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Music: Are You Listening?

ANNA: Hey, big guy! You feeling lucky today?

ARTHUR: Greetings, friend! What's all this?

ANNA: Oh, just a little project I've been working on. It's my own fully-trademarked and patented version of the lottery!

ARTHUR: Astounding!

ARTHUR: ...Wait, are those Faceless masks?

ANNA: Don't worry, it's all for show!

ANNA: (Well, mostly for show...)

ANNA: Care to play?

ARTHUR: Oh, I'm not particularly lucky with games of chance...

ANNA: It goes to a good cause! Lady Corndog is collecting for orphans or something.

ARTHUR: I suppose one try couldn't hurt!

ARTHUR: Er, what do I do?

ANNA: Just punt the little balls into the Faceless, and then it'll roll around. You'll get points depending on how close to the center it goes!

ANNA: It's practically a game of skill.

ARTHUR: Here goes...!

ANNA: Wooooow. OK, this NEVER happened in the playtesting.

ANNA: I swear you got it dead on that last time!

ARTHUR: Indeed! I never expected it to bounce back up and hit me!

ANNA: Yeah, um-I'll grab you some ice for that...