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Music: Dance in the Dark


CORNDOG: Um, Elise? Why are you throwing punches in the middle of the field?

ELISE: Waaah! Corndog!

ELISE: I-I'm not doing anything! Really. Not a thing.

ELISE: Or, I mean, I was just here to pick flowers. YEAH! A pretty girl picking pretty flowers...

CORNDOG: Oh, I see. Are you sure about that?

ELISE: But of course! I wanted to make you a lovely bouquet. I'M JUST TOO SWEET!

CORNDOG: OK then. It just seemed an awful lot like you were practicing your punches...

ELISE: ...

ELISE: FINE! You caught me. You're just too clever for my devious deceptions.

ELISE: The truth is, lately I've been feeling like kind of a burden to everyone... I was hoping if I trained secretly I could become as strong as you are one day!

CORNDOG: Elise, please don't say that. I promise, no one thinks of you as a burden.

ELISE: You're sweet to say that, Corndog. I love that you're always looking out for me.

ELISE: But that's exactly why I need to train! That way I can look out for myself instead!

CORNDOG: This clearly means a whole lot to you.

ELISE: Oh, it means everything to me! Everything!

ELISE: See, watch this...KAPOW! My killer left hook. KABOOM! My right fist of fury!

ELISE: Kapow! Kaboom! HYAAA!

CORNDOG: Ah, wow. I'm impressed by your... exuberance.

CORNDOG: Well then, if it means that much to you, I'd be happy to help you out. After all, training is twice as effective with two minds at work.

ELISE: You mean it, Corndog?!

ELISE: Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best! I love you THE MOST!!

CORNDOG: Hahaha, you're very welcome. Now then, let's start with some cardio. Ready...GO!

ELISE: Heehee, yay! Here I gooooo!!