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Kagero x Corndog C

Music: Homesick (Light)





CORNDOG: Um... Kagero?

KAGERO: Yes, milady?

CORNDOG: You've been watching me from up there for a while. Is there something you need?

KAGERO: Hrm. I suppose you could say that. What I need is for you to remain safe and sound.

CORNDOG: I agree with that sentiment, but I should be safe here, don't you think?

KAGERO: What I mean is absolutely vital that we keep you safe.

KAGERO: After careful observation of the army, I've realized that you are critical to morale.

KAGERO: I will keep an eye on you at all times to make sure nothing happens to you. This also helps my liege, Lord Ryoma.

CORNDOG: How does this help my brother?

KAGERO: It would undoubtedly break his heart if something happened to you.

CORNDOG: You clearly care deeply for him. How long have you been his retainer?

KAGERO: I've served him for some time, though I was under Lady Mikoto's command before that.

KAGERO: Combined, I have spent most of my life in service to the Hoshidan royal family.

CORNDOG: I didn't know that... Well, I am grateful for your assistance, but... You aren't planning on following me around everywhere I go, are you?

KAGERO: You will be under my protection day and night, without fail.

CORNDOG: OK, well... I really need to go use the bathroom...

KAGERO: You will be under my protection day and night, with exceptions.

KAGERO: I will vanish whenever you need privacy.


CORNDOG: Whoa! She disappeared! Kagero really is a ninja...