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Music: Petals in the Wind

CHARLOTTE: Oh! Lady Corndog! I've finally found you!

CORNDOG: Hello, Charlotte. Was there something you needed?

CHARLOTTE: Nothing for me, no. But for you, milady... For you I have made a wonderful lunch! I hope you haven't eaten yet...

CORNDOG: I haven't, no. That's very thoughtful of you, Charlotte.

CHARLOTTE: It is, isn't it?

CHARLOTTE: I was back in my tent, thinking about how you're always fighting on the front lines... It seemed to me like a nice lunch might be exactly what you'd need!

CORNDOG: Thank you very much.

CHARLOTTE: Could you...take a quick look at it, before you eat it? I just want to be sure that there is nothing in it that isn't to your liking.

CHARLOTTE: If there is, I'll throw it out and make you a whole new meal!

CORNDOG: I'm sure that won't be the case, but if it makes you feel better...


CORNDOG: Just as I said, it looks perfect.

CHARLOTTE: Really? I'm so happy to hear that!

CHARLOTTE: I poured my heart and soul into making this lunch for you, Lady Corndog.

CHARLOTTE: I started thinking about what I would make for you last night, and before I knew it... The sun had risen! Teehee! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

CORNDOG: *munch* *munch*

CORNDOG: Wow! This is fantastic, Charlotte! The way you've mixed the flavors is perfect!

CHARLOTTE: Truly? I'm so glad to hear that! It makes all the effort worth it.

CHARLOTTE: *sniffle*

CHARLOTTE: Oh dear... Please excuse me, milady. I seem to be overwhelmed with gratitude...

CHARLOTTE: I must step away, or I'll make an absolute fool of myself.

CORNDOG: Of course, Charlotte. Thanks again.