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Takumi x Mozu C

Music: Shine in the Light

TAKUMI: Wow. This field has enough crops to feed our army for a month!

TAKUMI: I wonder who's been tending to it. Hmm... Is that Mozu heading this way?

MOZU: Shoo! Get out of there!

TAKUMI: I'm sorry. Did you just shoo me?

MOZU: Surely did! But it's too late. You've trampled all of my sprouts!

TAKUMI: Huh? You mean these spindly little things?

MOZU: Yep! Those spindly little things you're stepping on are as good as dead.

MOZU: Poor dears, they never stood a chance. Not with you trampling all over 'em!

TAKUMI: Mozu, I'm really sorry. Maybe you should have put up a sign!

TAKUMI: You still have time to plant some more, don't you?

MOZU: Ha! You mean, after I finish all my other chores? I'm glad you think it's so easy!

TAKUMI: Well, let me help you. It's at least partly my fault.

MOZU: It's kind of you to offer, milord, but I've had enough of your help for one day! The truth is, you royal folk make lousy farmers!

TAKUMI: Excuse me?! Now, it's on! I'll farm circles around you, Mozu. Just watch!

MOZU: Oh dear. This isn't gonna go well, is it?