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The Power of Incredible Violence
Now… where were we?
Ah, that's right. Our hero has determined that their attempts to understand the Grinning Colossus will be met with nothing but disdain and punishment. Brandishing their weapon, the hero decides to attempt to bring it to heel by force. A single axe did nothing at all, but perhaps a multitude of them would manage to bring about the result that they've been told to seek?
As their anger reaches its most critical point, they lash out as only a wounded human is able: thinking not of anything but how to harm the opponent in front of them.
They are punished for their hubris, as is always the case when a person rages against the expectations of the society they've been placed into. But, perhaps they dealt real, effective damage this time?
Unfortunately not. It turns out that the Grinning Colossus's healing is more than their axe can ever outdamage. But the hero does not give up, for they are angry. They simply need to find a new angle of attack.
As they go up towards one, they touch the flame for the first time. A torch appears, burning with the scent of destiny. It calls to them, telling them that they don't have to do this the hard way. A path is already prepared for them, an answer that requires no struggle.
Wings, to soar in the sky.
It's a tempting siren's call. Many before the hero must have chosen this clear and easy path without any struggle, and gotten the simple and convenient solution they wanted.
But our hero is not an early adopter, and thus tries raining axes upon the Grinning Colossus from on high. From up here, they are out of the enemy's reach, and it is posed directly below the chandelier. It expects the rope to burn and the light to fall, but instead it receives a rain of axes.
No matter how many the hero throws, however, the Grinning Colossus can never be reduced beyond a certain point of health. A single person is only capable of doing so much damage to the beast which demands compliance… and while the hero is safe up here for now, they cannot remain such forever.
It only takes a single, inevitable, overzealous step forward, and the hero has fallen from their safe haven.
They are immediately published once again for still refusing to walk the path that has been prepared for them. It's obvious, so much that even their rage-addled mind is able to grasp the singular conclusion to this part of the tale.
They have realized that it is impossible to defeat the Grinning Colossus with the Power of Incredible Violence.
Accepting this, the hero takes another step on their journey towards the story's inevitable end.