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Okay, back from my offscreen grinding. First, the "down" path from the local warp point. Which apparently leads directly to the Razor Bat room.

First, a button to open an alternate path I will never use because I will actively avoid this room for the rest of the seed as soon as I'm done here.

Second, GTFO, because there's nothing over there except map completion.

Another direction that I don't have the requirements to go. This time, I'm pretty sure there's no path around.

Off to the mummy room for now; maybe I'll even be able to get some more starfish while I'm exploring- 120 HP is great!

(Insert Popeye reference here)

Well, I found a boss. Does that count as progress?

Oh, this thing. Whatever the hell it's called. No problem.

Moving on... ugh, there's nothing "great" about that sword.

Hat's kinda bad too, but at least it isn't the special kind of bad.

I could always use more resources. (Incidentally, I find some Flea Men in this room, but they only drop more copies of Axe Bomber.)

White Dragons are usually a pain, but then you don't usually have homing attacks like Gale Force to catch their heads.

In this seed they have... y'know what, I'm gonna call it "two spells."

I'd say this spell would've been useful in the Razor Bat room, but that implies I'd get the chance to cast it.

The Illusion Fist... well, it's powerful, but everything else about it ruins it.

More importantly, though, I've finally found my first portrait!

I'll hold off on going in for a bit, though, I'd still like to finish exploring here first.

Killer Doll drops. The Fedora's bad, but the Apron could be used for item farming.

This Mace I found lying around is bad. The Persephone (aka demon maid) next to it dropped a Lance, which... isn't much better, to be honest.

Exploration complete, back to the portrait.

Finally somewhere other than the castle! It's not much of a Portrait of Ruin run if there aren't any portraits, is it?

Great, more Razor Bats as gatekeepers.

The Heavy Armor in this room drops some food, at least; this stage is looking painful already.

Some... I think it's Buster Armor? Anyway, I get another subweapon I'll never have occasion to use because it's actively detrimental, but the Miser Ring that a Ghoul dropped looks like it'd be good if I could stop spending.

Ghouls also drop some kind of food, and the Buster Armor drops Javelins. No, not the missile.

Save points are a godsend in a gauntlet like this one.

I'm getting beat up enough that I think I'll use this instead of my Luck gear.

Nested portraits it is, apparently. Anyway, the local Guillotiner drops some shoes Charlotte could wear if they were any good. It's also a Mummy spawn point, so starfish.

Meanwhile, there's a Lesser Demon that drops armor I'm honestly terrified of using, and some Old Axe Armor drops... a really good accessory, actually!

Oh, and reviewing the enemies I've fought here reveals two with drops, so I go back and get Combat Fatigues from Ghost Dancers near the Buster Armor, and some Anti-Venom from Black Crows in the foyer (and while I'm in the area I also grind up my Javelins on the local Great Armor).

Mothman's drops are nothing to write home about. Especially since both are outclassed by the Undead Killer in every way.

MP boost.

And perhaps more important in a seed like this, HP boost.

Killing some Egyptian-themed thing I can't spell gets me a Wrecking Ball. That sounds more than a little difficult to use...

Anyway, I'll finish this portrait and probably start the next one later. Like, when I'm not over 40 screenshots into an update.