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Oboro x Camilla A

Music: Implore the Dawn

OBORO: Hey... Lady Camilla?

CAMILLA: Why, if it isn't Oboro! To what do I owe the pleasure?

OBORO: ...So I wasn't imagining things.

CAMILLA: Pardon?

OBORO: Every time you've seen me since we last spoke, you've started to get all misty-eyed.

OBORO: I thought I was mistaken, but seeing you up this close... No, it's there.

CAMILLA: Aww... Were you worried about me? You're such a sweetheart.

OBORO: I... I guess so...

OBORO: Look, whether I like it or not, you're important around here. And important to Lady Corndog.

OBORO: The last thing I want is to demoralize someone so many people rely on.

OBORO: So if I said something to upset you... Or even if you're still hurt about the kimono...

OBORO: I'm sorry.

CAMILLA: Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong.

CAMILLA: I should have known better to ask what I did... For both our sakes.

OBORO: ...About my mother?

CAMILLA: Yes. It...couldn't help but dredge up memories of my own...

CAMILLA: But that's hardly yours to worry about. I won't trouble you.

OBORO: ...

OBORO: ...Tell me.

CAMILLA: What? You... Truly?

OBORO: Yes... I owe you that much. And besides... Bottling up painful memories isn't a real answer. We both know someday the hurt will burst.

CAMILLA: Goodness, I... I-If you insist.

OBORO: I'm guessing your mom was killed, like mine, right? That's why this is upsetting?

CAMILLA: Hmm... Well, she was killed, yes. Years ago. I woke up one morning to the news an assassin had picked her off.

CAMILLA: It wasn't an unusual occurrence, really. Many died in the fights between Fath-Garon's concubines.

CAMILLA: That didn't make it any less shocking. I'd seen my mother as invincible.

OBORO: Gods, I thought the same thing about mine... I know how it feels. Like your soul is shattered. Empty. Like you'd-

CAMILLA: Never been safer in your life.

OBORO: ...Um... I definitely didn't feel like that...

CAMILLA: I did. I felt many emotions, but above all... There was relief. I was no longer consigned to being her weapon.

CAMILLA: I'd never again have to feel my own flesh and blood lying limply in my hands.

OBORO: Camilla...

CAMILLA: She scared me, Oboro.

CAMILLA: I was terrified of the consequences of defying her. It seemed like she might snap at any moment... So I listened. I killed. And I feel the consequences every day.

OBORO: That's... Oh, gods, Camilla... I'm so sorry...

OBORO: You must have hated her...

CAMILLA: ... Not entirely. I did love her.

OBORO: What?! After all she did to you? How?

CAMILLA: No matter what she did to me... Or had me do...

CAMILLA: She was still my mother. I remember how she'd pet my hair, or coo sweet words of praise...

CAMILLA: Those moments were sparse, but... I can't forget them. I can't find it in me to hate her. It's easier to focus on myself.

OBORO: ...

CAMILLA: Ah! Oboro...

OBORO: You give out hugs like candy, but... I wonder if that's because you need more yourself.

CAMILLA: ...Thank you...

OBORO: I still don't know what I could say, but...

OBORO: What happened to you was wrong. And you shouldn't hate yourself for it.

OBORO: I get why you were upset. I wished I could see more of my mother's flaws, but...

CAMILLA: Seeing your parents for who they truly are cuts both ways.

CAMILLA: Though... Over time... I find myself forgetting that. Especially with father's behavior as of late...

OBORO: Gods, that's right... Your father is Garon himself.

OBORO: That can't be easy...


CAMILLA: But I'm afraid dissecting that might take a second session of shoulder-crying.

OBORO: Well, I'm here if you need that.

CAMILLA: W-What?! I was joking! Haven't I horrified you?

OBORO: What happened to you horrifies me...but that isn't you.

OBORO: If there's any way I can actually help you with this... Well, I want to.

CAMILLA: ...You might be one of the kindest souls I've ever met. Is there any way I could repay you? Say, if I were to wear more of your kimonos?

CAMILLA: When it comes to fashion, I'm quite the tastemaker. You'd be rich in no time.

OBORO: You'd really do that?

CAMILLA: It would be my honor. Your handiwork is marvelous.

OBORO: Hmm... I can think of one that might suit you... Or two... Well, several...

OBORO: Oh, who am I kidding? You're practically the perfect model!

OBORO: Just wait a sec, I have so much to show you!

CAMILLA: I'm right behind you, dear.