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Takumi x Jakob C

Music: Light on a Window

TAKUMI: Hello, Jakob. Would you be able to do a favor for me?

JAKOB: Prince Takumi. What is it you need of me?

TAKUMI: I need some assistance in my training, and I thought you'd be just the person to help.

JAKOB: Me? Why? There must be others much more suitable for you to train with...

TAKUMI: Because it seems like you can keep a secret.

TAKUMI: I want to do some special training, but I would rather others not know about it.

JAKOB: I see...

JAKOB: You would prefer people only see the result of your hard work, and not the work itself.

TAKUMI: N-no! That's not what I meant! Though I suppose, if you wanted to put it simply... That isn't incorrect.

JAKOB: Hm. In any case, it seems you have a few misconceptions about me.

JAKOB: You should know I am very, very bad at keeping secrets. Even small ones.

JAKOB: Granted, I will happily keep all of Lady Corndog's secrets until I die... But that courtesy is not extended to anyone else.

TAKUMI: I suppose I cannot trust you to see me train in private, then...

JAKOB: I apologize, Prince Takumi. I am completely dedicated to Lady Corndog.

JAKOB: Also, you seem to have mistaken me for an accomplished fighter. I am a simple butler. If you want to refine your skills in making tea, though...

TAKUMI: Now you're just lying! I've seen you fight on the battlefield!

JAKOB: Of course-I will defend my liege to the end of time. That said, training with others is not exactly in my job description.

TAKUMI: You say that, but I'm starting to suspect you're just not willing to make the effort.

JAKOB: My apologies. The duties and requirements of a butler are numerous. I must dedicate all of my time to them.

TAKUMI: Hrmph. Fine! I'll keep in mind that you cannot be relied upon in these matters.

JAKOB: Thank you for your understanding, Prince Takumi.