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Camilla x Reina C

Music: Unfamiliar Streets

REINA: Hyah! Sha! Ha!

CAMILLA: Hmmm...

REINA: Hyup! And... there!

REINA: Phew! ...Was that to your liking, Lady Camilla?

CAMILLA: So you knew I was here... As to be expected.

REINA: Is there something I can help you with?

CAMILLA: Nothing in particular... I just wanted to observe the legend herself in action.

REINA: Legend? I'm afraid you've lost me...

CAMILLA: Oh you're quite infamous in Nohr you know.

CAMILLA: The men and women of my country gather around the campfire to tell ghost stories of Reina, the "Reaper in White". And I've read up on several reports about you myself.

CAMILLA: They were... less than flattering, but very descriptive.

REINA: I never thought myself as a worthy topic of conversation in Nohr... But I hope you don't take it personally, milady.

CAMILLA: On the contrary, I'm actually a big fan of your work! I've heard over a hundred Nohrian soldiers deserted. Not because they were afraid of dying...

CAMILLA: But because they were afraid of dying at YOUR hand! That's rather inconvenient for Nohr, but it's still quite impressive.

REINA: Stop with this Lady Camilla. I just might faint of embarrassment.

CAMILLA: Heehee. You are certainly... peculiar. Far different from my image of Hoshidans.

CAMILLA: I always thought you all liked to keep up the image of a squeaky clean "avoid war at all costs" kind of people.

CAMILLA: But you seem to revel in your reputation as a goddess of death and destruction.

REINA: I won't deny that I'm a bit different than a lot of my countrymen.

REINA: For as long as I could remember, I've loved a good fight, and I loved even more the sensation of watching my enemies expire at my hand.

CAMILLA: Yes, I heard you really like to make them suffer! I'm much the same way with those that wish my precious siblings harm.

CAMILLA: You and I aren't so dissimilar, so I'm glad we're actually allies in this war.

REINA: Indeed. I hope you'll get some exquisite kills in the upcoming battles, Lady Camilla.

CAMILLA: Of course! They won't be half as lovely as the screams you'll be ringing out of them though...

REINA: Oh my, keep this up and I really might just faint!