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Mozu x Oboro A

Music: Path To You

MOZU: *sigh*

OBORO: Moooozuuuuu!

MOZU: Hm? Hey, Oboro.

OBORO: What in the world do you look so sad for?

OBORO: You're the talk of the camp! Everyone loves the new you! So why the grim face?

MOZU: I do appreciate all you did for me. That's the swankiest I've ever looked! Everyone said so. I felt almost like a princess...

OBORO: So what's the problem, then?

MOZU: Well...I only looked like that 'cause of you. Without the clothes and the makeup, I'm still a plain country girl.

MOZU: I noticed the last time I was getting in my nightclothes and glanced in the mirror.

MOZU: And I've been feeling low about it ever since.

MOZU: But thanks for making my dream come true. Even just for a little while...

OBORO: I'm sorry, Mozu. But you're totally wrong.

MOZU: Huh?

OBORO: Putting on makeup and some fancy clothes doesn't make you a new person.

OBORO: You're still the same old you no matter what you wear.

MOZU: I am?

OBORO: Yeah. Even a knockout Mozu is still Mozu. When people complimented you, they weren't praising the dress.

OBORO: They were praising you. So be more confident!

MOZU: You really think so?

OBORO: All a nice set of clothes ever does is bring out what someone already has inside.

OBORO: There's no magic outfit. I wouldn't dress two people the same way. They need different clothes to shine, which is what makes my job fun!

OBORO: So you can be proud, knowing all those people were really responding to you.

MOZU: So even with the pretty outfit you made... I was still me.

MOZU: That's a nice way of looking at it...

OBORO: And it's true to boot! So buck up. Or else all the beauty will drain out!

MOZU: Um, Oboro...I wanna learn how to make myself look nice. Once this war's over, can you teach me about fashion stuff?

OBORO: Can I ever! And I mean, why wait? I can give you pointers here and there whenever you want!

MOZU: That'd be swell! Thanks so much, Oboro!