at what the entire continent looks like. The Water crest is Lakehaven Heights, as Dezel mentioned, so should give you some perspective where we were on the continent during the first act of the game. Glaivend Basin would probably be that lightly-colored area to its south, and right now, we're in kind of a border region between Rolance and Hyland. This mural is also a Landmark, so be sure to check it out and view the resulting skit. Sorey and Mikleo talk about the Pendrago Shrine, which is further evidence Pendrago and Loegres are supposed to be the same town. The cathedral in Loegres was still under construction during Velvet's day, and the party talked about how it probably wouldn't be finished for centuries. Well, it has, and we'll be seeing it later.

Ominously, however, Rose reveals that the cathedral, a place you'd think would be a focal point for worship of Maotelus, has been locked up, and only very high-ranking church personnel are allowed to enter. Very suspicious. For the two landmarks we've seen so far...

Dragon Corridor posted:

A central corridor lined with placid dragon statues. Evidence that this was a civilization that did not view dragons as harbingers of calamity.

Mural of the Trial posted:

An ancient mural that points the way to where the Trial of the Shepherd awaits. The map of the continent is illustrated with the crets of the four lords of earth, wind, fire, and water.

And we know the names of those four, thanks to Berseria. Fire = Musiphe, Water = Amenoch, Wind = Hyanoa, and Earth = Eumacia. Before you ask, unless there's a joke I'm totally not getting, there's no particular significance to those names. There's also a nearby save point skit between Rose and Sorey, where Rose makes a good point about people being there who have always been there, you just didn't know they were there, but such an argument is completely wasted on a guy who has grown up with these invisible people and has known they were there his whole life. Hopefully Rose can pull it together before too long.

Speaking of seraphim, we have a talking dog to commune with before we leave. On a new adventure

Well, look who's back! Didja find what you were looking for?
Yeah. But...
Earthen Historia this, Shepherd trial that... It's turning into one big mess.
I'm not sure where to start...
Well, think about it. The locations are all over the world. Plan it so we don't waste travel time.
All right... Then how's Pendrago sound? I'm sure you've grabbed the attention of the bigwigs in the Rolance Empire now. You might wanna go explain that Hyland only got you to fight for them by force.

By force? Well...I'm not sure that's how I'd phrase it. "Undue influence" would probably be closer to the truth.

Oh, good idea. That would likely make our operations inside the Rolance Empire much easier.
An approach only the humans could take.
Looks like you're all on the same page.
That's right. Are you going to stay back here, Oysh?
I'd sure like to. I'm still kind of attached to the place. But I probably don't dare stay here by myself.
Is something wrong?
There needs to be someone to worship the seraph, like at a shrine or a church.
Or else, he could be tainted by malevolence and become a hellion again.
Then we'll find someone and bring them here to cover it! Sound good?
You sure? I thought this was your hideout.
Pfft, whatever! Just leave it to me, okay?
You're the best! I should be sittin' pretty for the time being, thanks to all you folks. Just bring someone here whenever you can. I'll give ya blessings out the wazoo!
Well, I'll see ya around, Oysh!
Gahaha! Come back soon!

I agree. Think everyone would be cool with Oysh. He's good seraphim.

So seeing that scene marks the official end of your business in Tintagel Ruins, but there's some loose ends to wrap up. First up, go back to that outside outcropping where I find Blokk earlier. The silver chest there has the Horns fashion accessory in them.

Oh yes, and this is the reason I didn't show like a full list of Alisha's outfits before now. For some reason, Rose and Alisha, being the two non-Sorey humans, share costumes. It's uh, definitely not how I would have handled things.

Good to know... Once you get those Horns, return to the lobby area of the ruins with the rest of the Scattered Bones. Fresh air

What? I was thinking of heading out now...
With just the clothes on my back? Puh-lease. I am a girl, you know.
You have been battling those...hellions, is that right? Those monsters most people can't see.
All the time?
Yeah. That man we were talking about, "Heldalf". He's the Lord of Calamity, so...
Whoa, hold your horses! Save the long stories for mealtime, okay? *goes to hit the metaphorical sack*

The next day...

You never know. She could be just the difference we need to challenge the Lord of Calamity. Really, our biggest asset right now is the fact Heldalf isn't a ghost. Speaking of Rose, there's a nearby save point skit, now that we're about to shove off for Rolance proper (it isn't clear whether Volgran is within the empire's jurisdiction) with a full party. It's important everyone understand the stakes here.

Give her time. So as I mentioned, Volgran Forest is a big area that has a lot of treasures and branches to it. The only thing we need to do right now just head for the star, which leads to Lastonbell and our first encounter with the Rolance Empire, but this place is way too big not to comb over.

The easiest way to find most of the treasures is to hug the area wall, just to make sure you don't miss anything by it being tucked into the corner of the map.

Dezel still seems to be putting this bunch on-edge, but I think we can count on him when the chips are down.

This is actually the place where we began this update. You can tell because that nearby save point is the one I loaded from at the very start of this update. That nearby dungeon icon leads to a place you certainly don't *need* to go through right now, because you can't 100% complete it right now, but there's certainly some goodies to find there.

No thanks.
Choosing not to choose means you're a short fused type!
That's fortune telling?

Sure it is. What else would it be?

The Lamorak Cave is mostly filled with enemies you could find at the Glaivend Basin or other Act 1 locations. "Lamorak" is yet another Knight of the Round, allegedly Arthur's third best knight, after Lancelot and Tristan, but he's definitely not as popular as some of the other more well-known knights like Gawain or Bedivere. Some characters get popular, some do not. Through various misadventures, he runs afoul of Mordred, Gawain, Agravaine, and Gaheris, all at the same time, and Mordred mortally wounds the poor bastard before Gawain beheads him. Someone drew a short straw.

In the second area, past a Wind Rush gap, you can find this little trove. Most of the treasures in this dungeon right now are fairly minor, consumables and such, but that silver chest has the Topknot fashion accessory in it, and, once you return to the main path, the next little opening has...

Orpiment, according to Edna. Given she's an earth seraph, I'm not inclined to doubt her. Edna's mastery of puns is truly on another level. As for the logbook entry...

Orpiment posted:

Dull yellow ore used for a number of different purposes. In addition to being used as a pigment, it can also be used in the preparation of poisons.

Today's trivia: when you have a physical ailment, you can't recover your HP.

I dunno, Lailah. I find "smacking them around" works perfectly fine. Zombies are about as harmless as enemies get. Very slow, little HP, and rarely attack. Following the path you're on and angling up will eventualy lead you past a monolith and in front of...

This guy, but we can save it for now. This is a dead end since we can't break those rocks right now. If you angle to the south, you'll eventually find a monolith at another dead end, but we're currently missing a normin we can find here.

Can YOU see where it is? I hope so. Once you find the above stuff, you're basically done here, since you can't do any more until we get Edna's map action. There's another monolith near the entrance that you might have missed because you ran past it, but if you did, you should see it on the way out, coming from the opposite direction and all.
Returning to Volgran, we have a few more generic enemy types.

(Forest Plantus) Sure are a lot of plant hellions around here.
I don't wanna go around them so you go first.
(Treant) Why did these...trees become hellions?
It's easy for souls to dwell in something that's lived for a long time.
(Boar) As you know, Boar hellions charge straight at you!
Watch out for its body slam. It'll BOAR right through you!

More enemy types completely destroyed by Fire!Sorey or Rose is what I'd say. Next order of business is that gigantic tree stump you couldn't have missed after leaving Tintagel.

Even though we have water and wind seraphs in attendance right now, don't doubt their ability to analyze tree rings.

Don't go too close to the city, because then we'll be forced into Lastonbell, but there are certainly things to see around it. Like gigantic beetles. Even after centuries have passed and memories long forgotten, battles over the true name of beetles continue to rage. And Rose with her delightful analogies. For the last two landmarks...

Huge Stump posted:

Perhaps "huge stump" is an unfair description, as its rings would indicate it is over a thousand years old. Its age allows one to make estimates about the climate of ages past.

Speaking of "ages past", this giant stump was located in the town of Stonebury back in Berseria, indicating that the town slighty moved in the ensuing centuries and at least one part of the Aldina Plains became a large forested area in the ensuing time.

Volgran Stag Beetle posted:

A large stag beetle beloved by both children and beetle aficianados. Absolutely not to be confused with the rolance atlas beetle, lest you become the laughingstock of the Beetle Fanciers' Club.

Last treasure of particular note here is Black Talismans for Sorey in that chest in the distance. Unique equipment gets called out.

And finally, one more normin to bag before we finish up today. And a save point skit right next to where Lastonbell is. Edna's font of Mikleo name puns has yet to run dry, but as for us, our adventure has just begun.