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Flora x Nyx C

Music: Pray to the Dark

FLORA: Hm...

NYX: Thinking hard, I see?

FLORA: Ah...hello there. Are you lost?

NYX: Not in the slightest. This is where I come to practice my magic.

NYX: However, there's someone in my particular spot today...

FLORA: Oh, w-well, I'm...sorry to intrude...

NYX: Hmph. There's no need to be sorry. What ails you?

FLORA: What? I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't quite know what you mean.

NYX: Nonsense. Don't play the fool. You know EXACTLY what I mean.

NYX: I've seen enough people with troubled hearts to know that yours is, too.

FLORA: I... Well, I suppose there's no harm in telling you. Sometimes I come out here to...think.

NYX: About what?

FLORA: About the things I've done...and things I could have done better.

NYX: Hm. A tale that rings closely with myself.

NYX: But you're young, yes? You have all the time in the world to right any wrongs you've made.

FLORA: I... I suppose, but...

NYX: The past is in the past, you know... ...

NYX: Sometimes it's best not to dwell on such things.

FLORA: ...