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Goby's nothing to talk about, especially after starting the Moleville Mines. Though they do, at least, manage to be worth multiple experience to a full party, so that's something.

Mallow levels up, and I get him HP because it gives 8 and he kinda needs them. I considered physical, but 2 Attack isn't enough to outweigh something he needs that badly.

...yes, I know, commenting on a new enemy first thing in an update is kind of jarring; bear with it for now. There's nothing else to talk about yet.

The rat's just a Rat Funk; I've seen them before in the Forest Maze. Pretty sure the Hobgoblin's new, though. Not noteworthy, but new.

...well, not noteworthy aside from two being stacked in the same place so I need to kill it twice.

Another star. Mostly useful for saving a little time around here.


A heal before a boss would be more relevant if anything around here could damage me.

Well, fighting chests has plenty of precedent in RPG's; it's just novel to have one as an area boss.

Luigi and Korush mop the floor with it.

Cue victory music. Yes, what you see above is literally all there was to this boss.

Oh, hey, finally found (and beat) my first required boss!

For context: This randomizer requires you to hunt down six (or, if you opt in, seven) specific bosses (naturally, it's random which ones) across the world to get their Plot Items to unlock the final dungeon. I never mentioned this before because... well, as you can see, this was the first one I found.

And it immediately spits me out on the previous screen, where I land on one of the Boos (or rather "Big Boos" even though they're normal-size) floating around. Gee, thanks.

There's also a Shadow along for the ride, but really, can you see me losing against these guys without trying really hard for potentially hours?

Korush does get a level (with a gigantic pile of Attack, because he's technically Bowser) from that exorcism, though. I pick magic, because his Mg.Defense needs work and physical was garbage.

Going back down the boss's pipe drops me into Midas River. For some reason I'm missing 4 coins, but I don't care enough about farming Frog Coins to retry. Don't care much for the "you did a good job" prize either, but the randomizer giveth and the randomizer taketh.

I can't shake the nagging feeling I'm forgetting something in the sewers, though, so I go back, and it turns out I'm right.

That black cloud means I've found a monster-in-a-box. Normally this would be Pandorite, but I just fought it as the area's boss.

Hammer Bros. Should be easy.

Yes, Luigi and Korush did just one-shot them.

The best prize here is that Flower Jar. I mean, the Ghost Medal is buyable, and I've already got one for the only person who can use it.

Oh yeah, there's a thing in Tadpole Pond where you can get key items. In this case, a literal key.

Well, I was heading here next anyway, since it's the next place with a boss that I can actually access. Might as well use that key while I'm at it.

...well, after I buy a new weapon at Moleville; I just realized I've got enough cash to get a second Super Hammer.

...I don't know offhand what it means for the Snifits to turn into Goombas, but I'm guessing I'm gonna have to smash another box soon.

Oh, and he turns back into a Snifit and attacks me, but whatever.

Jerk doesn't even give me a victory screen...

Okay then. How did that one Toad's wallet get all the way over here? The tower's boss has a lotta questions to answer...

Able Juice tucked away out of sight. Meh.

I get a glimpse of another black cloud on the next stairs, but it runs away too fast to screenshot. Guess that proves it's another box.

The old "seesaw launcher" trick nets me an accessory (but thankfully not a hammer to the head like in vanilla). It's surprisingly useful, aside from the fact that Mallow's never getting a turn again, thanks to buffing his Attack. Should be better than an empty slot, at least.

...good god, Mallow's down to 11 Speed. I need to find some gear to boost him back up. Probably a better accessory.

But I don't want to!

The "8-Bit Mario" easter egg is still here, but now it's just Luigi cosplaying.

Would you believe these Rob-Ombs and their Remo Con buddy are the first encounter I've had here besides that Snifit at the entrance? It took two of them patrolling a 2x2 area to force me into a fight- this place isn't exactly encounter-dense if you're careful.

...and yes, you are seeing three Luigis on the victory screen. That's what happens when one guy gets all the good weapons.

The "Booster genealogy" puzzle gets me a more-or-less useless key item, but does remind me that I can go somewhere to unlock a few more checks.

This seesaw catapult only makes the slightest bit of sense because I have Korush, who, being Bowser, is a lot bigger than my other party members.

Bottled exorcism. Useless unless you're having issues with Dry Bones and want to save your FP.

Tenor Card. My membership in the useless shop I doubt I'll have cause to return to has leveled up.

...somehow I manage to get through that entire room without a misstep.

Another one?!

From the top: Two Frog Coins...

...and a Flower in the room just before the curtains.

I'll be honest: For the longest time I never knew there was even a boss battle here. Thankfully, the randomizer adds an NPC to the corner if you clear the minigame, just in case there's a star here.

I'll fight it, and the other boss here, next time though. This is getting a little long, and I don't think I could manage two consecutive bosses in less than 10 screenshots even if you don't count the "A and B" stuff I've been using.

Oh, and the save screen now has a nifty indicator of how many Plot Items I've collected! Y'know, now that I actually have one...