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Oboro x Camilla S

Music: Rejoice In Love

CAMILLA: This may be my favorite one yet, Oboro! You have such a keen eye for style.

OBORO: Well, I've been living with high-end clothes since the minute I was born.

OBORO: But even if I wasn't so experienced, you could pull off just about anything.

CAMILLA: I really am coming to adore all these Hoshidan garments. They... Give off such warmth, shall we say.

CAMILLA: And I've hardly ever seen so many bright, beautiful colors!

OBORO: A lot like Hoshido itself. Warm, vibrant, and beautiful.

CAMILLA: You seem to love it very much.

OBORO: Oh, I do. As far as I'm concerned, it's the best country out there.

OBORO: Erm, no offense.

CAMILLA: None taken. Hoshido seems like a lovely place. I need to visit more, when the time comes. Honestly, I could see myself living there.

OBORO: A Nohrian princess living in Hoshido? How would that work?

CAMILLA: Well... Don't speak a word of this to my siblings...

CAMILLA: But I'm considering relinquishing my title.

CAMILLA: The political game... It isn't for me. It never was.

OBORO: Then what do you want? If you can get out, I mean.

CAMILLA: All I need is a quiet, happy life.

CAMILLA: ...And to be the mother of many, many darling children.

OBORO: A mother, huh? Can't say I'm surprised. You're exactly the type.

CAMILLA: Have you ever considered it?

OBORO: ...Yeah, I have. I'd really like to have a few kids, one day.

OBORO: Though... It's a big responsibility.

OBORO: And not just them. I'd have to start keeping myself safe.

OBORO: Losing your parents young... They wouldn't deserve that. Nobody does.

CAMILLA: Yes... That's a valid fear. Of not being able to be there for them.

CAMILLA: Even if you say I'm the type, in all honesty, I...worry, sometimes.

CAMILLA: That I'm ill-suited to be a mother.

OBORO: Are you joking?! YOU? You seriously don't have to worry.

OBORO: You're kind, you're caring... By far the most doting person I know...

OBORO: Everyone important to you feels safe when you're around. You've got this. I promise.

CAMILLA: ...Thank you, darling.

CAMILLA: I suppose I only worry, because... Well...

CAMILLA: I didn't have the best example set for myself.

OBORO: Aw, Camilla...

OBORO: You and her are completely different people.

OBORO: You won't repeat her failings. I promise. I see so much love in your heart...

CAMILLA: ...If I'm so good at taking care of people, why is it always you taking care of me?

OBORO: What? Those aren't mutually exclusive, Camilla!

OBORO: A-and besides, I said people who are important to you...

CAMILLA: Oh, but you are important to me, Oboro. More than you know.

OBORO: I am?

CAMILLA: Sweetheart, there are only so many times you can pour your soul to someone... Before getting attached.

CAMILLA: You're a lovely woman. Dedicated and compassionate. Someone I know I could trust with anything...

CAMILLA: I only wish you would let me take care of you more.

OBORO: What, like... Like Corndog? Or your retainers?

CAMILLA: No. I want to be everything you've been to me. And even more than that.

CAMILLA: I want to hold you in my arms when you're feeling tired or blue.

CAMILLA: I want to run my fingers through your hair and tell you just how gorgeous you are... I want to be by your side every morning, kissing you awake... And most of all, I...

CAMILLA: I want to take care of your children for you.

OBORO: Oh my gods, Camilla...

CAMILLA: ...I do hope that can become something more than just my fantasy.

OBORO: Come on, Camilla. Don't you know by now? I care about you.

OBORO: It's kind of unreal, having someone so... esteemed...confessing to me like this.

OBORO: But I'm happy. I... I want you to be the mother of my children, too.

CAMILLA: I don't think I've ever heard sweeter words... I'll feel so much more reassured having you by my side, love.

OBORO: I-I will too!

OBORO: Though, um... Could we wait on the kid stuff until this war's over?

OBORO: I wouldn't want to subject them to any of this...

CAMILLA: Oh, certainly. We need to secure a peace for our children.

CAMILLA: But until then?

CAMILLA: There's nothing you could do to keep me from showing how I love you.

CAMILLA: I want you to feel my love, Oboro...

OBORO: Well, I'd never say no to that...