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Update 5: Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos

We just finished up in the Sawmill with Atul, and so now it's time to go se-

Oh, come ON. Atul, you can't keep pushing the favorite niece thing. There's other people on this boat, y'know!

I like it. Getting the work done! Learn a new skill! Now that you've got some materials. Maybe you could build me a house. Let me sketch something real quick.

It's pretty basic, with just a few hinges here... and a few nails in there... Oh! You've already got some materials to build me something nice. I'm asking not only for me, but for the crew. Apparently, I snore at night. Loudly, according to your friend Gwen.

Gwen is right, dude does snore quite a bit so getting Atul a home is going to be priority. But anyway, that's enough Atul! Let's go see what Summer needs.

Sigh, even after having so much time dedicated to him, Atul still needs to come be a part of someone else's story.

I don't know if you've noticed, but I have been very tired recently. And I'm afraid to say that it's starting to weigh on my morale. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I think the Guest House, as lovely as it is, might not be very good for me. It's a bit too noisy and quite cramped. I hate to ask this of you, really, but could you maybe arrange for me to have a little private space on the boat? I think it would help me tremendously. And then we could continue our lessons! But nothing too fancy! Just a place to sleep and meditate. With lush greenery, perhaps. Oh, and I'd be delighted if it had natural stones! Yes, that would be splendid! Thank you again, Stella, deeply.

Summer wants a lot for her Sanctuary, but I suppose she does deserve some restful sleep. Though who's to say just taking Atul out of there won't help her sleep as much as her own place?

Alright Gwen, you're up next! What you got for us?

Stella, I've got to tell you. There is something I'd stumbled upon some time ago, and up until now it didn't seem that important. Brace yourself. Remember my parent's manor on the lake? As weird as this sounds, it's not too far from here... Yes, I know. It makes me wonder about this world, too. I must admit, I've been actively trying to avoid it... At any rate, it's become hard to ignore. As I've spent so much time with you here, I think I'm ready to tackle this challenge.

Dammit Atul, not now!!

I've added the location to your map, I'll be ready when you are.

A suddenly heavy conversation from Gwen... and Atul comes in at the end and makes me laugh. I swear, I'm not somehow doing this!

You interrupted Gwen wanting to go to her family's old house to talk about food!?

That's just a fact of life. Sometimes, when I do, I get hungry for really specific things. Your Aunt Viv would call it "laser focus tummy". Don't get me wrong, I'll still eat pretty much whatever you put in front of me. I'd just like for you to put some effort into this one. I'll give you a shout when I get a craving. Hopefully, I won't ask for anything too extreme. You never know with this appetite.

... I'm sorry, I just can't get over having spent forever talking with Atul, and when we try and go a couple moments without him he literally comes into frame to be like HEY GUYS, IM HUNGRY.

Anyway... I get enough resources to build Atul his workshop, but sadly we don't have access to Oak Trees yet so Summer will have to wait for her home. At least she'll sleep better with Atul in his own room.

I also rearrange the deck, putting the sawmill by the workshop and placing Gwen as far from the deck as she can go. I also place the Loom by her too. There's no reason for me to do this outside of it making me feel good.

With the coming of morning, Atul wakes up and gets to see his brand new home!

It's perfect, Sprout. It's massive. All this room for little one me. I can't wait to catch some shut-eye. This is really great. Thank you so much. I won't forget this.

Aww, no problem Atul I


You know me.

Yes, I literally only know you. I apologize profusely to Gwen who I kept thinking talked too much.

I could always go for a little snack. Something salty. Something buttery. Something with flavor. Oh, jeez. You know what would be just perfect? A big old bag of popcorn all to myself! Just go ahead and heat up some corn.

I actually have plenty of popcorn on hand since I found a bit of corn seeds and Gwen loves comfort food so it's an easy thing to hand over that I know she'll eat.

Atul Theme(Slow)

That really didn't fill me up. However, it did make me miss my kids a whole lot. I used to make bags of popcorn on movie night for them. Even with the TV turned up, you couldn't hear the actors talking. The crunching was so loud. It was the only way to calm those little monsters down. Watching these terrible kids' movies.

To see them laughing. For them to fall asleep on me. Thank you for this popcorn.

You know, I was looking at your kitchen yesterday. It's fine. Nothing special. It reminds me of my first kitchen. In my terrible apartment. I didn't know what I was doing in there. I was so careless with the spices. Not enough salt. Anyways, here's a little something to brighten this mess up. Don't worry, it's not a spice rack. You'll need to actually work for it, but it will be worth it. Just improve your kitchen with some extra oven space.

Hell yeah! Our first improvement! Sure, we've had blueprint improvements, but this is an improvement that affects an already built building. Specifically, once we upgrade the kitchen, we will be able to use one or two ingredients to make dishes. This is our first step to being able to truly tap into the 105 recipe list, as I'm sure you can imagine that most recipes call for more than just one ingredient. Unfortunately, in order to upgrade the kitchen we are going to need some fabric. Where do we get fabric? Well, we don't have the abilty to get it right now until we advance a bit further in the game. So simple meals it is, for now.


Before we continue on to lands unknown, we should probably have a way for people to communicate with us. So let's head back to Albert to get a pretty necessary upgrade.

He was a good worker. But... they found him sleeping on the cob.

Anyway, we're here for the mailbox! It's the only upgrade we can afford but we need to get it before we can get the icebreaker - which will be needed for continuing to sail to the other parts of the world.

Hell, we don't have ANY of these resources right now. So it's gonna be a while before we leave our little side of the pond.

Oh, we actually already have mail! What does it say?


Make sure you change your address permanently. You'll have more letters coming shortly. Make sure you keep up with your writing. Pen pals are the best pals - everyone knows that.

-Albert, your local shipwright

Well that's nice of him! Even though I'm pretty sure this is just him trying to get the letters to stop coming to his shipyard.

So remember that brochure we got from fishing out a bottle from the sea? Well, the location isn't that far away from us, so may as well go take a look-sie, right?

See? Only a quick ride over! What was that like 1 screenshot distance? Pretty sure trips to Albert have taken us entire Atul storylines.

Gurenu Fields

Damn, the tours have someone already waiting for us. Now that's service!

Are you here for our world-renowned Furogawa Tours? Of course you are, you're holding our brochure! The tour is about to start. It takes about five minutes and covers the history and flora of this island. Afterwards, you'll be able to tell all your friends about it. Don't worry, there's no gift shop after this tour! Ready? Perfect. Let's start right away.

As you can see... This island doesn't get many visitors. People tend to focus on big-city attractions. Here... it's peaceful and quiet. That's something you'll notice with the fauna. Rice patches and a healthy forest are its main attraction. Moving on.

I know! I'm following the tour! Sheesh!

Workers harvest around the clock to feed local families. Right now, no one is around. I am not sure why. I sometimes play in them when I am off duty. But that's beside the point. Off to our next stop.

Hmm... the guy behind the tour guide looks familiar...

You can feel the humidity. I mean... really feel it. This oak forest really gets to me. We have a connection - a strange connection. I tend to skip this part of the tour, to be honest. If we could move along, that would be great.

... Oak forest, you say?

...Hmm, nah, I'll wait till the tour is done. It'd be rude to sever the weird connection our guide has with the forest in the middle of his work hours.

We are not sure when it was first planted. People from all around would travel here and leave little messages. Anything to help with their lives. Alright, this concludes our tour. Furogawa Tours is grateful for your participation. Thank you for your ears and your patience. Thank you again for your presence. If you'd like to leave a tip, that would be appreciated.

Well, it wasn't really anything I couldn't have gotten on my own... but on the other hand...

That's amazing! I knew I struck a chord with you. I'll sign you up to our upcoming tours newsletter. You'll have an educational great time. Thank you for your kind spirit.

Yup, it was definitely the chord you struck with me and not the business transaction to chop down your weird connection so I can build a home. Thanks!

While there are some other things here to see/get, we don't have the appropriate upgrades to get them right now. So once we have chopped down this forest we are good to head on back to the boat.

We've finally gone far West enough to unblock a good portion of the Central part of the map. You can see the wall of ice that we need the icebreaker for in the North now. Francis is also wondering around, he's usually not too far away from you in case you need to have an emergency sale or complete one of his errands for you... I haven't talked about those, but to be brief, Francis will have several errands you can complete by giving him say 5 carrots and 3 turnips and in return he will give you some lettuce seeds and 800 glims. It's a great way to get some money and resources that are otherwise harder to get. It also rewards those who are hoarders by forcing them to not be hoarders. What if I need this carrot for the final boss!!!

While we could go do some other stuff, let's take Gwen to see her folks' place. I'm sure it's causing her some undue anxiety.

Ah! We have received two new pieces of mail! Let's check them out!

Dear Customer,
Due to an unforeseen supplies shortage at our Bottom Line Corp depot, Raccoon Inc. will no longer be able to apply our special rebate program for recurring customers. Please know that it is with great regret that we have to inform you of this situation, and rest assured, valued customer, of our continuous efforts to improve it.

-Raccoon Inc, trade is our family name![/quote posted:

Unforeseen supply shortage, huh? Inflation is even causing problem in videogame traders! At least its easier to come up with some extra glims than it is to come up with extra dollars.

How about the other letter?

"Workers, unite! You are done being paid unfair wages! You are done being exploited for the benefits of the upper class! Say no to capitalist abuse! Rally to our cause, at Bottom Line Corp!
-Union for Working Denizens[/quote posted:

Ah, so the unforeseen consequences were not paying your workers enough. It's always a shock to employers when that happens.

We'll definitely need to go stop in at Bottom Line Corp and give our support to the workers.

In the meantime though, we are almost to Gwen's parents' place. Just a little bit more to-

NO. You HAVE to be joking.

Everlight... please why couldn't you have worked just 3 more seconds longer. The house is RIGHT THERE.

So yeah, when I said the ship doesn't move at night, I meant it! It stopped literally a half screen over from the "New place discovered" trigger. So we'll be parked outside for the whole night waiting till morning. A little frustrating, especially viewing back the footage and seeing just how long I took to decide to actually confirm going here... so much time... wasted... like tears in the sea...

Since it's nighttime and we have got nothing to do, I go ahead and build Summer's Sanctuary with our brand new oak planks! She'll be happy to see that when she wakes up!

As I mentioned before, if you have a destination already selected then the boat will begin to move just before it's actually morning. Which is a good way to get an extra boost to your day.

And though we could have gone ahead straight to the villa at the first of dawn, I wait till it's officially morning first. So, let's go ahead and see how Summer likes her house.

Wood! Plants! There's even an all-natural room for meditation! You really outdid yourself! How well I'll sleep in that hanging bed... Yes, I'll be back to full health in no time at all. And maybe...

Listen, I have a favor to ask of you. It's become obvious to me that I need to take better care of myself. Let the body listen to the mind. To that end, I need clarity. I need power and energy. Positive minerals are what I'm missing right now. Stones and crystals are connected to the world on an elementary level. Just as the moon is dark when hidden from the sun! Living beings wither when their telluric link is severed. So, Stella, what do you say? Could you bring me some gems and minerals to fill up my cabinet? Three of them should be enough. And it won't be for nothing, you'll see! I can teach about all of the interesting properties of each one you bring to me!

There are 5 gemstones in the game as listed here. Our goal is to find just three different gems from this list and bring it to Summer. Not the worst fetch quest, especially since we'll be roaming around the world as is so it's not like it isn't on the way. Still, while I like Summer, I'm definitely not down with the crystal healing. Have you tried maybe seeing a doctor, Summer?

Here's Summer's home in its pre-upgraded glory. It's quite nice, I definitely would sleep well in that bed.

Ok, time to meet up with Gwen and check out the villa.

Here we are. It's curious, I'm both excited and anxious. I'm even starting to have second thoughts. As if... Nevermind. Let's go.

Gwen's Theme

You know, it'd be cool to have a villa... or really just a home, that'd also be cool... err, anyway, let's explore the grounds.

The left side has a locked door to what looks like a groundskeeper's place, but otherwise nothing else.

The main door to the place is locked. It also has some kind of inscription written above the door, but it's way too small print for me to read.

A little more to the right and we can find Gwen hanging out by the patio. At least, I think it's a patio, if you have a villa let us know what this is called. This isn't a trap, I swear.

Seems Jerry has been taking good care of the premises. He's always been the best gardener we ever had with us. Mum has not been home much since Father died.

I loved this house so much. As much as I hated it probably. Look, I don't think I can go in there. Even with you. It's just... No, I can't. Go without me, I'll wait for you here. Here is the key. Oh, and, Stella... If you stumble upon my old music box, would you bring it back to me? Thanks a lot.

Remember, this house has always been a real labyrinth. If you're lost, you have to follow the light. Good luck in there.

Good luck? What, you think Jerry turned into a monster or something? That said, labyrinth is... kinda right.

For instance, now that we are inside the house, we cannot go to the left. Why? The light is not on there. So you simply... follow the light! It's really not that hard, and I'm not sure why it's here outside of the need for there to be a big house to show that Gwen is LOADED.

As we reach the top, it appears there is some guy standing out on the balcony. Just a little bit more of the maze to get through and we can see what he's doing.

Everything I own is of the finest quality. Everything is also bolted down, so don't get any funny ideas.

Huh, a squatter, maybe? Or is this Jerry, the gardener? Either way, it's not like Gwen or her family have been here in a while so no skin off my back!

The treasure chest nearby, meanwhile, is a gold mine! We got an upgrade for the loom and we found the music box that Gwen was looking for. Thankfully, fall damage does not exist so getting down is much easier than getting back up was.

so close.

I definitely don't want to compare this game to like Hollowknight or something like that, but there are several areas that have important chests just out of reach that you can only get through later unlockable abilities. Its cool in theory, but going back to a specific town just for one thing can be kinda bad sometimes.

Found the box? Could you give it to me?... Thank you. I'll hold on to it... Oh, you've found something else? Wow, I forgot we even had that. It's an old manual for a Golden Royale. Remember they had one as first prize in the town's yearly tombola? I dreamt of having this machine since 2nd grade, but Father would never let me participate in the lottery. This manual will come in handy. We can use it as an upgrade for your loom.... I... yeah, let's get back to the boat. And forget this place ever existed.

Well it wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. Still, she seems to mostly be suppressing any feelings she does have. Well, we may be spiritfarer, but we aren't spiritforcer so we'll just have to let her process these things on her own time.

Stella, I ... Nah, nevermind. Nostalgia is not my forte. I'm slightly happy the villa is still in good condition. Or is it? Ok, let's change the subject. You must have noticed the improve tab in your blueprint table. Through there, you can add decorative elements to the Spirit houses and stations. It's time to upgrade this Loom of yours. Once you've got the resources, go for it. It's the only way to craft fabric from thread.

...Really? Nothing about the villa but straight back into tutorial exposition? Granted, Gwen is a very stoic character and hates showing emotion even if she had a gun to her head, but it'd be nice if the tutorial stuff eased up a bit to explore her a bit more right now.

Anyway, I've shown it off before but here's improving something. Theres a special button for it, and usually the resources are of a tier or two higher than the stuff you needed to build it. Ie, it took maple logs to build it but takes maple planks to improve it.

Nothing else can be improved right now, either due to a lack of blueprints (these are scattered to the 7 seas) or lack of resources (mostly fabric). And hey! We're about to solve the latter problem shortly.

Brilliant! Now the loom is fully useful. Stella, I believe it's time for me to teach you advanced loom techniques. Yes, it's a thing. There are a few improvements you can make to the machine itself. It depends on how you place your hands on the machine. How you arrange threads as you load it up has a big impact, too. With a few simple tricks, you'll be able to craft much more intricate items. Fabric, actually. Here, let's go take a look.

Look, I need to tell you about Doug. He called me the night father died. Mum was still on the plane, and he couldn't talk to anyone else. He was polite, very articulate. We chatted for an hour or so, and he cried only twice. It didn't strike me at the time, but he was in a bar. Which was odd for an accountant. He told me father's last words were that he loved me... We never talked again.

...Oh... Ok, there's my pathos I wanted... so how about that tutorial now?

You're a natural! Why am I not surprised. You've reached a pro level now; there is nothing more I can teach you on this subject. That being said, and if you don't mind, I'll give it a go myself. It will definitely help me unwind a bit.

Aww, well I'm glad we helped her feel better after the villa. But about the fabric, it's the same process, the timing is just slightly different enough that you have to change it up compared to making threads. No tutorial needed.

And like Atul with the sawmill, Gwen will come over and use the loom when she wants.

With our newfound fabric, we can now do a lot of upgrades! Most notably, we can add the bookcase and chair to Gwen's house! This will fully upgrade her lodge which will essentially max out gwen's mood whenever she's not hungry.

It looks very cozy! I'd live here if I was a spirit on a boat.

You know, when I accepted that promotion at Global, I genuinely thought I could succeed. And I almost did. If it weren't for my sickness, I could've made a difference. When I moved upstate, I had to have my piano and my sewing machine transferred. So I just stayed thereafter, to avoid the trouble. Everywhere I went, I ran into the McMillians. Chad always wanted me to get out with him and his friends. But I just never happened to trust them.

Gwen does own, by the way. In case you thought my bitching meant I didn't like her.

Ah! Summer is finally happy enough that one of her happy perks kicked in - she goes and plays music to the plants! While she does this, the plants grow just as quickly as if we were doing that - they can even grow without water. It's a great little perk, only helped by the fact that the music is the same beat we played before. Also I can't help but make this joke: TALK ABOUT A SNAKE IN THE GRASS.

Summer doesn't actually have anything to say right now though, so we just let some time pass. We do upgrade the kitchen finally, and Gwen wants to speak with us again! Well, it's been a Gwen heavy update but we can swing some more time for her.

Ahead of the curve are we? The house looks so much better. As if everything had been designed with my happiness in mind. The textures, the tones, the coziness. It's perfect. Look at you, listening to me and building such a nice cabin for me. I won't forget this.

It definitely feels good when you fully upgrade a house for any of the spirits. I also enjoy Gwen having dialogue for if you do it before she asks for it! Turns out playing the game before means I remember what resources are good to prioritize early on

I haven't mentioned this before, but a fantastic quality of life feature is the current ship upgrades are available to see in your quest log. So you don't have to go back to Albert to see what exactly you need to get the current upgrade. Looks like we need some Iron ingots, slate, and a spirit flower. We'll have to check some of the surrounding areas to see where we can find all of this.

Also, I gotta point out how Gwen sleeps. It's very her

When the kitchen got upgraded, we also got a letter! Here's what the "Feedorama Flyer" says:


Dear future customer,
This is Madison at Feedorama. We are currently running a promotion for our new food delivery service. Stop on by Hummingberg to hear all about it. A sales rep is waiting for you


Food delivery service, eh? I'll have to remember about this next time I check out Hummingberg. Definitely going to remember to do that, and not suddenly get reminded while preparing this update. Nope, definitely remembered.

As we wait for night to pass, I upgraded Summer's home with a crystal table. Sadly I don't have the resources yet to do any upgrades for Atul, but hey he's about to get a kitchen that can cook two ingredients, that's all the upgrades he needs

Speaking of which, look who wants to talk come morning!

You got that done quick, Sprout! Thanks for taking the time. A good kitchen is a good investment. You'll see. You won't regret it. I promise. Well, my stomach either.

It's always great making Atul happy! We should get started on some multi-ingredient foods to start getting the complex dishes out of the way.

Ah, Gwen wants to wish us a good morning. Probably to thank us again for decorating her home and being a good friend.

Look, Stella, I... I'm sorry, I think I just need some space. Just a bit of time by myself. I knew going back to the villa was a bad idea. Sorry, this doesn't have anything to do with you. You've been nothing but great since you found me on that island. I just need to be alone for a little while.

Oh, well... it's not a big deal. We've helped her a lot, so surely she'll be ok and be right back on her feet again soon... right?
