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Orochi x Kagero C

Music: Implore the Dawn

OROCHI: No, no, no... It's got to be here. Somewhere. Anywhere.

KAGERO: Why in such a panic, old friend? You've turned this room upside down. Have you lost something?

OROCHI: Ugh. You're the last person I wanted to bump into right now, Kagero.

KAGERO: Tell me what's wrong, Orochi.

OROCHI: I lost one of my cards. You know, my fortune-telling cards.

KAGERO: I see.

OROCHI: No, you don't. Or else you'd be upset too. They're from the deck you made for me.

OROCHI: That deck is my most prized possession. I sleep with it under my pillow!

KAGERO: You value my silly drawings too highly. I'll just make you another card.

OROCHI: Another one? It's irreplaceable!

KAGERO: Don't be ridiculous. Easily done. I just need a little time, that's all.

KAGERO: Unless... Did you sell your soul to make my napkin scribbles magical?

OROCHI: Now you're being ridiculous. They're not magical. But they ARE special.

KAGERO: Then leave it to me. I'll try to copy it from memory.

KAGERO: Which card did you lose?

OROCHI: The one with the brook and the fish.

KAGERO: Oh, that one! That one will be tricky to re-create. But I'll do my best.

OROCHI: Thank you, dear friend. And again, I'm sorry for losing it.

KAGERO: Stop apologizing. I'm just surprised you hung on to those drawings for so long.

KAGERO: You can count on me, as I've counted on you since we were children.

OROCHI: Like two peas in a pod. But I'm the luckier of the peas!

KAGERO: Well, this pea has got to get rolling if she's going to get this card done.

KAGERO: The brook card... You couldn't have lost an easier one to remake, hmm?

OROCHI: That girl.

OROCHI: Does she really NOT remember why that card is so special to me?

OROCHI: I'll just be glad to have it back in my deck, no matter how I get it. I'm fortunate to have such a good friend as Kagero.