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The Embracing of Purpose
Now… where were we?
Ah, that's right. Our hero has finally chosen to fulfill the singular task that was chosen for them, so long ago. Simply by passing by the torches, they gain the means to set the rope aflame.
Once more, the hero jumps forwards, towards their ultimate destiny…
Whoopsie. The hero slightly undershot their goal, and is now on the lower levels. Perhaps the rope can be burned from down here?
They find that it cannot. Even now, the expectations upon them are so forced as to allow no room for any kind of creativity. The job must be done, and it shall be done in the way prescribed.
Still, failures are… usually tolerated, so long as the process winds up being completed. The hero rises once more, gripping their torch as they approach the rope.
Standing before their destiny, the hero looks up at the sky, their goal in sight. They stretch out their wings…
And soar.
The effect is as immediate as it is explosive. Their torch destroys itself as a chain reaction begins sending explosions from the top of the rope, cascading downward through the entirety of the object. This is praxis, exhilaration rushes through our hero.
As the explosions cascade downwards into the chandelier, our hero rushes downward to behold the end of his ancient enemy. The rope destroyed, gravity takes over as the fixture falls inexorably towards the ground.
The Grinning Colossus makes no attempt to dodge. This moment is its ultimate destiny, now that our hero has done their work, the beast may at last act accordingly.
As the chandelier hits, the Grinning Colossus's health plummets immediately. A chain reaction of explosions work its way through the ponderous effigy's body, until…
The beast explodes with a final bang. It is done. The hero's purpose has been fulfilled.
And as the screen fades out… It's time to see what comes after the hero's journey.
Behold, the consequences of our hero's actions.
It's a rather catchy tune, isn't it? This is it, the 'result' from the hero's process. We get to see highlights of the journey, and perhaps the video has given us a small chuckle.
But what of the hero? They didn't get to partake in any portion of their result. The process was all… and the moment the process was over, the hero was discarded. The world had no more use for them. The result, ultimately, was all that it wanted.
And, despite its comedic overtones, the music itself gives away the true game: "Press refresh and start again" is not merely a suggestion, it is an inevitability.
Our hero did not choose to be made, nor to begin this quest. Existence was chosen for them, and the world that lies around them existed before that creation ever happened. Instead, they were forced into this role by an implement beyond their control, one which has nothing to do with their world beyond this point of original creation.
Behold: our hero. However… this one is created by an existence, the same as before, but which has beheld the result.